package SQL::Translator::Parser::DBIx::Class;
# AUTHOR: Jess Robinson
# Some mistakes the fault of Matt S Trout
# Others the fault of Ash Berlin
use strict;
use warnings;
$VERSION = '1.10';
$DEBUG = 0 unless defined $DEBUG;
use Exporter;
use SQL::Translator::Utils qw(debug normalize_name);
use DBIx::Class::Carp qw/^SQL::Translator|^DBIx::Class|^Try::Tiny/;
use DBIx::Class::Exception;
use Scalar::Util 'blessed';
use Try::Tiny;
use namespace::clean;
use base qw(Exporter);
@EXPORT_OK = qw(parse);
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
# parse($tr, $data)
# setting parser_args => { add_fk_index => 0 } will prevent
# the auto-generation of an index for each FK.
# Note that $data, in the case of this parser, is not useful.
# We're working with DBIx::Class Schemas, not data streams.
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
sub parse {
my ($tr, $data) = @_;
my $args = $tr->parser_args;
my $dbicschema = $data || $args->{dbic_schema};
for (qw(DBIx::Class::Schema DBIx::Schema package)) {
if (defined (my $s = delete $args->{$_} )) {
carp_unique("Supplying a schema via ... parser_args => { '$_' => \$schema } is deprecated. Please use parser_args => { dbic_schema => \$schema } instead");
# move it from the deprecated to the proper $args slot
unless ($dbicschema) {
$args->{dbic_schema} = $dbicschema = $s;
DBIx::Class::Exception->throw('No DBIx::Class::Schema') unless ($dbicschema);
if (!ref $dbicschema) {
eval "require $dbicschema"
or DBIx::Class::Exception->throw("Can't load $dbicschema: $@");
if (
ref $args->{dbic_schema}
) {
# we have a storage-holding $schema instance in $args
# we need to dissociate it from that $storage
# otherwise SQLT insanity may ensue due to how some
# serializing producers treat $args (crazy crazy shit)
local $args->{dbic_schema}{storage};
$args->{dbic_schema} = $args->{dbic_schema}->clone;
my $schema = $tr->schema;
my $table_no = 0;
$schema->name( ref($dbicschema) . " v" . ($dbicschema->schema_version || '1.x'))
unless ($schema->name);
my @monikers = sort $dbicschema->sources;
if (my $limit_sources = $args->{'sources'}) {
my $ref = ref $limit_sources || '';
$dbicschema->throw_exception ("'sources' parameter must be an array or hash ref")
unless( $ref eq 'ARRAY' || ref eq 'HASH' );
# limit monikers to those specified in
my $sources;
if ($ref eq 'ARRAY') {
$sources->{$_} = 1 for (@$limit_sources);
} else {
$sources = $limit_sources;
@monikers = grep { $sources->{$_} } @monikers;
my(%table_monikers, %view_monikers);
for my $moniker (@monikers){
my $source = $dbicschema->source($moniker);
if ( $source->isa('DBIx::Class::ResultSource::Table') ) {
} elsif( $source->isa('DBIx::Class::ResultSource::View') ){
next if $source->is_virtual;
my %tables;
foreach my $moniker (sort keys %table_monikers)
my $source = $dbicschema->source($moniker);
my $table_name = $source->name;
# FIXME - this isn't the right way to do it, but sqlt does not
# support quoting properly to be signaled about this
$table_name = $$table_name if ref $table_name eq 'SCALAR';
# It's possible to have multiple DBIC sources using the same table
next if $tables{$table_name};
$tables{$table_name}{source} = $source;
my $table = $tables{$table_name}{object} = SQL::Translator::Schema::Table->new(
name => $table_name,
type => 'TABLE',
foreach my $col ($source->columns)
