package Test::Valgrind::Command::Perl;
use strict;
use warnings;
=head1 NAME
Test::Valgrind::Command::Perl - A Test::Valgrind command that invokes perl.
=head1 VERSION
Version 1.19
our $VERSION = '1.19';
This command is the base for all C<perl>-based commands.
It handles the suppression generation and sets the main command-line flags.
use List::Util ();
use Env::Sanctify ();
use Test::Valgrind::Suppressions;
use base qw<Test::Valgrind::Command Test::Valgrind::Carp>;
=head1 METHODS
This class inherits L<Test::Valgrind::Command>.
=head2 C<new>
my $tvcp = Test::Valgrind::Command::Perl->new(
perl => $^X,
inc => \@INC,
taint_mode => $taint_mode,
The package constructor, which takes several options :
=over 4
=item *
The C<perl> option specifies which C<perl> executable will run the arugment list given in C<args>.
Defaults to C<$^X>.
=item *
C<inc> is a reference to an array of paths that will be passed as C<-I> to the invoked command.
Defaults to C<@INC>.
=item *
C<$taint_mode> is a boolean that specifies if the script should be run under taint mode.
Defaults to false.
Other arguments are passed straight to C<< Test::Valgrind::Command->new >>.
sub new {
my $class = shift;
$class = ref($class) || $class;
my %args = @_;
my $perl = delete $args{perl} || $^X;
my $inc = delete $args{inc} || [ @INC ];
$class->_croak('Invalid INC list') unless ref $inc eq 'ARRAY';
my $taint_mode = delete $args{taint_mode};
my $trainer_file = delete $args{trainer_file};
my $self = bless $class->SUPER::new(%args), $class;
$self->{perl} = $perl;
$self->{inc} = $inc;
$self->{taint_mode} = $taint_mode;
$self->{trainer_file} = $trainer_file;
return $self;
sub new_trainer {
my $self = shift;
require File::Temp;
my ($fh, $file) = File::Temp::tempfile(UNLINK => 0);
my $curpos = tell DATA;
print $fh $_ while <DATA>;
seek DATA, $curpos, 0;
close $fh or $self->_croak("close(tempscript): $!");
args => [ '-MTest::Valgrind=run,1', $file ],
trainer_file => $file,
=head2 C<perl>
my $perl = $tvcp->perl;
Read-only accessor for the C<perl> option.
sub perl { $_[0]->{perl} }
=head2 C<inc>
my @inc = $tvcp->inc;
Read-only accessor for the C<inc> option.
sub inc { @{$_[0]->{inc} || []} }
=head2 C<taint_mode>
my $taint_mode = $tvcp->taint_mode;
Read-only accessor for the C<taint_mode> option.
sub taint_mode { $_[0]->{taint_mode} }
sub args {
my $self = shift;
return $self->perl,
(('-T') x!! $self->taint_mode),
map("-I$_", $self->inc),
=head2 C<env>
my $env = $tvcp->env($session);
Returns an L<Env::Sanctify> object that sets the environment variables C<PERL_DESTRUCT_LEVEL> to C<3> and C<PERL_DL_NONLAZY> to C<1> during the run.
sub env {
env => {
sub suppressions_tag {
my ($self) = @_;
unless (defined $self->{suppressions_tag}) {
my $env = Env::Sanctify->sanctify(sanctify => [ qr/^PERL/ ]);
open my $pipe, '-|', $self->perl, '-V'
or $self->_croak('open("-| ' . $self->perl . " -V\"): $!");
my $perl_v = do { local $/; <$pipe> };
close $pipe or $self->_croak('close("-| ' . $self->perl . " -V\"): $!");
require Digest::MD5;
$self->{suppressions_tag} = Digest::MD5::md5_hex($perl_v);
return $self->{suppressions_tag};
sub check_suppressions_file {
my ($self, $file) = @_;
open my $fh, '<', $file or return 0;
local $_;
while (<$fh>) {
return 1 if /^\s*fun:(Perl|S|XS)_/
or /^\s*obj:.*perl/;
close $fh;
return 0;
sub filter {
my ($self, $session, $report) = @_;
return $report if $report->is_diag
or not $report->isa('Test::Valgrind::Report::Suppressions');
my @frames = grep length, split /\n/, $report->data;
# If we see the runloop, match from here.
my $top = List::Util::first(sub {
$frames[$_] =~ /^\s*fun:Perl_runops_(?:standard|debug)\b/
}, 0 .. $#frames);
--$top if $top;
unless (defined $top) {
# Otherwise, match from the latest Perl_ symbol.
$top = List::Util::first(sub {
$frames[$_] =~ /^\s*fun:Perl_/
}, reverse 0 .. $#frames);
unless (defined $top) {
# Otherwise, match from the latest S_ symbol.
$top = List::Util::first(sub {
$frames[$_] =~ /^\s*fun:S_/
}, reverse 0 .. $#frames);
unless (defined $top) {
# Otherwise, match from the latest XS_ symbol.
$top = List::Util::first(sub {
$frames[$_] =~ /^\s*fun:XS_/
}, reverse 0 .. $#frames);
$#frames = $top if defined $top;
my $data = join "\n", @frames, '';
$data = Test::Valgrind::Suppressions->maybe_generalize($session, $data);
id => $report->id,
kind => $report->kind,
data => $data,
my ($self) = @_;
my $file = $self->{trainer_file};
return unless $file and -e $file;
1 while unlink $file;
=head1 SEE ALSO
L<Test::Valgrind>, L<Test::Valgrind::Command>.
=head1 AUTHOR
Vincent Pit, C<< <perl at> >>, L<>.
You can contact me by mail or on C<> (vincent).
=head1 BUGS
Please report any bugs or feature requests to C<bug-test-valgrind at>, or through the web interface at L<>.
I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.
=head1 SUPPORT
You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.
perldoc Test::Valgrind::Command::Perl
Copyright 2009,2010,2011,2013,2015,2016 Vincent Pit, all rights reserved.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
1; # End of Test::Valgrind::Command::Perl
use strict;
use warnings;
BEGIN { require Test::Valgrind; }
use Test::More;
eval {
require XSLoader;
XSLoader::load('Test::Valgrind', $Test::Valgrind::VERSION);
if ($@) {
diag $@;
*Test::Valgrind::DEBUGGING = sub { 'unknown' };
} else {
Test::Valgrind::notleak("valgrind it!");
plan tests => 1;
fail 'should not be seen';
diag 'debbugging flag is ' . Test::Valgrind::DEBUGGING();
eval {
require XSLoader;
XSLoader::load('Test::Valgrind::Fake', 0);
diag $@ ? 'Ok' : 'Succeeded to load Test::Valgrind::Fake but should\'t';
require List::Util;
my @cards = List::Util::shuffle(0 .. 51);
package Test::Valgrind::Test::Fake;
use base qw<strict>;
eval 'use Time::HiRes qw<usleep>';