package SQL::Statement::TermFactory;
# This module is copyright (c), 2009-2017 by Jens Rehsack.
# All rights reserved.
# It may be freely distributed under the same terms as Perl itself.
# See below for help and copyright information (search for SYNOPSIS).
use strict;
use warnings FATAL => "all";
use SQL::Statement::Term ();
use SQL::Statement::Operation ();
use SQL::Statement::Placeholder ();
use SQL::Statement::Function ();
use Data::Dumper;
use Params::Util qw(_HASH _ARRAY0 _INSTANCE);
use Scalar::Util qw(blessed weaken);
our $VERSION = '1.412';
my %oplist = (
'=' => 'Equal',
'<>' => 'NotEqual',
'AND' => 'And',
'OR' => 'Or',
'<=' => 'LowerEqual',
'>=' => 'GreaterEqual',
'<' => 'Lower',
'>' => 'Greater',
'LIKE' => 'Like',
'RLIKE' => 'Rlike',
'CLIKE' => 'Clike',
'IN' => 'Contains',
'BETWEEN' => 'Between',
'IS' => 'Is',
sub new
my ( $class, $owner ) = @_;
my $self = bless(
OWNER => $owner,
weaken( $self->{OWNER} );
return $self;
my %opClasses;
sub _getOpClass($)
my ( $self, $op ) = @_;
unless ( defined( $opClasses{$op} ) )
my $opBase = 'SQL::Statement::Operation';
my $opDialect = join( '::', $opBase, $self->{OWNER}->{dialect}, $oplist{$op} );
$opClasses{$op} =
$opDialect->isa($opBase) ? $opDialect : join( '::', $opBase, $oplist{$op} );
return $opClasses{$op};
sub buildCondition
my ( $self, $pred ) = @_;
my $term;
if ( _ARRAY0($pred) )
$term = [ map { $self->buildCondition($_) } @{$pred} ];
elsif ( defined( $pred->{op} ) )
my $op = uc( $pred->{op} );
if ( $op eq 'USER_DEFINED' && !$pred->{arg2} )
$term = SQL::Statement::ConstantTerm->new( $self->{OWNER}, $pred->{arg1}->{value} );
elsif ( defined( $oplist{$op} ) )
my $cn = $self->_getOpClass($op);
my $left = $self->buildCondition( $pred->{arg1} );
my $right = $self->buildCondition( $pred->{arg2} );
$term = $cn->new( $self->{OWNER}, $op, $left, $right );
elsif ( defined( $self->{OWNER}->{opts}->{function_names}->{$op} ) )
my $left = $self->buildCondition( $pred->{arg1} );
my $right = $self->buildCondition( $pred->{arg2} );
$term = SQL::Statement::Function::UserFunc->new(
$self->{OWNER}, $op,
[ $left, $right ]
return $self->{OWNER}->do_err( sprintf( q{Unknown operation '%s'}, $pred->{op} ) );
if ( $pred->{neg} )
$term = SQL::Statement::Operation::Neg->new( $self->{OWNER}, 'NOT', $term );
elsif ( defined( $pred->{type} ) )
my $type = uc( $pred->{type} );
if ( $type =~ m/^(?:STRING|NUMBER|BOOLEAN)$/ )
$term = SQL::Statement::ConstantTerm->new( $self->{OWNER}, $pred->{value} );
elsif ( $type eq 'NULL' )
$term = SQL::Statement::ConstantTerm->new( $self->{OWNER}, undef );
elsif ( $type eq 'COLUMN' )
$term = SQL::Statement::ColumnValue->new( $self->{OWNER}, $pred->{value} );
elsif ( $type eq 'PLACEHOLDER' )
$term = SQL::Statement::Placeholder->new( $self->{OWNER}, $pred->{argnum} );
elsif ( $type eq 'FUNCTION' )
my @params = map { blessed($_) ? $_ : $self->buildCondition($_) } @{ $pred->{value} };
if ( $pred->{name} eq 'numeric_exp' )
$term = SQL::Statement::Function::NumericEval->new( $self->{OWNER}, $pred->{str}, \@params );
elsif ( $pred->{name} eq 'str_concat' )
$term = SQL::Statement::Function::StrConcat->new( $self->{OWNER}, \@params );
elsif ( $pred->{name} eq 'TRIM' )
$term = SQL::Statement::Function::Trim->new( $self->{OWNER}, $pred->{trim_spec}, $pred->{trim_char}, \@params );
elsif ( $pred->{name} eq 'SUBSTRING' )
my $start = $self->buildCondition( $pred->{start} );
my $length = $self->buildCondition( $pred->{length} )
if ( _HASH( $pred->{length} ) );
$term = SQL::Statement::Function::SubString->new( $self->{OWNER}, $start, $length, \@params );
$term = SQL::Statement::Function::UserFunc->new( $self->{OWNER}, $pred->{name}, $pred->{subname}, \@params );
return $self->{OWNER}->do_err( sprintf( q{Unknown type '%s'}, $pred->{type} ) );
elsif ( defined( _INSTANCE( $pred, 'SQL::Statement::Term' ) ) )
return $pred;
return $self->{OWNER}->do_err( sprintf( q~Unknown predicate '{%s}'~, Dumper($pred) ) );
return $term;
my $self = $_[0];
undef $self->{OWNER};
=head1 NAME
SQL::Statement::TermFactory - Factory for SQL::Statement::Term instances
my $termFactory = SQL::Statement::TermFactory->new($stmt);
my $whereTerms = $termFactory->buildCondition( $stmt->{where_clause} );
my $col = $termFactory->buildCondition( $stmt->{col_obj}->{$name}->{content} );
This package implements a factory to create type and operation based terms.
Those terms are used to access data from the table(s) - either when evaluating
the where clause or returning column data.
The concept of a factory can be studied in I<Design Patterns> by the Gang of
Four. The concept of using polymorphism instead of conditions is suggested by
Martin Fowler in his book I<Refactoring>.
=head1 METHODS
=head2 buildCondition
Builds a condition object from a given (part of a) where clause. This method
calls itself recursively for I<predicates>.
Copyright (c) 2001,2005 by Jeff Zucker:
Copyright (c) 2009-2017 by Jens Rehsack:
All rights reserved.
You may distribute this module under the terms of either the GNU
General Public License or the Artistic License, as specified in
the Perl README file.