package Class::MOP::Class;
our $VERSION = '2.2011';
use strict;
use warnings;
use Class::MOP::Instance;
use Class::MOP::Method::Wrapped;
use Class::MOP::Method::Accessor;
use Class::MOP::Method::Constructor;
use Class::MOP::MiniTrait;
use Carp 'confess';
use Module::Runtime 'use_package_optimistically';
use Scalar::Util 'blessed';
use Sub::Name 'subname';
use Try::Tiny;
use List::Util 1.33 'all';
use parent 'Class::MOP::Module',
# Creation
sub initialize {
my $class = shift;
my $package_name;
if ( @_ % 2 ) {
$package_name = shift;
} else {
my %options = @_;
$package_name = $options{package};
($package_name && !ref($package_name))
|| ($class||__PACKAGE__)->_throw_exception( InitializeTakesUnBlessedPackageName => package_name => $package_name );
return Class::MOP::get_metaclass_by_name($package_name)
|| $class->_construct_class_instance(package => $package_name, @_);
sub reinitialize {
my ( $class, @args ) = @_;
unshift @args, "package" if @args % 2;
my %options = @args;
my $old_metaclass = blessed($options{package})
? $options{package}
: Class::MOP::get_metaclass_by_name($options{package});
$options{weaken} = Class::MOP::metaclass_is_weak($old_metaclass->name)
if !exists $options{weaken}
&& blessed($old_metaclass)
&& $old_metaclass->isa('Class::MOP::Class');
if $old_metaclass && $old_metaclass->isa('Class::MOP::Class');
my $new_metaclass = $class->SUPER::reinitialize(%options);
if $old_metaclass && $old_metaclass->isa('Class::MOP::Class');
return $new_metaclass;
# NOTE: (meta-circularity)
# this is a special form of _construct_instance
# (see below), which is used to construct class
# meta-object instances for any Class::MOP::*
# class. All other classes will use the more
# normal &construct_instance.
sub _construct_class_instance {
my $class = shift;
my $options = @_ == 1 ? $_[0] : {@_};
my $package_name = $options->{package};
(defined $package_name && $package_name)
|| $class->_throw_exception("ConstructClassInstanceTakesPackageName");
# return the metaclass if we have it cached,
# and it is still defined (it has not been
# reaped by DESTROY yet, which can happen
# annoyingly enough during global destruction)
if (defined(my $meta = Class::MOP::get_metaclass_by_name($package_name))) {
return $meta;
= ref $class
? $class->_real_ref_name
: $class;
# now create the metaclass
my $meta;
if ($class eq 'Class::MOP::Class') {
$meta = $class->_new($options);
else {
# it is safe to use meta here because
# class will always be a subclass of
# Class::MOP::Class, which defines meta
$meta = $class->meta->_construct_instance($options)
# and check the metaclass compatibility
Class::MOP::store_metaclass_by_name($package_name, $meta);
# we need to weaken any anon classes
# so that they can call DESTROY properly
Class::MOP::weaken_metaclass($package_name) if $options->{weaken};
sub _real_ref_name {
my $self = shift;
# NOTE: we need to deal with the possibility of class immutability here,
# and then get the name of the class appropriately
return $self->is_immutable
? $self->_get_mutable_metaclass_name()
: ref $self;
sub _new {
my $class = shift;
return Class::MOP::Class->initialize($class)->new_object(@_)
if $class ne __PACKAGE__;
my $options = @_ == 1 ? $_[0] : {@_};
