# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
# version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Library General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
# License along with this library; if not, write to the
# Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
# Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
# Jabber
# Copyright (C) 1998-2004 Jabber Software Foundation http://jabber.org/
package XML::Stream;
=head1 NAME
XML::Stream - Creates an XML Stream connection and parses return data
XML::Stream is an attempt at solidifying the use of XML via streaming.
This module provides the user with methods to connect to a remote
server, send a stream of XML to the server, and receive/parse an XML
stream from the server. It is primarily based work for the Etherx XML
router developed by the Jabber Development Team. For more information
about this project visit http://xmpp.org/protocols/streams/.
XML::Stream gives the user the ability to define a central callback
that will be used to handle the tags received from the server. These
tags are passed in the format defined at instantiation time.
the closing tag of an object is seen, the tree is finished and passed
to the call back function. What the user does with it from there is up
to them.
For a detailed description of how this module works, and about the data
structure that it returns, please view the source of Stream.pm and
look at the detailed description at the end of the file.
NOTE: The parser that XML::Stream::Parser provides, as are most Perl
parsers, is synchronous. If you are in the middle of parsing a
packet and call a user defined callback, the Parser is blocked until
your callback finishes. This means you cannot be operating on a
packet, send out another packet and wait for a response to that packet.
It will never get to you. Threading might solve this, but as we all
know threading in Perl is not quite up to par yet. This issue will be
revisted in the future.
=head1 METHODS
use 5.008;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Sys::Hostname;
use IO::Socket;
use IO::Select;
use FileHandle;
use Carp;
use POSIX;
use Authen::SASL;
use MIME::Base64;
use utf8;
use Encode;
use Scalar::Util qw(weaken);
use XML::Stream::IO::Select::Win32;
use XML::Stream::Tools;
# Define the namespaces in an easy/constant manner.
# 0.9
$XMLNS{'stream'} = "http://etherx.jabber.org/streams";
# 1.0
$XMLNS{'xmppstreams'} = "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-streams";
$XMLNS{'xmpp-bind'} = "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-bind";
$XMLNS{'xmpp-sasl'} = "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-sasl";
$XMLNS{'xmpp-session'} = "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-session";
$XMLNS{'xmpp-tls'} = "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-tls";
if (eval "require Net::DNS;" )
require Net::DNS;
import Net::DNS;
$NETDNS = 1;
$NETDNS = 0;
$VERSION = "1.24";
#use XML::Stream::Namespace;
use XML::Stream::Parser;
use XML::Stream::XPath;
# Setup the exportable objects
my @EXPORT_OK = qw(Tree Node);
sub import
my $class = shift;
foreach my $module (@_)
eval "use XML::Stream::$module;";
die($@) if ($@);
my $lc = lc($module);
eval("\$HANDLERS{\$lc}->{startElement} = \\&XML::Stream::${module}::_handle_element;");
eval("\$HANDLERS{\$lc}->{endElement} = \\&XML::Stream::${module}::_handle_close;");
eval("\$HANDLERS{\$lc}->{characters} = \\&XML::Stream::${module}::_handle_cdata;");
=head2 new
debug => string,
debugfh => FileHandle,
debuglevel => 0|1|N,
debugtime => 0|1,
style => string)
Creates the XML::Stream object.
B<debug> should be set to the path for the debug log
to be written. If set to "stdout" then the
debug will go there. Also, you can specify
a filehandle that already exists by using
B<debuglevel> determines the amount of debug to generate.
0 is the least, 1 is a little more, N is the limit you want.
B<debugtime> determines wether a timestamp should be preappended
to the entry.
B<style> defines the way the data structure is
returned. The two available styles are:
tree - L<XML::Parser> Tree format
node - L<XML::Stream::Node> format
For more information see the respective man pages.
sub new
my $proto = shift;
my $self = { };
my %args;
while($#_ >= 0) { $args{ lc pop(@_) } = pop(@_); }
$self->{DATASTYLE} = "tree";
$self->{DATASTYLE} = delete($args{style}) if exists($args{style});
if ((($self->{DATASTYLE} eq "tree") && !defined($XML::Stream::Tree::LOADED)) ||
(($self->{DATASTYLE} eq "node") && !defined($XML::Stream::Node::LOADED))
croak( qq{The style that you have chosen was not defined when you "use"d the module.\n} );
$self->{DEBUGARGS} = \%args;
XML::Stream::Tools::setup_debug($self, %args);
my $hostname = hostname();
my $address = gethostbyname($hostname) ||
die("Cannot resolve $hostname: $!");
my $fullname = gethostbyaddr($address,AF_INET) || $hostname;
$self->debug(1,"new: hostname = ($fullname)");
# Setup the defaults that the module will work with.
$self->{SIDS}->{default}->{hostname} = "";
$self->{SIDS}->{default}->{port} = "";
$self->{SIDS}->{default}->{sock} = 0;
$self->{SIDS}->{default}->{ssl} = 0;
$self->{SIDS}->{default}->{_tls} = 0;
$self->{SIDS}->{default}->{ssl_verify} = 0x01; # verify peer by default
$self->{SIDS}->{default}->{ssl_ca_path} = '';
$self->{SIDS}->{default}->{namespace} = "";
$self->{SIDS}->{default}->{myhostname} = $fullname;
$self->{SIDS}->{default}->{derivedhostname} = $fullname;
$self->{SIDS}->{default}->{id} = "";
# We are only going to use one callback, let the user call other callbacks
# on his own.
my $weak = $self;
weaken $weak;
$self->SetCallBacks(node=>sub { $weak->_node(@_) });
weaken $self->{CB} if $self->{CB};
$self->{IDCOUNT} = 0;
return $self;
#| Incoming Connection Functions
=head2 Listen
Starts the stream by listening on a port for someone to connect,
and send the opening stream tag, and then sending a response based
on if the received header was correct for this stream. Server
name, port, and namespace are required otherwise we don't know
where to listen and what namespace to accept.
sub Listen
my $self = shift;
my %args;
while($#_ >= 0) { $args{ lc pop(@_) } = pop(@_); }
my $serverid = "server$args{port}";
return if exists($self->{SIDS}->{$serverid});
foreach my $key (keys(%{$self->{SIDS}->{default}}))
$self->{SIDS}->{$serverid}->{$key} = $self->{SIDS}->{default}->{$key};
foreach my $key (keys(%args))
$self->{SIDS}->{$serverid}->{$key} = $args{$key};
$self->debug(1,"Listen: start");
if ($self->{SIDS}->{$serverid}->{namespace} eq "")
$self->SetErrorCode($serverid,"Namespace not specified");
# Check some things that we have to know in order get the connection up
# and running. Server hostname, port number, namespace, etc...
if ($self->{SIDS}->{$serverid}->{hostname} eq "")
$self->SetErrorCode("$serverid","Server hostname not specified");
if ($self->{SIDS}->{$serverid}->{port} eq "")
$self->SetErrorCode("$serverid","Server port not specified");
if ($self->{SIDS}->{$serverid}->{myhostname} eq "")
$self->{SIDS}->{$serverid}->{myhostname} = $self->{SIDS}->{$serverid}->{derivedhostname};
# Open the connection to the listed server and port. If that fails then
# abort ourselves and let the user check $! on his own.
while($self->{SIDS}->{$serverid}->{sock} == 0)
$self->{SIDS}->{$serverid}->{sock} =
$self->{SIDS}->{$serverid}->{status} = 1;
$self->{SELECT} =
$self->{SIDS}->{$serverid}->{select} =
$self->{SOCKETS}->{$self->{SIDS}->{$serverid}->{sock}} = "$serverid";
return $serverid;
=head2 ConnectionAccept
Accept an incoming connection.
sub ConnectionAccept
my $self = shift;
my $serverid = shift;
my $sid = $self->NewSID();
$self->debug(1,"ConnectionAccept: sid($sid)");
$self->{SIDS}->{$sid}->{sock} = $self->{SIDS}->{$serverid}->{sock}->accept();
$self->debug(3,"ConnectionAccept: sid($sid) client($self->{SIDS}->{$sid}->{sock}) server($self->{SIDS}->{$serverid}->{sock})");
# Create the XML::Stream::Parser and register our callbacks
my $weak = $self;
weaken $weak;
$self->{SIDS}->{$sid}->{parser} =
startElement=>sub{ $weak->_handle_root(@_) },
endElement=>sub{ &{$HANDLERS{$weak->{DATASTYLE}}->{endElement}}($weak,@_) },
characters=>sub{ &{$HANDLERS{$weak->{DATASTYLE}}->{characters}}($weak,@_) },
$self->{SIDS}->{$sid}->{select} =
$self->{SIDS}->{$sid}->{connectiontype} = "tcpip";
$self->{SOCKETS}->{$self->{SIDS}->{$sid}->{sock}} = $sid;
# Grab the init time so that we can check if we get data in the timeout
# period or not.
$self->{SIDS}->{$sid}->{activitytimeout} = time;
return $sid;
=head2 Respond
If this is a listening socket then we need to respond to the
opening <stream:stream/>.
sub Respond
my $self = shift;
my $sid = shift;
my $serverid = $self->{SIDS}->{$sid}->{serverid};
my $root = $self->GetRoot($sid);
if ($root->{xmlns} ne $self->{SIDS}->{$serverid}->{namespace})
my $error = $self->StreamError($sid,"invalid-namespace","Invalid namespace specified");
# Next, we build the opening handshake.
my %stream_args;
$stream_args{from} =
(exists($self->{SIDS}->{$serverid}->{from}) ?