# assuming column_info in dbic is the same as DBI (?)
# data_type is a number, column_type is text?
my %colinfo = (
name => $col,
size => 0,
is_auto_increment => 0,
is_foreign_key => 0,
is_nullable => 0,
if ($colinfo{is_nullable}) {
$colinfo{default} = '' unless exists $colinfo{default};
my $f = $table->add_field(%colinfo)
|| $dbicschema->throw_exception ($table->error);
my @primary = $source->primary_columns;
$table->primary_key(@primary) if @primary;
my %unique_constraints = $source->unique_constraints;
foreach my $uniq (sort keys %unique_constraints) {
if (!$source->_compare_relationship_keys($unique_constraints{$uniq}, \@primary)) {
type => 'unique',
name => $uniq,
fields => $unique_constraints{$uniq}
my @rels = $source->relationships();
my %created_FK_rels;
# global add_fk_index set in parser_args
my $add_fk_index = (exists $args->{add_fk_index} && ! $args->{add_fk_index}) ? 0 : 1;
foreach my $rel (sort @rels) {
my $rel_info = $source->relationship_info($rel);
# Ignore any rel cond that isn't a straight hash
next unless ref $rel_info->{cond} eq 'HASH';
my $relsource = try { $source->related_source($rel) };
unless ($relsource) {
carp "Ignoring relationship '$rel' on '$moniker' - related resultsource '$rel_info->{class}' is not registered with this schema\n";
# related sources might be excluded via a {sources} filter or might be views
next unless exists $table_monikers{$relsource->source_name};
my $rel_table = $relsource->name;
# FIXME - this isn't the right way to do it, but sqlt does not
# support quoting properly to be signaled about this
$rel_table = $$rel_table if ref $rel_table eq 'SCALAR';
# Force the order of @cond to match the order of ->add_columns
my $idx;
my %other_columns_idx = map {'foreign.'.$_ => ++$idx } $relsource->columns;
for ( keys %{$rel_info->{cond}} ) {
unless (exists $other_columns_idx{$_}) {
carp "Ignoring relationship '$rel' on '$moniker' - related resultsource '@{[ $relsource->source_name ]}' does not contain one of the specified columns: '$_'\n";
next REL;
my @cond = sort { $other_columns_idx{$a} <=> $other_columns_idx{$b} } keys(%{$rel_info->{cond}});
# Get the key information, mapping off the foreign/self markers
my @refkeys = map {/^\w+\.(\w+)$/} @cond;
my @keys = map {$rel_info->{cond}->{$_} =~ /^\w+\.(\w+)$/} @cond;
# determine if this relationship is a => (i.e. belongs_to)
my $fk_constraint;
#first it can be specified explicitly
if ( exists $rel_info->{attrs}{is_foreign_key_constraint} ) {
$fk_constraint = $rel_info->{attrs}{is_foreign_key_constraint};
# it can not be multi
elsif ( $rel_info->{attrs}{accessor}
&& $rel_info->{attrs}{accessor} eq 'multi' ) {
$fk_constraint = 0;
