use strict;
use warnings;
package YAML::PP::Perl;
our $VERSION = '0.026'; # VERSION
use base 'Exporter';
use base 'YAML::PP';
our @EXPORT_OK = qw/ Load Dump LoadFile DumpFile /;
use YAML::PP;
use YAML::PP::Schema::Perl;
sub new {
my ($class, %args) = @_;
$args{schema} ||= [qw/ Core Perl /];
sub Load {
my ($yaml) = @_;
sub LoadFile {
my ($file) = @_;
sub Dump {
my (@data) = @_;
sub DumpFile {
my ($file, @data) = @_;
__PACKAGE__->new->dump_file($file, @data);
=encoding utf-8
=head1 NAME
YAML::PP::Perl - Convenience module for loading and dumping Perl objects
use YAML::PP::Perl;
my @docs = YAML::PP::Perl->new->load_string($yaml);
my @docs = YAML::PP::Perl::Load($yaml);
# same as
use YAML::PP;
my $yp = YAML::PP->new( schema => [qw/ Core Perl /] );
my @docs = $yp->load_string($yaml);
This is just for convenience. It will create a YAML::PP object using the
default schema (C<Core>) and the L<YAML::PP::Schema::Perl> schema.
See L<YAML::PP::Schema::Perl> for documentation.
=head1 METHODS
=item Load, Dump, LoadFile, DumpFile
These work like the functions in L<YAML::PP>, just adding the C<Perl> schema.
=item new
Constructor, works like in L<YAML::PP>, just adds the C<Perl> schema to the
list of arguments.