$self->{SIDS}->{$serverid}->{from} :
$stream_args{to} = $self->GetRoot($sid)->{from};
$stream_args{id} = $sid;
$stream_args{namespaces} = $self->{SIDS}->{$serverid}->{namespaces};
my $stream =
# Then we send the opening handshake.
#| Outgoing Connection Functions
=head2 Connect
Starts the stream by connecting to the server, sending the opening
stream tag, and then waiting for a response and verifying that it
is correct for this stream. Server name, port, and namespace are
required otherwise we don't know where to send the stream to...
ssl_verify =>0x00|0x01|0x02|0x04,
Opens a tcp connection to the
specified server and sends the proper
opening XML Stream tag. C<hostname>,
C<port>, and C<namespace> are required.
namespaces allows you to use
XML::Stream::Namespace objects.
C<to> is needed if you want the stream
to attribute to be something other
than the hostname you are connecting
C<from> is needed if you want the
stream from attribute to be something
other than the hostname you are
connecting from.
C<myhostname> should
not be needed but if the module
cannot determine your hostname
properly (check the debug log), set
this to the correct value, or if you
want the other side of the stream to
think that you are someone else. The
type determines the kind of
connection that is made:
"tcpip" - TCP/IP (default)
"stdinout" - STDIN/STDOUT
"http" - HTTP
HTTP recognizes proxies if the ENV
variables http_proxy or https_proxy
are set.
C<ssl> specifies whether an SSL socket
should be used for encrypted co-
C<ssl_verify> determines whether peer
certificate verification takes place.
See the documentation for the
SSL_verify_mode parameter to
The default value is 0x01 causing the
server certificate to be verified, and
requiring that ssl_ca_path be set.
C<ssl_ca_path> should be set to the path to
either a directory containing hashed CA
certificates, or a single file containing
acceptable CA certifictes concatenated
together. This parameter is required if
ssl_verify is set to anything other than
0x00 (no verification).
If srv is specified AND Net::DNS is
installed and can be loaded, then
an SRV query is sent to srv.hostname
and the results processed to replace
the hostname and port. If the lookup
fails, or Net::DNS cannot be loaded,
then hostname and port are left alone
as the defaults.
This function returns the same hash from GetRoot()
below. Make sure you get the SID
(Session ID) since you have to use it
to call most other functions in here.
sub Connect
my $self = shift;
foreach my $key (keys(%{$self->{SIDS}->{default}}))
$self->{SIDS}->{newconnection}->{$key} = $self->{SIDS}->{default}->{$key};
while($#_ >= 0) { $self->{SIDS}->{newconnection}->{ lc pop(@_) } = pop(@_); }
my $timeout = exists($self->{SIDS}->{newconnection}->{timeout}) ?
delete($self->{SIDS}->{newconnection}->{timeout}) :
$self->debug(4,"Connect: timeout($timeout)");
if (exists($self->{SIDS}->{newconnection}->{srv}))
$self->debug(1,"Connect: srv requested");
if ($NETDNS)
my $res = Net::DNS::Resolver->new();
my $query = $res->query($self->{SIDS}->{newconnection}->{srv}.".".$self->{SIDS}->{newconnection}->{hostname},"SRV");
if ($query)
$self->{SIDS}->{newconnection}->{hostname} = ($query->answer)[0]->target();
$self->{SIDS}->{newconnection}->{port} = ($query->answer)[0]->port();
$self->debug(1,"Connect: srv host: $self->{SIDS}->{newconnection}->{hostname}");
$self->debug(1,"Connect: srv post: $self->{SIDS}->{newconnection}->{port}");
$self->debug(1,"Connect: srv query failed");
$self->debug(1,"Connect: srv query failed");
$self->{SIDS}->{newconnection}->{connectiontype} = "tcpip"
unless exists($self->{SIDS}->{newconnection}->{connectiontype});
$self->debug(1,"Connect: type($self->{SIDS}->{newconnection}->{connectiontype})");
if ($self->{SIDS}->{newconnection}->{namespace} eq "")
$self->SetErrorCode("newconnection","Namespace not specified");
# Set ssl_params for newconnection ssl or tls is set
if ( 1 == $self->{SIDS}->{newconnection}->{ssl}
|| 1 == $self->{SIDS}->{newconnection}->{_tls} )
my %ssl_params = (
SSL_verify_mode => $self->{SIDS}->{newconnection}->{ssl_verify},
if ( 0x00 != $self->{SIDS}->{newconnection}->{ssl_verify} )
die ("Invalid or unreadable path specified for ssl_ca_path.")
unless -e -r $self->{SIDS}->{newconnection}->{ssl_ca_path};
if (-f $self->{SIDS}->{newconnection}->{ssl_ca_path} )
$ssl_params{'SSL_ca_file'} = $self->{SIDS}->{newconnection}->{ssl_ca_path};
$ssl_params{'SSL_ca_path'} = $self->{SIDS}->{newconnection}->{ssl_ca_path};
$self->{SIDS}->{newconnection}->{ssl_params} = \%ssl_params;
if ($self->{SIDS}->{newconnection}->{connectiontype} eq "tcpip")
# Check some things that we have to know in order get the connection up
# and running. Server hostname, port number, namespace, etc...
if ($self->{SIDS}->{newconnection}->{hostname} eq "")
$self->SetErrorCode("newconnection","Server hostname not specified");
if ($self->{SIDS}->{newconnection}->{port} eq "")
$self->SetErrorCode("newconnection","Server port not specified");
if ($self->{SIDS}->{newconnection}->{myhostname} eq "")
$self->{SIDS}->{newconnection}->{myhostname} = $self->{SIDS}->{newconnection}->{derivedhostname};
# Open the connection to the listed server and port. If that fails then
# abort ourselves and let the user check $! on his own.
$self->{SIDS}->{newconnection}->{sock} =
(($timeout ne "") ? ( Timeout=>$timeout ) : ()),
return unless $self->{SIDS}->{newconnection}->{sock};
if ($self->{SIDS}->{newconnection}->{ssl} == 1)
$self->debug(1,"Connect: Convert normal socket to SSL");
$self->debug(1,"Connect: sock($self->{SIDS}->{newconnection}->{sock})");
$self->{SIDS}->{newconnection}->{sock} = IO::Socket::SSL::socketToSSL(
$self->debug(1,"Connect: ssl_sock($self->{SIDS}->{newconnection}->{sock})");
$self->debug(1,"Connect: SSL: We are secure") if ($self->{SIDS}->{newconnection}->{sock});
return unless $self->{SIDS}->{newconnection}->{sock};
if ($self->{SIDS}->{newconnection}->{connectiontype} eq "stdinout")
$self->{SIDS}->{newconnection}->{sock} =
if ($self->{SIDS}->{newconnection}->{connectiontype} eq "http")
# Check some things that we have to know in order get the connection up
# and running. Server hostname, port number, namespace, etc...
if ($self->{SIDS}->{newconnection}->{hostname} eq "")
$self->SetErrorCode("newconnection","Server hostname not specified");
if ($self->{SIDS}->{newconnection}->{port} eq "")
$self->SetErrorCode("newconnection","Server port not specified");
if ($self->{SIDS}->{newconnection}->{myhostname} eq "")
$self->{SIDS}->{newconnection}->{myhostname} = $self->{SIDS}->{newconnection}->{derivedhostname};
if (!defined($PAC))
eval("use HTTP::ProxyAutoConfig;");
if ($@)
$PAC = 0;
require HTTP::ProxyAutoConfig;
$PAC = HTTP::ProxyAutoConfig->new();
if ($PAC eq "0") {
if (exists($ENV{"http_proxy"}))
my($host,$port) = ($ENV{"http_proxy"} =~ /^(\S+)\:(\d+)$/);
$self->{SIDS}->{newconnection}->{httpproxyhostname} = $host;
$self->{SIDS}->{newconnection}->{httpproxyport} = $port;
$self->{SIDS}->{newconnection}->{httpproxyhostname} =~ s/^http\:\/\///;
if (exists($ENV{"https_proxy"}))
my($host,$port) = ($ENV{"https_proxy"} =~ /^(\S+)\:(\d+)$/);
$self->{SIDS}->{newconnection}->{httpsproxyhostname} = $host;
$self->{SIDS}->{newconnection}->{httpsproxyport} = $port;
$self->{SIDS}->{newconnection}->{httpsproxyhostname} =~ s/^https?\:\/\///;
my $proxy = $PAC->FindProxy("http://".$self->{SIDS}->{newconnection}->{hostname});
if ($proxy ne "DIRECT")
($self->{SIDS}->{newconnection}->{httpproxyhostname},$self->{SIDS}->{newconnection}->{httpproxyport}) = ($proxy =~ /^PROXY ([^:]+):(\d+)$/);
$proxy = $PAC->FindProxy("https://".$self->{SIDS}->{newconnection}->{hostname});
if ($proxy ne "DIRECT")
($self->{SIDS}->{newconnection}->{httpsproxyhostname},$self->{SIDS}->{newconnection}->{httpsproxyport}) = ($proxy =~ /^PROXY ([^:]+):(\d+)$/);
$self->debug(1,"Connect: http_proxy($self->{SIDS}->{newconnection}->{httpproxyhostname}:$self->{SIDS}->{newconnection}->{httpproxyport})")
if (exists($self->{SIDS}->{newconnection}->{httpproxyhostname}) &&
defined($self->{SIDS}->{newconnection}->{httpproxyhostname}) &&
exists($self->{SIDS}->{newconnection}->{httpproxyport}) &&
$self->debug(1,"Connect: https_proxy($self->{SIDS}->{newconnection}->{httpsproxyhostname}:$self->{SIDS}->{newconnection}->{httpsproxyport})")
