shell bypass 403
package SQL::Translator::Parser::Access;
=head1 NAME
SQL::Translator::Parser::Access - parser for Access as produced by mdbtools
use SQL::Translator;
use SQL::Translator::Parser::Access;
my $translator = SQL::Translator->new;
The grammar derived from the MySQL grammar. The input is expected to be
something similar to the output of mdbtools (
use strict;
use warnings;
our $VERSION = '1.61';
our $DEBUG;
$DEBUG = 0 unless defined $DEBUG;
use Data::Dumper;
use SQL::Translator::Utils qw/ddl_parser_instance/;
use base qw(Exporter);
our @EXPORT_OK = qw(parse);
my ( %tables, $table_order, @table_comments );
# The "eofile" rule makes the parser fail if any "statement" rule
# fails. Otherwise, the first successful match by a "statement"
# won't cause the failure needed to know that the parse, as a whole,
# failed. -ky
startrule : statement(s) eofile { \%tables }
eofile : /^\Z/
statement : comment
| use
| set
| drop
| create
| <error>
use : /use/i WORD ';'
{ @table_comments = () }
set : /set/i /[^;]+/ ';'
{ @table_comments = () }
drop : /drop/i TABLE /[^;]+/ ';'
drop : /drop/i WORD(s) ';'
{ @table_comments = () }
create : CREATE /database/i WORD ';'
{ @table_comments = () }
create : CREATE TABLE table_name '(' create_definition(s /,/) ')' ';'
my $table_name = $item{'table_name'};
$tables{ $table_name }{'order'} = ++$table_order;
$tables{ $table_name }{'table_name'} = $table_name;
if ( @table_comments ) {
$tables{ $table_name }{'comments'} = [ @table_comments ];
@table_comments = ();
my $i = 1;
for my $definition ( @{ $item[5] } ) {
if ( $definition->{'supertype'} eq 'field' ) {
my $field_name = $definition->{'name'};
$tables{ $table_name }{'fields'}{ $field_name } =
{ %$definition, order => $i };
if ( $definition->{'is_primary_key'} ) {
push @{ $tables{ $table_name }{'constraints'} },
type => 'primary_key',
fields => [ $field_name ],
elsif ( $definition->{'supertype'} eq 'constraint' ) {
push @{ $tables{ $table_name }{'constraints'} }, $definition;
elsif ( $definition->{'supertype'} eq 'index' ) {
push @{ $tables{ $table_name }{'indices'} }, $definition;
create : CREATE UNIQUE(?) /(index|key)/i index_name /on/i table_name '(' field_name(s /,/) ')' ';'
@table_comments = ();
push @{ $tables{ $item{'table_name'} }{'indices'} },
name => $item[4],
type => $item[2] ? 'unique' : 'normal',
fields => $item[8],
create_definition : constraint
| index
| field
| comment
| <error>
comment : /^\s*--(.*)\n/
my $comment = $1;
$return = $comment;
push @table_comments, $comment;
field : field_name data_type field_qualifier(s?) reference_definition(?)
$return = {
supertype => 'field',
name => $item{'field_name'},
data_type => $item{'data_type'}{'type'},
size => $item{'data_type'}{'size'},
constraints => $item{'reference_definition(?)'},
| <error>
field_qualifier : not_null
$return = {
null => $item{'not_null'},
field_qualifier : default_val
$return = {
default => $item{'default_val'},
field_qualifier : auto_inc
$return = {
is_auto_inc => $item{'auto_inc'},
field_qualifier : primary_key
$return = {
is_primary_key => $item{'primary_key'},
field_qualifier : unsigned
$return = {
is_unsigned => $item{'unsigned'},
field_qualifier : /character set/i WORD
$return = {
character_set => $item[2],
reference_definition : /references/i table_name parens_field_list(?) match_type(?) on_delete(?) on_update(?)
$return = {
type => 'foreign_key',
reference_table => $item[2],
reference_fields => $item[3][0],
match_type => $item[4][0],
on_delete => $item[5][0],
on_update => $item[6][0],
match_type : /match full/i { 'full' }
/match partial/i { 'partial' }
on_delete : /on delete/i reference_option
{ $item[2] }
on_update : /on update/i reference_option
{ $item[2] }
reference_option: /restrict/i |
/cascade/i |
/set null/i |
/no action/i |
/set default/i
{ $item[1] }
index : normal_index
| fulltext_index
| <error>
table_name : NAME
field_name : NAME
index_name : NAME
data_type : access_data_type parens_value_list(s?) type_qualifier(s?)
