package SOAP::WSDL::Client;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Carp;
use Class::Std::Fast::Storable;
use Scalar::Util qw(blessed);
use SOAP::WSDL::Factory::Deserializer;
use SOAP::WSDL::Factory::Serializer;
use SOAP::WSDL::Factory::Transport;
use SOAP::WSDL::Expat::MessageParser;
our $VERSION = 3.003;
my %class_resolver_of :ATTR(:name<class_resolver> :default<()>);
my %no_dispatch_of :ATTR(:name<no_dispatch> :default<()>);
my %prefix_of :ATTR(:name<prefix> :default<()>);
my %outputxml_of :ATTR(:name<outputxml> :default<()>);
my %transport_of :ATTR(:name<transport> :default<()>);
my %endpoint_of :ATTR(:name<endpoint> :default<()>);
my %soap_version_of :ATTR(:get<soap_version> :init_attr<soap_version> :default<1.1>);
my %on_action_of :ATTR(:name<on_action> :default<()>);
my %content_type_of :ATTR(:name<content_type> :default<text/xml; charset=utf-8>); #/#trick editors
my %encoding_of :ATTR(:name<encoding> :default<utf-8>);
my %serializer_of :ATTR(:name<serializer> :default<()>);
my %deserializer_of :ATTR(:name<deserializer> :default<()>);
my %deserializer_args_of :ATTR(:name<deserializer_args> :default<{}>);
sub BUILD {
my ($self, $ident, $attrs_of_ref) = @_;
if (exists $attrs_of_ref->{ proxy }) {
$self->set_proxy( $attrs_of_ref->{ proxy } );
delete $attrs_of_ref->{ proxy };
sub get_proxy { ## no critic RequireArgUnpacking
return $_[0]->get_transport();
sub set_proxy {
my ($self, @args_from) = @_;
my $ident = ${ $self };
# remember old value to return it later - Class::Std does so, too
my $old_value = $transport_of{ $ident };
# accept both list and list ref args
@args_from = @{ $args_from[0] } if ref $args_from[0];
# remember endpoint
$endpoint_of{ $ident } = $args_from[0];
# set transport - SOAP::Lite works similar...
$transport_of{ $ident } = SOAP::WSDL::Factory::Transport
->get_transport( @args_from );
return $old_value;
sub set_soap_version {
my $ident = ${ $_[0] };
# remember old value to return it later - Class::Std does so, too
my $soap_version = $soap_version_of{ $ident };
# re-setting the soap version invalidates the
# serializer object
delete $serializer_of{ $ident };
delete $deserializer_of{ $ident };
$soap_version_of{ $ident } = $_[1];
return $soap_version;
# Mimic SOAP::Lite's behaviour for getter/setter routines
for (qw(class_resolver no_dispatch outputxml proxy prefix)) {
my $setter = "set_$_";
my $getter = "get_$_";
no strict qw(refs); ## no critic ProhibitNoStrict
*{ $_ } = sub { my $self = shift;
if (@_) {
return $self;
return $self->$getter()
sub call {
my ($self, $method, @data_from) = @_;
my $ident = ${ $self };
# the only valid idiom for calling a method with both a header and a body
# is
# ->call($method, $body_ref, $header_ref);
# These other idioms all assume an empty header:
# ->call($method, %body_of); # %body_of is a hash
# ->call($method, $body); # $body is a scalar
my ($data, $header) = ref $data_from[0]
? ($data_from[0], $data_from[1] )
: (@data_from>1)
? ( { @data_from }, undef )
: ( $data_from[0], undef );
# get operation name and soap_action
my ($operation, $soap_action) = (ref $method eq 'HASH')
? ( $method->{ operation }, $method->{ soap_action } )
: (blessed $data
&& $data->isa('SOAP::WSDL::XSD::Typelib::Builtin::anyType'))
? ( $method , (join q{/}, $data->get_xmlns(), $method) )
: ( $method, q{} );
$serializer_of{ $ident } ||= SOAP::WSDL::Factory::Serializer->get_serializer({
soap_version => $self->get_soap_version(),
my $envelope = $serializer_of{ $ident }->serialize({
method => $operation,
body => $data,
header => $header,
options => {prefix => $prefix_of{ $ident }},
return $envelope if $self->no_dispatch();
# always quote SOAPAction header.
# WS-I BP 1.0 R1109
if ($soap_action) {
$soap_action =~s{\A(:?"|')?}{"}xms;
$soap_action =~s{(:?"|')?\Z}{"}xms;
else {
$soap_action = q{""};
# get response via transport layer.
# Normally, SOAP::Lite's transport layer is used, though users
# may provide their own.
my $transport = $self->get_transport();
my $response = $transport->send_receive(
endpoint => $self->get_endpoint(),
content_type => $content_type_of{ $ident },
encoding => $encoding_of{ $ident },
envelope => $envelope,
action => $soap_action,
# on_receive_chunk => sub {} # optional, may be used for parsing large responses as they arrive.
return $response if ($outputxml_of{ $ident } );
# get deserializer
use Data::Dumper;
$deserializer_of{ $ident } ||= SOAP::WSDL::Factory::Deserializer->get_deserializer({
soap_version => $soap_version_of{ $ident },
%{ $deserializer_args_of{ $ident } },
# set class resolver if serializer supports it
$deserializer_of{ $ident }->set_class_resolver( $class_resolver_of{ $ident } )
if ( $deserializer_of{ $ident }->can('set_class_resolver') );