if (exists($self->{SIDS}->{newconnection}->{httpsproxyhostname}) &&
defined($self->{SIDS}->{newconnection}->{httpsproxyhostname}) &&
exists($self->{SIDS}->{newconnection}->{httpsproxyport}) &&
# Open the connection to the listed server and port. If that fails then
# abort ourselves and let the user check $! on his own.
my $connect = "CONNECT $self->{SIDS}->{newconnection}->{hostname}:$self->{SIDS}->{newconnection}->{port} HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: $self->{SIDS}->{newconnection}->{hostname}\r\n\r\n";
my $put = "PUT http://$self->{SIDS}->{newconnection}->{hostname}:$self->{SIDS}->{newconnection}->{port} HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: $self->{SIDS}->{newconnection}->{hostname}\r\nProxy-Connection: Keep-Alive\r\n\r\n";
my $connected = 0;
# Combo #0 - The user didn't specify a proxy
if (!exists($self->{SIDS}->{newconnection}->{httpproxyhostname}) &&
$self->debug(1,"Connect: Combo #0: User did not specify a proxy... connecting DIRECT");
$self->debug(1,"Connect: Combo #0: Create normal socket");
$self->{SIDS}->{newconnection}->{sock} =
(($timeout ne "") ? ( Timeout=>$timeout ) : ()),
$connected = defined($self->{SIDS}->{newconnection}->{sock});
$self->debug(1,"Connect: Combo #0: connected($connected)");
# if ($connected)
# {
# $self->{SIDS}->{newconnection}->{sock}->syswrite($put,length($put),0);
# my $buff;
# $self->{SIDS}->{newconnection}->{sock}->sysread($buff,4*POSIX::BUFSIZ);
# my ($code) = ($buff =~ /^\S+\s+(\S+)\s+/);
# $self->debug(1,"Connect: Combo #1: buff($buff)");
# $connected = 0 if ($code !~ /2\d\d/);
# }
# $self->debug(1,"Connect: Combo #0: connected($connected)");
# Combo #1 - PUT through http_proxy
if (!$connected &&
exists($self->{SIDS}->{newconnection}->{httpproxyhostname}) &&
($self->{SIDS}->{newconnection}->{ssl} == 0))
$self->debug(1,"Connect: Combo #1: PUT through http_proxy");
$self->{SIDS}->{newconnection}->{sock} =
(($timeout ne "") ? ( Timeout=>$timeout ) : ()),
$connected = defined($self->{SIDS}->{newconnection}->{sock});
$self->debug(1,"Connect: Combo #1: connected($connected)");
if ($connected)
$self->debug(1,"Connect: Combo #1: send($put)");
my $buff;
my ($code) = ($buff =~ /^\S+\s+(\S+)\s+/);
$self->debug(1,"Connect: Combo #1: buff($buff)");
$connected = 0 if ($code !~ /2\d\d/);
$self->debug(1,"Connect: Combo #1: connected($connected)");
# Combo #2 - CONNECT through http_proxy
if (!$connected &&
exists($self->{SIDS}->{newconnection}->{httpproxyhostname}) &&
($self->{SIDS}->{newconnection}->{ssl} == 0))
$self->debug(1,"Connect: Combo #2: CONNECT through http_proxy");
$self->{SIDS}->{newconnection}->{sock} =
(($timeout ne "") ? ( Timeout=>$timeout ) : ()),
$connected = defined($self->{SIDS}->{newconnection}->{sock});
$self->debug(1,"Connect: Combo #2: connected($connected)");
if ($connected)
my $buff;
my ($code) = ($buff =~ /^\S+\s+(\S+)\s+/);
$self->debug(1,"Connect: Combo #2: buff($buff)");
$connected = 0 if ($code !~ /2\d\d/);
$self->debug(1,"Connect: Combo #2: connected($connected)");
# Combo #3 - CONNECT through https_proxy
if (!$connected &&
$self->debug(1,"Connect: Combo #3: CONNECT through https_proxy");
$self->{SIDS}->{newconnection}->{sock} =
$connected = defined($self->{SIDS}->{newconnection}->{sock});
$self->debug(1,"Connect: Combo #3: connected($connected)");
if ($connected)
my $buff;
my ($code) = ($buff =~ /^\S+\s+(\S+)\s+/);
$self->debug(1,"Connect: Combo #3: buff($buff)");
$connected = 0 if ($code !~ /2\d\d/);
$self->debug(1,"Connect: Combo #3: connected($connected)");
# We have failed
if (!$connected)
$self->debug(1,"Connect: No connection... I have failed... I.. must... end it all...");
$self->SetErrorCode("newconnection","Unable to open a connection to destination. Please check your http_proxy and/or https_proxy environment variables.");
return unless $self->{SIDS}->{newconnection}->{sock};
$self->debug(1,"Connect: We are connected");
if (($self->{SIDS}->{newconnection}->{ssl} == 1) &&
(ref($self->{SIDS}->{newconnection}->{sock}) eq "IO::Socket::INET"))
$self->debug(1,"Connect: Convert normal socket to SSL");
$self->debug(1,"Connect: sock($self->{SIDS}->{newconnection}->{sock})");
$self->{SIDS}->{newconnection}->{sock} = IO::Socket::SSL::socketToSSL(
$self->debug(1,"Connect: ssl_sock($self->{SIDS}->{newconnection}->{sock})");
$self->debug(1,"Connect: SSL: We are secure") if ($self->{SIDS}->{newconnection}->{sock});
return unless $self->{SIDS}->{newconnection}->{sock};
$self->debug(1,"Connect: Got a connection");
return $self->OpenStream("newconnection",$timeout);
=head2 OpenStream
Send the opening stream and save the root element info.
sub OpenStream
my $self = shift;
my $currsid = shift;
my $timeout = shift;
$timeout = "" unless defined($timeout);
# Next, we build the opening handshake.
my %stream_args;
if (($self->{SIDS}->{$currsid}->{connectiontype} eq "tcpip") ||
($self->{SIDS}->{$currsid}->{connectiontype} eq "http"))
$stream_args{to}= $self->{SIDS}->{$currsid}->{hostname}
unless exists($self->{SIDS}->{$currsid}->{to});
$stream_args{to} = $self->{SIDS}->{$currsid}->{to}
if exists($self->{SIDS}->{$currsid}->{to});
$stream_args{from} = $self->{SIDS}->{$currsid}->{myhostname}
if (!exists($self->{SIDS}->{$currsid}->{from}) &&
($self->{SIDS}->{$currsid}->{myhostname} ne "")
$stream_args{from} = $self->{SIDS}->{$currsid}->{from}
if exists($self->{SIDS}->{$currsid}->{from});
$stream_args{id} = $self->{SIDS}->{$currsid}->{id}
if (exists($self->{SIDS}->{$currsid}->{id}) &&
($self->{SIDS}->{$currsid}->{id} ne "")
$stream_args{namespaces} = $self->{SIDS}->{$currsid}->{namespaces};
my $stream =
# Create the XML::Stream::Parser and register our callbacks
my $weak = $self;
weaken $weak;
$self->{SIDS}->{$currsid}->{parser} =
startElement=>sub{ $weak->_handle_root(@_) },
endElement=>sub{ &{$HANDLERS{$weak->{DATASTYLE}}->{endElement}}($weak, @_) },
characters=>sub{ &{$HANDLERS{$weak->{DATASTYLE}}->{characters}}($weak, @_) },
$self->{SIDS}->{$currsid}->{select} =
if (($self->{SIDS}->{$currsid}->{connectiontype} eq "tcpip") ||
($self->{SIDS}->{$currsid}->{connectiontype} eq "http"))
$self->{SELECT} = IO::Select->new($self->{SIDS}->{$currsid}->{sock});
$self->{SOCKETS}->{$self->{SIDS}->{$currsid}->{sock}} = "newconnection";
if ($self->{SIDS}->{$currsid}->{connectiontype} eq "stdinout")
$self->{SELECT} = IO::Select->new(*STDIN);
$self->{SOCKETS}->{$self->{SIDS}->{$currsid}->{sock}} = $currsid;
$self->{SOCKETS}->{*STDIN} = $currsid;
$self->{SIDS}->{$currsid}->{status} = 0;
# Then we send the opening handshake.
$self->Send($currsid,$stream) || return;
# Before going on let's make sure that the server responded with a valid
# root tag and that the stream is open.
my $buff = "";
my $timeEnd = ($timeout eq "") ? "" : time + $timeout;
while($self->{SIDS}->{$currsid}->{status} == 0)
my $now = time;
my $wait = (($timeEnd eq "") || ($timeEnd - $now > 10)) ? 10 :
$timeEnd - $now;
$self->debug(5,"Connect: can_read(",join(",",$self->{SIDS}->{$currsid}->{select}->can_read(0)),")");
if ($self->{SIDS}->{$currsid}->{select}->can_read($wait))
$self->{SIDS}->{$currsid}->{status} = -1
unless defined($buff = $self->Read($currsid));
return unless($self->{SIDS}->{$currsid}->{status} == 0);
return unless($self->ParseStream($currsid,$buff) == 1);
if ($timeout ne "")
if (time >= $timeEnd)
$self->SetErrorCode($currsid,"Timeout limit reached");
return if($self->{SIDS}->{$currsid}->{select}->has_exception(0));
return if($self->{SIDS}->{$currsid}->{status} != 1);
$self->debug(3,"Connect: status($self->{SIDS}->{$currsid}->{status})");
my $sid = $self->GetRoot($currsid)->{id};
$| = 1;
foreach my $key (keys(%{$self->{SIDS}->{$currsid}}))
$self->{SIDS}->{$sid}->{$key} = $self->{SIDS}->{$currsid}->{$key};
if (($self->{SIDS}->{$sid}->{connectiontype} eq "tcpip") ||
($self->{SIDS}->{$sid}->{connectiontype} eq "http"))
$self->{SOCKETS}->{$self->{SIDS}->{$currsid}->{sock}} = $sid;
if ($self->{SIDS}->{$sid}->{connectiontype} eq "stdinout")
$self->{SOCKETS}->{$self->{SIDS}->{$currsid}->{sock}} = $sid;
$self->{SOCKETS}->{*STDIN} = $sid;
unless $currsid eq $sid;
if (exists($self->GetRoot($sid)->{version}) &&
($self->GetRoot($sid)->{version} ne ""))
return $self->GetRoot($sid);
=head2 OpenFile
Starts the stream by opening a file and setting it up so that
Process reads from the filehandle to get the incoming stream.
