# RDF::Trine::Parser::NTriples
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
=head1 NAME
RDF::Trine::Parser::NTriples - N-Triples Parser
=head1 VERSION
This document describes RDF::Trine::Parser::NTriples version 1.019
use RDF::Trine::Parser;
my $parser = RDF::Trine::Parser->new( 'ntriples' );
$parser->parse_into_model( $base_uri, $data, $model );
=head1 METHODS
Beyond the methods documented below, this class inherits methods from the
L<RDF::Trine::Parser> class.
=over 4
package RDF::Trine::Parser::NTriples;
use strict;
use warnings;
use utf8;
use base qw(RDF::Trine::Parser);
use Carp;
use Encode qw(decode);
use Data::Dumper;
use Log::Log4perl;
use Scalar::Util qw(blessed reftype);
use RDF::Trine qw(literal);
use RDF::Trine::Node;
use RDF::Trine::Statement;
use RDF::Trine::Error qw(:try);
our ($VERSION);
$VERSION = '1.019';
$RDF::Trine::Parser::parser_names{ 'ntriples' } = __PACKAGE__;
foreach my $ext (qw(nt)) {
$RDF::Trine::Parser::file_extensions{ $ext } = __PACKAGE__;
my $class = __PACKAGE__;
$RDF::Trine::Parser::canonical_media_types{ $class } = 'text/plain';
foreach my $type (qw(text/plain)) {
$RDF::Trine::Parser::media_types{ $type } = __PACKAGE__;
$RDF::Trine::Parser::format_uris{ 'http://www.w3.org/ns/formats/N-Triples' } = __PACKAGE__;
=item C<< new >>
sub new {
my $class = shift;
my $self = bless( {@_}, $class);
return $self;
=item C<< parse_into_model ( $base_uri, $data, $model [, context => $context] ) >>
Parses the bytes in C<< $data >>.
For each RDF statement parsed, will call C<< $model->add_statement( $statement ) >>.
=item C<< parse_file_into_model ( $base_uri, $fh, $model [, context => $context] ) >>
Parses all data read from the filehandle C<< $fh >>.
For each RDF statement parsed, will call C<< $model->add_statement( $statement ) >>.
=item C<< parse ( $base_uri, $rdf, \&handler ) >>
sub parse {
my $self = shift;
my $base = shift;
my $string = shift;
my $handler = shift;
open( my $fh, '<:encoding(UTF-8)', \$string );
return $self->parse_file( $base, $fh, $handler );
=item C<< parse_node ( $string, $base ) >>
Returns the RDF::Trine::Node object corresponding to the node whose N-Triples
serialization is found at the beginning of C<< $string >>.
sub parse_node {
my $self = shift;
my $string = shift;
my $uri = shift;
my $n = $self->_eat_node( $uri, 0, $string );
return $n;
=item C<< parse_file ( $base, $fh, \&handler ) >>
sub parse_file {
my $self = shift;
my $base = shift;
my $fh = shift;
my $handler = shift;
unless (ref($fh)) {
my $filename = $fh;
undef $fh;
open( $fh, '<:encoding(UTF-8)', $filename ) or throw RDF::Trine::Error::ParserError -text => $!;
my $lineno = 0;
no warnings 'uninitialized';
while (defined(my $line = <$fh>)) {
($line, my @extra) = split(/\r\n|\r|\n/, $line, 2);
next unless (defined($line) and length($line));
next unless ($line =~ /\S/);
$line =~ s/^\s*//;
$line =~ s/\s*$//;
next if ($line =~ /^#/);
my @nodes = ();
try {
while (my $n = $self->_eat_node( $base, $lineno, $line )) {
push(@nodes, $n);
$line =~ s/^\s*//;
$line =~ s/^\s//g;
unless ($line eq '.') {
# Carp::cluck 'N-Triples parser failed: ' . Dumper(\@nodes, $line);
throw RDF::Trine::Error::ParserError -text => "Missing expected '.' at line $lineno";
$self->_emit_statement( $handler, \@nodes, $lineno );
if (@extra) {
$line = shift(@extra);
goto LINE;
sub _emit_statement {
my $self = shift;
my $handler = shift;
my $nodes = shift;
my $lineno = shift;
my $st;
if (scalar(@$nodes) == 3) {
if ($self->{canonicalize}) {
if ($nodes->[2]->isa('RDF::Trine::Node::Literal') and $nodes->[2]->has_datatype) {
my $value = $nodes->[2]->literal_value;
my $dt = $nodes->[2]->literal_datatype;
my $canon = RDF::Trine::Node::Literal->canonicalize_literal_value( $value, $dt, 1 );
$nodes->[2] = literal( $canon, undef, $dt );
$st = RDF::Trine::Statement->new( @$nodes );
# } elsif (scalar(@$nodes) == 4) {
# $st = RDF::Trine::Statement::Quad->new( @$nodes );
} else {
# warn Dumper($nodes);
throw RDF::Trine::Error::ParserError -text => qq[Not valid N-Triples data at line $lineno];
$handler->( $st );
sub _eat_node {
my $self = shift;
my $base = shift;
my $lineno = shift;
$_[0] =~ s/^\s*//;
