# ABSTRACT: Construct data structure from Parser Events
use strict;
use warnings;
package YAML::PP::Constructor;
our $VERSION = '0.026'; # VERSION
use YAML::PP;
use Scalar::Util qw/ reftype /;
use Carp qw/ croak /;
use constant DEBUG => ($ENV{YAML_PP_LOAD_DEBUG} or $ENV{YAML_PP_LOAD_TRACE}) ? 1 : 0;
use constant TRACE => $ENV{YAML_PP_LOAD_TRACE} ? 1 : 0;
my %cyclic_refs = qw/ allow 1 ignore 1 warn 1 fatal 1 /;
sub new {
my ($class, %args) = @_;
my $default_yaml_version = delete $args{default_yaml_version};
# TODO: switch to default 0
my $duplicate_keys = delete $args{duplicate_keys};
unless (defined $duplicate_keys) {
$duplicate_keys = 1;
my $preserve = delete $args{preserve} || 0;
if ($preserve == PRESERVE_ALL) {
my $cyclic_refs = delete $args{cyclic_refs} || 'allow';
die "Invalid value for cyclic_refs: $cyclic_refs"
unless $cyclic_refs{ $cyclic_refs };
my $schemas = delete $args{schemas};
if (keys %args) {
die "Unexpected arguments: " . join ', ', sort keys %args;
my $self = bless {
default_yaml_version => $default_yaml_version,
schemas => $schemas,
cyclic_refs => $cyclic_refs,
preserve => $preserve,
duplicate_keys => $duplicate_keys,
}, $class;
return $self;
sub clone {
my ($self) = @_;
my $clone = {
schemas => $self->{schemas},
schema => $self->{schema},
default_yaml_version => $self->{default_yaml_version},
cyclic_refs => $self->cyclic_refs,
preserve => $self->{preserve},
return bless $clone, ref $self;
sub init {
my ($self) = @_;
$self->set_schema($self->schemas->{ $self->yaml_version } );
sub docs { return $_[0]->{docs} }
sub stack { return $_[0]->{stack} }
sub anchors { return $_[0]->{anchors} }
sub set_docs { $_[0]->{docs} = $_[1] }
sub set_stack { $_[0]->{stack} = $_[1] }
sub set_anchors { $_[0]->{anchors} = $_[1] }
sub schemas { return $_[0]->{schemas} }
sub schema { return $_[0]->{schema} }
sub set_schema { $_[0]->{schema} = $_[1] }
sub cyclic_refs { return $_[0]->{cyclic_refs} }
sub set_cyclic_refs { $_[0]->{cyclic_refs} = $_[1] }
sub yaml_version { return $_[0]->{yaml_version} }
sub set_yaml_version { $_[0]->{yaml_version} = $_[1] }
sub default_yaml_version { return $_[0]->{default_yaml_version} }
sub preserve_order { return $_[0]->{preserve} & PRESERVE_ORDER }
sub preserve_scalar_style { return $_[0]->{preserve} & PRESERVE_SCALAR_STYLE }
sub preserve_flow_style { return $_[0]->{preserve} & PRESERVE_FLOW_STYLE }
sub duplicate_keys { return $_[0]->{duplicate_keys} }
sub document_start_event {
my ($self, $event) = @_;
my $stack = $self->stack;
if ($event->{version_directive}) {
my $version = $event->{version_directive};
$version = "$version->{major}.$version->{minor}";
if ($self->{schemas}->{ $version }) {
$self->set_schema($self->schemas->{ $version });
else {
$self->set_schema($self->schemas->{ $self->default_yaml_version });
my $ref = [];
push @$stack, { type => 'document', ref => $ref, data => $ref, event => $event };
sub document_end_event {
my ($self, $event) = @_;
my $stack = $self->stack;
my $last = pop @$stack;
$last->{type} eq 'document' or die "Expected mapping, but got $last->{type}";
if (@$stack) {
die "Got unexpected end of document";
my $docs = $self->docs;
push @$docs, $last->{ref}->[0];
sub mapping_start_event {
my ($self, $event) = @_;
my ($data, $on_data) = $self->schema->create_mapping($self, $event);
my $ref = {
type => 'mapping',
ref => [],
data => \$data,
event => $event,
on_data => $on_data,
my $stack = $self->stack;
my $preserve_order = $self->preserve_order;
my $preserve_style = $self->preserve_flow_style;
if (($preserve_order or $preserve_style) and not tied(%$data)) {
tie %$data, 'YAML::PP::Preserve::Hash';
if ($preserve_style) {
my $t = tied %$data;
$t->{style} = $event->{style};
push @$stack, $ref;
if (defined(my $anchor = $event->{anchor})) {
$self->anchors->{ $anchor } = { data => $ref->{data} };
sub mapping_end_event {
my ($self, $event) = @_;
my $stack = $self->stack;
my $last = pop @$stack;
my ($ref, $data) = @{ $last }{qw/ ref data /};
$last->{type} eq 'mapping' or die "Expected mapping, but got $last->{type}";
my @merge_keys;
my @ref;
for (my $i = 0; $i < @$ref; $i += 2) {
my $key = $ref->[ $i ];
if (ref $key eq 'YAML::PP::Type::MergeKey') {
my $merge = $ref->[ $i + 1 ];
if ((reftype($merge) || '') eq 'HASH') {
push @merge_keys, $merge;
elsif ((reftype($merge) || '') eq 'ARRAY') {
for my $item (@$merge) {
if ((reftype($item) || '') eq 'HASH') {
push @merge_keys, $item;
else {
die "Expected hash for merge key";
else {
die "Expected hash or array for merge key";
else {
push @ref, $key, $ref->[ $i + 1 ];