Opens a filehandle to the argument specified, and
pretends that it is a stream. It will ignore the
outer tag, and not check if it was a
<stream:stream/>. This is useful for writing a
program that has to parse any XML file that is
basically made up of small packets (like RDF).
sub OpenFile
my $self = shift;
my $file = shift;
$self->debug(1,"OpenFile: file($file)");
$self->{SIDS}->{newconnection}->{connectiontype} = "file";
$self->{SIDS}->{newconnection}->{sock} = FileHandle->new($file);
# Create the XML::Stream::Parser and register our callbacks
my $weak = $self;
weaken $weak;
$self->{SIDS}->{newconnection}->{parser} =
startElement=>sub{ $weak->_handle_root(@_) },
endElement=>sub{ &{$HANDLERS{$weak->{DATASTYLE}}->{endElement}}($weak, @_) },
characters=>sub{ &{$HANDLERS{$weak->{DATASTYLE}}->{characters}}($weak, @_) },
# select is not implemented for filehandles on win32 (see perlport)
# so we fake it out using XML::Stream::IO::Select::Win32
if ( $^O =~ /mswin32/i ) {
= XML::Stream::IO::Select::Win32->new(
= XML::Stream::IO::Select::Win32->new(
else {
= IO::Select->new($self->{SIDS}->{newconnection}->{sock});
= IO::Select->new($self->{SIDS}->{newconnection}->{sock});
$self->{SIDS}->{newconnection}->{status} = 0;
my $buff = "";
while($self->{SIDS}->{newconnection}->{status} == 0)
$self->debug(5,"OpenFile: can_read(",join(",",$self->{SIDS}->{newconnection}->{select}->can_read(0)),")");
if ($self->{SIDS}->{newconnection}->{select}->can_read(0))
$self->{SIDS}->{newconnection}->{status} = -1
unless defined($buff = $self->Read("newconnection"));
return unless($self->{SIDS}->{newconnection}->{status} == 0);
return unless($self->ParseStream("newconnection",$buff) == 1);
return if($self->{SIDS}->{newconnection}->{select}->has_exception(0) &&
return if($self->{SIDS}->{newconnection}->{status} != 1);
my $sid = $self->NewSID();
foreach my $key (keys(%{$self->{SIDS}->{newconnection}}))
$self->{SIDS}->{$sid}->{$key} = $self->{SIDS}->{newconnection}->{$key};
$self->{SOCKETS}->{$self->{SIDS}->{newconnection}->{sock}} = $sid;
return $sid;
#| Common Functions
=head2 Disconnect
Sends the closing XML tag and shuts down the socket.
Sends the proper closing XML tag and closes the specified socket down.
sub Disconnect
my $self = shift;
my $sid = shift;
if (($self->{SIDS}->{$sid}->{connectiontype} eq "tcpip") ||
($self->{SIDS}->{$sid}->{connectiontype} eq "http"));
foreach my $key (keys(%{$self->{SIDS}->{$sid}}))
=head2 InitConnection
Initialize the connection data structure
sub InitConnection
my $self = shift;
my $sid = shift;
my $serverid = shift;
# Set the default STATUS so that we can keep track of it throughout the
# session.
# 1 = no errors
# 0 = no data has been received yet
# -1 = error from handlers
# -2 = error but keep the connection alive so that we can send some info.
$self->{SIDS}->{$sid}->{status} = 0;
# A storage place for when we don't have a callback registered and we need
# to stockpile the nodes we receive until Process is called and we return
# them.
$self->{SIDS}->{$sid}->{nodes} = ();
# If there is an error on the stream, then we need a place to indicate that.
$self->{SIDS}->{$sid}->{streamerror} = {};
# Grab the init time so that we can keep the connection alive by sending " "
$self->{SIDS}->{$sid}->{keepalive} = time;
# Keep track of the "server" we are connected to so we can check stuff
# later.
$self->{SIDS}->{$sid}->{serverid} = $serverid;
# Mark the stream:features as MIA.
$self->{SIDS}->{$sid}->{streamfeatures}->{received} = 0;
# First acitivty is the connection... duh. =)
=head2 ParseStream
Takes the incoming stream and makes sure that only full
XML tags gets passed to the parser. If a full tag has not
read yet, then the Stream saves the incomplete part and
sends the rest to the parser.
sub ParseStream
my $self = shift;
my $sid = shift;
my $stream = shift;
$stream = "" unless defined($stream);
$self->debug(3,"ParseStream: sid($sid) stream($stream)");
if (exists($self->{SIDS}->{$sid}->{streamerror}->{type}))
$self->debug(3,"ParseStream: ERROR($self->{SIDS}->{$sid}->{streamerror}->{type})");
return 0;
return 1;
=head2 Process
Checks for data on the socket and returns a status code depending
on if there was data or not. If a timeout is not defined in the
call then the timeout defined in Connect() is used. If a timeout
of 0 is used then the call blocks until it gets some data,
otherwise it returns after the timeout period.
Waits for data to be available on the socket. If
a timeout is specified then the Process function
waits that period of time before returning nothing.
If a timeout period is not specified then the
function blocks until data is received. The
function returns a hash with session ids as the key,
and status values or data as the hash values.
sub Process
my $self = shift;
my $timeout = shift;
$timeout = "" unless defined($timeout);
$self->debug(4,"Process: timeout($timeout)");
# We need to keep track of what's going on in the function and tell the
# outside world about it so let's return something useful. We track this
# information based on sid:
# -1 connection closed and error
# 0 connection open but no data received.
# 1 connection open and data received.
# array connection open and the data that has been collected
# over time (No CallBack specified)
my %status;
foreach my $sid (keys(%{$self->{SIDS}}))
next if ($sid eq "default");
$self->debug(5,"Process: initialize sid($sid) status to 0");
$status{$sid} = 0;
# Either block until there is data and we have parsed it all, or wait a
# certain period of time and then return control to the user.
my $block = 1;
my $timeEnd = ($timeout eq "") ? "" : time + $timeout;
while($block == 1)
$self->debug(4,"Process: let's wait for data");
my $now = time;
my $wait = (($timeEnd eq "") || ($timeEnd - $now > 10)) ? 10 :
$timeEnd - $now;
foreach my $connection ($self->{SELECT}->can_read($wait))
$self->debug(4,"Process: connection($connection)");
$self->debug(4,"Process: sid($self->{SOCKETS}->{$connection})");
$self->debug(4,"Process: connection_status($self->{SIDS}->{$self->{SOCKETS}->{$connection}}->{status})");
next unless (($self->{SIDS}->{$self->{SOCKETS}->{$connection}}->{status} == 1) ||
my $processit = 1;
if (exists($self->{SIDS}->{server}))
foreach my $serverid (@{$self->{SIDS}->{server}})
if (exists($self->{SIDS}->{$serverid}->{sock}) &&
($connection == $self->{SIDS}->{$serverid}->{sock}))
my $sid = $self->ConnectionAccept($serverid);
$status{$sid} = 0;
$processit = 0;
if ($processit == 1)
my $sid = $self->{SOCKETS}->{$connection};
$self->debug(4,"Process: there's something to read");
$self->debug(4,"Process: connection($connection) sid($sid)");
my $buff;
$self->debug(4,"Process: read");
$status{$sid} = 1;
$self->{SIDS}->{$sid}->{status} = -1
if (!defined($buff = $self->Read($sid)));
$buff = "" unless defined($buff);
$self->debug(4,"Process: connection_status($self->{SIDS}->{$sid}->{status})");
$status{$sid} = -1 unless($self->{SIDS}->{$sid}->{status} == 1);
$self->debug(4,"Process: parse($buff)");
$status{$sid} = -1 unless($self->ParseStream($sid,$buff) == 1);
$block = 0;
if ($timeout ne "")
if (time >= $timeEnd)
$self->debug(4,"Process: Everyone out of the pool! Time to stop blocking.");
$block = 0;
$self->debug(4,"Process: timeout($timeout)");
if (exists($self->{CB}->{update}))
$self->debug(4,"Process: Calling user defined update function");
$block = 1 if $self->{SELECT}->can_read(0);
# Check for connections that need to be kept alive
$self->debug(4,"Process: check for keepalives");
foreach my $sid (keys(%{$self->{SIDS}}))
next if ($sid eq "default");
next if ($sid =~ /^server/);
next if ($status{$sid} == -1);
if ((time - $self->{SIDS}->{$sid}->{keepalive}) > 10)
$self->{SIDS}->{$sid}->{status} = -1
if !defined($self->Send($sid," "));
$status{$sid} = -1 unless($self->{SIDS}->{$sid}->{status} == 1);
if ($status{$sid} == -1)
$self->debug(2,"Process: Keep-Alive failed. What the hell happened?!?!");
$self->debug(2,"Process: connection_status($self->{SIDS}->{$sid}->{status})");