# if indeed single, check if all self.columns are our primary keys.
# this is supposed to indicate a has_one/might_have...
# where's the introspection!!?? :)
else {
$fk_constraint = not $source->_compare_relationship_keys(\@keys, \@primary);
my ($otherrelname, $otherrelationship) = %{ $source->reverse_relationship_info($rel) };
my $cascade;
for my $c (qw/delete update/) {
if (exists $rel_info->{attrs}{"on_$c"}) {
if ($fk_constraint) {
$cascade->{$c} = $rel_info->{attrs}{"on_$c"};
elsif ( $rel_info->{attrs}{"on_$c"} ) {
carp "SQLT attribute 'on_$c' was supplied for relationship '$moniker/$rel', which does not appear to be a foreign constraint. "
. "If you are sure that SQLT must generate a constraint for this relationship, add 'is_foreign_key_constraint => 1' to the attributes.\n";
elsif (defined $otherrelationship and $otherrelationship->{attrs}{$c eq 'update' ? 'cascade_copy' : 'cascade_delete'}) {
$cascade->{$c} = 'CASCADE';
if($rel_table) {
# Constraints are added only if applicable
next unless $fk_constraint;
# Make sure we don't create the same foreign key constraint twice
my $key_test = join("\x00", sort @keys);
next if $created_FK_rels{$rel_table}->{$key_test};
if (scalar(@keys)) {
$created_FK_rels{$rel_table}->{$key_test} = 1;
my $is_deferrable = $rel_info->{attrs}{is_deferrable};
# calculate dependencies: do not consider deferrable constraints and
# self-references for dependency calculations
if (! $is_deferrable and $rel_table ne $table_name) {
# trim schema before generating constraint/index names
(my $table_abbrev = $table_name) =~ s/ ^ [^\.]+ \. //x;
type => 'foreign_key',
name => join('_', $table_abbrev, 'fk', @keys),
fields => \@keys,
reference_fields => \@refkeys,
reference_table => $rel_table,
on_delete => uc ($cascade->{delete} || ''),
on_update => uc ($cascade->{update} || ''),
(defined $is_deferrable ? ( deferrable => $is_deferrable ) : ()),
# global parser_args add_fk_index param can be overridden on the rel def
my $add_fk_index_rel = (exists $rel_info->{attrs}{add_fk_index}) ? $rel_info->{attrs}{add_fk_index} : $add_fk_index;
# Check that we do not create an index identical to the PK index
# (some RDBMS croak on this, and it generally doesn't make much sense)
# NOTE: we do not sort the key columns because the order of
# columns is important for indexes and two indexes with the
# same cols but different order are allowed and sometimes
# needed
next if join("\x00", @keys) eq join("\x00", @primary);
if ($add_fk_index_rel) {
(my $idx_name = $table_name) =~ s/ ^ [^\.]+ \. //x;
my $index = $table->add_index(
name => join('_', $table_abbrev, 'idx', @keys),
fields => \@keys,
type => 'NORMAL',
# attach the tables to the schema in dependency order
my $dependencies = {
map { $_ => _resolve_deps ($_, \%tables) } (keys %tables)
for my $table (sort
keys %{$dependencies->{$a} || {} } <=> keys %{ $dependencies->{$b} || {} }
$a cmp $b
(keys %tables)
) {
$schema->add_table ($tables{$table}{object});
$tables{$table}{source} -> _invoke_sqlt_deploy_hook( $tables{$table}{object} );
# the hook might have already removed the table
if ($schema->get_table($table) && $table =~ /^ \s* \( \s* SELECT \s+/ix) {
carp <<'EOW';
Custom SQL through ->name(\'( SELECT ...') is DEPRECATED, for more details see
"Arbitrary SQL through a custom ResultSource" in DBIx::Class::Manual::Cookbook
# remove the table as there is no way someone might want to
# actually deploy this
$schema->drop_table ($table);
my %views;
my @views = map { $dbicschema->source($_) } keys %view_monikers;
my $view_dependencies = {
map {
$_ => _resolve_deps( $dbicschema->source($_), \%view_monikers )
} ( keys %view_monikers )
my @view_sources =
sort {
keys %{ $view_dependencies->{ $a->source_name } || {} } <=>
keys %{ $view_dependencies->{ $b->source_name } || {} }
|| $a->source_name cmp $b->source_name
map { $dbicschema->source($_) }
keys %view_monikers;
foreach my $source (@view_sources)
my $view_name = $source->name;
# FIXME - this isn't the right way to do it, but sqlt does not
# support quoting properly to be signaled about this
$view_name = $$view_name if ref $view_name eq 'SCALAR';
# Skip custom query sources
next if ref $view_name;
