package Set::Scalar::Base;
use strict;
# local $^W = 1;
require Exporter;
use vars qw($VERSION @ISA @EXPORT_OK);
$VERSION = '1.29';
@ISA = qw(Exporter);
eval 'require Scalar::Util';
unless ($@) {
import Scalar::Util qw(blessed refaddr);
} else {
# Use the pure Perl emulations (directly snagged from Scalar::Util).
eval 'sub UNIVERSAL::a_sub_not_likely_to_be_here { ref($_[0]) }';
*blessed = sub ($) {
local($@, $SIG{__DIE__}, $SIG{__WARN__});
? eval { $_[0]->a_sub_not_likely_to_be_here }
: undef
*refaddr = sub ($) {
my $pkg = ref($_[0]) or return undef;
if (blessed($_[0])) {
bless $_[0], 'Scalar::Util::Fake';
else {
$pkg = undef;
"$_[0]" =~ /0x(\w+)/;
my $i = do { local $^W; hex $1 };
bless $_[0], $pkg if defined $pkg;
@EXPORT_OK = qw(_make_elements
_compare is_equal
use overload
'+' => \&_union_overload,
'*' => \&_intersection_overload,
'-' => \&_difference_overload,
'neg' => \&_complement_overload,
'%' => \&_symmetric_difference_overload,
'/' => \&_unique_overload,
'eq' => \&is_equal,
'==' => \&is_equal,
'!=' => \&is_disjoint,
'<=>' => \&compare,
'<' => \&is_proper_subset,
'>' => \&is_proper_superset,
'<=' => \&is_subset,
'>=' => \&is_superset,
'bool' => \&size,
'@{}' => sub { [ $_[0]->members ] },
'=' => sub { $_[0]->clone($_[1]) },
'cmp' => sub { "$_[0]" cmp "$_[1]" };
use constant OVERLOAD_BINARY_2ND_ARG => 1;
sub _binary_underload { # Handle overloaded binary operators.
my (@args) = @{ $_[0] };
if (@args == 3) {
$args[1] = (ref $args[0])->new( $args[1] ) unless ref $args[1];
@args[0, 1] = @args[1, 0] if $args[OVERLOAD_BINARY_REVERSED];
pop @args;
return @args;
sub _unary_underload { # Handle overloaded unary operators.
if (@{ $_[0] } == 3) {
pop @{ $_[0] };
pop @{ $_[0] };
sub _new_hook {
# Just an empty stub.
sub new {
my $class = shift;
my $self = { };
bless $self, ref $class || $class;
$self->_new_hook( \@_ );
return $self;
sub _strval {
my $class = ref $_[0];
return $_[0] unless $class;
sprintf "%s(%s)", $class, refaddr $_[0];
sub _make_elements {
return map { (defined $_ ? _strval($_) : "") => $_ } @_;
sub _invalidate_cached {
my $self = shift;
delete @{ $self }{ "as_string" };
sub _insert_hook {
# Just an empty stub.
sub _insert {
my $self = shift;
my $elements = shift;
$self->_insert_hook( $elements );
sub _insert_elements {
my $self = shift;
my $elements = shift;
@{ $self->{'elements'} }{ keys %$elements } = values %$elements;
sub universe {
my $self = shift;
return $self->{'universe'};
sub size {
my $self = shift;
return scalar keys %{ $self->{'elements'} };
sub elements {
my $self = shift;
return @_ ?
