shell bypass 403
package Text::ASCIITable::Wrap;
@EXPORT = qw();
@EXPORT_OK = qw(wrap);
$VERSION = '0.2';
use Exporter;
use strict;
use Carp;
=encoding utf8
=head1 NAME
Text::ASCIITable::Wrap - Wrap text
Make sure a text never gets wider than the specified width using wordwrap.
use Text::ASCIITable::Wrap qw{ wrap };
print wrap('This is a long line which will be cut down to several lines',10);
=head2 wrap($text,$width[,$nostrict]) (exportable)
Wraps text at the specified width. Unless the $nostrict parameter is set, it
will cut down the word if a word is wider than $width. Also supports text with linebreaks.
sub wrap {
my ($text,$width,$nostrict) = @_;
Carp::shortmess('Missing required text or width parameter.') if (!defined($text) || !defined($width));
my $result='';
for (split(/\n/,$text)) {
$result .= _wrap($_,$width,$nostrict)."\n";
return $result;
sub _wrap {
my ($text,$width,$nostrict) = @_;
my @result;
my $line='';
$nostrict = defined($nostrict) && $nostrict == 1 ? 1 : 0;
for (split(/ /,$text)) {
my $spc = $line eq '' ? 0 : 1;
my $len = length($line);
my $newlen = $len + $spc + length($_);
if ($len == 0 && $newlen > $width) {
push @result, $nostrict == 1 ? $_ : substr($_,0,$width); # kutt ned bredden
elsif ($len != 0 && $newlen > $width) {
push @result, $nostrict == 1 ? $line : substr($line,0,$width);
$line = $_;
} else {
$line .= (' ' x $spc).$_;
push @result,$nostrict == 1 ? $line : substr($line,0,$width) if $line ne '';
return join("\n",@result);
Exporter, Carp
=head1 AUTHOR
H�kon Nessj�en,
=head1 VERSION
Current version is 0.2.
Copyright 2002-2003 by H�kon Nessj�en.
All rights reserved.
This module is free software;
you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
=head1 SEE ALSO
Text::ASCIITable, Text::Wrap