package Unicode::MapUTF8;
use strict;
use Carp qw(confess croak carp);
use Unicode::String;
use Unicode::Map;
use Unicode::Map8;
use Jcode;
use subs qw (utf8_supported_charset to_utf8 from_utf8 utf8_charset_alias _init_charsets);
require Exporter;
@ISA = qw(Exporter);
@EXPORT = qw ();
@EXPORT_OK = qw (utf8_supported_charset to_utf8 from_utf8 utf8_charset_alias);
@EXPORT_TAGS = qw ();
$VERSION = "1.11";
# File level package globals (class variables)
my $_Supported_Charsets;
my $_Charset_Names;
my $_Charset_Aliases;
sub utf8_charset_alias {
if ($#_ == -1) {
my $aliases = {};
%$aliases = %$_Charset_Aliases;
return $aliases;
my $parms;
my @parms_list = @_;
if (($#parms_list == 0) && (ref ($parms_list[0]) eq 'HASH')) {
} elsif (($#parms_list > 0) && (($#parms_list % 2) == 1)) {
_set_utf8_charset_alias({ @parms_list });
} elsif ($#parms_list == 0) {
my $lc_charset = lc($parms_list[0]);
my $result = $_Charset_Aliases->{$lc_charset};
return $result;
croak( '[' . localtime(time) . '] ' . __PACKAGE__ . "::utf8_charset_alias() - invalid parameters passed\n");
# Sets (or clears ;-) ) a runtime character set alias.
sub _set_utf8_charset_alias {
my ($parms) = @_;
my @alias_names = keys %$parms;
foreach my $alias (@alias_names) {
my $lc_alias = lc ($alias);
my $charset = $parms->{$alias};
if (! defined $charset) {
if (exists ($_Charset_Aliases->{$lc_alias})) {
delete $_Charset_Aliases->{$lc_alias};
my $lc_charset = lc ($charset);
if (! exists ($_Charset_Names->{$lc_charset})) {
croak( '[' . localtime(time) . '] ' . __PACKAGE__ . "::utf8_charset_alias() - attempted to set alias '$alias' to point to unknown charset encoding of '$charset'\n");
if (exists ($_Charset_Names->{$lc_alias})) {
carp('[' . localtime(time) . '] [warning] ' . __PACKAGE__ . "::utf8_charset_alias() - Aliased base defined charset name '$alias' to '$charset'.");
$_Charset_Aliases->{$lc_alias} = $lc_charset;
sub utf8_supported_charset {
if ($#_ == -1 && wantarray) {
my %all_charsets = (%$_Supported_Charsets, %$_Charset_Aliases);
my @charsets = sort keys %all_charsets;
return @charsets;
my $charset = shift;
if (not defined $charset) {
croak( '[' . localtime(time) . '] ' . __PACKAGE__ . "::utf8_supported_charset() - no character set specified\n");
my $lc_charset = lc($charset);
return 1 if (exists ($_Charset_Names->{$lc_charset}));
return 1 if (exists ($_Charset_Aliases->{$lc_charset}));
return 0;
sub to_utf8 {
my @parm_list = @_;
my $parms = {};
if (($#parm_list > 0) && (($#parm_list % 2) == 1)) {
$parms = { @parm_list };
} elsif ($#parm_list == 0) {
$parms = $parm_list[0];
if (! ref($parms)) {
croak( '[' . localtime(time) . '] ' . __PACKAGE__ . "::to_utf8() - invalid parameters passed\n");
} else {
croak( '[' . localtime(time) . '] ' . __PACKAGE__ . "::to_utf8() - bad parameters passed\n");
if (! (exists $parms->{-string})) {
croak( '[' . localtime(time) . '] ' . __PACKAGE__ . "::to_utf8() - missing '-string' parameter\n");
my $string = $parms->{-string};
my $charset = $parms->{-charset};
if (! defined ($charset)) {
croak( '[' . localtime(time) . '] ' . __PACKAGE__ . "::to_utf8() - missing '-charset' parameter value\n");
my $lc_charset = lc ($charset);
my $alias_charset = $_Charset_Aliases->{$lc_charset};