# Check for connections that have timed out.
$self->debug(4,"Process: check for timeouts");
foreach my $sid (keys(%{$self->{SIDS}}))
next if ($sid eq "default");
next if ($sid =~ /^server/);
if (exists($self->{SIDS}->{$sid}->{activitytimeout}))
$self->debug(4,"Process: sid($sid) time(",time,") timeout($self->{SIDS}->{$sid}->{activitytimeout})");
$self->debug(4,"Process: sid($sid) time(",time,") timeout(undef)");
if (exists($self->{SIDS}->{$sid}->{activitytimeout}) &&
if (exists($self->{SIDS}->{$sid}->{activitytimeout}) &&
((time - $self->{SIDS}->{$sid}->{activitytimeout}) > 10) &&
($self->{SIDS}->{$sid}->{status} != 1));
# If any of the connections have status == -1 then return so that the
# user can handle it.
foreach my $sid (keys(%status))
if ($status{$sid} == -1)
$self->debug(4,"Process: sid($sid) is broken... let's tell someone and watch it hit the fan... =)");
$block = 0;
$self->debug(2,"Process: block($block)");
# If the Select has an error then shut this party down.
foreach my $connection ($self->{SELECT}->has_exception(0))
$self->debug(4,"Process: has_exception sid($self->{SOCKETS}->{$connection})");
$status{$self->{SOCKETS}->{$connection}} = -1;
# If there are data structures that have not been collected return
# those, otherwise return the status which indicates if nodes were read or
# not.
foreach my $sid (keys(%status))
$status{$sid} = $self->{SIDS}->{$sid}->{nodes}
if (($status{$sid} == 1) &&
($#{$self->{SIDS}->{$sid}->{nodes}} > -1));
return %status;
=head2 Read
Takes the data from the server and returns a string
sub Read
my $self = shift;
my $sid = shift;
my $buff;
my $status = 1;
$self->debug(3,"Read: sid($sid)");
$self->debug(3,"Read: connectionType($self->{SIDS}->{$sid}->{connectiontype})");
$self->debug(3,"Read: socket($self->{SIDS}->{$sid}->{sock})");
return if ($self->{SIDS}->{$sid}->{status} == -1);
if (!defined($self->{SIDS}->{$sid}->{sock}))
$self->{SIDS}->{$sid}->{status} = -1;
$self->SetErrorCode($sid,"Socket does not defined.");
$status = $self->{SIDS}->{$sid}->{sock}->sysread($buff,4*POSIX::BUFSIZ)
if (($self->{SIDS}->{$sid}->{connectiontype} eq "tcpip") ||
($self->{SIDS}->{$sid}->{connectiontype} eq "http") ||
($self->{SIDS}->{$sid}->{connectiontype} eq "file"));
$status = sysread(STDIN,$buff,1024)
if ($self->{SIDS}->{$sid}->{connectiontype} eq "stdinout");
$buff =~ s/^HTTP[\S\s]+\n\n// if ($self->{SIDS}->{$sid}->{connectiontype} eq "http");
$self->debug(1,"Read: buff($buff)");
$self->debug(3,"Read: status($status)") if defined($status);
$self->debug(3,"Read: status(undef)") unless defined($status);
$self->{SIDS}->{$sid}->{keepalive} = time
unless (($buff eq "") || !defined($status) || ($status == 0));
if (defined($status) && ($status != 0))
$buff = Encode::decode_utf8($buff);
return $buff;
#return $buff unless (!defined($status) || ($status == 0));
$self->debug(1,"Read: ERROR");
=head2 Send
Takes the data string and sends it to the server
Send(sid, string);
Sends the string over the specified connection as is.
This does no checking if valid XML was sent or not.
Best behavior when sending information.
sub Send
my $self = shift;
my $sid = shift;
$self->debug(1,"Send: (@_)");
$self->debug(3,"Send: sid($sid)");
$self->debug(3,"Send: status($self->{SIDS}->{$sid}->{status})");
$self->{SIDS}->{$sid}->{keepalive} = time;
return if ($self->{SIDS}->{$sid}->{status} == -1);
if (!defined($self->{SIDS}->{$sid}->{sock}))
$self->debug(3,"Send: socket not defined");
$self->{SIDS}->{$sid}->{status} = -1;
$self->SetErrorCode($sid,"Socket not defined.");
$self->debug(3,"Send: socket($self->{SIDS}->{$sid}->{sock})");
if ($self->{SIDS}->{$sid}->{select}->can_write(0))
$self->debug(3,"Send: can_write");
$self->{SENDSTRING} = Encode::encode_utf8(join("",@_));
$self->{SENDWRITTEN} = 0;
$self->{SENDOFFSET} = 0;
$self->{SENDLENGTH} = length($self->{SENDSTRING});
while ($self->{SENDLENGTH})
$self->{SENDWRITTEN} = $self->{SIDS}->{$sid}->{sock}->syswrite($self->{SENDSTRING},$self->{SENDLENGTH},$self->{SENDOFFSET});
if (!defined($self->{SENDWRITTEN}))
$self->debug(4,"Send: SENDWRITTEN(undef)");
$self->debug(4,"Send: Ok... what happened? Did we lose the connection?");
$self->{SIDS}->{$sid}->{status} = -1;
$self->SetErrorCode($sid,"Socket died for an unknown reason.");
$self->debug(4,"Send: SENDWRITTEN($self->{SENDWRITTEN})");
$self->{SENDLENGTH} -= $self->{SENDWRITTEN};
$self->{SENDOFFSET} += $self->{SENDWRITTEN};
$self->debug(3,"Send: can't write...");
return if($self->{SIDS}->{$sid}->{select}->has_exception(0));
$self->debug(3,"Send: no exceptions");
$self->{SIDS}->{$sid}->{keepalive} = time;
return 1;
#| Feature Functions
=head2 ProcessStreamFeatures
Process the <stream:featutres/> block.
sub ProcessStreamFeatures
my $self = shift;
my $sid = shift;
my $node = shift;
$self->{SIDS}->{$sid}->{streamfeatures}->{received} = 1;
# SASL - 1.0
my @sasl = &XPath($node,'*[@xmlns="'.&ConstXMLNS('xmpp-sasl').'"]');
if ($#sasl > -1)
if (&XPath($sasl[0],"name()") eq "mechanisms")
my @mechanisms = &XPath($sasl[0],"mechanism/text()");
$self->{SIDS}->{$sid}->{streamfeatures}->{'xmpp-sasl'} = \@mechanisms;
# XMPP-TLS - 1.0
my @tls = &XPath($node,'*[@xmlns="'.&ConstXMLNS('xmpp-tls').'"]');
if ($#tls > -1)
if (&XPath($tls[0],"name()") eq "starttls")
$self->{SIDS}->{$sid}->{streamfeatures}->{'xmpp-tls'} = 1;
my @required = &XPath($tls[0],"required");
if ($#required > -1)
$self->{SIDS}->{$sid}->{streamfeatures}->{'xmpp-tls'} = "required";
# XMPP-Bind - 1.0
my @bind = &XPath($node,'*[@xmlns="'.&ConstXMLNS('xmpp-bind').'"]');
if ($#bind > -1)
$self->{SIDS}->{$sid}->{streamfeatures}->{'xmpp-bind'} = 1;
# XMPP-Session - 1.0
my @session = &XPath($node,'*[@xmlns="'.&ConstXMLNS('xmpp-session').'"]');
if ($#session > -1)
$self->{SIDS}->{$sid}->{streamfeatures}->{'xmpp-session'} = 1;
=head2 GetStreamFeature
Return the value of the stream feature (if any).
sub GetStreamFeature
my $self = shift;
my $sid = shift;
my $feature = shift;
return unless exists($self->{SIDS}->{$sid}->{streamfeatures}->{$feature});
return $self->{SIDS}->{$sid}->{streamfeatures}->{$feature};
=head2 ReceivedStreamFeatures
Have we received the stream:features yet?
sub ReceivedStreamFeatures
my $self = shift;
my $sid = shift;
my $feature = shift;
return $self->{SIDS}->{$sid}->{streamfeatures}->{received};
#| TLS Functions
=head2 ProcessTLSPacket
Process a TLS based packet.
sub ProcessTLSPacket
my $self = shift;
my $sid = shift;
my $node = shift;
my $tag = &XPath($node,"name()");
if ($tag eq "failure")
if ($tag eq "proceed")
=head2 StartTLS
Client function to have the socket start TLS.
sub StartTLS
my $self = shift;
my $sid = shift;
my $timeout = shift;
$timeout = 120 unless defined($timeout);
$timeout = 120 if ($timeout eq "");
my $endTime = time + $timeout;
while(!$self->TLSClientDone($sid) && ($endTime >= time))
if (!$self->TLSClientSecure($sid))
return $self->OpenStream($sid,$timeout);
=head2 TLSStartTLS
Send a <starttls/> in the TLS namespace.
sub TLSStartTLS
my $self = shift;
my $sid = shift;
$self->Send($sid,"<starttls xmlns='".&ConstXMLNS('xmpp-tls')."'/>");
=head2 TLSClientProceed
Handle a <proceed/> packet.
sub TLSClientProceed
my $self = shift;
my $sid = shift;
my $node = shift;
$self->debug(1,"TLSClientProceed: Convert normal socket to SSL");
$self->debug(1,"TLSClientProceed: sock($self->{SIDS}->{$sid}->{sock})");
if (!$self->LoadSSL())
$self->{SIDS}->{$sid}->{tls}->{error} = "Could not load IO::Socket::SSL.";
$self->{SIDS}->{$sid}->{tls}->{done} = 1;
$self->debug(1,"TLSClientProceed: ssl_sock($self->{SIDS}->{$sid}->{sock})");
$self->debug(1,"TLSClientProceed: SSL: We are secure")
if ($self->{SIDS}->{$sid}->{sock});
$self->{SIDS}->{$sid}->{tls}->{done} = 1;
$self->{SIDS}->{$sid}->{tls}->{secure} = 1;
=head2 TLSClientSecure
Return 1 if the socket is secure, 0 otherwise.