return bless {
# inherited from Class::MOP::Package
'package' => $options->{package},
# since the following attributes will
# actually be loaded from the symbol
# table, and actually bypass the instance
# entirely, we can just leave these things
# listed here for reference, because they
# should not actually have a value associated
# with the slot.
'namespace' => \undef,
'methods' => {},
# inherited from Class::MOP::Module
'version' => \undef,
'authority' => \undef,
# defined in Class::MOP::Class
'superclasses' => \undef,
'attributes' => {},
'attribute_metaclass' =>
( $options->{'attribute_metaclass'} || 'Class::MOP::Attribute' ),
'method_metaclass' =>
( $options->{'method_metaclass'} || 'Class::MOP::Method' ),
'wrapped_method_metaclass' => (
|| 'Class::MOP::Method::Wrapped'
'instance_metaclass' =>
( $options->{'instance_metaclass'} || 'Class::MOP::Instance' ),
'immutable_trait' => (
|| 'Class::MOP::Class::Immutable::Trait'
'constructor_name' => ( $options->{constructor_name} || 'new' ),
'constructor_class' => (
$options->{constructor_class} || 'Class::MOP::Method::Constructor'
'destructor_class' => $options->{destructor_class},
}, $class;
## Metaclass compatibility
my %base_metaclass = (
attribute_metaclass => 'Class::MOP::Attribute',
method_metaclass => 'Class::MOP::Method',
wrapped_method_metaclass => 'Class::MOP::Method::Wrapped',
instance_metaclass => 'Class::MOP::Instance',
constructor_class => 'Class::MOP::Method::Constructor',
destructor_class => 'Class::MOP::Method::Destructor',
sub _base_metaclasses { %base_metaclass }
sub _check_metaclass_compatibility {
my $self = shift;
my @superclasses = $self->superclasses
or return;
my %base_metaclass = $self->_base_metaclasses;
# this is always okay ...
if ref($self) eq 'Class::MOP::Class'
&& all {
my $meta = $self->$_;
!defined($meta) || $meta eq $base_metaclass{$_};
keys %base_metaclass;
for my $superclass (@superclasses) {
for my $metaclass_type ( keys %base_metaclass ) {
next unless defined $self->$metaclass_type;
for my $superclass (@superclasses) {
$self->_check_single_metaclass_compatibility( $metaclass_type,
$superclass );
sub _check_class_metaclass_compatibility {
my $self = shift;
my ( $superclass_name ) = @_;
if (!$self->_class_metaclass_is_compatible($superclass_name)) {
my $super_meta = Class::MOP::get_metaclass_by_name($superclass_name);
my $super_meta_type = $super_meta->_real_ref_name;
$self->_throw_exception( IncompatibleMetaclassOfSuperclass => class_name => $self->name,
class_meta_type => ref( $self ),
superclass_name => $superclass_name,
superclass_meta_type => $super_meta_type
sub _class_metaclass_is_compatible {
my $self = shift;
my ( $superclass_name ) = @_;
my $super_meta = Class::MOP::get_metaclass_by_name($superclass_name)
|| return 1;
my $super_meta_name = $super_meta->_real_ref_name;
return $self->_is_compatible_with($super_meta_name);
sub _check_single_metaclass_compatibility {
my $self = shift;
my ( $metaclass_type, $superclass_name ) = @_;
if (!$self->_single_metaclass_is_compatible($metaclass_type, $superclass_name)) {
my $super_meta = Class::MOP::get_metaclass_by_name($superclass_name);
$self->_throw_exception( MetaclassTypeIncompatible => class_name => $self->name,
superclass_name => $superclass_name,
metaclass_type => $metaclass_type
sub _single_metaclass_is_compatible {
my $self = shift;
my ( $metaclass_type, $superclass_name ) = @_;
my $super_meta = Class::MOP::get_metaclass_by_name($superclass_name)
|| return 1;
# for instance, Moose::Meta::Class has a error_class attribute, but
# Class::MOP::Class doesn't - this shouldn't be an error
return 1 unless $super_meta->can($metaclass_type);
# for instance, Moose::Meta::Class has a destructor_class, but
# Class::MOP::Class doesn't - this shouldn't be an error
return 1 unless defined $super_meta->$metaclass_type;
# if metaclass is defined in superclass but not here, it's not compatible
# this is a really odd case
return 0 unless defined $self->$metaclass_type;