my $true_charset = defined($alias_charset) ? $_Charset_Names->{$alias_charset} : $_Charset_Names->{$lc_charset};
if (! defined $true_charset) {
croak( '[' . localtime(time) . '] ' . __PACKAGE__ . "::to_utf8() - character set '$charset' is not supported\n");
$string = '' if (! defined ($string));
my $converter = $_Supported_Charsets->{$true_charset};
if ($converter eq 'map8') { return _unicode_map8_to_utf8 ($string,$true_charset); }
if ($converter eq 'unicode-map'){ return _unicode_map_to_utf8 ($string,$true_charset); }
elsif ($converter eq 'string') { return _unicode_string_to_utf8 ($string,$true_charset); }
elsif ($converter eq 'jcode') { return _jcode_to_utf8 ($string,$true_charset); }
else {
croak( '[' . localtime(time) . '] ' . __PACKAGE__ . "::to_utf8() - charset '$charset' is not supported\n");
sub from_utf8 {
my @parm_list = @_;
my $parms;
if (($#parm_list > 0) && (($#parm_list % 2) == 1)) {
$parms = { @parm_list };
} elsif ($#parm_list == 0) {
$parms = $parm_list[0];
if (! ref($parms)) {
croak( '[' . localtime(time) . '] ' . __PACKAGE__ . "::from_utf8() - invalid parameters passed\n");
} else {
croak( '[' . localtime(time) . '] ' . __PACKAGE__ . "::from_utf8() - bad parameters passed\n");
if (! (exists $parms->{-string})) {
; croak( '[' . localtime(time) . '] ' . __PACKAGE__ . "::from_utf8() - missing '-string' parameter\n");
my $string = $parms->{-string};
my $charset = $parms->{-charset};
if (! defined ($charset)) {
croak( '[' . localtime(time) . '] ' . __PACKAGE__ . "::from_utf8() - missing '-charset' parameter value\n");
my $lc_charset = lc ($charset);
my $alias_charset = $_Charset_Aliases->{$lc_charset};
my $true_charset = defined($alias_charset) ? $_Charset_Names->{$alias_charset} : $_Charset_Names->{$lc_charset};
if (! defined $true_charset) {
croak( '[' . localtime(time) . '] ' . __PACKAGE__ . "::from_utf8() - character set '$charset' is not supported\n");
$string = '' if (! defined ($string));
my $converter = $_Supported_Charsets->{$true_charset};
my $result;
if ($converter eq 'map8') { $result = _unicode_map8_from_utf8 ($string,$true_charset); }
elsif ($converter eq 'unicode-map') { $result = _unicode_map_from_utf8 ($string,$true_charset); }
elsif ($converter eq 'string') { $result = _unicode_string_from_utf8 ($string,$true_charset); }
elsif ($converter eq 'jcode') { $result = _jcode_from_utf8 ($string,$true_charset); }
else {
croak( '[' . localtime(time) . '] ' . __PACKAGE__ . "::from_utf8() - charset '$charset' is not supported\n");
return $result;
# _unicode_map_from_utf8($string,$target_charset);
# Returns the string converted from UTF8 to the specified target multibyte charset.
sub _unicode_map_from_utf8 {
my ($string,$target_charset) = @_;
if (! defined $target_charset) {
croak( '[' . localtime(time) . '] ' . __PACKAGE__ . '::_unicode_map_from_utf8() - (line ' . __LINE__ . ") No target character set specified\n");
my $ucs2 = from_utf8 ({ -string => $string, -charset => 'ucs2' });
my $target = Unicode::Map->new($target_charset);
if (! defined $target) {
confess( '[' . localtime(time) . '] ' . __PACKAGE__ . '::_unicode_map_from_utf8() - (line ' . __LINE__ . ") failed to instantate Unicode::Map object for charset '$target_charset': $!\n");
my $result = $target->from_unicode($ucs2);
return $result;
