package VM::EC2::REST::monitoring;
use strict;
use VM::EC2 ''; # important not to import anything!
package VM::EC2; # add methods to VM::EC2
MonitorInstances => 'fetch_items,instancesSet,VM::EC2::Instance::MonitoringState',
UnmonitorInstances => 'fetch_items,instancesSet,VM::EC2::Instance::MonitoringState',
=head1 NAME VM::EC2::REST::monitoring
use VM::EC2 ':misc';
=head1 METHODS
These methods enable the monitoring/unmonitoring of instances.
=head2 @monitoring_state = $ec2->monitor_instances(@list_of_instanceIds)
=head2 @monitoring_state = $ec2->monitor_instances(-instance_id=>\@instanceIds)
This method enables monitoring for the listed instances and returns a
list of VM::EC2::Instance::MonitoringState objects. You can
later use these objects to activate and inactivate monitoring.
sub monitor_instances {
my $self = shift;
my %args = $self->args('-instance_id',@_);
my @params = $self->list_parm('InstanceId',\%args);
return $self->call('MonitorInstances',@params);
=head2 @monitoring_state = $ec2->unmonitor_instances(@list_of_instanceIds)
=head2 @monitoring_state = $ec2->unmonitor_instances(-instance_id=>\@instanceIds)
This method disables monitoring for the listed instances and returns a
list of VM::EC2::Instance::MonitoringState objects. You can
later use these objects to activate and inactivate monitoring.
sub unmonitor_instances {
my $self = shift;
my %args = $self->args('-instance_id',@_);
my @params = $self->list_parm('InstanceId',\%args);
return $self->call('UnmonitorInstances',@params);
=head1 SEE ALSO
=head1 AUTHOR
Lincoln Stein E<lt>lincoln.stein@gmail.comE<gt>.
Copyright (c) 2011 Ontario Institute for Cancer Research
This package and its accompanying libraries is free software; you can
redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GPL (either
version 1, or at your option, any later version) or the Artistic
License 2.0. Refer to LICENSE for the full license text. In addition,
please see DISCLAIMER.txt for disclaimers of warranty.