package SOAP::WSDL::XSD::Typelib::Element;
use strict; use warnings;
use Class::Std::Fast::Storable constructor => 'none';
our $VERSION = 3.003;
my %NAME;
my %REF;
# TODO replace by generated methods?
# Class data - remember, we're the base class for a class factory or for
# generated code...
# use BLOCK: for scoping
my %method_lookup = (
_name => \%NAME,
_nillable => \%NILLABLE,
_ref => \%REF,
_minOccurs => \%MIN_OCCURS,
_maxOccurs => \%MAX_OCCURS,
# create getters / setters for all elements' class data
no strict qw(refs);
while (my ($name, $value) = each %method_lookup ) {
*{ "__set$name" } = sub {
@_ or die "Cannot call __set$name without parameter";
my $class = ref $_[0] || $_[0];
$value->{ $class } = $_[1];
*{ "__get$name" } = sub {
@_ or die "Cannot call __set$name as function";
my $class = ref $_[0] || $_[0];
return $value->{ $class };
# use $_[0] and $_[1] for speed.
sub start_tag {
# my ($self, $opt, $value) = @_;
my $ending = ($_[1]->{ empty }) ? '/>' : '>';
my @attr_from = ();
if ($_[1]->{ nil }) {
return q{} if not $NILLABLE{ ref $_[0] };
push @attr_from, q{ xsi:nil="true"};
$ending = '/>';
if (delete $_[1]->{qualified}) {
push @attr_from, q{ xmlns="} . $_[0]->get_xmlns() . q{"};
push @attr_from, $_[0]->serialize_attr();
# do we need to check for name ? Element ref="" should have it's own
# start_tag. If we don't need to check, we can speed things up
return join q{}, "<$_[1]->{ name }" , @attr_from , $ending if $_[1]->{ name };
return join q{}, "<$NAME{ ref $_[0]}" , @attr_from , $ending;
# use $_[0] and $_[1] for speed.
# read it as:
# my ($self, $opt) = @_;
# my $class = ref $self;
# return "</$opt->{name}>" if $opt->{name};
# return "</"$NAME{$class}>";
# do we need to check for name ? Element ref="" should have it's own
# end_tag. If we don't need to check, we can speed things up by defining
# end tag with () prototype - perl will inline it for us if we do...
sub end_tag {
return "</$_[1]->{name}>" if $_[1]->{name};
return "</$NAME{ ref $_[0] }>";
=head1 NAME
SOAP::WSDL::XSD::Typelib::Element - element base clase
This example creates a class for this XML schema definition:
<element name="MyElement" type="xsd:string" nillable="1"
minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1"/>
package MyElement;
use strict;
use Class::Std::Fast::Storable constructor => 'none';
use base (
Now we create this XML schema definition type class:
<element name="MyElement2" ref="tns:MyElement"/>
package MyElement2;
use strict;
use Class::Std::Fast::Storable constructor => 'none';
use base (
=head1 NOTES
=item * type="Foo"
Implemented via inheritance.
=item * ref="Foo"
Implemented via inheritance, too. Calling
__PACKAGE__->__set_ref(1) is highly encouraged, though it has no
effect yet - it will probably be needed for serialization to XML
Schema definitions some day.
=item * minOccurs maxOccurs not implemented
These attributes are not yet supported, though they may be set as class
properties via __PACKAGE__->__set_FOO methods.
=item * ' prefix is hardcoded
The prefix for ' (used as namespace
for the {}nil="true" attribute
is hardcoded as 'xsi'.
You should definitely provide your XML envelope generator with the same prefix
namespace combination (Default for SOAP::WSDL::Envelope).
Copyright 2004-2007 Martin Kutter.
This file is part of SOAP-WSDL. You may distribute/modify it under the same
terms as perl itself
=head1 AUTHOR
Martin Kutter E<lt>martin.kutter fen-net.deE<gt>
$Rev: 851 $
$LastChangedBy: kutterma $
$Id: 851 2009-05-15 22:45:18Z kutterma $
$HeadURL: $