# Its possible to have multiple DBIC source using same table
next if $views{$view_name}++;
$dbicschema->throw_exception ("view $view_name is missing a view_definition")
unless $source->view_definition;
my $view = $schema->add_view (
name => $view_name,
fields => [ $source->columns ],
$source->view_definition ? ( 'sql' => $source->view_definition ) : ()
) || $dbicschema->throw_exception ($schema->error);
if ($dbicschema->can('sqlt_deploy_hook')) {
return 1;
# Quick and dirty dependency graph calculator
sub _resolve_deps {
my ( $question, $answers, $seen ) = @_;
my $ret = {};
$seen ||= {};
my @deps;
# copy and bump all deps by one (so we can reconstruct the chain)
my %seen = map { $_ => $seen->{$_} + 1 } ( keys %$seen );
if ( blessed($question)
&& $question->isa('DBIx::Class::ResultSource::View') )
$seen{ $question->result_class } = 1;
@deps = keys %{ $question->{deploy_depends_on} };
else {
$seen{$question} = 1;
@deps = keys %{ $answers->{$question}{foreign_table_deps} };
for my $dep (@deps) {
if ( $seen->{$dep} ) {
return {};
my $next_dep;
if ( blessed($question)
&& $question->isa('DBIx::Class::ResultSource::View') )
no warnings 'uninitialized';
my ($next_dep_source_name) =
grep {
$question->schema->source($_)->result_class eq $dep
&& !( $question->schema->source($_)
->isa('DBIx::Class::ResultSource::Table') )
} @{ [ $question->schema->sources ] };
return {} unless $next_dep_source_name;
$next_dep = $question->schema->source($next_dep_source_name);
else {
$next_dep = $dep;
my $subdeps = _resolve_deps( $next_dep, $answers, \%seen );
$ret->{$_} += $subdeps->{$_} for ( keys %$subdeps );
return $ret;
=head1 NAME
SQL::Translator::Parser::DBIx::Class - Create a SQL::Translator schema
from a DBIx::Class::Schema instance
## Via DBIx::Class
use MyApp::Schema;
my $schema = MyApp::Schema->connect("dbi:SQLite:something.db");
## or
## Standalone
use MyApp::Schema;
use SQL::Translator;
my $schema = MyApp::Schema->connect;
my $trans = SQL::Translator->new (
parser => 'SQL::Translator::Parser::DBIx::Class',
parser_args => {
dbic_schema => $schema,
add_fk_index => 0,
sources => [qw/
producer => 'SQLite',
) or die SQL::Translator->error;
my $out = $trans->translate() or die $trans->error;
This class requires L<SQL::Translator> installed to work.
C<SQL::Translator::Parser::DBIx::Class> reads a DBIx::Class schema,
interrogates the columns, and stuffs it all in an $sqlt_schema object.
Its primary use is in deploying database layouts described as a set
of L<DBIx::Class> classes, to a database. To do this, see
This can also be achieved by having DBIx::Class export the schema as a
set of SQL files ready for import into your database, or passed to
other machines that need to have your application installed but don't
have SQL::Translator installed. To do this see
=head2 dbic_schema
The DBIx::Class schema (either an instance or a class name) to be parsed.
This argument is in fact optional - instead one can supply it later at
translation time as an argument to L<SQL::Translator/translate>. In
other words both of the following invocations are valid and will produce
conceptually identical output:
my $yaml = SQL::Translator->new(
parser => 'SQL::Translator::Parser::DBIx::Class',
parser_args => {
dbic_schema => $schema,
producer => 'SQL::Translator::Producer::YAML',
my $yaml = SQL::Translator->new(
parser => 'SQL::Translator::Parser::DBIx::Class',
producer => 'SQL::Translator::Producer::YAML',
)->translate(data => $schema);
=head2 add_fk_index
Create an index for each foreign key.
Enabled by default, as having indexed foreign key columns is normally the
sensible thing to do.
=head2 sources
=over 4
=item Arguments: \@class_names
Limit the amount of parsed sources by supplying an explicit list of source names.
=head1 SEE ALSO
L<SQL::Translator>, L<DBIx::Class::Schema>
Check the list of L<additional DBIC resources|DBIx::Class/GETTING HELP/SUPPORT>.
This module is free software L<copyright|DBIx::Class/COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE>
by the L<DBIx::Class (DBIC) authors|DBIx::Class/AUTHORS>. You can
redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the
L<DBIx::Class library|DBIx::Class/COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE>.