$return = {
type => $item[1],
size => $item[2][0],
qualifiers => $item[3],
access_data_type : /long integer/i { $return = 'Long Integer' }
| /text/i { $return = 'Text' }
| /datetime (\(short\))?/i { $return = 'DateTime' }
| /boolean/i { $return = 'Boolean' }
parens_field_list : '(' field_name(s /,/) ')'
{ $item[2] }
parens_value_list : '(' VALUE(s /,/) ')'
{ $item[2] }
type_qualifier : /(BINARY|UNSIGNED|ZEROFILL)/i
{ lc $item[1] }
field_type : WORD
create_index : /create/i /index/i
not_null : /not/i /null/i { $return = 0 }
unsigned : /unsigned/i { $return = 0 }
default_val : /default/i /'(?:.*?\')*.*?'|(?:')?[\w\d:.-]*(?:')?/
$item[2] =~ s/^\s*'|'\s*$//g;
$return = $item[2];
auto_inc : /auto_increment/i { 1 }
primary_key : /primary/i /key/i { 1 }
constraint : primary_key_def
| unique_key_def
| foreign_key_def
| <error>
foreign_key_def : foreign_key_def_begin parens_field_list reference_definition
$return = {
supertype => 'constraint',
type => 'foreign_key',
name => $item[1],
fields => $item[2],
%{ $item{'reference_definition'} },
foreign_key_def_begin : /constraint/i /foreign key/i
{ $return = '' }
/constraint/i WORD /foreign key/i
{ $return = $item[2] }
/foreign key/i
{ $return = '' }
primary_key_def : primary_key index_name(?) '(' name_with_opt_paren(s /,/) ')'
$return = {
supertype => 'constraint',
name => $item{'index_name(?)'}[0],
type => 'primary_key',
fields => $item[4],
unique_key_def : UNIQUE KEY(?) index_name(?) '(' name_with_opt_paren(s /,/) ')'
$return = {
supertype => 'constraint',
name => $item{'index_name(?)'}[0],
type => 'unique',
fields => $item[5],
normal_index : KEY index_name(?) '(' name_with_opt_paren(s /,/) ')'
$return = {
supertype => 'index',
type => 'normal',
name => $item{'index_name(?)'}[0],
fields => $item[4],
fulltext_index : /fulltext/i KEY(?) index_name(?) '(' name_with_opt_paren(s /,/) ')'
$return = {
supertype => 'index',
type => 'fulltext',
name => $item{'index_name(?)'}[0],
fields => $item[5],
name_with_opt_paren : NAME parens_value_list(s?)
{ $item[2][0] ? "$item[1]($item[2][0][0])" : $item[1] }
UNIQUE : /unique/i { 1 }
KEY : /key/i | /index/i
table_option : WORD /\s*=\s*/ WORD
$return = { $item[1] => $item[3] };
CREATE : /create/i
TEMPORARY : /temporary/i
TABLE : /table/i
WORD : /\w+/
DIGITS : /\d+/
COMMA : ','
NAME : "`" /\w+/ "`"
{ $item[2] }
| /\w+/
{ $item[1] }
VALUE : /[-+]?\.?\d+(?:[eE]\d+)?/
{ $item[1] }
| /'.*?'/
# remove leading/trailing quotes
my $val = $item[1];
$val =~ s/^['"]|['"]$//g;
$return = $val;
| /NULL/
{ 'NULL' }
sub parse {
my ( $translator, $data ) = @_;
# Enable warnings within the Parse::RecDescent module.
local $::RD_ERRORS = 1 unless defined $::RD_ERRORS; # Make sure the parser dies when it encounters an error
local $::RD_WARN = 1 unless defined $::RD_WARN; # Enable warnings. This will warn on unused rules &c.
local $::RD_HINT = 1 unless defined $::RD_HINT; # Give out hints to help fix problems.
local $::RD_TRACE = $translator->trace ? 1 : undef;
local $DEBUG = $translator->debug;
my $parser = ddl_parser_instance('Access');
my $result = $parser->startrule($data);
return $translator->error( "Parse failed." ) unless defined $result;
warn Dumper( $result ) if $DEBUG;
my $schema = $translator->schema;
my @tables = sort {
$result->{ $a }->{'order'} <=> $result->{ $b }->{'order'}
} keys %{ $result };
for my $table_name ( @tables ) {
my $tdata = $result->{ $table_name };
my $table = $schema->add_table(
name => $tdata->{'table_name'},
) or die $schema->error;
$table->comments( $tdata->{'comments'} );
my @fields = sort {
} keys %{ $tdata->{'fields'} };
for my $fname ( @fields ) {
my $fdata = $tdata->{'fields'}{ $fname };
my $field = $table->add_field(
name => $fdata->{'name'},
data_type => $fdata->{'data_type'},
size => $fdata->{'size'},
default_value => $fdata->{'default'},
is_auto_increment => $fdata->{'is_auto_inc'},
is_nullable => $fdata->{'null'},
comments => $fdata->{'comments'},
) or die $table->error;
$table->primary_key( $field->name ) if $fdata->{'is_primary_key'};
for my $idata ( @{ $tdata->{'indices'} || [] } ) {
my $index = $table->add_index(
name => $idata->{'name'},
type => uc $idata->{'type'},
fields => $idata->{'fields'},
) or die $table->error;
return 1;
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
# Where man is not nature is barren.
# William Blake
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
=head1 AUTHOR
Ken Y. Clark E<lt>kclark@cpan.orgE<gt>.
=head1 SEE ALSO
perl(1), Parse::RecDescent, SQL::Translator::Schema.