for my $merge (@merge_keys) {
for my $key (keys %$merge) {
unless (exists $$data->{ $key }) {
$$data->{ $key } = $merge->{ $key };
my $on_data = $last->{on_data} || sub {
my ($self, $hash, $items) = @_;
my %seen;
for (my $i = 0; $i < @$items; $i += 2) {
my ($key, $value) = @$items[ $i, $i + 1 ];
$key = '' unless defined $key;
if (ref $key) {
$key = $self->stringify_complex($key);
if ($seen{ $key }++ and not $self->duplicate_keys) {
croak "Duplicate key '$key'";
$$hash->{ $key } = $value;
$on_data->($self, $data, \@ref);
push @{ $stack->[-1]->{ref} }, $$data;
if (defined(my $anchor = $last->{event}->{anchor})) {
$self->anchors->{ $anchor }->{finished} = 1;
sub sequence_start_event {
my ($self, $event) = @_;
my ($data, $on_data) = $self->schema->create_sequence($self, $event);
my $ref = {
type => 'sequence',
ref => [],
data => \$data,
event => $event,
on_data => $on_data,
my $stack = $self->stack;
my $preserve_style = $self->preserve_flow_style;
if ($preserve_style and not tied(@$data)) {
tie @$data, 'YAML::PP::Preserve::Array', @$data;
my $t = tied @$data;
$t->{style} = $event->{style};
push @$stack, $ref;
if (defined(my $anchor = $event->{anchor})) {
$self->anchors->{ $anchor } = { data => $ref->{data} };
sub sequence_end_event {
my ($self, $event) = @_;
my $stack = $self->stack;
my $last = pop @$stack;
$last->{type} eq 'sequence' or die "Expected mapping, but got $last->{type}";
my ($ref, $data) = @{ $last }{qw/ ref data /};
my $on_data = $last->{on_data} || sub {
my ($self, $array, $items) = @_;
push @$$array, @$items;
$on_data->($self, $data, $ref);
push @{ $stack->[-1]->{ref} }, $$data;
if (defined(my $anchor = $last->{event}->{anchor})) {
my $test = $self->anchors->{ $anchor };
$self->anchors->{ $anchor }->{finished} = 1;
sub stream_start_event {}
sub stream_end_event {}
sub scalar_event {
my ($self, $event) = @_;
DEBUG and warn "CONTENT $event->{value} ($event->{style})\n";
my $value = $self->schema->load_scalar($self, $event);
if (defined (my $name = $event->{anchor})) {
$self->anchors->{ $name } = { data => \$value, finished => 1 };
my $last = $self->stack->[-1];
if ($self->preserve_scalar_style and not ref $value) {
$value = YAML::PP::Preserve::Scalar->new(
value => $value,
style => $event->{style},
tag => $event->{tag},
push @{ $last->{ref} }, $value;
sub alias_event {
my ($self, $event) = @_;
my $value;
my $name = $event->{value};
if (my $anchor = $self->anchors->{ $name }) {
# We know this is a cyclic ref since the node hasn't
# been constructed completely yet
unless ($anchor->{finished} ) {
my $cyclic_refs = $self->cyclic_refs;
if ($cyclic_refs ne 'allow') {
if ($cyclic_refs eq 'fatal') {
die "Found cyclic ref";
if ($cyclic_refs eq 'warn') {
$anchor = { data => \undef };
warn "Found cyclic ref";
elsif ($cyclic_refs eq 'ignore') {
$anchor = { data => \undef };
$value = $anchor->{data};
my $last = $self->stack->[-1];
push @{ $last->{ref} }, $$value;
sub stringify_complex {
my ($self, $data) = @_;
return $data if (ref $data eq 'YAML::PP::Preserve::Scalar' and $self->preserve_scalar_style);
require Data::Dumper;
local $Data::Dumper::Quotekeys = 0;
local $Data::Dumper::Terse = 1;
local $Data::Dumper::Indent = 0;
local $Data::Dumper::Useqq = 0;
local $Data::Dumper::Sortkeys = 1;
my $string = Data::Dumper->Dump([$data], ['data']);
$string =~ s/^\$data = //;
return $string;
=encoding utf-8
=head1 NAME
YAML::PP::Constructor - Constructing data structure from parsing events
=head1 METHODS
=item new
The Constructor constructor
my $constructor = YAML::PP::Constructor->new(
schema => $schema,
cyclic_refs => $cyclic_refs,
=item init
Resets any data being used during construction.
=item document_start_event, document_end_event, mapping_start_event, mapping_end_event, sequence_start_event, sequence_end_event, scalar_event, alias_event, stream_start_event, stream_end_event
These methods are called from L<YAML::PP::Parser>:
=item anchors, set_anchors
Helper for storing anchors during construction
=item docs, set_docs
Helper for storing resulting documents during construction
=item stack, set_stack
Helper for storing data during construction
=item cyclic_refs, set_cyclic_refs
Option for controlling the behaviour when finding circular references
=item schema, set_schema
Holds a L<YAML::PP::Schema> object
=item stringify_complex
When constructing a hash and getting a non-scalar key, this method is
used to stringify the key.
It uses a terse Data::Dumper output. Other modules, like L<YAML::XS>, use
the default stringification, C<ARRAY(0x55617c0c7398)> for example.