shell bypass 403
package SQL::Translator::Schema::Index;
=head1 NAME
SQL::Translator::Schema::Index - SQL::Translator index object
use SQL::Translator::Schema::Index;
my $index = SQL::Translator::Schema::Index->new(
name => 'foo',
fields => [ id ],
type => 'unique',
C<SQL::Translator::Schema::Index> is the index object.
Primary and unique keys are table constraints, not indices.
=head1 METHODS
use Moo;
use SQL::Translator::Schema::Constants;
use SQL::Translator::Utils qw(ex2err throw);
use SQL::Translator::Role::ListAttr;
use SQL::Translator::Types qw(schema_obj enum);
use Sub::Quote qw(quote_sub);
extends 'SQL::Translator::Schema::Object';
our $VERSION = '1.61';
UNIQUE => 1,
NORMAL => 1,
FULLTEXT => 1, # MySQL only (?)
FULL_TEXT => 1, # MySQL only (?)
SPATIAL => 1, # MySQL only (?)
=head2 new
Object constructor.
my $schema = SQL::Translator::Schema::Index->new;
=head2 fields
Gets and set the fields the index is on. Accepts a string, list or
arrayref; returns an array or array reference. Will unique the field
names and keep them in order by the first occurrence of a field name.
$index->fields('id', 'name');
$index->fields( 'id, name' );
$index->fields( [ 'id', 'name' ] );
$index->fields( qw[ id name ] );
my @fields = $index->fields;
with ListAttr fields => ( uniq => 1 );
sub is_valid {
=head2 is_valid
Determine whether the index is valid or not.
my $ok = $index->is_valid;
my $self = shift;
my $table = $self->table or return $self->error('No table');
my @fields = $self->fields or return $self->error('No fields');
for my $field ( @fields ) {
return $self->error(
"Field '$field' does not exist in table '", $table->name, "'"
) unless $table->get_field( $field );
return 1;
=head2 name
Get or set the index's name.
my $name = $index->name('foo');
has name => (
is => 'rw',
coerce => quote_sub(q{ defined $_[0] ? $_[0] : '' }),
default => quote_sub(q{ '' }),
=head2 options
Get or set the index's options (e.g., "using" or "where" for PG). Returns
an array or array reference.
my @options = $index->options;
with ListAttr options => ();
=head2 table
Get or set the index's table object.
my $table = $index->table;
has table => ( is => 'rw', isa => schema_obj('Table'), weak_ref => 1 );
around table => \&ex2err;
=head2 type
Get or set the index's type.
my $type = $index->type('unique');
Get or set the index's type.
Currently there are only four acceptable types: UNIQUE, NORMAL, FULL_TEXT,
and SPATIAL. The latter two might be MySQL-specific. While both lowercase
and uppercase types are acceptable input, this method returns the type in
has type => (
is => 'rw',
coerce => quote_sub(q{ uc $_[0] }),
default => quote_sub(q{ 'NORMAL' }),
isa => enum([keys %VALID_INDEX_TYPE], {
msg => "Invalid index type: %s", allow_false => 1,
around type => \&ex2err;
=head2 equals
Determines if this index is the same as another
my $isIdentical = $index1->equals( $index2 );
around equals => sub {
my $orig = shift;
my $self = shift;
my $other = shift;
my $case_insensitive = shift;
my $ignore_index_names = shift;
return 0 unless $self->$orig($other);
unless ($ignore_index_names) {
unless ((!$self->name && ($other->name eq $other->fields->[0])) ||
(!$other->name && ($self->name eq $self->fields->[0]))) {
return 0 unless $case_insensitive ? uc($self->name) eq uc($other->name) : $self->name eq $other->name;
#return 0 unless $self->is_valid eq $other->is_valid;
return 0 unless $self->type eq $other->type;
# Check fields, regardless of order
my %otherFields = (); # create a hash of the other fields
foreach my $otherField ($other->fields) {
$otherField = uc($otherField) if $case_insensitive;
$otherFields{$otherField} = 1;
foreach my $selfField ($self->fields) { # check for self fields in hash
$selfField = uc($selfField) if $case_insensitive;
return 0 unless $otherFields{$selfField};
delete $otherFields{$selfField};
# Check all other fields were accounted for
return 0 unless keys %otherFields == 0;
return 0 unless $self->_compare_objects(scalar $self->options, scalar $other->options);
return 0 unless $self->_compare_objects(scalar $self->extra, scalar $other->extra);
return 1;
# Must come after all 'has' declarations
around new => \&ex2err;
=head1 AUTHOR
Ken Youens-Clark E<lt>kclark@cpan.orgE<gt>.