sub TLSClientSecure
my $self = shift;
my $sid = shift;
return $self->{SIDS}->{$sid}->{tls}->{secure};
=head2 TLSClientDone
Return 1 if the TLS process is done
sub TLSClientDone
my $self = shift;
my $sid = shift;
return $self->{SIDS}->{$sid}->{tls}->{done};
=head2 TLSClientError
return the TLS error if any
sub TLSClientError
my $self = shift;
my $sid = shift;
return $self->{SIDS}->{$sid}->{tls}->{error};
=head2 TLSClientFailure
Handle a <failure/>
sub TLSClientFailure
my $self = shift;
my $sid = shift;
my $node = shift;
my $type = &XPath($node,"*/name()");
$self->{SIDS}->{$sid}->{tls}->{error} = $type;
$self->{SIDS}->{$sid}->{tls}->{done} = 1;
=head2 TLSFailure
Send a <failure/> in the TLS namespace
sub TLSFailure
my $self = shift;
my $sid = shift;
my $type = shift;
$self->Send($sid,"<failure xmlns='".&ConstXMLNS('xmpp-tls')."'><${type}/></failure>");
#| SASL Functions
=head2 ProcessSASLPacket
Process a SASL based packet.
sub ProcessSASLPacket
my $self = shift;
my $sid = shift;
my $node = shift;
my $tag = &XPath($node,"name()");
if ($tag eq "challenge")
if ($tag eq "failure")
if ($tag eq "success")
=head2 SASLAnswerChallenge
When we get a <challenge/> we need to do the grunt
work to return a <response/>.
sub SASLAnswerChallenge
my $self = shift;
my $sid = shift;
my $node = shift;
my $challenge64 = &XPath($node,"text()");
my $challenge = MIME::Base64::decode_base64($challenge64);
# As far as I can tell, if the challenge contains rspauth, then we authed.
# If you try to send that to Authen::SASL, it will spew warnings about
# the missing qop, nonce, etc... However, in order for jabberd2 to think
# that you answered, you have to send back an empty response. Not sure
# which approach is right... So let's hack for now.
my $response = "";
if ($challenge !~ /rspauth\=/)
$response = $self->{SIDS}->{$sid}->{sasl}->{client}->client_step($challenge);
my $response64 = MIME::Base64::encode_base64($response,"");
=head2 SASLAuth
Send an <auth/> in the SASL namespace
sub SASLAuth
my $self = shift;
my $sid = shift;
my $first_step = $self->{SIDS}->{$sid}->{sasl}->{client}->client_start();
my $first_step64 = MIME::Base64::encode_base64($first_step,"");
"<auth xmlns='" . &ConstXMLNS('xmpp-sasl') .
"' mechanism='" . $self->{SIDS}->{$sid}->{sasl}->{client}->mechanism() .
# from http://blogs.perl.org/users/marco_fontani/2010/03/google-talk-with-perl.html
# not yet in use
# "' " .
# q{xmlns:ga='http://www.google.com/talk/protocol/auth'
# ga:client-uses-full-bind-result='true'} . # JID
"'>" . $first_step64 . "</auth>");
=head2 SASLChallenge
Send a <challenge/> in the SASL namespace
sub SASLChallenge
my $self = shift;
my $sid = shift;
my $challenge = shift;
$self->Send($sid,"<challenge xmlns='".&ConstXMLNS('xmpp-sasl')."'>${challenge}</challenge>");
=head2 SASLClient
This is a helper function to perform all of the required steps for doing SASL with the server.
sub SASLClient
my $self = shift;
my $sid = shift;
my $username = shift;
my $password = shift;
my $mechanisms = $self->GetStreamFeature($sid,"xmpp-sasl");
return unless defined($mechanisms);
# Here we assume that if 'to' is available, then a domain is being
# specified that does not match the hostname of the jabber server
# and that we should use that to form the bare JID for SASL auth.
my $domain .= $self->{SIDS}->{$sid}->{to}
? $self->{SIDS}->{$sid}->{to}
: $self->{SIDS}->{$sid}->{hostname};
my $authname = $username . '@' . $domain;
my $sasl = Authen::SASL->new(mechanism=>join(" ",@{$mechanisms}),
authname => $authname,
user => $username,
pass => $password
$self->{SIDS}->{$sid}->{sasl}->{client} = $sasl->client_new('xmpp', $domain);
$self->{SIDS}->{$sid}->{sasl}->{username} = $username;
$self->{SIDS}->{$sid}->{sasl}->{password} = $password;
$self->{SIDS}->{$sid}->{sasl}->{authed} = 0;
$self->{SIDS}->{$sid}->{sasl}->{done} = 0;
=head2 SASLClientAuthed
Return 1 if we authed via SASL, 0 otherwise
sub SASLClientAuthed
my $self = shift;
my $sid = shift;
return $self->{SIDS}->{$sid}->{sasl}->{authed};
=head2 SASLClientDone
Return 1 if the SASL process is finished
sub SASLClientDone
my $self = shift;
my $sid = shift;
return $self->{SIDS}->{$sid}->{sasl}->{done};
=head2 SASLClientError
Return the error if any
sub SASLClientError
my $self = shift;
my $sid = shift;
return $self->{SIDS}->{$sid}->{sasl}->{error};
=head2 SASLClientFailure
Handle a received <failure/>
sub SASLClientFailure
my $self = shift;
my $sid = shift;
my $node = shift;
my $type = &XPath($node,"*/name()");
$self->{SIDS}->{$sid}->{sasl}->{error} = $type;
$self->{SIDS}->{$sid}->{sasl}->{done} = 1;
=head2 SASLClientSuccess
handle a received <success/>
sub SASLClientSuccess
my $self = shift;
my $sid = shift;
my $node = shift;
$self->{SIDS}->{$sid}->{sasl}->{authed} = 1;
$self->{SIDS}->{$sid}->{sasl}->{done} = 1;
=head2 SASLFailure
Send a <failure/> tag in the SASL namespace
sub SASLFailure
my $self = shift;
my $sid = shift;
my $type = shift;
$self->Send($sid,"<failure xmlns='".&ConstXMLNS('xmpp-sasl')."'><${type}/></failure>");
=head2 SASLResponse
Send a <response/> tag in the SASL namespace
sub SASLResponse
my $self = shift;
my $sid = shift;
my $response = shift;
$self->Send($sid,"<response xmlns='".&ConstXMLNS('xmpp-sasl')."'>${response}</response>");
#| Packet Handlers
# ProcessStreamPacket - process the <stream:XXXX/> packet
sub ProcessStreamPacket
my $self = shift;
my $sid = shift;
my $node = shift;
my $tag = &XPath($node,"name()");
my $stream_prefix = $self->StreamPrefix($sid);
my ($type) = ($tag =~ /^${stream_prefix}\:(.+)$/);
$self->ProcessStreamError($sid,$node) if ($type eq "error");
$self->ProcessStreamFeatures($sid,$node) if ($type eq "features");
# _handle_root - handles a root tag and checks that it is a stream:stream tag
# with the proper namespace. If not then it sets the STATUS
# to -1 and let's the outer code know that an error occurred.
# Then it changes the Start tag handlers to the methond listed
# in $self->{DATASTYLE}
sub _handle_root
my $self = shift;
my ($sax, $tag, %att) = @_;
my $sid = $sax->getSID();
$self->debug(2,"_handle_root: sid($sid) sax($sax) tag($tag) att(",%att,")");
$self->{SIDS}->{$sid}->{rootTag} = $tag;
if ($self->{SIDS}->{$sid}->{connectiontype} ne "file")
# Make sure we are receiving a valid stream on the same namespace.
$self->debug(3,"_handle_root: ($self->{SIDS}->{$self->{SIDS}->{$sid}->{serverid}}->{namespace})");
$self->{SIDS}->{$sid}->{status} =
((($tag eq "stream:stream") &&
exists($att{'xmlns'}) &&
($att{'xmlns'} eq $self->{SIDS}->{$self->{SIDS}->{$sid}->{serverid}}->{namespace})
) ?
1 :
$self->debug(3,"_handle_root: status($self->{SIDS}->{$sid}->{status})");
$self->{SIDS}->{$sid}->{status} = 1;
# Get the root tag attributes and save them for later. You never know when
# you'll need to check the namespace or the from attributes sent by the
# server.
$self->{SIDS}->{$sid}->{root} = \%att;
# Run through the various xmlns:*** attributes and register the namespace
# to prefix map.
foreach my $key (keys(%att))
if ($key =~ /^xmlns\:(.+?)$/)
$self->debug(5,"_handle_root: RegisterPrefix: prefix($att{$key}) ns($1)");
# Sometimes we will get an error, so let's parse the tag assuming that we
# got a stream:error
my $stream_prefix = $self->StreamPrefix($sid);
$self->debug(5,"_handle_root: stream_prefix($stream_prefix)");
if ($tag eq $stream_prefix.":error")
if ($self->{DATASTYLE} eq "tree");
if ($self->{DATASTYLE} eq "node");
# Now that we have gotten a root tag, let's look for the tags that make up
# the stream. Change the handler for a Start tag to another function.
my $weak = $self;
weaken $weak;
$sax->setHandlers(startElement=>sub{ &{$HANDLERS{$weak->{DATASTYLE}}->{startElement}}($weak, @_) },
endElement=>sub{ &{$HANDLERS{$weak->{DATASTYLE}}->{endElement}}($weak, @_) },
characters=>sub{ &{$HANDLERS{$weak->{DATASTYLE}}->{characters}}($weak, @_) },
# _node - internal callback for nodes. All it does is place the nodes in a
# list so that Process() can return them later.
sub _node
my $self = shift;
my $sid = shift;
my @node = shift;
if (ref($node[0]) eq "XML::Stream::Node")
#| Error Functions
=head2 GetErrorCode
if you are returned an undef, you can call this function
and hopefully learn more information about the problem.
returns a string for the specified session that
will hopefully contain some useful information
about why Process or Connect returned an undef
to you.
sub GetErrorCode
my $self = shift;
my $sid = shift;
$sid = "newconnection" unless defined($sid);
$self->debug(3,"GetErrorCode: sid($sid)");
return ((exists($self->{SIDS}->{$sid}->{errorcode}) &&
(ref($self->{SIDS}->{$sid}->{errorcode}) eq "HASH")) ?