return $self->$metaclass_type->_is_compatible_with($super_meta->$metaclass_type);
sub _fix_metaclass_incompatibility {
my $self = shift;
my @supers = map { Class::MOP::Class->initialize($_) } @_;
my $necessary = 0;
for my $super (@supers) {
$necessary = 1
if $self->_can_fix_metaclass_incompatibility($super);
return unless $necessary;
for my $super (@supers) {
if (!$self->_class_metaclass_is_compatible($super->name)) {
my %base_metaclass = $self->_base_metaclasses;
for my $metaclass_type (keys %base_metaclass) {
for my $super (@supers) {
if (!$self->_single_metaclass_is_compatible($metaclass_type, $super->name)) {
$metaclass_type, $super
sub _can_fix_metaclass_incompatibility {
my $self = shift;
my ($super_meta) = @_;
return 1 if $self->_class_metaclass_can_be_made_compatible($super_meta);
my %base_metaclass = $self->_base_metaclasses;
for my $metaclass_type (keys %base_metaclass) {
return 1 if $self->_single_metaclass_can_be_made_compatible($super_meta, $metaclass_type);
sub _class_metaclass_can_be_made_compatible {
my $self = shift;
my ($super_meta) = @_;
return $self->_can_be_made_compatible_with($super_meta->_real_ref_name);
sub _single_metaclass_can_be_made_compatible {
my $self = shift;
my ($super_meta, $metaclass_type) = @_;
my $specific_meta = $self->$metaclass_type;
return unless $super_meta->can($metaclass_type);
my $super_specific_meta = $super_meta->$metaclass_type;
# for instance, Moose::Meta::Class has a destructor_class, but
# Class::MOP::Class doesn't - this shouldn't be an error
return unless defined $super_specific_meta;
# if metaclass is defined in superclass but not here, it's fixable
# this is a really odd case
return 1 unless defined $specific_meta;
return 1 if $specific_meta->_can_be_made_compatible_with($super_specific_meta);
sub _fix_class_metaclass_incompatibility {
my $self = shift;
my ( $super_meta ) = @_;
if ($self->_class_metaclass_can_be_made_compatible($super_meta)) {
|| $self->_throw_exception( CannotFixMetaclassCompatibility => class_name => $self->name,
superclass => $super_meta
my $super_meta_name = $super_meta->_real_ref_name;
sub _fix_single_metaclass_incompatibility {
my $self = shift;
my ( $metaclass_type, $super_meta ) = @_;
if ($self->_single_metaclass_can_be_made_compatible($super_meta, $metaclass_type)) {
|| $self->_throw_exception( CannotFixMetaclassCompatibility => class_name => $self->name,
superclass => $super_meta,
metaclass_type => $metaclass_type
my $new_metaclass = $self->$metaclass_type
? $self->$metaclass_type->_get_compatible_metaclass($super_meta->$metaclass_type)
: $super_meta->$metaclass_type;
$self->{$metaclass_type} = $new_metaclass;
sub _restore_metaobjects_from {
my $self = shift;
my ($old_meta) = @_;
sub _remove_generated_metaobjects {
my $self = shift;
for my $attr (map { $self->get_attribute($_) } $self->get_attribute_list) {
# creating classes with MOP ...
sub create {
my $class = shift;
my @args = @_;
unshift @args, 'package' if @args % 2 == 1;
my %options = @args;
(ref $options{superclasses} eq 'ARRAY')
|| __PACKAGE__->_throw_exception( CreateMOPClassTakesArrayRefOfSuperclasses => class => $class,
params => \%options
if exists $options{superclasses};
(ref $options{attributes} eq 'ARRAY')
|| __PACKAGE__->_throw_exception( CreateMOPClassTakesArrayRefOfAttributes => class => $class,
params => \%options
if exists $options{attributes};
(ref $options{methods} eq 'HASH')
|| __PACKAGE__->_throw_exception( CreateMOPClassTakesHashRefOfMethods => class => $class,
params => \%options
if exists $options{methods};
my $package = delete $options{package};
my $superclasses = delete $options{superclasses};
my $attributes = delete $options{attributes};
my $methods = delete $options{methods};
my $meta_name = exists $options{meta_name}
? delete $options{meta_name}
: 'meta';
my $meta = $class->SUPER::create($package => %options);
if defined $meta_name;
if defined $superclasses;