# _unicode_map_to_utf8($string,$source_charset);
# Returns the string converted the specified target multibyte charset to UTF8.
sub _unicode_map_to_utf8 {
my ($string,$source_charset) = @_;
if (! defined $source_charset) {
croak( '[' . localtime(time) . '] ' . __PACKAGE__ . '::_unicode_map_to_utf8() - (line ' . __LINE__ . ") No source character set specified\n");
my $source = Unicode::Map->new($source_charset);
if (! defined $source) {
confess('[' . localtime(time) . '] ' . __PACKAGE__ . "::_unicode_map_to_utf8() - (line " . __LINE__ . ") failed to instantate a Unicode::Map object: $!\n");
my $ucs2 = $source->to_unicode($string);
my $result = to_utf8({ -string => $ucs2, -charset => 'ucs2' });
return $result;
# _unicode_map8_from_utf8($string,$target_charset);
# Returns the string converted from UTF8 to the specified target 8bit charset.
sub _unicode_map8_from_utf8 {
my ($string,$target_charset) = @_;
if (! defined $target_charset) {
croak( '[' . localtime(time) . '] ' . __PACKAGE__ . '::_unicode_map8_from_utf8() - (line ' . __LINE__ . ") No target character set specified\n");
my $u = Unicode::String::utf8($string);
if (! defined $u) {
confess( '[' . localtime(time) . '] ' . __PACKAGE__ . "::_unicode_map8_from_utf8() - (line " . __LINE__ . ") failed to instantate Unicode::String::utf8 object: $!\n");
my $ordering = $u->ord;
$u->byteswap if (defined($ordering) && ($ordering == 0xFFFE));
my $ucs2_string = $u->ucs2;
my $target = Unicode::Map8->new($target_charset);
if (! defined $target) {
confess( '[' . localtime(time) . '] ' . __PACKAGE__ . "::_unicode_map8_from_utf8() - (line " . __LINE__ . ") ailed to instantate Unicode::Map8 object for character set '$target_charset': $!\n");
my $result = $target->to8($ucs2_string);
return $result;
# _unicode_map8_to_utf8($string,$source_charset);
# Returns the string converted the specified target 8bit charset to UTF8.
sub _unicode_map8_to_utf8 {
my ($string,$source_charset) = @_;
my $source = Unicode::Map8->new($source_charset);
if (! defined $source) {
confess('[' . localtime(time) . '] ' . __PACKAGE__ . "::_unicode_map8_to_utf8() - (line " . __LINE__ . ") failed to instantate a Unicode::Map8 object for character set '$source_charset': $!\n");
my $ucs2_string = $source->tou($string);
if (! defined $ucs2_string) {
confess('[' . localtime(time) . '] ' . __PACKAGE__ . "::_unicode_map8_to_utf8() - (line " . __LINE__ . ") failed to instantate a Unicode::String::utf16 object: $!\n");
my $utf8_string = $ucs2_string->utf8;
return $utf8_string;
