#compdef flowadm
local -a subcmds tr props
local expl
compadd "$@" - $(_call_program flows flowadm show-flow -p -o flow)
help show-flow add-flow match-flow remove-flow set-flowprop
reset-flowprop show-flowprop
tr=( tcp udp sctp icmp icmpv6 )
props=( maxbw )
if [[ $service == "flowadm" ]]; then
_arguments -C -A "-*" \
'*::command:->subcmd' && return 0
if (( CURRENT == 1 )); then
_wanted commands expl "flowadm subcommand" compadd -a subcmds
case $service in
_arguments ':subcommand:($subcmds)'
_arguments -A "-*" \
'-o[specify field to display]:field:(flow link ipaddr proto port dsfield)' \
'-p[parsable output]' \
'-P[persistent flow property information]' \
- set1 \
'-l[display information for link]:link or flow:_net_interfaces' \
- set2 \
':flow:_flowadm_flow' \
_arguments -A "-*" \
'-o[specify field to display]:field:(flow link ipaddr proto port dsfield)' \
'-p[parsable output]' \
'-P[persistent flow property information]' \
'-a[specify attribute]:attribute:(local_ip= remote_ip= transport=$tr local_port= dsfield=)' \
'(:)-l[display information for link]:link or flow:_net_interfaces' \
'(-l):flow:_flowadm_flow' \
_arguments -A "-*" \
'-t[temporary changes - do not persist across reboots]' \
'-R[alternate root dir]:alternate root:_files' \
'-l[specify link to which flow will be added]:link:_net_interfaces' \
'-a[specify attribute]:attribute:(local_ip= remote_ip= transport=$tr local_port= dsfield=)' \
'-p[set property value]:property:(maxbw=)' \
_arguments -A "-*" \
'-t[temporary changes - do not persist across reboots]' \
'-R[alternate root dir]:alternate root:_files' \
- set1 \
'-l[specify link from which flow will be deleted]:link:_net_interfaces' \
- set2 \
':flow:_flowadm_flow' \
_arguments -A "-*" \
'-t[temporary changes - do not persist across reboots]' \
'-R[alternate root dir]:alternate root:_files' \
'-p[set property value]:property:(maxbw=)' \
':flow:_flowadm_flow' \
_arguments -A "-*" \
'-t[temporary changes - do not persist across reboots]' \
'-R[alternate root dir]:alternate root:_files' \
'-p[set property value]:property:(maxbw=)' \
':flow:_flowadm_flow' \
_arguments -A "-*" \
'-c[parsable output (requires -o)]' \
'-l[specify link whose properties will be shown]:link:_net_interfaces' \
'-P[persistent flow property information]' \
'-p[property to show]:property:_values -s , "property" $props' \
':flow:_flowadm_flow' \