# process attributes first, so that they can
# install accessors, but locally defined methods
# can then overwrite them. It is maybe a little odd, but
# I think this should be the order of things.
if (defined $attributes) {
foreach my $attr (@{$attributes}) {
if (defined $methods) {
foreach my $method_name (keys %{$methods}) {
$meta->add_method($method_name, $methods->{$method_name});
return $meta;
# XXX: something more intelligent here?
sub _anon_package_prefix { 'Class::MOP::Class::__ANON__::SERIAL::' }
sub create_anon_class { shift->create_anon(@_) }
sub is_anon_class { shift->is_anon(@_) }
sub _anon_cache_key {
my $class = shift;
my %options = @_;
# Makes something like Super::Class|Super::Class::2
return join '=' => (
join( '|', sort @{ $options{superclasses} || [] } ),
# Instance Construction & Cloning
sub new_object {
my $class = shift;
# we need to protect the integrity of the
# Class::MOP::Class singletons here, so we
# delegate this to &construct_class_instance
# which will deal with the singletons
return $class->_construct_class_instance(@_)
if $class->name->isa('Class::MOP::Class');
return $class->_construct_instance(@_);
sub _construct_instance {
my $class = shift;
my $params = @_ == 1 ? $_[0] : {@_};
my $meta_instance = $class->get_meta_instance();
# the code below is almost certainly incorrect
# but this is foreign inheritance, so we might
# have to kludge it in the end.
my $instance;
if (my $instance_class = blessed($params->{__INSTANCE__})) {
($instance_class eq $class->name)
|| $class->_throw_exception( InstanceBlessedIntoWrongClass => class_name => $class->name,
params => $params,
instance => $params->{__INSTANCE__}
$instance = $params->{__INSTANCE__};
elsif (exists $params->{__INSTANCE__}) {
$class->_throw_exception( InstanceMustBeABlessedReference => class_name => $class->name,
params => $params,
instance => $params->{__INSTANCE__}
else {
$instance = $meta_instance->create_instance();
foreach my $attr ($class->get_all_attributes()) {
$attr->initialize_instance_slot($meta_instance, $instance, $params);
if (Class::MOP::metaclass_is_weak($class->name)) {
$meta_instance->_set_mop_slot($instance, $class);
return $instance;
sub _inline_new_object {
my $self = shift;
return (
'my $class = shift;',
'$class = Scalar::Util::blessed($class) || $class;',
$self->_inline_params('$params', '$class'),
$self->_inline_generate_instance('$instance', '$class'),
'return $instance',
sub _inline_fallback_constructor {
my $self = shift;
my ($class) = @_;
return (
'return ' . $self->_generate_fallback_constructor($class),
'if ' . $class . ' ne \'' . $self->name . '\';',
sub _generate_fallback_constructor {
my $self = shift;
my ($class) = @_;
return 'Class::MOP::Class->initialize(' . $class . ')->new_object(@_)',
sub _inline_params {
my $self = shift;
my ($params, $class) = @_;
return (
'my ' . $params . ' = @_ == 1 ? $_[0] : {@_};',
sub _inline_generate_instance {
my $self = shift;
my ($inst, $class) = @_;
return (
'my ' . $inst . ' = ' . $self->_inline_create_instance($class) . ';',
sub _inline_create_instance {
my $self = shift;
return $self->get_meta_instance->inline_create_instance(@_);
sub _inline_slot_initializers {
