#compdef iwconfig
local curcontext="$curcontext" state line expl ret=1
_arguments -C \
'(1 * -)--help[display help information]' \
'(1 * -)--version[display version information]' \
'1:network interface:_net_interfaces' \
'*:parameter:->parameters' && ret=0
if [[ -n "$state" ]]; then
local -a arg
case $words[CURRENT-1] in
essid) _wanted -x names expl 'network name' compadd off any on ;;
nwid|domain) _message -e ids 'network id' ;;
freq|channel) _message -e channels 'channel or frequency' ;;
sens) _message -e levels 'signal level' ;;
_wanted modes expl 'operating mode' compadd \
Ad-Hoc Managed Master Repeater Secondary Monitor Auto
ap) _message -e access-points 'access point' ;;
nick*) _message -e names 'nickname' ;;
rate|bit*) _message -e bit-rates 'bit rate' ;;
rts*|frag*) _message -e sizes 'size' ;;
key|enc*) _message -e keys 'key' ;;
'*off[disable power management]'
'*on[enable power management]'
'*all[receive all packets]'
'unicast[receive unicast packets only]'
'multicast[receive multicast and broadcast packets only]'
_values -S ' ' -w 'parameter' \
'period[set the period between wake ups]' \
'timeout[set timeout before sleep]' \
$arg[@] && ret=0
period|timeout) _message -e timeouts 'timeout' ;;
txpower) _message -e power 'transmit power' ;;
retry) _message -e retries 'retries' ;;
(modu) _wanted -x names expl 'modulation' compadd 11g CCK OFDMa auto ;;
_values -S ' ' -w 'option' \
'essid[set the network name]' \
'(nwid domain)'{nwid,domain}'[set the network ID]' \
'(freq channel)'{freq,channel}'[set the operating frequency or channel]' \
'sens[set the sensitivity threshold]' \
'mode[set operating mode]' \
'ap[register with given access point]' \
'(nick nickname)'nick{,name}'[set the nickname]' \
'(rate bit)'{rate,bit}'[set the bitrate]' \
'rts[set packet size threshold for sending RTS]' \
'frag[set maximum packet fragment size]' \
\*{key,enc}'[add encryption key]' \
'*power[manipulate power management scheme parameters]' \
'txpower[set transmit power]' \
'retry[set number of retries]' \
'modu[force a specific set of modulations]' \
'commit[apply changes immediately]' && ret=0
return ret