shell bypass 403
package Spreadsheet::XLSX::Fmt2007;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Spreadsheet::XLSX::Utility2007 qw(ExcelFmt);
our $VERSION = '0.18'; #
my %hFmtDefault = (
0x00 => '@',
0x01 => '0',
0x02 => '0.00',
0x03 => '#,##0',
0x04 => '#,##0.00',
0x05 => '($#,##0_);($#,##0)',
0x06 => '($#,##0_);[RED]($#,##0)',
0x07 => '($#,##0.00_);($#,##0.00_)',
0x08 => '($#,##0.00_);[RED]($#,##0.00_)',
0x09 => '0%',
0x0A => '0.00%',
0x0B => '0.00E+00',
0x0C => '# ?/?',
0x0D => '# ??/??',
0x0E => 'yyyy-mm-dd',
0x0F => 'd-mmm-yy',
0x10 => 'd-mmm',
0x11 => 'mmm-yy',
0x12 => 'h:mm AM/PM',
0x13 => 'h:mm:ss AM/PM',
0x14 => 'h:mm',
0x15 => 'h:mm:ss',
0x16 => 'm-d-yy h:mm',
#0x17-0x24 -- Differs in Natinal
0x25 => '(#,##0_);(#,##0)',
0x26 => '(#,##0_);[RED](#,##0)',
0x27 => '(#,##0.00);(#,##0.00)',
0x28 => '(#,##0.00);[RED](#,##0.00)',
0x29 => '_(*#,##0_);_(*(#,##0);_(*"-"_);_(@_)',
0x2A => '_($*#,##0_);_($*(#,##0);_(*"-"_);_(@_)',
0x2B => '_(*#,##0.00_);_(*(#,##0.00);_(*"-"??_);_(@_)',
0x2C => '_($*#,##0.00_);_($*(#,##0.00);_(*"-"??_);_(@_)',
0x2D => 'mm:ss',
0x2E => '[h]:mm:ss',
0x2F => 'mm:ss.0',
0x30 => '##0.0E+0',
0x31 => '@',
# new (for Spreadsheet::XLSX::Fmt2007)
sub new {
my ($sPkg, %hKey) = @_;
my $oThis = {};
bless $oThis;
return $oThis;
# TextFmt (for Spreadsheet::XLSX::Fmt2007)
sub TextFmt {
my ($oThis, $sTxt, $sCode) = @_;
return $sTxt if ((!defined($sCode)) || ($sCode eq '_native_'));
return pack('U*', unpack('n*', $sTxt));
# FmtStringDef (for Spreadsheet::XLSX::Fmt2007)
sub FmtStringDef {
my ($oThis, $iFmtIdx, $oBook, $rhFmt) = @_;
my $sFmtStr = $oBook->{FormatStr}->{$iFmtIdx};
if (!(defined($sFmtStr)) && defined($rhFmt)) {
$sFmtStr = $rhFmt->{$iFmtIdx};
$sFmtStr = $hFmtDefault{$iFmtIdx} unless ($sFmtStr);
return $sFmtStr;
# FmtString (for Spreadsheet::XLSX::Fmt2007)
sub FmtString {
my ($oThis, $oCell, $oBook) = @_;
my $sFmtStr; # = $oThis->FmtStringDef(
# $oBook->{Format}[$oCell->{FormatNo}]->{FmtIdx}, $oBook);
# Check for formula error before evaluating format
return '@' if ( $oCell->{Val} =~ m/^#/ );
unless (defined($sFmtStr)) {
if ($oCell->{Type} eq 'Numeric') {
if ($oCell->{Format}) {
$sFmtStr = $oCell->{Format};
} elsif (int($oCell->{Val}) != $oCell->{Val}) {
$sFmtStr = '0.00';
} else {
$sFmtStr = '0';
} elsif ($oCell->{Type} eq 'Date') {
if ($oCell->{Format}) {
$sFmtStr = $oCell->{Format};
} elsif (int($oCell->{Val}) <= 0) {
$sFmtStr = 'h:mm:ss';
} else {
$sFmtStr = 'm-d-yy';
} else {
$sFmtStr = '@';
return $sFmtStr;
# ValFmt (for Spreadsheet::XLSX::Fmt2007)
sub ValFmt {
my ($oThis, $oCell, $oBook) = @_;
my ($Dt, $iFmtIdx, $iNumeric, $Flg1904);
if ($oCell->{Type} eq 'Text') {
$Dt = ((defined $oCell->{Val}) && ($oCell->{Val} ne '')) ? $oThis->TextFmt($oCell->{Val}, $oCell->{Code}) : '';
} else {
$Dt = $oCell->{Val};
$Flg1904 = $oBook->{Flg1904};
my $sFmtStr = $oThis->FmtString($oCell, $oBook);
return ExcelFmt($sFmtStr, $Dt, $Flg1904, $oCell->{Type});
# ChkType (for Spreadsheet::XLSX::Fmt2007)
sub ChkType {
my ($oPkg, $iNumeric, $iFmtIdx) = @_;
if ($iNumeric) {
if ( (($iFmtIdx >= 0x0E) && ($iFmtIdx <= 0x16))
|| (($iFmtIdx >= 0x2D) && ($iFmtIdx <= 0x2F))) {
return "Date";
} else {
return "Numeric";
} else {
return "Text";
=head1 NAME
Spreadsheet::XLSX::Fmt2007 - A class for Cell formats.
See the documentation of L<Spreadsheet::XLSX>.
my $cell = $myworkbook->worksheet->{Cells}[$row][$col]
my $type = $cell->{Type}; # Date, Text, or Numeric
my $disp_value = $cell->Value; # displayed (formatted) value set in XLSX by $myFmt2007->ValFmt($cell, $workbook)
my $fund_value = $cell->{Val}; # fundemental (underlying) value
my $formatter;
if( $myworkbook->excel07 ) {
$formatter = Spreadsheet::XLSX::Fmt2007->new();
} else {
$formatter = Spreadsheet::ParseExcel::FmtDefault->new();
my $format_string = $formatter->FmtString($cell, $self->workbook);
This module is used in conjunction with L<Spreadsheet::XLSX>. See the documentation for L<Spreadsheet::XLSX>.
This code is adapted for Excel 2007 from L<Spreadsheet::ParseExcel::FmtDefault> by Kawai, Takanori (Hippo2000) 2001-02-02.
This Program is ALPHA version.
=head1 AUTHOR
See the documentation for L<Spreadsheet::XLSX>.
See the documentation for L<Spreadsheet::XLSX>.