my $self = shift;
my $idx = 0;
return map { $self->_inline_slot_initializer($_, $idx++) }
sort { $a->name cmp $b->name } $self->get_all_attributes;
sub _inline_slot_initializer {
my $self = shift;
my ($attr, $idx) = @_;
if (defined(my $init_arg = $attr->init_arg)) {
my @source = (
'if (exists $params->{\'' . $init_arg . '\'}) {',
$self->_inline_init_attr_from_constructor($attr, $idx),
if (my @default = $self->_inline_init_attr_from_default($attr, $idx)) {
push @source, (
'else {',
return @source;
elsif (my @default = $self->_inline_init_attr_from_default($attr, $idx)) {
return (
else {
return ();
sub _inline_init_attr_from_constructor {
my $self = shift;
my ($attr, $idx) = @_;
my @initial_value = $attr->_inline_set_value(
'$instance', '$params->{\'' . $attr->init_arg . '\'}',
push @initial_value, (
'$attrs->[' . $idx . ']->set_initial_value(',
) if $attr->has_initializer;
return @initial_value;
sub _inline_init_attr_from_default {
my $self = shift;
my ($attr, $idx) = @_;
my $default = $self->_inline_default_value($attr, $idx);
return unless $default;
my @initial_value = $attr->_inline_set_value('$instance', $default);
push @initial_value, (
'$attrs->[' . $idx . ']->set_initial_value(',
) if $attr->has_initializer;
return @initial_value;
sub _inline_default_value {
my $self = shift;
my ($attr, $index) = @_;
if ($attr->has_default) {
# default values can either be CODE refs
# in which case we need to call them. Or
# they can be scalars (strings/numbers)
# in which case we can just deal with them
# in the code we eval.
if ($attr->is_default_a_coderef) {
return '$defaults->[' . $index . ']->($instance)';
else {
return '$defaults->[' . $index . ']';
elsif ($attr->has_builder) {
return '$instance->' . $attr->builder;
else {
sub _inline_preserve_weak_metaclasses {
my $self = shift;
if (Class::MOP::metaclass_is_weak($self->name)) {
return (
'$instance', 'Class::MOP::class_of($class)'
) . ';'
else {
return ();
sub _inline_extra_init { }
sub _eval_environment {
my $self = shift;
my @attrs = sort { $a->name cmp $b->name } $self->get_all_attributes;
my $defaults = [map { $_->default } @attrs];
return {
'$defaults' => \$defaults,
sub get_meta_instance {
my $self = shift;
$self->{'_meta_instance'} ||= $self->_create_meta_instance();
sub _create_meta_instance {
my $self = shift;
my $instance = $self->instance_metaclass->new(
associated_metaclass => $self,
attributes => [ $self->get_all_attributes() ],
if $instance->is_dependent_on_superclasses();
return $instance;
# TODO: this is actually not being used!
sub _inline_rebless_instance {
my $self = shift;
return $self->get_meta_instance->inline_rebless_instance_structure(@_);
sub _inline_get_mop_slot {
my $self = shift;
return $self->get_meta_instance->_inline_get_mop_slot(@_);
sub _inline_set_mop_slot {
my $self = shift;
return $self->get_meta_instance->_inline_set_mop_slot(@_);
sub _inline_clear_mop_slot {
my $self = shift;
return $self->get_meta_instance->_inline_clear_mop_slot(@_);
sub clone_object {
my $class = shift;
my $instance = shift;
(blessed($instance) && $instance->isa($class->name))
|| $class->_throw_exception( CloneObjectExpectsAnInstanceOfMetaclass => class_name => $class->name,
