package Test2::Workflow;
use strict;
use warnings;
our $VERSION = '0.000111';
our @EXPORT_OK = qw/parse_args current_build build root_build init_root build_stack/;
use base 'Exporter';
use Test2::Workflow::Build;
use Test2::Workflow::Task::Group;
use Test2::API qw/intercept/;
use Scalar::Util qw/blessed/;
sub parse_args {
my %input = @_;
my $args = delete $input{args};
my %out;
my %props;
my $caller = $out{frame} = $input{caller} || caller(defined $input{level} ? $input{level} : 1);
delete @input{qw/caller level/};
for my $arg (@$args) {
if (my $r = ref($arg)) {
if ($r eq 'HASH') {
%props = (%props, %$arg);
elsif ($r eq 'CODE') {
die "Code is already set, did you provide multiple code blocks at $caller->[1] line $caller->[2].\n"
if $out{code};
$out{code} = $arg
else {
die "Not sure what to do with $arg at $caller->[1] line $caller->[2].\n";
if ($arg =~ m/^\d+$/) {
push @{$out{lines}} => $arg;
die "Name is already set to '$out{name}', cannot set to '$arg', did you specify multiple names at $caller->[1] line $caller->[2].\n"
if $out{name};
$out{name} = $arg;
die "a name must be provided, and must be truthy at $caller->[1] line $caller->[2].\n"
unless $out{name};
die "a codeblock must be provided at $caller->[1] line $caller->[2].\n"
unless $out{code};
return { %props, %out, %input };
sub root_build { $ROOT_BUILDS{$_[0]} }
sub current_build { @BUILD_STACK ? $BUILD_STACK[-1] : undef }
sub build_stack { @BUILD_STACK }
sub init_root {
my ($pkg, %args) = @_;
$ROOT_BUILDS{$pkg} ||= Test2::Workflow::Build->new(
name => $pkg,
flat => 1,
iso => 0,
async => 0,
is_root => 1,
return $ROOT_BUILDS{$pkg};
sub build {
my %params = @_;
my $args = parse_args(%params);
my $build = Test2::Workflow::Build->new(%$args);
return $build if $args->{skip};
push @BUILD_STACK => $build;
my ($ok, $err);
my $events = intercept {
my $todo = $args->{todo} ? Test2::Todo->new(reason => $args->{todo}) : undef;
$ok = eval { $args->{code}->(); 1 };
$err = $@;
$todo->end if $todo;
# Clear the stash
$build->{stash} = [];
unless($ok) {
my $hub = Test2::API::test2_stack->top;
my $count = @$events;
my $list = $count
? "Overview of unseen events:\n" . join "" => map " " . blessed($_) . " " . $_->trace($hub)->debug . "\n", @$events
: "";
die <<" EOT";
Exception in build '$args->{name}' with $count unseen event(s).
return $build;
=encoding UTF-8
=head1 NAME
Test2::Workflow - A test workflow is a way of structuring tests using
composable units.
A test workflow is a way of structuring tests using composable units. A well
known example of a test workflow is L<RSPEC|>. RSPEC is
implemented using Test2::Workflow in L<Test2::Tools::Spec> along with several
=head2 BUILD
A Build is used to compose tasks. Usually a build object is pushed to the stack
before running code that adds tasks to the build. Once the build sub is
complete the build is popped and returned. Usually a build is converted into a
root task or task group.
=head2 RUNNER
A runner takes the composed tasks and executes them in the proper order.
=head2 TASK
A task is a unit of work to accomplish. There are 2 main types of task.
=head3 ACTION
An action is the most simple unit used in composition. An action is essentially
a name and a codeblock to run.
=head3 GROUP
A group is a task that is composed of other tasks.
=head1 EXPORTS
All exports are optional, you must request the ones you want.
=over 4
=item $parsed = parse_args(args => \@args)
=item $parsed = parse_args(args => \@args, level => $L)
=item $parsed = parse_args(args => \@args, caller => [caller($L)])
This will parse a "typical" task builders arguments. The C<@args> array MUST
contain a name (plain scalar containing text) and also a single CODE reference.
The C<@args> array MAY also contain any quantity of line numbers or hashrefs.
The resulting data structure will be a single hashref with all the provided
hashrefs squashed together, and the 'name', 'code', 'lines' and 'frame' keys
set from other arguments.
# All hashrefs from @args get squashed together:
# @args must have exactly 1 plaintext scalar that is not a number, it
# is considered the name:
name => 'name from input args'
# Integer values are treated as line numbers
lines => [ 35, 44 ],
# Exactly 1 coderef must be provided in @args:
code => \&some_code,
# 'frame' contains the 'caller' data. This may be passed in directly,
# obtained from the 'level' parameter, or automatically deduced.
frame => ['A::Package', '', 42, ...],
=item $build = init_root($pkg, %args)
This will initialize (or return the existing) a build for the specified
package. C<%args> get passed into the L<Test2::Workflow::Build> constructor.
This uses the following defaults (which can be overridden using C<%args>):
name => $pkg,
flat => 1,
iso => 0,
async => 0,
is_root => 1,
Note that C<%args> is completely ignored if the package build has already been
=item $build = root_build($pkg)
This will return the root build for the specified package.
=item $build = current_build()
This will return the build currently at the top of the build stack (or undef).
=item $build = build($name, \%params, sub { ... })
This will push a new build object onto the build stash then run the provided
codeblock. Once the codeblock has finished running the build will be popped off
the stack and returned.
See C<parse_args()> for details about argument processing.
=head1 SEE ALSO
=over 4
=item Test2::Tools::Spec
L<Test2::Tools::Spec> is an implementation of RSPEC using this library.
=head1 SOURCE
The source code repository for Test2-Workflow can be found at
=over 4
=item Chad Granum E<lt>exodist@cpan.orgE<gt>
=head1 AUTHORS
=over 4
=item Chad Granum E<lt>exodist@cpan.orgE<gt>
Copyright 2016 Chad Granum E<lt>exodist7@gmail.comE<gt>.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
See F<>