@{ $self->{'elements'} }{ map { _strval($_) } @_ } :
values %{ $self->{'elements'} };
*members = \&elements;
sub element {
my $self = shift;
$self->elements( shift );
*member = \&element;
sub has {
my $self = shift;
my @has = map { exists $self->{'elements'}->{ $_ } } @_;
return wantarray ? @has : @_ > 1 ? grep { $_ } @has : $has[0];
*contains = \&has;
sub each {
my $self = shift;
my ($k, $e) = each %{ $self->{'elements'} };
return $e;
sub _empty_clone {
my $self = shift;
my $original = shift;
$self->{'universe'} = $original->{'universe'};
$self->{'null' } = $original->{'null' };
sub _clone {
my $self = shift;
my $original = shift;
$self->_insert( $original->{'elements'} );
sub clone {
my $self = shift;
my $clone = (ref $self)->new;
$clone->_clone( $self );
return $clone;
*copy = \&clone;
sub empty_clone {
my $self = shift;
my $clone = (ref $self)->new;
$clone->_empty_clone( $self );
return $clone;
sub clear {
my $self = shift;
undef %{ $self };
undef @{ $self }{ "as_string" };
sub _union ($$) {
my ($this, $that) = @_;
my $this_universe = $this->universe;
return (undef, 1, undef)
unless $this_universe == $that->universe;
return ($this->clone, 0, ref $this)
if $that->is_null;
return ($that->clone, 0, ref $that)
if $this->is_null;
return ($this, 1, ref $this)
if $this->is_universal;
return ($that, 1, ref $that)
if $that->is_universal;
my $union = $this->clone;
$union->insert( $that->elements );
return ($union, $union->is_universal, ref $this);
sub _union_overload {
my ($this, $that) = _binary_underload( \@_ );
my ($union, $is_universal, $class) = $this->_union( $that );
return $union;
sub union {
my $self = shift;
my $union = $self->clone;
my $is_universal;
my $class;
foreach my $next ( @_ ) {
unless ($next->is_null) {
($union, $is_universal, $class) = $union->_union( $next );
last if $is_universal;
$union = $self
if $is_universal && $union->size == $self->size;
return $union;
sub _intersection ($$) {
my $this = shift;
my $that = shift;
return (undef, 1)
unless $this->universe == $that->universe;
return ($this->null, 1)
if $this->is_null || $that->is_null;
return ($this->clone, 0)
if $that->is_universal;
return ($that->clone, 0)
if $this->is_universal;
my $intersection = $this->clone;
my %intersection = _make_elements $intersection->elements;
delete @intersection{ keys %{{ _make_elements $that->elements }} };
$intersection->delete( values %intersection );
return ($intersection, $intersection->is_null);
sub _intersection_overload {
my ($this, $that) = _binary_underload( \@_ );
my ($intersection) = $this->_intersection( $that );
return $intersection;
sub intersection {
my $self = shift;
my $intersection = $self->clone;
my $is_null;
foreach my $next ( @_ ) {
unless ($next->is_universal) {
($intersection, $is_null) = $intersection->_intersection( $next );
last if $is_null;
$intersection = $self
if $is_null && $intersection->size == $self->size;
return $intersection;
sub _difference ($$) {
my $this = shift;
my $that = shift;
return undef unless $this->universe == $that->universe;
return $this->null if $this->is_null || $that->is_universal;
return $this->clone if $that->is_null;
my $difference = $this->clone;
my %that = _make_elements $that->elements;
$difference->delete( values %that );
return $difference;
sub _difference_overload {
my ($this, $that) = _binary_underload( \@_ );
return $this->_difference( $that );
sub difference {
my $this = shift;
return $this->null if $this->is_null;
return $this->clone unless @_;
my $that = shift;
$that = $that->union( @_ );
return undef unless defined $that;
return $this->null if $that->is_universal;
my $difference = $this->_difference( $that );
$difference = $this
if $difference->size == $this->size;
return $difference;
sub _symmetric_difference ($$) {
my $this = shift;
my $that = shift;
return (undef, 1) unless $this->universe == $that->universe;
