package SOAP::WSDL::Expat::WSDLParser;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Carp;
use SOAP::WSDL::TypeLookup;
use base qw(SOAP::WSDL::Expat::Base);
our $VERSION = 3.003;
# Import child elements of a WSDL / XML Schema tree into the current tree
# Set the targetNamespace of the imported nodes to $import_namespace
# $self->_import_children($name, $imported, $imported, $import_namespace)
sub _import_children {
my ( $self, $name, $imported, $importer, $import_namespace ) = @_;
my $targetNamespace = $importer->get_targetNamespace();
my $push_method = "push_$name";
my $get_method = "get_$name";
my $default_namespace = $imported->get_xmlns()->{'#default'};
no strict qw(refs);
my $value_ref = $imported->$get_method();
if ($value_ref) {
$value_ref = [$value_ref] if ( not ref $value_ref eq 'ARRAY' );
for ( @{$value_ref} ) {
# fixup namespace - new parent may be from different namespace
if ( defined($default_namespace) ) {
my $xmlns = $_->get_xmlns();
# it's a hash ref, so we can just update values
if ( !defined $xmlns->{'#default'} ) {
$xmlns->{'#default'} = $default_namespace;
# fixup targetNamespace, but don't override
if ( ( $import_namespace ne $targetNamespace )
&& !$_->get_targetNamespace );
# update parent...
# push elements into importing WSDL
sub _import_namespace_definitions {
my $self = shift;
my $arg_ref = shift;
my $importer = $arg_ref->{importer};
my $imported = $arg_ref->{imported};
# import namespace definitions, too
my $importer_ns_of = $importer->get_xmlns();
my %xmlns_of = %{$imported->get_xmlns()};
# it's a hash ref, we can just add to.
# TODO: check whether URI is the better key.
while ( my ( $prefix, $url ) = each %xmlns_of ) {
if ( exists( $importer_ns_of->{$prefix} ) ) {
# warn "$prefix already exists";
$importer_ns_of->{$prefix} = $url;
sub xml_schema_import {
my $self = shift;
my $schema = shift;
my $parser = $self->clone();
my %attr_of = @_;
my $import_namespace = $attr_of{namespace};
if ( not $attr_of{schemaLocation} ) {
"cannot import document for namespace >$import_namespace< without location";
if ( not $self->get_uri ) {
"cannot import document from namespace >$import_namespace< without base uri. Use >parse_uri< or >set_uri< to set one.";
my $uri = URI->new_abs( $attr_of{schemaLocation}, $self->get_uri() );
my $imported = $parser->parse_uri($uri);
# might already be imported - parse_uri just returns in this case
return if not defined $imported;
$self->_import_namespace_definitions( {
importer => $schema,
imported => $imported,
} );
for my $name (qw(type element group attribute attributeGroup)) {
$self->_import_children( $name, $imported, $schema,
$import_namespace );
sub wsdl_import {
my $self = shift;
my $definitions = shift;
my $parser = $self->clone();
my %attr_of = @_;
my $import_namespace = $attr_of{namespace};
if ( not $attr_of{location} ) {
"cannot import document for namespace >$import_namespace< without location";
if ( not $self->get_uri ) {
"cannot import document from namespace >$import_namespace< without base uri. Use >parse_uri< or >set_uri< to set one.";
my $uri = URI->new_abs( $attr_of{location}, $self->get_uri() );
my $imported = $parser->parse_uri($uri);
# might already be imported - parse_uri just returns in this case
return if not defined $imported;
$self->_import_namespace_definitions( {
importer => $definitions,
imported => $imported,
} );
for my $name (qw(types message binding portType service)) {
$self->_import_children( $name, $imported, $definitions,
$import_namespace );
sub _initialize {
my ( $self, $parser ) = @_;
# init object data
$self->{parser} = $parser;
delete $self->{data};
# setup local variables for keeping temp data
my $characters = undef;
my $current = undef;
