# Copyright (c) 1999-2017 Rob Fugina <robf@fugina.com>
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU Public License, Version 3.0
package X10::EventList;
use vars qw(@ISA);
use Storable;
@ISA = qw(Storable);
use strict;
sub new
my $type = shift;
my $self = bless { list => [] }, $type;
foreach (@_)
if (ref $_ eq 'X10::Event')
push @{$self->{list}}, $_;
elsif (ref $_ eq 'X10::EventList')
push @{$self->{list}}, $_->list;
elsif (ref $_ eq '')
push @{$self->{list}}, new X10::Event($_);
warn "Can't deal with a ", ref $_;
@{$self->{list}} = grep { $_ } @{$self->{list}};
return undef unless @{$self->{list}};
return $self;
sub as_string
my $self = shift;
join(', ', map { $_->as_string } @{$self->{list}});
sub list
my $self = shift;
# build a string of words that implement this event
sub compile
my $self = shift;
map { $_->compile } @{$self->{list}};