# Copyright (c) 1999-2017 Rob Fugina <robf@fugina.com>
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU Public License, Version 3.0
package X10::FireCracker;
# Perl module for communicating with an X10 FireCracker controller
use FileHandle;
use Device::SerialPort;
use strict;
use X10::Controller;
use vars qw(
@ISA = qw( X10::Controller );
$cmd_prefix = 0xd5aa;
# commands will be assembled as either:
# house_code | house_command
# OR
# house_code | unit_code | unit_command
%house_codes = (
'A' => 0x6000, 'B' => 0x7000, 'C' => 0x4000, 'D' => 0x5000,
'E' => 0x8000, 'F' => 0x9000, 'G' => 0xa000, 'H' => 0xb000,
'I' => 0xe000, 'J' => 0xf000, 'K' => 0xc000, 'L' => 0xd000,
'M' => 0x0000, 'N' => 0x1000, 'O' => 0x2000, 'P' => 0x3000,
%house_commands = (
'ALL OFF' => 0x0080,
'ALL ON' => 0x0091,
'LIGHTS OFF' => 0x0084,
'LIGHTS ON' => 0x0094,
'DIM' => 0x0098,
'BRIGHT' => 0x0088,
%unit_codes = (
1 => 0x0000, 2 => 0x0010, 3 => 0x0008, 4 => 0x0018,
5 => 0x0040, 6 => 0x0050, 7 => 0x0048, 8 => 0x0058,
9 => 0x0400, 10 => 0x0410, 11 => 0x0408, 12 => 0x0418,
13 => 0x0440, 14 => 0x0450, 15 => 0x0448, 16 => 0x0458,
%unit_commands = (
'OFF' => 0x0020,
'ON' => 0x0000,
$cmd_suffix = 0xad;
### constructors
sub new
my $type = shift;
my $self = new X10::Controller( @_ );
bless $self, $type;
$self->{serial_port} = new Device::SerialPort($self->{port})
|| die "Couldn't connect to FireCracker port ", $self->{port},
": ", $!, "\n";
die "Need IOCTL constants for DTR/RTS manipulation -- see docs for Device::SerialPort"
unless $self->{serial_port}->can_ioctl;
return $self;
### public methods (most overriding parent class)
sub send
my $self = shift;
foreach (@_)
sub send_one
my $self = shift;
my $event = shift;
my $hc = $event->house_code;
my $uc = $event->unit_code;
my $fn = $event->func;
# my $house = '[a-p]';
# my $unit = '0?\d|1[01-6]';
if ($fn eq 'ON' || $fn eq 'OFF')
| $unit_codes{$uc}
| $unit_commands{$fn}
elsif ($fn eq 'DIM' || $fn eq 'BRIGHT')
| $unit_codes{$uc}
| $unit_commands{'ON'}
| $house_commands{$fn}
elsif ( ($uc eq 'ALL' && $fn eq 'OFF')
|| ( $uc eq 'LIGHTS' && $fn eq 'ON' ) )
| $house_commands{"$uc $fn"}
warn "Unrecognized event: ", $event->as_string, "\n";
return 0;
### private methods -- don't call these from ouside!
sub send_fcword
my $self = shift;
my $fcword = shift;
$self->send_bits($cmd_prefix, 16);
$self->send_bits($fcword, 16);
$self->send_bits($cmd_suffix, 8);
# again, should end up this way, but...
sub send_bits
my $self = shift;
my $word = shift;
my $length = shift || 16;
for (my $i = 1 << ($length-1); $i; $i = $i >> 1)
$self->send_bit($i & $word);
sub send_bit
my $self = shift;
return 0 unless exists $self->{serial_port};
my $boolean = shift;
if ($boolean)
# send a 'one' bit
$self->{serial_port}->pulse_dtr_off(2); # milliseconds
# send a 'zero' bit
$self->{serial_port}->pulse_rts_off(2); # milliseconds
# 'clock'
### utility functions -- not called as methods
sub usleep
my $usecs = shift;
select(undef, undef, undef, $usecs / 1000000);