instance => $instance,
# we need to protect the integrity of the
# Class::MOP::Class singletons here, they
# should not be cloned.
return $instance if $instance->isa('Class::MOP::Class');
$class->_clone_instance($instance, @_);
sub _clone_instance {
my ($class, $instance, %params) = @_;
|| $class->_throw_exception( OnlyInstancesCanBeCloned => class_name => $class->name,
instance => $instance,
params => \%params
my $meta_instance = $class->get_meta_instance();
my $clone = $meta_instance->clone_instance($instance);
foreach my $attr ($class->get_all_attributes()) {
if ( defined( my $init_arg = $attr->init_arg ) ) {
if (exists $params{$init_arg}) {
$attr->set_value($clone, $params{$init_arg});
return $clone;
sub _force_rebless_instance {
my ($self, $instance, %params) = @_;
my $old_metaclass = Class::MOP::class_of($instance);
$old_metaclass->rebless_instance_away($instance, $self, %params)
if $old_metaclass;
my $meta_instance = $self->get_meta_instance;
if (Class::MOP::metaclass_is_weak($old_metaclass->name)) {
# rebless!
# we use $_[1] here because of t/cmop/rebless_overload.t regressions
# on 5.8.8
$meta_instance->rebless_instance_structure($_[1], $self);
$self->_fixup_attributes_after_rebless($instance, $old_metaclass, %params);
if (Class::MOP::metaclass_is_weak($self->name)) {
$meta_instance->_set_mop_slot($instance, $self);
sub rebless_instance {
my ($self, $instance, %params) = @_;
my $old_metaclass = Class::MOP::class_of($instance);
my $old_class = $old_metaclass ? $old_metaclass->name : blessed($instance);
|| $self->_throw_exception( CanReblessOnlyIntoASubclass => class_name => $self->name,
instance => $instance,
instance_class => blessed( $instance ),
params => \%params,
$self->_force_rebless_instance($_[1], %params);
return $instance;
sub rebless_instance_back {
my ( $self, $instance ) = @_;
my $old_metaclass = Class::MOP::class_of($instance);
my $old_class
= $old_metaclass ? $old_metaclass->name : blessed($instance);
$old_class->isa( $self->name )
|| $self->_throw_exception( CanReblessOnlyIntoASuperclass => class_name => $self->name,
instance => $instance,
instance_class => blessed( $instance ),
return $instance;
sub rebless_instance_away {
# this intentionally does nothing, it is just a hook
sub _fixup_attributes_after_rebless {
my $self = shift;
my ($instance, $rebless_from, %params) = @_;
my $meta_instance = $self->get_meta_instance;
for my $attr ( $rebless_from->get_all_attributes ) {
next if $self->find_attribute_by_name( $attr->name );
$meta_instance->deinitialize_slot( $instance, $_ ) for $attr->slots;
foreach my $attr ( $self->get_all_attributes ) {
if ( $attr->has_value($instance) ) {
if ( defined( my $init_arg = $attr->init_arg ) ) {
$params{$init_arg} = $attr->get_value($instance)
unless exists $params{$init_arg};
else {
$attr->set_value($instance, $attr->get_value($instance));
foreach my $attr ($self->get_all_attributes) {
$attr->initialize_instance_slot($meta_instance, $instance, \%params);
sub _attach_attribute {
my ($self, $attribute) = @_;
sub _post_add_attribute {
my ( $self, $attribute ) = @_;
# invalidate package flag here
try {
local $SIG{__DIE__};
catch {
$self->remove_attribute( $attribute->name );
die $_;
sub remove_attribute {
my $self = shift;
my $removed_attribute = $self->SUPER::remove_attribute(@_)
or return;
sub find_attribute_by_name {
my ( $self, $attr_name ) = @_;