# _unicode_string_from_utf8($string,$target_charset);
# Returns the string converted from UTF8 to the specified unicode encoding.
sub _unicode_string_from_utf8 {
my ($string,$target_charset) = @_;
$target_charset = lc ($target_charset);
my $final;
if ($target_charset eq 'utf8') {
$final = $string;
} elsif ($target_charset eq 'ucs2') {
my $u = Unicode::String::utf8($string);
my $ordering = $u->ord;
$u->byteswap if (defined($ordering) && ($ordering == 0xFFFE));
$final = $u->ucs2;
} elsif ($target_charset eq 'ucs4') {
my $u = Unicode::String::utf8($string);
my $ordering = $u->ord;
$u->byteswap if (defined($ordering) && ($ordering == 0xFFFE));
$final = $u->ucs4;
} elsif ($target_charset eq 'utf16') {
my $u = Unicode::String::utf8($string);
my $ordering = $u->ord;
$u->byteswap if (defined($ordering) && ($ordering == 0xFFFE));
$final = $u->utf16;
} elsif ($target_charset eq 'utf7') {
my $u = Unicode::String::utf8($string);
my $ordering = $u->ord;
$u->byteswap if (defined($ordering) && ($ordering == 0xFFFE));
$final = $u->utf7;
} else {
croak( '[' . localtime(time) . '] ' . __PACKAGE__ . "::_unicode_string_from_utf8() - charset '$target_charset' is not supported\n");
return $final;
# _unicode_string_to_utf8($string,$source_charset);
# Returns the string converted the specified unicode encoding to UTF8.
sub _unicode_string_to_utf8 {
my ($string,$source_charset) = @_;
$source_charset = lc ($source_charset);
my $final;
if ($source_charset eq 'utf8') {
$final = $string;
} elsif ($source_charset eq 'ucs2') {
my $u = Unicode::String::utf16($string);
if (! defined $u) {
confess('[' . localtime(time) . '] ' . __PACKAGE__ . "::_unicode_string_to_utf8() - (line " . __LINE__ . ") failed to instantate a Unicode::String::utf16 object: $!\n");
my $ordering = $u->ord;
$u->byteswap if (defined($ordering) && ($ordering == 0xFFFE));
$final = $u->utf8;
} elsif ($source_charset eq 'ucs4') {
my $u = Unicode::String::ucs4($string);
if (! defined $u) {
confess('[' . localtime(time) . '] ' . __PACKAGE__ . "::_unicode_string_to_utf8() - (line " . __LINE__ . ") failed to instantate a Unicode::String::ucs4 object: $!\n");
my $ordering = $u->ord;
$u->byteswap if (defined($ordering) && ($ordering == 0xFFFE));
$final = $u->utf8;
} elsif ($source_charset eq 'utf16') {
my $u = Unicode::String::utf16($string);
if (! defined $u) {
confess('[' . localtime(time) . '] ' . __PACKAGE__ . "::_unicode_string_to_utf8() - (line " . __LINE__ . ") failed to instantate a Unicode::String::utf16 object: $!\n");
my $ordering = $u->ord;
$u->byteswap if (defined($ordering) && ($ordering == 0xFFFE));
$final = $u->utf8;
} elsif ($source_charset eq 'utf7') {
my $u = Unicode::String::utf7($string);
if (! defined $u) {
confess('[' . localtime(time) . '] ' . __PACKAGE__ . "::_unicode_string_to_utf8() - (line " . __LINE__ . ") failed to instantate a Unicode::String::utf7 object: $!\n");
my $ordering = $u->ord;
$u->byteswap if (defined($ordering) && ($ordering == 0xFFFE));
$final = $u->utf8;
} else {
croak( '[' . localtime(time) . '] ' . __PACKAGE__ . ":: _unicode_string_to_utf8() - charset '$source_charset' is not supported\n");
return $final;
# _jcode_from_utf8($string,$target_charset);
# Returns the string converted from UTF8 to the specified Jcode encoding.
sub _jcode_from_utf8 {
my ($string,$target_charset) = @_;
my $j = Jcode->new($string,'utf8');
$target_charset = lc ($target_charset);
my $final;
if ($target_charset =~ m/^iso[-_]2022[-_]jp$/) {
$final = $j->iso_2022_jp;
} elsif ($target_charset eq 'sjis') {
$final = $j->sjis;
} elsif ($target_charset eq 'euc-jp') {
$final = $j->euc;
} elsif ($target_charset eq 'jis') {
$final = $j->jis;
} else {
croak( '[' . localtime(time) . '] ' . __PACKAGE__ . "::_jcode_from_utf8() - charset '$target_charset' is not supported\n");
return $final;
