# ======================================================================
# Copyright (C) 2000-2001 Paul Kulchenko (paulclinger@yahoo.com)
# SOAP::Lite is free software; you can redistribute it
# and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
# $Id$
# ======================================================================
package XMLRPC::Test;
use 5.004;
use vars qw($VERSION $TIMEOUT);
our $VERSION = 0.717;
# ======================================================================
package My::PingPong; # we'll use this package in our tests
sub new {
my $self = shift;
my $class = ref($self) || $self;
bless {_num=>shift} => $class;
sub next {
my $self = shift;
sub value {
my $self = shift;
# ======================================================================
package XMLRPC::Test::Server;
use strict;
use Test;
use XMLRPC::Lite;
sub run_for {
my $proxy = shift or die "Proxy/endpoint is not specified";
# ------------------------------------------------------
my $s = XMLRPC::Lite->proxy($proxy)->on_fault(sub{});
eval { $s->transport->timeout($XMLRPC::Test::TIMEOUT) };
my $r = $s->test_connection;
unless (defined $r && defined $r->envelope) {
print "1..0 # Skip: ", $s->transport->status, "\n";
# ------------------------------------------------------
plan tests => 17;
eval q!use XMLRPC::Lite on_fault => sub{ref $_[1] ? $_[1] : new XMLRPC::SOM}; 1! or die;
print "Perl XMLRPC server test(s)...\n";
$s = XMLRPC::Lite
-> proxy($proxy)
ok($s->call('My.Examples.getStateName', 1)->result eq 'Alabama');
ok($s->call('My.Examples.getStateNames', 1,4,6,13)->result =~ /^Alabama\s+Arkansas\s+Colorado\s+Illinois\s*$/);
$r = $s->call('My.Examples.getStateList', [1,2,3,4])->result;
ok(ref $r && $r->[0] eq 'Alabama');
$r = $s->call('My.Examples.getStateStruct', {item1 => 1, item2 => 4})->result;
ok(ref $r && $r->{item2} eq 'Arkansas');
print "dispatch_from test(s)...\n";
eval "use XMLRPC::Lite
dispatch_from => ['A', 'B'],
proxy => '$proxy',
; 1" or die;
eval { C->c };
ok($@ =~ /Can't locate object method "c"/);
print "Object autobinding and XMLRPC:: prefix test(s)...\n";
eval "use XMLRPC::Lite +autodispatch =>
proxy => '$proxy'; 1" or die;
# forget everything
my $on_fault_was_called = 0;
print "Die in server method test(s)...\n";
my $s = XMLRPC::Lite
-> proxy($proxy)
-> on_fault(sub{$on_fault_was_called++;return})
ok($s->call('My.Parameters.die_simply')->faultstring =~ /Something bad/);
ok($on_fault_was_called > 0);
# get Fault as hash of subelements
my $fault = $s->call('My.Parameters.die_with_fault');
ok($fault->faultcode =~ 'Server\.Custom');
ok($fault->faultstring eq 'Died in server method');
print "Number of parameters test(s)...\n";
$s = XMLRPC::Lite
-> proxy($proxy)
{ my @all = $s->call('My.Parameters.echo')->paramsall; ok(@all == 0) }
{ my @all = $s->call('My.Parameters.echo', 1)->paramsall; ok(@all == 1) }
{ my @all = $s->call('My.Parameters.echo', (1) x 10)->paramsall; ok(@all == 10) }
print "Memory refresh test(s)...\n";
# Funny test.
# Let's forget about ALL settings we did before with 'use XMLRPC::Lite...'
ok(!defined XMLRPC::Lite->self);
eval "use XMLRPC::Lite
proxy => '$proxy'; 1" or die;
print "Global settings test(s)...\n";
$s = new XMLRPC::Lite;
ok($s->call('My.Examples.getStateName', 1)->result eq 'Alabama');
SOAP::Trace->import(transport =>
sub {$_[0]->content_type('something/wrong') if UNIVERSAL::isa($_[0] => 'HTTP::Request')}
if ($proxy =~ /^tcp:/) {
skip('No Content-Type checks for tcp: protocol on server side' => undef);
} else {
ok($s->call('My.Examples.getStateName', 1)->faultstring =~ /Content-Type must be/);
# check status for fault messages
if ($proxy =~ /^http/) {
ok($s->transport->status =~ /^200/);
} else {
skip('No Status checks for non http protocols on server side' => undef);
# ======================================================================
=head1 NAME
XMLRPC::Test - Test framework for XMLRPC::Lite
use XMLRPC::Test;
XMLRPC::Test provides simple framework for testing server implementations.
Specify your address (endpoint) and run provided tests against your server.
See t/1*.t for examples.
Copyright (C) 2000-2001 Paul Kulchenko. All rights reserved.
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself.
=head1 AUTHOR
Paul Kulchenko (paulclinger@yahoo.com)