foreach my $class ( $self->linearized_isa ) {
# fetch the meta-class ...
my $meta = Class::MOP::Class->initialize($class);
return $meta->get_attribute($attr_name)
if $meta->has_attribute($attr_name);
sub get_all_attributes {
my $self = shift;
my %attrs = map { %{ Class::MOP::Class->initialize($_)->_attribute_map } }
reverse $self->linearized_isa;
return values %attrs;
# Inheritance
sub superclasses {
my $self = shift;
my $isa = $self->get_or_add_package_symbol('@ISA');
if (@_) {
my @supers = @_;
@{$isa} = @supers;
# on 5.8 and below, we need to call
# a method to get Perl to detect
# a cycle in the class hierarchy
my $class = $self->name;
# we need to check the metaclass
# compatibility here so that we can
# be sure that the superclass is
# not potentially creating an issues
# we don't know about
return @{$isa};
sub _superclasses_updated {
my $self = shift;
# keep strong references to all our parents, so they don't disappear if
# they are anon classes and don't have any direct instances
map { Class::MOP::class_of($_) } $self->superclasses
sub _superclass_metas {
my $self = shift;
$self->{_superclass_metas} = [@_];
sub subclasses {
my $self = shift;
my $super_class = $self->name;
return @{ $super_class->mro::get_isarev() };
sub direct_subclasses {
my $self = shift;
my $super_class = $self->name;
return grep {
grep {
$_ eq $super_class
} Class::MOP::Class->initialize($_)->superclasses
} $self->subclasses;
sub linearized_isa {
return @{ mro::get_linear_isa( (shift)->name ) };
sub class_precedence_list {
my $self = shift;
my $name = $self->name;
unless (Class::MOP::IS_RUNNING_ON_5_10()) {
# We need to check for circular inheritance here
# if we are not on 5.10, cause 5.8 detects it late.
# This will do nothing if all is well, and blow up
# otherwise. Yes, it's an ugly hack, better
# suggestions are welcome.
# - SL
($name || return)->isa('This is a test for circular inheritance')
# if our mro is c3, we can
# just grab the linear_isa
if (mro::get_mro($name) eq 'c3') {
return @{ mro::get_linear_isa($name) }
else {
# we can't grab the linear_isa for dfs
# since it has all the duplicates
# already removed.
return (
map {
} $self->superclasses()
sub _method_lookup_order {
return (shift->linearized_isa, 'UNIVERSAL');
## Methods
my $fetch_and_prepare_method = sub {
my ($self, $method_name) = @_;
my $wrapped_metaclass = $self->wrapped_method_metaclass;
# fetch it locally
my $method = $self->get_method($method_name);
# if we don't have local ...
unless ($method) {
# try to find the next method
$method = $self->find_next_method_by_name($method_name);
# die if it does not exist
(defined $method)
|| $self->_throw_exception( MethodNameNotFoundInInheritanceHierarchy => class_name => $self->name,
method_name => $method_name
# and now make sure to wrap it
# even if it is already wrapped
# because we need a new sub ref
$method = $wrapped_metaclass->wrap($method,
package_name => $self->name,
name => $method_name,
else {
# now make sure we wrap it properly
$method = $wrapped_metaclass->wrap($method,
package_name => $self->name,
name => $method_name,
) unless $method->isa($wrapped_metaclass);
$self->add_method($method_name => $method);
return $method;
sub add_before_method_modifier {
my ($self, $method_name, $method_modifier) = @_;
(defined $method_name && length $method_name)
|| $self->_throw_exception( MethodModifierNeedsMethodName => class_name => $self->name );
my $method = $fetch_and_prepare_method->($self, $method_name);
subname(':before' => $method_modifier)
sub add_after_method_modifier {
my ($self, $method_name, $method_modifier) = @_;
(defined $method_name && length $method_name)
|| $self->_throw_exception( MethodModifierNeedsMethodName => class_name => $self->name );
my $method = $fetch_and_prepare_method->($self, $method_name);
subname(':after' => $method_modifier)
sub add_around_method_modifier {
my ($self, $method_name, $method_modifier) = @_;
(defined $method_name && length $method_name)
|| $self->_throw_exception( MethodModifierNeedsMethodName => class_name => $self->name );
my $method = $fetch_and_prepare_method->($self, $method_name);
subname(':around' => $method_modifier)
