=encoding utf8
=head1 NAME
User::Identity::Archive::Plain - simple, plain text archiver
is a User::Identity::Archive
is a User::Identity::Item
use User::Identity::Archive::Plain;
my $friends = User::Identity::Archive::Plain->new('friends');
This archiver, which extends L<User::Identity::Archive|User::Identity::Archive>, uses a very
simple plain text file to store the information of users. The syntax
is described in the DETAILS section, below.
Extends L<"DESCRIPTION" in User::Identity::Archive|User::Identity::Archive/"DESCRIPTION">.
Extends L<"OVERLOADED" in User::Identity::Archive|User::Identity::Archive/"OVERLOADED">.
=head1 METHODS
Extends L<"METHODS" in User::Identity::Archive|User::Identity::Archive/"METHODS">.
=head2 Constructors
Extends L<"Constructors" in User::Identity::Archive|User::Identity::Archive/"Constructors">.
=over 4
=item User::Identity::Archive::Plain-E<gt>B<new>( [$name], %options )
-Option --Defined in --Default
abbreviations []
description User::Identity::Item undef
from User::Identity::Archive undef
name User::Identity::Item <required>
only []
parent User::Identity::Item undef
tabstop 8
=over 2
=item abbreviations => HASH|ARRAY
Adds a set of abbreviations for collections to the syntax of the
plain text archiver. See section L</Simplified class names> for
a list of predefined names.
=item description => STRING
=item name => STRING
=item only => ARRAY|ABBREV
Lists the only information (as (list of) abbreviations) which should be
read. Other information is removed before even checking whether it is
a valid abbreviation or not.
=item parent => OBJECT
=item tabstop => INTEGER
Sets the default tab-stop width.
=head2 Attributes
Extends L<"Attributes" in User::Identity::Archive|User::Identity::Archive/"Attributes">.
=over 4
=item $obj-E<gt>B<abbreviation>( $name, [$class] )
Returns the class which is capable of storing information which is
grouped as $name. With $class argument, you add (or overrule) the
definitions of an abbreviation. The $class is automatically loaded.
If $class is C<undef>, then the abbreviation is deleted. The class
name which is deleted is returned.
=item $obj-E<gt>B<abbreviations>()
Returns a sorted list of all names which are known as abbreviations.
=item $obj-E<gt>B<defaultTabStop>( [$integer] )
Returns the width of a tab, optionally after setting it. This must be
the same as set in your editor.
=item $obj-E<gt>B<description>()
Inherited, see L<User::Identity::Item/"Attributes">
=item $obj-E<gt>B<name>( [$newname] )
Inherited, see L<User::Identity::Item/"Attributes">
=head2 Collections
Extends L<"Collections" in User::Identity::Archive|User::Identity::Archive/"Collections">.
=over 4
=item $obj-E<gt>B<add>($collection, $role)
Inherited, see L<User::Identity::Item/"Collections">
=item $obj-E<gt>B<addCollection>( $object | <[$type], %options> )
Inherited, see L<User::Identity::Item/"Collections">
=item $obj-E<gt>B<collection>($name)
Inherited, see L<User::Identity::Item/"Collections">
=item $obj-E<gt>B<parent>( [$parent] )
Inherited, see L<User::Identity::Item/"Collections">
=item $obj-E<gt>B<removeCollection>($object|$name)
Inherited, see L<User::Identity::Item/"Collections">
=item $obj-E<gt>B<type>()
=item User::Identity::Archive::Plain-E<gt>B<type>()
Inherited, see L<User::Identity::Item/"Collections">
=item $obj-E<gt>B<user>()
Inherited, see L<User::Identity::Item/"Collections">
=head2 Searching
Extends L<"Searching" in User::Identity::Archive|User::Identity::Archive/"Searching">.
=over 4
=item $obj-E<gt>B<find>($collection, $role)
Inherited, see L<User::Identity::Item/"Searching">
=head2 Access to the archive
Extends L<"Access to the archive" in User::Identity::Archive|User::Identity::Archive/"Access to the archive">.
=over 4
=item $obj-E<gt>B<from>( <$fh|$filename|ARRAY>, %options )
Read the plain text information from the specified $fh, $filename,
STRING, or ARRAY of lines.