my $list = []; # node list
my $elementFormQualified = 1; # default for WSDLs, schema may override
# TODO skip non-XML Schema namespace tags
Start => sub {
# handle attrs as list - expat uses dual-vars for looking
# up namespace information, and hash keys don't allow dual vars...
my ( $parser, $localname, @attrs ) = @_;
$characters = q{};
my $action =
SOAP::WSDL::TypeLookup->lookup( $parser->namespace($localname),
$localname );
return if not $action;
if ( $action->{type} eq 'CLASS' ) {
eval "require $action->{ class }";
croak $@ if ($@);
my $obj = $action->{class}->new( {
parent => $current,
namespace => $parser->namespace($localname),
? ( xmlns => $current->get_xmlns() )
: ()} )->init( _fixup_attrs( $parser, @attrs ) );
if ($current) {
if ( defined $list->[-1]
&& $list->[-1]->isa('SOAP::WSDL::XSD::Schema') ) {
$elementFormQualified =
$list->[-1]->get_elementFormDefault() eq
# inherit namespace, but don't override
if ($elementFormQualified) {
$current->get_targetNamespace() )
if not $obj->get_targetNamespace();
# push on parent's element/type list
my $method = "push_$localname";
no strict qw(refs);
# remember element for stepping back
push @{$list}, $current;
# set new element (step down)
$current = $obj;
elsif ( $action->{type} eq 'PARENT' ) {
$current->init( _fixup_attrs( $parser, @attrs ) );
elsif ( $action->{type} eq 'METHOD' ) {
my $method = $action->{method};
no strict qw(refs);
# call method with
# - default value ($action->{ value } if defined,
# dereferencing lists
# - the values of the elements Attributes hash
# TODO: add namespaces declared to attributes.
# Expat consumes them, so we have to re-add them here.
defined $action->{value}
? ref $action->{value}
? @{$action->{value}}
: ( $action->{value} )
: _fixup_attrs( $parser, @attrs ) );
elsif ( $action->{type} eq 'HANDLER' ) {
my $method = $self->can( $action->{method} );
$method->( $self, $current, @attrs );
else {
# TODO replace by hash lookup of known namespaces.
my $namespace = $parser->namespace($localname) || q{};
my $part =
$namespace eq ''
? 'WSDL 1.1'
: 'XML Schema';
warn "$part element <$localname> is not implemented yet"
if ( $localname !~
m{ \A (:? annotation | documentation ) \z }xms );
Char => sub { $characters .= $_[1]; return; },
End => sub {
my ( $parser, $localname ) = @_;
my $action =
SOAP::WSDL::TypeLookup->lookup( $parser->namespace($localname),
$localname )
|| {};
if ( !defined $list->[-1] ) {
$self->{data} = $current;
return if not( $action->{type} );
if ( $action->{type} eq 'CLASS' ) {
$current = pop @{$list};
if ( defined $list->[-1] && $list->[-1]->isa('SOAP::WSDL::XSD::Schema') ) {
$elementFormQualified = 1;
elsif ( $action->{type} eq 'CONTENT' ) {
my $method = $action->{method};
# normalize whitespace
$characters =~ s{ ^ \s+ (.+) \s+ $ }{$1}xms;
$characters =~ s{ \s+ }{ }xmsg;
no strict qw(refs);
} );
return $parser;
# make attrs SAX style
sub _fixup_attrs {
my ( $parser, @attrs ) = @_;
my @attr_key_from = ();
my @attr_value_from = ();
while (@attrs) {
push @attr_key_from, shift @attrs;
push @attr_value_from, shift @attrs;
my @attrs_from;
# add xmlns: attrs. expat eats them.
# add namespaces before attributes: Attributes may be namespace-qualified
push @attrs_from, map { {
Name => "xmlns:$_",
Value => $parser->expand_ns_prefix($_),
LocalName => $_
} $parser->new_ns_prefixes();
push @attrs_from, map { {
Name => defined $parser->namespace($_)
? $parser->namespace($_) . '|' . $_
: '|' . $_,
Value => shift @attr_value_from, # $attrs_of{ $_ },
LocalName => $_
} @attr_key_from;
return @attrs_from;
=head1 NAME
SOAP::WSDL::Expat::WSDLParser - Parse WSDL files into object trees
my $parser = SOAP::WSDL::Expat::WSDLParser->new();
$parser->parse( $xml );
my $obj = $parser->get_data();
WSDL parser used by SOAP::WSDL.
=head1 AUTHOR
Replace the whitespace by @ for E-Mail Address.
Martin Kutter E<lt>martin.kutter fen-net.deE<gt>
Copyright 2004-2007 Martin Kutter.
This file is part of SOAP-WSDL. You may distribute/modify it under
the same terms as perl itself
=head1 Repository information
$Id: 851 2009-05-15 22:45:18Z kutterma $
$LastChangedDate: 2009-05-16 00:45:18 +0200 (Sa, 16. Mai 2009) $
$LastChangedRevision: 851 $
$LastChangedBy: kutterma $
$HeadURL: $