# _jcode_to_utf8($string,$source_charset);
# Returns the string converted from the specified Jcode encoding to UTF8.
sub _jcode_to_utf8 {
my ($string,$source_charset) = @_;
$source_charset = lc ($source_charset);
my $final;
if ($source_charset =~ m/^iso[-_]2022[-_]jp$/) {
my $j = Jcode->new($string,'jis')->h2z;
$final = $j->utf8;
} elsif ($source_charset =~m/^(s[-_]?jis|shift[-_]?jis)$/) {
my $j = Jcode->new($string,'sjis');
$final = $j->utf8;
} elsif ($source_charset eq 'euc-jp') {
my $j = Jcode->new($string,'euc');
$final = $j->utf8;
} elsif ($source_charset eq 'jis') {
my $j = Jcode->new($string,'jis');
$final = $j->utf8;
} else {
croak( '[' . localtime(time) . '] ' . __PACKAGE__ . "::_jcode_to_utf8() - charset '$source_charset' is not supported\n");
return $final;
# Character set handlers maps
sub _init_charsets {
$_Charset_Aliases = {};
$_Supported_Charsets = {
'utf8' => 'string',
'ucs2' => 'string',
'ucs4' => 'string',
'utf7' => 'string',
'utf16' => 'string',
'sjis' => 'jcode',
's-jis' => 'jcode',
's_jis' => 'jcode',
'shiftjis' => 'jcode',
'shift-jis' => 'jcode',
'shift_jis' => 'jcode',
'iso-2022-jp' => 'jcode',
'iso_2022_jp' => 'jcode',
'jis' => 'jcode',
'euc-jp' => 'jcode',
$_Charset_Names = { map { lc ($_) => $_ } keys %$_Supported_Charsets };
# All the Unicode::Map8 charsets
my @map_ids = &_list_unicode_map8_charsets;
foreach my $id (@map_ids) {
my $lc_id = lc ($id);
next if (exists ($_Charset_Names->{$lc_id}));
$_Supported_Charsets->{$id} = 'map8';
$_Charset_Names->{$lc_id} = $id;
$_Charset_Names = { map { lc ($_) => $_ } keys %$_Supported_Charsets };
# Add any charsets not already listed from Unicode::Map
my $unicode_map = Unicode::Map->new;
my @map_ids = $unicode_map->ids;
foreach my $id (@map_ids) {
my $lc_id = lc ($id);
next if (exists ($_Charset_Names->{$lc_id}));
$_Supported_Charsets->{$id} = 'unicode-map';
$_Charset_Names->{$lc_id} = $id;
# Code taken and modified from the 'usr/bin/umap' code distributed
# with Unicode::Map8. It wouldn't be necessary if Unicode::Map8
# had a direct method for this....
sub _list_unicode_map8_charsets {
my %set = (
ucs4 => {},
ucs2 => {utf16 => 1},
utf7 => {},
utf8 => {},
if (opendir(DIR, $Unicode::Map8::MAPS_DIR)) {
my @files = grep(!/^\.\.?$/,readdir(DIR));
foreach my $f (@files) {
next unless -f "$Unicode::Map8::MAPS_DIR/$f";
$f =~ s/\.(?:bin|txt)$//;
my $supported =
$set{$f} = {} if Unicode::Map8->new($f);
my $avoid_warning = keys %Unicode::Map8::ALIASES;
while ( my($alias, $charset) = each %Unicode::Map8::ALIASES) {
if (exists $set{$charset}) {
$set{$charset}{$alias} = 1;
my %merged_set = ();
foreach my $encoding (keys %set) {
$merged_set{$encoding} = 1;
my $set_item = $set{$encoding};
while (my ($key,$value) = each (%$set_item)) {
$merged_set{$key} = $value;
my @final_charsets = sort keys %merged_set;
return @final_charsets;