# Try deserializing response - there may be some,
# even if transport did not succeed (got a 500 response)
if ( $response ) {
# as our faults are false, returning a success marker is the only
# reliable way of determining whether the deserializer succeeded.
# Custom deserializers may return an empty list, or undef,
# and $@ is not guaranteed to be undefined.
my ($success, $result_body, $result_header) = eval {
(1, $deserializer_of{ $ident }->deserialize( $response ));
if (defined $success) {
return wantarray
? ($result_body, $result_header)
: $result_body;
elsif (blessed $@) { #}&& $@->isa('SOAP::WSDL::SOAP::Typelib::Fault11')) {
return $@;
else {
return $deserializer_of{ $ident }->generate_fault({
code => 'soap:Server',
role => 'urn:localhost',
message => "Error deserializing message: $@. \n"
. "Message was: \n$response"
# if we had no success (Transport layer error status code)
# or if transport layer failed
if ( ! $transport->is_success() ) {
# generate & return fault if we cannot serialize response
# or have none...
return $deserializer_of{ $ident }->generate_fault({
code => 'soap:Server',
role => 'urn:localhost',
message => 'Error sending / receiving message: '
. $transport->message()
} ## end sub call
=head1 NAME
SOAP::WSDL::Client - SOAP::WSDL's SOAP Client
use SOAP::WSDL::Client;
my $soap = SOAP::WSDL::Client->new({
proxy => ''
$soap->call( \%method, $body, $header);
=head1 METHODS
=head2 call
$soap->call( \%method, \@parts );
%method is a hash with the following keys:
Name Description
operation operation name
soap_action SOAPAction HTTP header to use
style Operation style. One of (document|rpc)
use SOAP body encoding. One of (literal|encoded)
The style and use keys have no influence yet.
@parts is a list containing the elements of the message parts.
For backward compatibility, call may also be called as below:
$soap->call( $method, \@parts );
In this case, $method is the SOAP operation name, and the SOAPAction header
is guessed from the first part's namespace and the operation name (which is
mostly correct, but may fail). Operation style and body encoding are assumed to
be document/literal
=head2 Configuration methods
=head3 outputxml
When set, call() returns the raw XML of the SOAP Envelope.
=head3 set_content_type
$soap->set_content_type('application/xml; charset: utf8');
Sets the content type and character encoding.
You probably should not use a character encoding different from utf8:
SOAP::WSDL::Client will not convert the request into a different encoding
To leave out the encoding, just set the content type without appending charset
like this:
text/xml; charset: utf8
=head3 set_prefix
If set, alters the serialization of the request XML such that the supplied value is used as a namespace prefix for SOAP method calls. By way of example, the default XML serialization returns something like this:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<getElementId xmlns="">
If the sample set_prefix() call above is used prior to calling your SOAP method, the XML serialization returns this instead:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
This is useful in cases where, for instance, one is communicating with a JAX L<> webservice, which tends to understand the latter but not the former. Note that this implementation is currently limited to a single additional namespace; if you require multiple custom namespaces, you should probably look into creating your own serializer.
=head2 Features different from SOAP::Lite
SOAP::WSDL does not aim to be a complete replacement for SOAP::Lite - the
SOAP::Lite module has its strengths and weaknesses and SOAP::WSDL is
designed as a cure for the weakness of little WSDL support - nothing more,
nothing less.
Nonetheless SOAP::WSDL mimics part of SOAP::Lite's API and behaviour,
so SOAP::Lite users can switch without looking up every method call in the
A few things are quite different from SOAP::Lite, though:
=head3 SOAP request data
SOAP request data may either be given as message object, or as a hash ref (in
which case it will automatically be encoded into a message object).
=head3 Return values
The result from call() is not a SOAP::SOM object, but a message object.
Message objects' classes may be generated from WSDL definitions automatically
- see SOAP::WSDL::Generator::Typelib on how to generate your own WSDL based
message class library.
=head3 Fault handling
SOAP::WSDL::Client returns a fault object on errors, even on transport layer
The fault object is a SOAP1.1 fault object of the following
SOAP::WSDL::SOAP::Typelib::Fault11 objects are false in boolean context, so
you can just do something like:
my $result = $soap->call($method, $data);
if ($result) {
# handle result
else {
die $result->faultstring();
=head3 outputxml
SOAP::Lite returns only the content of the SOAP body when outputxml is set
to true. SOAP::WSDL::Client returns the complete XML response.
=head3 Auto-Dispatching
SOAP::WSDL::Client B<does not> support auto-dispatching.
This is on purpose: You may easily create interface classes by using
SOAP::WSDL::Client and implementing something like
sub mySoapMethod {
my $self = shift;
$soap_wsdl_client->call( mySoapMethod, @_);
You may even do this in a class factory - see L<> for creating
such interfaces.
=head2 Accessing protected web services
Accessing protected web services is very specific for the transport
backend used.
In general, you may pass additional arguments to the set_proxy method (or
a list ref of the web service address and any additional arguments to the
new method's I<proxy> argument).
Refer to the appropriate transport module for documentation.
Copyright 2004-2007 Martin Kutter.
This file is part of SOAP-WSDL. You may distribute/modify it under the same
terms as perl itself
=head1 AUTHOR
Martin Kutter E<lt>martin.kutter fen-net.deE<gt>
$Rev: 851 $
$LastChangedBy: kutterma $
$Id: 851 2009-05-15 22:45:18Z kutterma $
$HeadURL: $