return unless length($_[0]);
my $char = substr($_[0], 0, 1);
return if ($char eq '.');
if ($char eq '<') {
my ($uri) = $_[0] =~ m/^<([^>]*)>/;
substr($_[0], 0, length($uri)+2) = '';
return RDF::Trine::Node::Resource->new( _unescape($uri, $lineno) );
} elsif ($char eq '_') {
my ($name) = $_[0] =~ m/^_:([A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9]*)/;
substr($_[0], 0, length($name)+2) = '';
return RDF::Trine::Node::Blank->new( $name );
} elsif ($char eq '"') {
substr($_[0], 0, 1) = '';
my $value = decode('utf8', '');
while (length($_[0]) and substr($_[0], 0, 1) ne '"') {
while ($_[0] =~ m/^([^"\\]+)/) {
$value .= $1;
substr($_[0],0,length($1)) = '';
if (substr($_[0],0,1) eq '\\') {
while ($_[0] =~ m/^\\(.)/) {
if ($1 eq 't') {
$value .= "\t";
substr($_[0],0,2) = '';
} elsif ($1 eq 'r') {
$value .= "\r";
substr($_[0],0,2) = '';
} elsif ($1 eq 'n') {
$value .= "\n";
substr($_[0],0,2) = '';
} elsif ($1 eq '"') {
$value .= '"';
substr($_[0],0,2) = '';
} elsif ($1 eq '\\') {
$value .= "\\";
substr($_[0],0,2) = '';
} elsif ($1 eq 'u') {
$_[0] =~ m/^\\u([0-9A-Fa-f]{4})/ or throw RDF::Trine::Error::ParserError -text => qq[Bad N-Triples \\u escape at line $lineno, near "$_[0]"];
$value .= chr(oct('0x' . $1));
substr($_[0],0,6) = '';
} elsif ($1 eq 'U') {
$_[0] =~ m/^\\U([0-9A-Fa-f]{8})/ or throw RDF::Trine::Error::ParserError -text => qq[Bad N-Triples \\U escape at line $lineno, near "$_[0]"];
$value .= chr(oct('0x' . $1));
substr($_[0],0,10) = '';
} else {
throw RDF::Trine::Error::ParserError -text => qq[Not valid N-Triples escape character '\\$1' at line $lineno, near "$_[0]"];
if (substr($_[0],0,1) eq '"') {
substr($_[0],0,1) = '';
} else {
throw RDF::Trine::Error::ParserError -text => qq[Ending double quote not found at line $lineno];
if ($_[0] =~ m/^@([a-z]+(-[a-zA-Z0-9]+)*)/) {
my $lang = $1;
substr($_[0],0,1+length($lang)) = '';
return RDF::Trine::Node::Literal->new($value, $lang);
} elsif (substr($_[0],0,3) eq '^^<') {
substr($_[0],0,3) = '';
my ($uri) = $_[0] =~ m/^([^>]*)>/;
substr($_[0], 0, length($uri)+1) = '';
return RDF::Trine::Node::Literal->new($value, undef, $uri);
} else {
return RDF::Trine::Node::Literal->new($value);
} else {
throw RDF::Trine::Error::ParserError -text => qq[Not valid N-Triples node start character '$char' at line $lineno, near "$_[0]"];
sub _unescape {
my $string = shift;
my $lineno = shift;
my $value = '';
while (length($string)) {
while ($string =~ m/^([^\\]+)/) {
$value .= $1;
substr($string,0,length($1)) = '';
if (length($string)) {
if ($string eq '\\') {
throw RDF::Trine::Error::ParserError -text => qq[Backslash in N-Triples node without escaped character at line $lineno];
if ($string =~ m/^\\([tbnrf"'uU])/) {
while ($string =~ m/^\\([tbnrf"'uU])/) {
if ($1 eq 't') {
$value .= "\t";
substr($string,0,2) = '';
} elsif ($1 eq 'b') {
$value .= "\b";
substr($string,0,2) = '';
} elsif ($1 eq 'n') {
$value .= "\n";
substr($string,0,2) = '';
} elsif ($1 eq 'r') {
$value .= "\r";
substr($string,0,2) = '';
} elsif ($1 eq 'f') {
$value .= "\f";
substr($string,0,2) = '';
} elsif ($1 eq '"') {
$value .= '"';
substr($string,0,2) = '';
} elsif ($1 eq '\\') {
$value .= "\\";
substr($string,0,2) = '';
} elsif ($1 eq 'u') {
$string =~ m/^\\u([0-9A-F]{4})/ or throw RDF::Trine::Error::ParserError -text => qq[Bad N-Triples \\u escape at line $lineno, near "$string"];
$value .= chr(oct('0x' . $1));
substr($string,0,6) = '';
} elsif ($1 eq 'U') {
$string =~ m/^\\U([0-9A-F]{8})/ or throw RDF::Trine::Error::ParserError -text => qq[Bad N-Triples \\U escape at line $lineno, near "$string"];
$value .= chr(oct('0x' . $1));
substr($string,0,10) = '';
} else {
my $esc = substr($string, 0, 2);
throw RDF::Trine::Error::ParserError -text => qq[Not a valid N-Triples escape sequence '$esc' at line $lineno, near "$string"];
return $value;
=head1 BUGS
Please report any bugs or feature requests to through the GitHub web interface
at L<https://github.com/kasei/perlrdf/issues>.
=head1 AUTHOR
Gregory Todd Williams C<< <gwilliams@cpan.org> >>
Copyright (c) 2006-2012 Gregory Todd Williams. This
program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as Perl itself.