package Tie::Hash::Method;
use strict;
use warnings;
use base 'Exporter';
=head1 NAME
Tie::Hash::Method - Tied hash with specific methods overriden by callbacks
=head1 VERSION
Version 0.02
our $VERSION= '0.02';
$VERSION= eval $VERSION; # just in case we have a dev release
our @EXPORT_OK= qw(tie_hash_method HASH METHOD PRIVATE);
use constant HASH => 0;
use constant METHOD => 1;
use constant PRIVATE => 2;
use Data::Dumper;
# not overridable obviously.
my $class= shift;
my %opts= @_;
#die Dumper
bless [
{}, #HASH
+{ map { $_ => $opts{$_} } grep {$_ eq uc($_) } keys %opts }, #METHOD
+{ map { $_ => $opts{$_} } grep {$_ ne uc($_) } keys %opts }, #PRIVATE
], $class;
sub FETCH {
if ( my $cb= $_[0][METHOD]->{FETCH} ) {
return $cb->(@_);
} else {
return $_[0][HASH]->{ $_[1] };
sub STORE {
if ( my $cb= $_[0][METHOD]->{STORE} ) {
return $cb->(@_);
} else {
return $_[0][HASH]->{ $_[1] }= $_[2];
sub EXISTS {
if ( my $cb= $_[0][METHOD]->{EXISTS} ) {
return $cb->(@_);
} else {
exists $_[0][HASH]->{ $_[1] };
sub DELETE {
if ( my $cb= $_[0][METHOD]->{DELETE} ) {
return $cb->(@_);
} else {
delete $_[0][HASH]->{ $_[1] };
if ( my $cb= $_[0][METHOD]->{FIRSTKEY} ) {
return $cb->(@_);
} else {
# reset iterator
my $val= scalar keys %{ $_[0][HASH] };
return each %{ $_[0][HASH] };
if ( my $cb= $_[0][METHOD]->{NEXTKEY} ) {
return $cb->(@_);
} else {
return each %{ $_[0][HASH] };
sub CLEAR {
if ( my $cb= $_[0][METHOD]->{CLEAR} ) {
return $cb->(@_);
} else {
return %{ $_[0][HASH] }= ();
sub SCALAR {
if ( my $cb= $_[0][METHOD]->{SCALAR} ) {
return $cb->(@_);
} else {
return scalar %{ $_[0][HASH] };
sub methods {
return grep { $_ ne 'hash' } keys %{ $_[0][METHOD] };
sub method_hash : lvalue { $_[0][METHOD] }
sub base_hash : lvalue { $_[0][HASH] }
sub h : lvalue { $_[0][HASH] }
sub private_hash : lvalue { $_[0][PRIVATE] }
sub p : lvalue { $_[0][PRIVATE] }
sub hash_overload {
tie my %hash, __PACKAGE__, @_;
return \%hash;
1; #make require happy
tie my %hash, 'Tie::Hash::Method',
FETCH => sub {
exists $_[0]->base_hash->{$_[1]} ? $_[0]->base_hash->{$_[1]} : $_[1]
Tie::Hash::Method provides a way to create a tied hash with specific
overriden behaviour without having to create a new class to do it. A tied
hash with no methods overriden is functionally equivalent to a normal hash.
Each method in a standard tie can be overriden by providing a callback
to the tie call. So for instance if you wanted a tied hash that changed
'foo' into 'bar' on store you could say:
tie my %hash, 'Tie::Hash::Method',
STORE => sub {
(my $v=pop)=~s/foo/bar/g if defined $_[2];
return $_[0]->base_hash->{$_[1]}=$v;
The callback is called with exactly the same arguments as the tie itself, in
particular the tied object is always passed as the first argument.
The tied object is itself an array, which contains a second hash in the
HASH slot (index 0) which is used to perform the default operations.
The callbacks available are in a hash keyed by name in the METHOD slot of
the array (index 1).
If your code needs to store extra data in the object it should be stored
in the PRIVATE slot of the object (index 2). No future release of this module
will ever use or alter anything in that slot.
The arguments passed to the tie constructor will be seperated by the case of
their keys. The ones with all capitals will be stored in the METHOD hash, and
the rest will be stored in the PRIVATE hash.
=over 4
=item STORE this, key, value
Store datum I<value> into I<key> for the tied hash I<this>.
=item FETCH this, key
Retrieve the datum in I<key> for the tied hash I<this>.
=item FIRSTKEY this
Return the first key in the hash.
=item NEXTKEY this, lastkey
Return the next key in the hash.
=item EXISTS this, key
Verify that I<key> exists with the tied hash I<this>.
=item DELETE this, key
Delete the key I<key> from the tied hash I<this>.
=item CLEAR this
Clear all values from the tied hash I<this>.
=item SCALAR this
Returns what evaluating the hash in scalar context yields.
=head2 Methods
=over 4
=item base_hash
return or sets the underlying hash for this tie.
$_[0]->base_hash->{$key}= $value;
=item h
alias for base_hash.
$_[0]->h->{$key}= $value;
=item private_hash
Return or sets the hash of private data associated with this tie. This
value will never be touched by any code in this class or its subclasses.
It is purely object specific.
$_[0]->p->{'something'}= 'cake!';
=item p
alias for private_hash
=item method_hash
return or sets the hash of methods that are overriden for this tie. Exactly
why you would want to use this is a little beyond my imagination, but for those
who can think of a reason here is a nice way to do it. :-)
=item methods
Returns a list of methods that are overriden for this tie. Why this would be useful
escapes me, but here it is anyway for Completeness sake, whoever she is, but people
are always coding for her so I might as well too.
=head2 Exportable Subs
The following subs are exportable on request:
=over 4
=item hash_overload(PAIRS)
Returns a reference to a hash tied with the specified
callbacks overriden. Just a short cut.
=item HASH
Constant subroutine equivalent to 0
=item METHOD
Constant subroutine equivalent to 1
Constant subroutine equivalent to 2
=head1 AUTHOR
Yves Orton, C<< <yves at> >>
=head1 BUGS
Please report any bugs or feature requests to C<bug-tie-hash-method at>, or through
the web interface at L<>. I will be notified, and then you'll
automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.
=head1 SUPPORT
You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.
perldoc Tie::Hash::Method
You can also look for information at:
=over 4
=item * RT: CPAN's request tracker
=item * AnnoCPAN: Annotated CPAN documentation
=item * CPAN Ratings
=item * Search CPAN
Copyright 2008 Yves Orton, all rights reserved.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the same terms as Perl itself.