return $that->clone if $this->is_null;
return $this->clone if $that->is_null;
return $that->complement if $this->is_universal;
return $this->complement if $that->is_universal;
my $symmetric_difference = $this->clone;
$symmetric_difference->invert( $that->elements );
return $symmetric_difference;
sub _symmetric_difference_overload {
my ($this, $that ) = _binary_underload( \@_ );
return $this->_symmetric_difference( $that );
sub symmetric_difference {
my $this = shift;
my $symmetric_difference = $this->clone;
foreach my $next ( @_ ) {
$symmetric_difference->invert( $next->elements );
return $symmetric_difference;
*symmdiff = \&symmetric_difference;
sub _complement {
my $self = shift;
my $complement = (ref $self)->new( $self->universe->elements );
$complement->delete( $self->elements );
return $complement;
sub _complement_overload {
_unary_underload( \@_ );
my $self = shift;
return $self->_complement;
sub complement {
my $self = shift;
return $self->_complement;
sub _unique {
my $universe = $_[0]->universe;
my %frequency;
for my $set ( @_ ) {
if ($set->universe == $universe) {
foreach my $element ( keys %{ $set->{'elements'} } ) {
$frequency{ $element }++;
} else {
return (ref $_[0])->new();
return (ref $_[0])->new(grep { $frequency{ $_ } == 1 } keys %frequency);
sub _unique_overload {
my ($this, $that) = _binary_underload( \@_ );
return $this->_unique( $that );
sub unique {
my $this = shift;
return $this->_unique( @_ );
sub _make_cartesian_product_iterator {
my @iter;
my @value;
for my $set (@_) {
return unless $set->isa('Set::Scalar');
my @member = $set->members;
my %member;
@member{@member} = @member;
push @iter, \%member;
push @value, scalar CORE::each(%{ $iter[-1] });
return sub {
return unless @iter;
my @now = @value;
my $ix;
for ($ix = $#iter; $ix >= 0; $ix--) {
my $next = CORE::each(%{ $iter[$ix] });
if (defined $next) {
$value[$ix] = $next;
} else {
keys %{ $iter[$ix] }; # Reset the iterator.
$value[$ix] = CORE::each(%{ $iter[$ix] });
if ($ix < 0) {
@iter = (); # All done.
return @now;
sub cartesian_product_iterator {
shift unless ref $_[0];
return &_make_cartesian_product_iterator;
sub cartesian_product {
my $iterator = &cartesian_product_iterator;
return unless defined $iterator;
my $product = $_[0]->empty_clone;
while (my @member = $iterator->()) {
return $product;
sub _make_power_set_iterator {
return unless $_[0]->isa('Set::Scalar');
my @member = $_[0]->members;
my @iter = (0) x @member;
return sub {
return unless @iter;
my $ix;
for ($ix = 0; $ix < @iter; $ix++) {
if ($iter[$ix]++ == 0) {
} else {
$iter[$ix] = 0;
if ($ix == @iter) {
@iter = (); # All done.
return map { $member[$_] } grep { $iter[$_] } 0..$#iter;
sub power_set_iterator {
shift unless ref $_[0];
return &_make_power_set_iterator;
sub power_set {
my $iterator = &power_set_iterator;
return unless defined $iterator;
my $power = $_[0]->empty_clone;
my @member;
do {
@member = $iterator->();
} while (@member);
return $power;
sub is_universal {
my $self = shift;
return $self->size == $self->universe->size;
sub is_null {
my $self = shift;
return $self->size == 0;
*is_empty = \&is_null;
sub null {
my $self = shift;
return $self->universe->null;
*empty = \&null;
sub _compare {
my $a = shift;
my $b = shift;
return "$a" eq "$b" ? 'equal' : 'different';
sub compare {
my $a = shift;
my $b = shift;
return _compare("$a", "$b")
unless ref $a && $a->isa(__PACKAGE__) &&
ref $b && $b->isa(__PACKAGE__);
return 'disjoint universes' unless $a->universe == $b->universe;
my $c = $a->intersection($b);
my $na = $a->size;
my $nb = $b->size;
my $nc = $c->size;
return 'proper superset' if $na && $nb == 0;
return 'proper subset' if $na == 0 && $nb;
return 'disjoint' if $na && $nb && $nc == 0;
return 'equal' if $na == $nc && $nb == $nc;
return 'proper superset' if $nb == $nc;
return 'proper subset' if $na == $nc;
