require 5;
package XML::Element;
use warnings;
use strict;
use HTML::Tagset ();
use HTML::Element 4.1 ();
use Carp;
use vars qw(@ISA $VERSION);
$VERSION = '5.4';
@ISA = ('HTML::Element');
# Init:
my %emptyElement = ();
foreach my $e (%HTML::Tagset::emptyElement) {
$emptyElement{$e} = 1
if substr( $e, 0, 1 ) eq '~' and $HTML::Tagset::emptyElement{$e};
my $in_cdata = 0;
my $nillio = [];
#Some basic overrides:
sub _empty_element_map { \%emptyElement }
*_fold_case = \&HTML::Element::_fold_case_NOT;
*starttag = \&starttag_XML;
*endtag = \&endtag_XML;
*encoded_content = \$HTML::Element::encoded_content;
*_xml_escape = \&HTML::Element::_xml_escape;
# TODO: override id with something that looks for xml:id too/instead?
#TODO: test and document this:
# with no tagname set, assumes ALL all-whitespace nodes are ignorable!
sub delete_ignorable_whitespace {
my $under_hash = $_[1];
my (@to_do) = ( $_[0] );
if ( $under_hash and ref($under_hash) eq 'ARRAY' ) {
$under_hash = { map { ; $_ => 1 } @$under_hash };
my $all = !$under_hash;
my ( $i, $this, $children );
while (@to_do) {
$this = shift @to_do;
$children = $this->content || next;
if ( ( $all or $under_hash->{ $this->tag } )
and @$children )
for ( $i = $#$children; $i >= 0; --$i ) {
# work backwards thru the list
next if ref $children->[$i];
if ( $children->[$i] =~ m<^\s*$>s ) { # all WS
splice @$children, $i, 1; # delete it.
unshift @to_do, grep ref($_), @$children; # recurse
## copied from HTML::Element to support CDATDA
sub starttag_XML {
my ($self) = @_;
# and a third parameter to signal emptiness?
my $name = $self->{'_tag'};
return $self->{'text'} if $name eq '~literal';
return '<!' . $self->{'text'} . '>' if $name eq '~declaration';
return "<?" . $self->{'text'} . "?>" if $name eq '~pi';
if ( $name eq '~comment' ) {
if ( ref( $self->{'text'} || '' ) eq 'ARRAY' ) {
# Does this ever get used? And is this right?
$name = join( ' ', @{ $self->{'text'} } );
else {
$name = $self->{'text'};
$name =~ s/--/--/g; # can't have double --'s in XML comments
return "<!-- $name -->";
if ( $name eq '~cdata' ) {
$in_cdata = 1;
return "<![CDATA[";
my $tag = "<$name";
my $val;
for ( sort keys %$self ) { # predictable ordering
next if !length $_ or m/^_/s or $_ eq '/';
# Hm -- what to do if val is undef?
# I suppose that shouldn't ever happen.
next if !defined( $val = $self->{$_} ); # or ref $val;
$tag .= qq{ $_="$val"};
@_ == 3 ? "$tag />" : "$tag>";
## copied from HTML::Element to support CDATDA
sub endtag_XML {
my ($self) = @_;
# and a third parameter to signal emptiness?
my $name = $self->{'_tag'};
if ( $name eq '~cdata' ) {
$in_cdata = 0;
return "]]>";
## copied from HTML::Element to support CDATDA
sub as_XML {
my ($self) = @_;
#my $indent_on = defined($indent) && length($indent);
my @xml = ();
my $empty_element_map = $self->_empty_element_map;
my ( $tag, $node, $start ); # per-iteration scratch
sub {
( $node, $start ) = @_;
if ( ref $node ) { # it's an element
$tag = $node->{'_tag'};
if ($start) { # on the way in
foreach my $attr ( $node->all_attr_names() ) {
croak("$tag has an invalid attribute name '$attr'")
unless ( $attr eq '/'
|| $self->_valid_name($attr) );
if ( $empty_element_map->{$tag}
and !@{ $node->{'_content'} || $nillio } )
push( @xml, $node->starttag_XML( undef, 1 ) );
else {
push( @xml, $node->starttag_XML(undef) );
else { # on the way out
unless ( $empty_element_map->{$tag}
and !@{ $node->{'_content'} || $nillio } )
push( @xml, $node->endtag_XML() );
} # otherwise it will have been an <... /> tag.
else { # it's just text
_xml_escape($node) unless ($in_cdata);
push( @xml, $node );
1; # keep traversing
join( '', @xml, "\n" );
=head1 NAME
XML::Element - XML elements with the same interface as HTML::Element
[See HTML::Element]
=head2 delete_ignorable_whitespace
TODO: test and document this:
with no tagname set, assumes ALL all-whitespace nodes are ignorable!
=head2 endtag
Redirects to endtag_XML
=head2 starttag
Redirects to starttag_XML
=head2 as_XML
$s = $doc->as_XML()
Returns a string representing in XML the element and its descendants.
=head2 starttag_XML
$start = $doc->starttag_XML();
Returns a string representing the complete start tag for the element.
Except for CDATA.
=head2 endtag_XML
$end = $doc->endtag_XML();
Returns a string representing the complete end tag for this element.
I.e., "</", tag name, and ">". Except for CDATA.
This is just a subclass of HTML::Element. It works basically the same
as HTML::Element, except that tagnames and attribute names aren't
forced to lowercase, as they are in HTML::Element.
L<HTML::Element> describes everything you can do with this class.
=head1 CAVEATS
Has currently no handling of namespaces.
=head1 SEE ALSO
L<XML::TreeBuilder> for a class that actually builds XML::Element
L<HTML::Element> for all documentation.
L<XML::DOM> and L<XML::Twig> for other XML document tree interfaces.
L<XML::Generator> for more fun.
Copyright (c) 2000,2004 Sean M. Burke. All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 2010,2011,2013 Jeff Fearn. All rights reserved.
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the same terms as Perl itself.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of
merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.
=head1 AUTHOR
Current Author:
Jeff Fearn E<lt>jfearn@cpan.orgE<gt>.
Former Authors:
Sean M. Burke, E<lt>sburke@cpan.orgE<gt>