$self->{SIDS}->{$sid}->{errorcode} :
{ type=>"system",
# SetErrorCode - sets the error code so that the caller can find out more
# information about the problem
sub SetErrorCode
my $self = shift;
my $sid = shift;
my $errorcode = shift;
$self->{SIDS}->{$sid}->{errorcode} = $errorcode;
# ProcessStreamError - Take the XML packet and extract out the error.
sub ProcessStreamError
my $self = shift;
my $sid = shift;
my $node = shift;
$self->{SIDS}->{$sid}->{streamerror}->{type} = "unknown";
$self->{SIDS}->{$sid}->{streamerror}->{node} = $node;
# Check for older 0.9 streams and handle the errors for them.
if (!exists($self->{SIDS}->{$sid}->{root}->{version}) ||
($self->{SIDS}->{$sid}->{root}->{version} eq "") ||
($self->{SIDS}->{$sid}->{root}->{version} < 1.0)
$self->{SIDS}->{$sid}->{streamerror}->{text} =
# Otherwise we are in XMPP land with real stream errors.
my @errors = &XPath($node,'*[@xmlns="'.&ConstXMLNS("xmppstreams").'"]');
my $type;
my $text;
foreach my $error (@errors)
if (&XPath($error,"name()") eq "text")
$self->{SIDS}->{$sid}->{streamerror}->{text} =
$self->{SIDS}->{$sid}->{streamerror}->{type} =
=head2 StreamError
Given a type and text, generate a <stream:error/> packet to
send back to the other side.
sub StreamError
my $self = shift;
my $sid = shift;
my $type = shift;
my $text = shift;
my $root = $self->GetRoot($sid);
my $stream_base = $self->StreamPrefix($sid);
my $error = "<${stream_base}:error>";
if (exists($root->{version}) && ($root->{version} ne ""))
$error .= "<${type} xmlns='".&ConstXMLNS('xmppstreams')."'/>";
if (defined($text))
$error .= "<text xmlns='".&ConstXMLNS('xmppstreams')."'>";
$error .= $text;
$error .= "</text>";
$error .= $text;
$error .= "</${stream_base}:error>";
return $error;
#| Activity Monitoring Functions
# IgnoreActivity - Set the flag that will ignore the activity monitor.
sub IgnoreActivity
my $self = shift;
my $sid = shift;
my $ignoreActivity = shift;
$ignoreActivity = 1 unless defined($ignoreActivity);
$self->debug(3,"IgnoreActivity: ignoreActivity($ignoreActivity)");
$self->debug(4,"IgnoreActivity: sid($sid)");
$self->{SIDS}->{$sid}->{ignoreActivity} = $ignoreActivity;
# LastActivity - Return the time of the last activity.
sub LastActivity
my $self = shift;
my $sid = shift;
$self->debug(3,"LastActivity: sid($sid)");
$self->debug(1,"LastActivity: lastActivity($self->{SIDS}->{$sid}->{lastActivity})");
return $self->{SIDS}->{$sid}->{lastActivity};
# MarkActivity - Record the current time for this sid.
sub MarkActivity
my $self = shift;
my $sid = shift;
return if (exists($self->{SIDS}->{$sid}->{ignoreActivity}) &&
($self->{SIDS}->{$sid}->{ignoreActivity} == 1));
$self->debug(3,"MarkActivity: sid($sid)");
$self->{SIDS}->{$sid}->{lastActivity} = time;
#| XML Node Interface functions
#| These are generic wrappers around the Tree and Node data types. The
#| problem being that the Tree class cannot support methods.
=head2 SetXMLData
Takes a host of arguments and sets a portion of the specified
data strucure with that data. The function works in two
modes "single" or "multiple". "single" denotes that the
function should locate the current tag that matches this
data and overwrite it's contents with data passed in.
"multiple" denotes that a new tag should be created even if
others exist.
type - single or multiple
XMLTree - pointer to XML::Stream data object (tree or node)
tag - name of tag to create/modify (if blank assumes
working with top level tag)
data - CDATA to set for tag
attribs - attributes to ADD to tag
sub SetXMLData
return &XML::Stream::Node::SetXMLData(@_) if (ref($_[1]) eq "XML::Stream::Node");
return &XML::Stream::Tree::SetXMLData(@_) if (ref($_[1]) eq "ARRAY");
=head2 GetXMLData
Takes a host of arguments and returns various data structures
that match them.
type C<existence> - returns 1 or 0 if the tag exists in the top level.
C<value> - returns either the CDATA of the tag, or the
value of the attribute depending on which is
sought. This ignores any mark ups to the data
and just returns the raw CDATA.
C<value array>
returns an array of strings representing
all of the CDATA in the specified tag.
This ignores any mark ups to the data
and just returns the raw CDATA.
C<tree> - returns a data structure that represents the
XML with the specified tag as the root tag.
Depends on the format that you are working with.
C<tree array> returns an array of data structures each
with the specified tag as the root tag.
C<child array> - returns a list of all children nodes
not including CDATA nodes.
C<attribs> - returns a hash with the attributes, and
their values, for the things that match
the parameters
C<count> - returns the number of things that match
the arguments
C<tag> - returns the root tag of this tree
XMLTree - pointer to XML::Stream data structure
C<tag> - tag to pull data from. If blank then the top level
tag is accessed.
C<attrib> - attribute value to retrieve. Ignored for types
"value array", "tree", "tree array". If paired
with value can be used to filter tags based on
attributes and values.
C<value> - only valid if an attribute is supplied. Used to
filter for tags that only contain this attribute.
Useful to search through multiple tags that all
reference different name spaces.
sub GetXMLData
return &XML::Stream::Node::GetXMLData(@_) if (ref($_[1]) eq "XML::Stream::Node");
return &XML::Stream::Tree::GetXMLData(@_) if (ref($_[1]) eq "ARRAY");
=head2 XPath
Run an xpath query on a node and return back the result.
XPath(node,path) returns an array of results that match the xpath.
node can be any of the three types (Tree, Node).
sub XPath
my $tree = shift;
my $path = shift;
my $query = XML::Stream::XPath::Query->new($path);
my $result = $query->execute($tree);
if ($result->check())
my %attribs = $result->getAttribs();
return %attribs if (scalar(keys(%attribs)) > 0);
my @values = $result->getValues();
@values = $result->getList() unless ($#values > -1);
return @values if wantarray;
return $values[0];
=head2 XPathCheck
Run an xpath query on a node and return 1 or 0 if the path is
sub XPathCheck
my $tree = shift;
my $path = shift;
my $query = XML::Stream::XPath::Query->new($path);
my $result = $query->execute($tree);
return $result->check();
=head2 XML2Config
Takes an XML data tree and turns it into a hash of hashes.
This only works for certain kinds of XML trees like this:
The resulting hash would be:
$hash{bar} = 1;
$hash{x}->{y} = "foo";
$hash{z}->[0] = 5;
$hash{z}->[1] = 6;
Good for config files.
sub XML2Config
return &XML::Stream::Node::XML2Config(@_) if (ref($_[0]) eq "XML::Stream::Node");
return &XML::Stream::Tree::XML2Config(@_) if (ref($_[0]) eq "ARRAY");
=head2 Config2XML
Takes a hash and produces an XML string from it. If the hash looks like this:
$hash{bar} = 1;
$hash{x}->{y} = "foo";
$hash{z}->[0] = 5;
$hash{z}->[1] = 6;
The resulting xml would be:
Good for config files.
sub Config2XML
my ($tag,$hash,$indent) = @_;
$indent = "" unless defined($indent);
my $xml;
if (ref($hash) eq "ARRAY")
foreach my $item (@{$hash})
$xml .= &XML::Stream::Config2XML($tag,$item,$indent);
if ((ref($hash) eq "HASH") && ((scalar keys(%{$hash})) == 0))
$xml .= "$indent<$tag/>\n";
if (ref($hash) eq "")
if ($hash eq "")
return "$indent<$tag/>\n";
return "$indent<$tag>$hash</$tag>\n";
$xml .= "$indent<$tag>\n";
foreach my $item (sort {$a cmp $b} keys(%{$hash}))
$xml .= &XML::Stream::Config2XML($item,$hash->{$item}," $indent");
$xml .= "$indent</$tag>\n";
return $xml;
=head2 EscapeXML
Simple function to make sure that no bad characters make it into
in the XML string that might cause the string to be
sub EscapeXML
my $data = shift;
if (defined($data))
$data =~ s/&/&/g;
$data =~ s/</</g;
$data =~ s/>/>/g;
$data =~ s/\"/"/g;
$data =~ s/\'/'/g;
return $data;
=head2 UnescapeXML
Simple function to take an escaped string and return it to normal.