-Option --Default
tabstop <default from object>
verbose 0
=over 2
=item tabstop => INTEGER
=item verbose => INTEGER
=head1 DETAILS
=head2 The Plain Archiver Format
=head3 Simplified class names
It is too much work to specify full class named on each spot where you
want to create a new object with data. Therefore, abbreviations are
introduced. Use L<new(abbreviations)|User::Identity::Archive::Plain/"METHODS"> or L<abbreviations()|User::Identity::Archive::Plain/"Attributes"> to add extra
abbreviations or to overrule some predefined.
Predefined names:
user User::Identity
email Mail::Identity
location User::Identity::Location
system User::Identity::System
list User::Identity::Collection::Emails
It would have been nicer to refer to a I<person> in stead of a I<user>,
however that would add to the confusion with the name-space.
=head3 Indentation says all
The syntax is as simple as possible. An extra indentation on a line
means that the variable or class is a collection within the class on
the line before.
user markov
location home
country NL
email home
address mark@overmeer.net
location home
email work
address solutions@overmeer.bet
email tux
address tux@fish.net
The above defines two items: one L<User::Identity|User::Identity> named C<markov>, and
an e-mail address C<tux>. The user has two collections: one contains
a single location, and one stores two e-mail addresses.
To add to the confusion: the C<location> is defined as field in C<email>
and as collection. The difference is easily detected: if there are
indented fields following the line it is a collection. Mistakes will
in most cases result in an error message.
=head3 Long lines
If you want to continue on the next line, because your content is too
large, then add a backslash to the end, like this:
email home
description This is my home address, \
But I sometimes use this for \
work as well
address tux@fish.aq
Continuations do not play the game of indentation, so what you also
can do is:
email home
description \
This is my home address, \
But I sometimes use this for \
work as well
address tux@fish.aq
The fields C<comment> and C<address> must be correctly indented.
The line terminations are lost, which is useful for most fields. However,
if you need them, you have to check the description of the applicable field.
=head3 Comments
You may add comments and white spaces. Comments start with a C<'#'> as
first non-blank character on the line. Comments are B<not allowed> on
the same line as real data, as some languages (like Perl) permit.
You can insert comments and blank lines on all places where you need
user markov
# my home address
email home
# useless comment statement
address tux@fish.aq
location #mind_the_hash
is equivalent to:
user markov
email home
address tux@fish.aq
location #mind_the_hash
=head3 References
Often you will have the need to add the same information to two items,
for instance, multiple people share the same address. In this case,
you can create a reference. However, this is only permitted for
whole items: you can refer to someone's location, but not to the person's
To create a reference to an item of someone else, use
user markov
location home = user(cleo).location(home)
location work
organization MARKOV Solutions
=head3 Configuration parameters
You can add some configuration lines as well. On the moment, the only
one defined is
tabstop = 4
which can be used to change the meaning of tabs in the file. The default
setting is 8, but some people prefer 4 (or other values).
=over 4
=item Error: $object is not a collection.
The first argument is an object, but not of a class which extends
=item Error: Cannot load collection module for $type ($class).
Either the specified $type does not exist, or that module named $class returns
compilation errors. If the type as specified in the warning is not
the name of a package, you specified a nickname which was not defined.
Maybe you forgot the 'require' the package which defines the nickname.
=item Warning: Cannot read archive from $source
=item Error: Creation of a collection via $class failed.
The $class did compile, but it was not possible to create an object
of that class using the options you specified.
=item Error: Don't know what type of collection you want to add.
If you add a collection, it must either by a collection object or a
list of options which can be used to create a collection object. In
the latter case, the type of collection must be specified.
=item Warning: No collection $name
The collection with $name does not exist and can not be created.
=head1 SEE ALSO
This module is part of User-Identity distribution version 1.02,
built on April 17, 2023. Website: F<http://perl.overmeer.net/CPAN/>
=head1 LICENSE
Copyrights 2003-2023 by [Mark Overmeer <markov@cpan.org>]. For other contributors see ChangeLog.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the same terms as Perl itself.
See F<http://dev.perl.org/licenses/>