return 'proper intersect';
sub is_disjoint {
my $a = shift;
my $b = shift;
return $a->compare($b) eq 'disjoint' ||
$a->compare($b) eq 'disjoint universes';
sub is_equal {
my $a = shift;
my $b = shift;
return $a->compare($b) eq 'equal';
sub is_proper_subset {
my $a = shift;
my $b = shift;
return $a->compare($b) eq 'proper subset';
sub is_proper_superset {
my $a = shift;
my $b = shift;
return $a->compare($b) eq 'proper superset';
sub is_properly_intersecting {
my $a = shift;
my $b = shift;
return $a->compare($b) eq 'proper intersect';
sub is_subset {
my $a = shift;
my $b = shift;
my $c = $a->compare($b);
return $c eq 'equal' || $c eq 'proper subset';
sub is_superset {
my $a = shift;
my $b = shift;
my $c = $a->compare($b);
return $c eq 'equal' || $c eq 'proper superset';
sub cmp {
return "$_[0]" cmp "$_[1]";
sub have_same_universe {
my $self = shift;
my $universe = $self->universe;
foreach my $set ( @_ ) {
return 0 unless $set->universe == $universe;
return 1;
sub _elements_have_reference {
my $self = shift;
my $elements = shift;
foreach my $element (@$elements) {
return 1 if ref $element;
return 0;
use constant RECURSIVE_SELF => 1;
use constant RECURSIVE_DEEP => 2;
sub _elements_as_string {
my $self = shift;
my $history = shift;
my @elements = $self->elements;
my $self_id = _strval($self);
my %history;
%history = %{ $history } if defined $history;
my $have_reference = $self->_elements_have_reference(\@elements);
my @simple_elements;
my @complex_elements;
my $recursive;
foreach my $element (@elements) {
my $element_id = _strval($element);
if (exists $history{ $element_id }) {
if ($element_id eq $self_id) {
$recursive = RECURSIVE_SELF;
} else {
$recursive = RECURSIVE_DEEP;
} elsif (blessed $element && $element->isa(__PACKAGE__)) {
local $history{ $element_id } = 1;
push @complex_elements, $element->as_string( \%history );
} else {
push @simple_elements, $element;
@elements = sort @simple_elements;
push @elements, sort @complex_elements;
return (join($self->_element_separator, @elements),
my $self = shift;
my $string = '';
if (exists $self->{'as_string'}) {
$string = $self->{'as_string'};
} else {
($string, my $have_reference, my $is_recursive) =
$self->_elements_as_string(@_ ? shift :
{ _strval($self) => 1 });
$string .= $self->_element_separator . "..." if $is_recursive;
$string = sprintf $self->_set_format, $string;
$self->{'as_string'} = $string unless $have_reference;
return $string;
my $as_string_callback = $AS_STRING_CALLBACK;
sub as_string_callback {
my $arg = shift;
if (ref $arg) {
if (@_) {
$arg->{'as_string_callback'} = shift;
delete $arg->{'as_string_callback'}
unless defined $arg->{'as_string_callback'};
} else {
return $arg->{'as_string_callback'};
} else {
if (@_) {
$as_string_callback = shift;
$as_string_callback = $AS_STRING_CALLBACK
unless defined $as_string_callback;
} else {
return $as_string_callback;
sub as_string {
my $self = shift;
if (exists $self->{'as_string_callback'}) {
return $self->{'as_string_callback'}->($self, @_);
} else {
return $as_string_callback->($self, @_);
sub _element_separator {
my $self = shift;
return $self->{'display'}->{'element_separator'}
if exists $self->{'display'}->{'element_separator'};
my $universe = $self->universe;
return $universe->{'display'}->{'element_separator'}
if exists $universe->{'display'}->{'element_separator'};
return (ref $self)->ELEMENT_SEPARATOR;
sub _set_format {
my $self = shift;
return $self->{'display'}->{'set_format'}
if exists $self->{'display'}->{'set_format'};
my $universe = $self->universe;
return $universe->{'display'}->{'set_format'}
if exists $universe->{'display'}->{'set_format'};
return (ref $self)->SET_FORMAT;
=head1 NAME
Set::Scalar::Base - base class for Set::Scalar
B<Internal use only>.
B<This is not the module you are looking for.>
See the L<Set::Scalar>.
=head1 AUTHOR
Jarkko Hietaniemi <>