sub UnescapeXML
my $data = shift;
if (defined($data))
$data =~ s/&/&/g;
$data =~ s/</</g;
$data =~ s/>/>/g;
$data =~ s/"/\"/g;
$data =~ s/'/\'/g;
return $data;
=head2 BuildXML
Takes one of the data formats that XML::Stream supports and call
the proper BuildXML_xxx function on it.
sub BuildXML
return &XML::Stream::Node::BuildXML(@_) if (ref($_[0]) eq "XML::Stream::Node");
return &XML::Stream::Tree::BuildXML(@_) if (ref($_[0]) eq "ARRAY");
return &XML::Stream::Tree::BuildXML(@_) if (ref($_[1]) eq "ARRAY");
#| Namespace/Prefix Functions
=head2 ConstXMLNS
Return the namespace from the constant string.
sub ConstXMLNS
my $const = shift;
return $XMLNS{$const};
# StreamPrefix - Return the prefix of the <stream:stream/>
sub StreamPrefix
my $self = shift;
my $sid = shift;
return $self->ns2prefix($sid,&ConstXMLNS("stream"));
# RegisterPrefix - setup the map for namespace to prefix
sub RegisterPrefix
my $self = shift;
my $sid = shift;
my $ns = shift;
my $prefix = shift;
$self->{SIDS}->{$sid}->{ns2prefix}->{$ns} = $prefix;
# ns2prefix - for a stream, return the prefix for the given namespace
sub ns2prefix
my $self = shift;
my $sid = shift;
my $ns = shift;
return $self->{SIDS}->{$sid}->{ns2prefix}->{$ns};
#| Helper Functions
=head2 GetRoot
Returns the hash of attributes for the root <stream:stream/> tag
so that any attributes returned can be accessed. from and any
xmlns:foobar might be important.
Returns the attributes that the stream:stream tag sent
by the other end listed in a hash for the specified session.
sub GetRoot
my $self = shift;
my $sid = shift;
return unless exists($self->{SIDS}->{$sid}->{root});
return $self->{SIDS}->{$sid}->{root};
=head2 GetSock
returns the Socket so that an outside function can access it if desired.
Returns a pointer to the IO::Socket object for the specified session.
sub GetSock
my $self = shift;
my $sid = shift;
return $self->{SIDS}->{$sid}->{sock};
# LoadSSL - simple call to set everything up for SSL one time.
sub LoadSSL
my $self = shift;
$self->debug(1,"LoadSSL: Load the IO::Socket::SSL module");
if (defined($SSL) && ($SSL == 1))
$self->debug(1,"LoadSSL: Success");
return 1;
if (defined($SSL) && ($SSL == 0))
$self->debug(1,"LoadSSL: Failure");
my $SSL_Version = "0.81";
eval "use IO::Socket::SSL $SSL_Version";
if ($@)
croak("IO::Socket::SSL v$SSL_Version or greater is required.");
$SSL = 1;
$self->debug(1,"LoadSSL: Success");
return 1;
# Host2SID - For a server this allows you to lookup the SID of a stream server
# based on the hostname that is is listening on.
sub Host2SID
my $self = shift;
my $hostname = shift;
foreach my $sid (keys(%{$self->{SIDS}}))
next if ($sid eq "default");
next if ($sid =~ /^server/);
return $sid if ($self->{SIDS}->{$sid}->{hostname} eq $hostname);
=head2 NewSID
Returns a session ID to send to an incoming stream in the return
header. By default it just increments a counter and returns that,
or you can define a function and set it using the SetCallBacks
sub NewSID
my $self = shift;
return &{$self->{CB}->{sid}}() if (exists($self->{CB}->{sid}) &&
return $$.time.$self->{IDCOUNT}++;
=head2 SetCallBacks
Takes a hash with top level tags to look for as the keys
and pointers to functions as the values.
SetCallBacks(node=>function, update=>function);
Sets the callback that should be called in various situations.
C<node> is used to handle the data structures that are built for each top level tag.
C<update> is used for when Process is blocking waiting for data, but you
want your original code to be updated.
sub SetCallBacks
my $self = shift;
my $weak = $self;
weaken $weak;
while($#_ >= 0) {
my $func = pop(@_);
my $tag = pop(@_);
if (($tag eq "node") && !defined($func))
$self->SetCallBacks(node=>sub { $weak->_node(@_) });
$self->debug(1,"SetCallBacks: tag($tag) func($func)");
$self->{CB}->{$tag} = $func;
# StreamHeader - Given the arguments, return the opening stream header.
sub StreamHeader
my $self = shift;
my (%args) = @_;
my $stream;
$stream .= "<?xml version='1.0'?>";
$stream .= "<stream:stream ";
$stream .= "version='1.0' ";
$stream .= "xmlns:stream='".&ConstXMLNS("stream")."' ";
$stream .= "xmlns='$args{xmlns}' ";
$stream .= "to='$args{to}' " if exists($args{to});
$stream .= "from='$args{from}' " if exists($args{from});
$stream .= "xml:lang='$args{xmllang}' " if exists($args{xmllang});
foreach my $ns (@{$args{namespaces}})
$stream .= " ".$ns->GetStream();
$stream .= ">";
return $stream;
# debug - prints the arguments to the debug log if debug is turned on.
sub debug
return if ($_[1] > $_[0]->{DEBUGLEVEL});
my $self = shift;
my ($limit,@args) = @_;
return if ($self->{DEBUGFILE} eq "");
my $fh = $self->{DEBUGFILE};
if ($self->{DEBUGTIME} == 1)
my ($sec,$min,$hour) = localtime(time);
print $fh sprintf("[%02d:%02d:%02d] ",$hour,$min,$sec);
print $fh "XML::Stream: @args\n";
# nonblock - set the socket to be non-blocking.
sub nonblock
my $self = shift;
my $socket = shift;
# Code copied from POE::Wheel::SocketFactory...
# Win32 does things one way...
if ($^O eq "MSWin32")
ioctl( $socket, 0x80000000 | (4 << 16) | (ord('f') << 8) | 126, 1) ||
croak("Can't make socket nonblocking (win32): $!");
# And UNIX does them another
my $flags = fcntl($socket, F_GETFL, 0)
or die "Can't get flags for socket: $!\n";
fcntl($socket, F_SETFL, $flags | O_NONBLOCK)
or die "Can't make socket nonblocking: $!\n";
# printData - debugging function to print out any data structure in an
# organized manner. Very useful for debugging XML::Parser::Tree
# objects. This is a private function that will only exist in
# in the development version.
sub printData
print &sprintData(@_);
# sprintData - debugging function to build a string out of any data structure
# in an organized manner. Very useful for debugging
# XML::Parser::Tree objects and perl hashes of hashes.
# This is a private function.
sub sprintData
my ($preString,$data) = @_;
my $outString = "";
if (ref($data) eq "HASH")
my $key;
foreach $key (sort { $a cmp $b } keys(%{$data}))
if (ref($$data{$key}) eq "")
my $value = defined($$data{$key}) ? $$data{$key} : "";
$outString .= $preString."{'$key'} = \"".$value."\";\n";
if (ref($$data{$key}) =~ /Net::Jabber/)
$outString .= $preString."{'$key'} = ".ref($$data{$key}).";\n";
$outString .= $preString."{'$key'};\n";
$outString .= &sprintData($preString."{'$key'}->",$$data{$key});
if (ref($data) eq "ARRAY")
my $index;
foreach $index (0..$#{$data})
if (ref($$data[$index]) eq "")
$outString .= $preString."[$index] = \"$$data[$index]\";\n";
if (ref($$data[$index]) =~ /Net::Jabber/)
$outString .= $preString."[$index] = ".ref($$data[$index]).";\n";
$outString .= $preString."[$index];\n";
$outString .= &sprintData($preString."[$index]->",$$data[$index]);
if (ref($data) eq "REF")
$outString .= &sprintData($preString."->",$$data);
if (ref($data) eq "")
$outString .= $preString." = \"$data\";\n";
$outString .= $preString." = ".ref($data).";\n";
return $outString;
Tells the Parser to enter into a nonblocking state. This
might cause some funky behavior since you can get nested
callbacks while things are waiting. 1=on, 0=off(default).
simple example
use XML::Stream qw( Tree );
$stream = XML::Stream->new;
my $status = $stream->Connect(hostname => "jabber.org",
port => 5222,
namespace => "jabber:client");
if (!defined($status)) {
print "ERROR: Could not connect to server\n";
print " (",$stream->GetErrorCode(),")\n";
while($node = $stream->Process()) {
# do something with $node
Example using a handler
use XML::Stream qw( Tree );
$stream = XML::Stream->new;
$stream->Connect(hostname => "jabber.org",
port => 5222,
namespace => "jabber:client",
timeout => undef) || die $!;
# Blocks here forever, noder is called for incoming
# packets when they arrive.
while(defined($stream->Process())) { }
print "ERROR: Stream died (",$stream->GetErrorCode(),")\n";
sub noder
my $sid = shift;
my $node = shift;
# do something with $node
=head1 AUTHOR
Tweaked, tuned, and brightness changes by Ryan Eatmon, reatmon@ti.com
in May of 2000.
Colorized, and Dolby Surround sound added by Thomas Charron,
By Jeremie in October of 1999 for http://etherx.jabber.org/streams/
Currently maintained by Darian Anthony Patrick.
Copyright (C) 1998-2004 Jabber Software Foundation http://jabber.org/
This module licensed under the LGPL, version 2.1.