shell bypass 403
=head1 NAME
AnyEvent::Strict - force strict mode on for the whole process
use AnyEvent::Strict;
# strict mode now switched on
This module implements AnyEvent's strict mode.
Loading it makes AnyEvent check all arguments to AnyEvent-methods, at the
expense of being slower (often the argument checking takes longer than the
actual function). It also wraps all callbacks to check for modifications
of C<$_>, which indicates a programming bug inside the watcher callback.
Normally, you don't load this module yourself but instead use it
indirectly via the C<PERL_ANYEVENT_STRICT> environment variable (see
L<AnyEvent>). However, this module can be loaded manually at any time.
package AnyEvent::Strict;
use Carp qw(confess);
use Errno ();
use POSIX ();
$Carp::Internal{AE} = 1;
$Carp::Internal{AnyEvent::Strict} = 1;
use AnyEvent (); BEGIN { AnyEvent::common_sense }
AnyEvent::_isa_hook 1 => "AnyEvent::Strict", 1;
if (defined &Internals::SvREADONLY) {
# readonly available (at least 5.8.9+, working better in 5.10.1+)
*wrap = sub {
my $cb = shift;
sub {
local $_;
Internals::SvREADONLY $_, 1;
} else {
# or not :/
my $magic = []; # a unique magic value
*wrap = sub {
my $cb = shift;
sub {
local $_ = $magic;
if (!ref $_ || $_ != $magic) {
require AnyEvent::Debug;
die "callback $cb (" . AnyEvent::Debug::cb2str ($cb) . ") modified \$_ without restoring it.\n";
our (@FD_INUSE, $FD_I);
our $FD_CHECK_W = AE::timer 4, 4, sub {
my $cnt = (@FD_INUSE < 100 * 10 ? int @FD_INUSE * 0.1 : 100) || 10;
if ($FD_I <= 0) {
#pop @FD_INUSE while @FD_INUSE && !$FD_INUSE[-1];
or return; # empty
$cnt = $FD_I if $cnt > $FD_I;
eval {
do {
or (POSIX::lseek $FD_I, 0, 1) != -1
or $! != Errno::EBADF
or die;
} while --$cnt;
} or AE::log crit => "File descriptor $FD_I registered with AnyEvent but prematurely closed, event loop might malfunction.";
sub io {
my $class = shift;
my (%arg, $fh, $cb, $fd) = @_;
ref $arg{cb}
or confess "AnyEvent->io called with illegal cb argument '$arg{cb}'";
$cb = wrap delete $arg{cb};
$arg{poll} =~ /^[rw]$/
or confess "AnyEvent->io called with illegal poll argument '$arg{poll}'";
$fh = delete $arg{fh};
if ($fh =~ /^\s*\d+\s*$/) {
$fd = $fh;
$fh = AnyEvent::_dupfh $arg{poll}, $fh;
} else {
defined eval { $fd = fileno $fh }
or confess "AnyEvent->io called with illegal fh argument '$fh'";
-f $fh
and confess "AnyEvent->io called with fh argument pointing to a file";
delete $arg{poll};
confess "AnyEvent->io called with unsupported parameter(s) " . join ", ", keys %arg
if keys %arg;
bless [
$class->SUPER::io (@_, cb => $cb)
], "AnyEvent::Strict::io";
sub AnyEvent::Strict::io::DESTROY {
sub timer {
my $class = shift;
my %arg = @_;
ref $arg{cb}
or confess "AnyEvent->timer called with illegal cb argument '$arg{cb}'";
my $cb = wrap delete $arg{cb};
exists $arg{after}
or confess "AnyEvent->timer called without mandatory 'after' parameter";
delete $arg{after};
!$arg{interval} or $arg{interval} > 0
or confess "AnyEvent->timer called with illegal interval argument '$arg{interval}'";
delete $arg{interval};
confess "AnyEvent->timer called with unsupported parameter(s) " . join ", ", keys %arg
if keys %arg;
$class->SUPER::timer (@_, cb => $cb)
sub signal {
my $class = shift;
my %arg = @_;
ref $arg{cb}
or confess "AnyEvent->signal called with illegal cb argument '$arg{cb}'";
my $cb = wrap delete $arg{cb};
defined AnyEvent::Base::sig2num $arg{signal} and $arg{signal} == 0
or confess "AnyEvent->signal called with illegal signal name '$arg{signal}'";
delete $arg{signal};
confess "AnyEvent->signal called with unsupported parameter(s) " . join ", ", keys %arg
if keys %arg;
$class->SUPER::signal (@_, cb => $cb)
sub child {
my $class = shift;
my %arg = @_;
ref $arg{cb}
or confess "AnyEvent->child called with illegal cb argument '$arg{cb}'";
my $cb = wrap delete $arg{cb};
$arg{pid} =~ /^-?\d+$/
or confess "AnyEvent->child called with malformed pid value '$arg{pid}'";
delete $arg{pid};
confess "AnyEvent->child called with unsupported parameter(s) " . join ", ", keys %arg
if keys %arg;
$class->SUPER::child (@_, cb => $cb)
sub idle {
my $class = shift;
my %arg = @_;
ref $arg{cb}
or confess "AnyEvent->idle called with illegal cb argument '$arg{cb}'";
my $cb = wrap delete $arg{cb};
confess "AnyEvent->idle called with unsupported parameter(s) " . join ", ", keys %arg
if keys %arg;
$class->SUPER::idle (@_, cb => $cb)
sub condvar {
my $class = shift;
my %arg = @_;
!exists $arg{cb} or ref $arg{cb}
or confess "AnyEvent->condvar called with illegal cb argument '$arg{cb}'";
my @cb = exists $arg{cb} ? (cb => wrap delete $arg{cb}) : ();
confess "AnyEvent->condvar called with unsupported parameter(s) " . join ", ", keys %arg
if keys %arg;
$class->SUPER::condvar (@cb);
sub time {
my $class = shift;
and confess "AnyEvent->time wrongly called with paramaters";
$class->SUPER::time (@_)
sub now {
my $class = shift;
and confess "AnyEvent->now wrongly called with paramaters";
$class->SUPER::now (@_)
=head1 AUTHOR
Marc Lehmann <>