shell bypass 403
package SQL::Translator::Producer::Dumper;
=head1 NAME
SQL::Translator::Producer::Dumper - SQL Dumper producer for SQL::Translator
use SQL::Translator::Producer::Dumper;
db_user Database username
db_password Database password
dsn DSN for DBI
mysql_loadfile Create MySQL's LOAD FILE syntax instead of INSERTs
skip=t1[,t2] Skip tables in comma-separated list
skiplike=regex Skip tables in comma-separated list
This producer creates a Perl script that can connect to a database and
dump the data as INSERT statements (a la mysqldump) or as a file
suitable for MySQL's LOAD DATA command. If you enable "add-truncate"
or specify tables to "skip" (also using the "skiplike" regular
expression) then the generated dumper script will leave out those
tables. However, these will also be options in the generated dumper,
so you can wait to specify these options when you dump your database.
The database username, password, and DSN can be hardcoded into the
generated script, or part of the DSN can be intuited from the
"database" argument.
use strict;
use warnings;
use Config;
use SQL::Translator;
use File::Temp 'tempfile';
use Template;
use Data::Dumper;
our $VERSION = '1.61';
sub produce {
my $t = shift;
my $args = $t->producer_args;
my $schema = $t->schema;
my $add_truncate = $args->{'add_truncate'} || 0;
my $skip = $args->{'skip'} || '';
my $skiplike = $args->{'skiplike'} || '';
my $db_user = $args->{'db_user'} || 'db_user';
my $db_pass = $args->{'db_password'} || 'db_pass';
my $parser_name = $t->parser_type;
my %skip = map { $_, 1 } map { s/^\s+|\s+$//; $_ }
split (/,/, $skip);
my $sqlt_version = $t->version;
if ( $parser_name =~ /Parser::(\w+)$/ ) {
$parser_name = $1
my %type_to_dbd = (
MySQL => 'mysql',
Oracle => 'Oracle',
PostgreSQL => 'Pg',
SQLite => 'SQLite',
Sybase => 'Sybase',
my $dbd = $type_to_dbd{ $parser_name } || 'DBD';
my $dsn = $args->{'dsn'} || "dbi:$dbd:";
if ( $dbd eq 'Pg' && ! $args->{'dsn'} ) {
$dsn .= 'dbname=dbname;host=hostname';
elsif ( $dbd eq 'Oracle' && ! $args->{'dsn'} ) {
$db_user = "$db_user/$db_pass@(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)" .
$db_pass = '';
elsif ( $dbd eq 'mysql' && ! $args->{'dsn'} ) {
$dsn .= 'dbname';
my $template = Template->new;
my $template_text = template();
my $out;
translator => $t,
schema => $schema,
db_user => $db_user,
db_pass => $db_pass,
dsn => $dsn,
perl => $Config{'startperl'},
skip => \%skip,
skiplike => $skiplike,
) or die $template->error;
return $out;
sub template {
# Returns the template to be processed by Template Toolkit
return <<'EOF';
[% perl || '#!/usr/bin/perl' %]
[% USE date %]
# Generated by SQL::Translator [% translator.version %]
# [% date.format(, "%Y-%m-%d" ) %]
# For more info, see
use strict;
use Cwd;
use DBI;
use Getopt::Long;
use File::Spec::Functions 'catfile';
my ( $help, $add_truncate, $skip, $skiplike, $no_comments,
$takelike, $mysql_loadfile );
'add-truncate' => \$add_truncate,
'h|help' => \$help,
'no-comments' => \$no_comments,
'mysql-loadfile' => \$mysql_loadfile,
'skip:s' => \$skip,
'skiplike:s' => \$skiplike,
'takelike:s' => \$takelike,
if ( $help ) {
print <<"USAGE";
$0 [options] > dump.sql
-h|--help Show help and exit
--add-truncate Add "TRUNCATE TABLE" statements
--mysql-loadfile Create MySQL's LOAD FILE syntax, not INSERTs
--no-comments Suppress comments
--skip=t1[,t2] Comma-separated list of tables to skip
--skiplike=regex Regular expression of table names to skip
--takelike=regex Regular expression of table names to take
$no_comments = 1 if $mysql_loadfile;
SET table_defs = [];
SET max_field = 0;
FOREACH table IN schema.get_tables;
SET table_name =;
NEXT IF skip.$table_name;
NEXT IF skiplike AND table_name.match("(?:$skiplike)");
SET field_names = [];
SET types = {};
FOR field IN table.get_fields;
field_name =;
fname_len =;
max_field = fname_len > max_field ? fname_len : max_field;
types.$field_name = field.data_type.match( '(char|str|long|text|enum|date)' )
? 'string' : 'number';
field_names.push( field_name );
name => table_name,
types => types,
fields => field_names,
my $db = DBI->connect(
'[% dsn %]',
'[% db_user %]',
'[% db_pass %]',
{ RaiseError => 1 }
my %skip = map { $_, 1 } map { s/^\s+|\s+$//; $_ } split (/,/, $skip);
my @tables = (
[%- FOREACH t IN table_defs %]
table_name => '[% %]',
fields => [ qw/ [% t.fields.join(' ') %] / ],
types => {
[%- FOREACH fname IN t.types.keys %]
'[% fname %]' => '[% t.types.$fname %]',
[%- END %]
[%- END %]
for my $table ( @tables ) {
my $table_name = $table->{'table_name'};
next if $skip{ $table_name };
next if $skiplike && $table_name =~ qr/$skiplike/;
next if $takelike && $table_name !~ qr/$takelike/;
my ( $out_fh, $outfile );
if ( $mysql_loadfile ) {
$outfile = catfile( cwd(), "$table_name.txt" );
open $out_fh, ">$outfile" or
die "Can't write LOAD FILE to '$table_name': $!\n";
print "--\n-- Data for table '$table_name'\n--\n" unless $no_comments;
if ( $add_truncate ) {
print "TRUNCATE TABLE $table_name;\n";
my $sql =
'select ' . join(', ', @{ $table->{'fields'} } ) . " from $table_name"
my $sth = $db->prepare( $sql );
while ( my $rec = $sth->fetchrow_hashref ) {
my @vals;
for my $fld ( @{ $table->{'fields'} } ) {
my $val = $rec->{ $fld };
if ( $table->{'types'}{ $fld } eq 'string' ) {
if ( defined $val ) {
$val =~ s/'/\\'/g;
$val = qq['$val']
else {
$val = qq[''];
else {
$val = defined $val ? $val : $mysql_loadfile ? '\N' : 'NULL';
push @vals, $val;
if ( $mysql_loadfile ) {
print $out_fh join("\t", @vals), "\n";
else {
print "INSERT INTO $table_name (".
join(', ', @{ $table->{'fields'} }) .
') VALUES (', join(', ', @vals), ");\n";
if ( $out_fh ) {
print "LOAD DATA INFILE '$outfile' INTO TABLE $table_name ",
close $out_fh or die "Can't close filehandle: $!\n";
else {
print "\n";
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
# To create a little flower is the labour of ages.
# William Blake
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
=head1 AUTHOR
Ken Youens-Clark E<lt>kclark@cpan.orgE<gt>.