# the methods above used to be named like this:
# ${pkg}::${method}:(before|after|around)
# but this proved problematic when using one modifier
# to wrap multiple methods (something which is likely
# to happen pretty regularly IMO). So instead of naming
# it like this, I have chosen to just name them purely
# with their modifier names, like so:
# :(before|after|around)
# The fact is that in a stack trace, it will be fairly
# evident from the context what method they are attached
# to, and so don't need the fully qualified name.
sub find_method_by_name {
my ($self, $method_name) = @_;
(defined $method_name && length $method_name)
|| $self->_throw_exception( MethodNameNotGiven => class_name => $self->name );
foreach my $class ($self->_method_lookup_order) {
my $method = Class::MOP::Class->initialize($class)->get_method($method_name);
return $method if defined $method;
sub get_all_methods {
my $self = shift;
my %methods;
for my $class ( reverse $self->_method_lookup_order ) {
my $meta = Class::MOP::Class->initialize($class);
$methods{ $_->name } = $_ for $meta->_get_local_methods;
return values %methods;
sub get_all_method_names {
my $self = shift;
map { $_->name } $self->get_all_methods;
sub find_all_methods_by_name {
my ($self, $method_name) = @_;
(defined $method_name && length $method_name)
|| $self->_throw_exception( MethodNameNotGiven => class_name => $self->name );
my @methods;
foreach my $class ($self->_method_lookup_order) {
# fetch the meta-class ...
my $meta = Class::MOP::Class->initialize($class);
push @methods => {
name => $method_name,
class => $class,
code => $meta->get_method($method_name)
} if $meta->has_method($method_name);
return @methods;
sub find_next_method_by_name {
my ($self, $method_name) = @_;
(defined $method_name && length $method_name)
|| $self->_throw_exception( MethodNameNotGiven => class_name => $self->name );
my @cpl = ($self->_method_lookup_order);
shift @cpl; # discard ourselves
foreach my $class (@cpl) {
my $method = Class::MOP::Class->initialize($class)->get_method($method_name);
return $method if defined $method;
sub update_meta_instance_dependencies {
my $self = shift;
if ( $self->{meta_instance_dependencies} ) {
return $self->add_meta_instance_dependencies;
sub add_meta_instance_dependencies {
my $self = shift;
my @attrs = $self->get_all_attributes();
my %seen;
my @classes = grep { not $seen{ $_->name }++ }
map { $_->associated_class } @attrs;
foreach my $class (@classes) {
$self->{meta_instance_dependencies} = \@classes;
sub remove_meta_instance_dependencies {
my $self = shift;
if ( my $classes = delete $self->{meta_instance_dependencies} ) {
foreach my $class (@$classes) {
return $classes;
sub add_dependent_meta_instance {
my ( $self, $metaclass ) = @_;
push @{ $self->{dependent_meta_instances} }, $metaclass;
sub remove_dependent_meta_instance {
my ( $self, $metaclass ) = @_;
my $name = $metaclass->name;
@$_ = grep { $_->name ne $name } @$_
for $self->{dependent_meta_instances};
sub invalidate_meta_instances {
my $self = shift;
for $self, @{ $self->{dependent_meta_instances} };
sub invalidate_meta_instance {
my $self = shift;
undef $self->{_meta_instance};
# check if we can reinitialize
sub is_pristine {
my $self = shift;
# if any local attr is defined
return if $self->get_attribute_list;
# or any non-declared methods
for my $method ( map { $self->get_method($_) } $self->get_method_list ) {
return if $method->isa("Class::MOP::Method::Generated");
# FIXME do we need to enforce this too? return unless $method->isa( $self->method_metaclass );
return 1;
## Class closing
sub is_mutable { 1 }
sub is_immutable { 0 }
sub immutable_options { %{ $_[0]{__immutable}{options} || {} } }
sub _immutable_options {
my ( $self, @args ) = @_;
return (
inline_accessors => 1,
inline_constructor => 1,
inline_destructor => 0,
debug => 0,
immutable_trait => $self->immutable_trait,
constructor_name => $self->constructor_name,
constructor_class => $self->constructor_class,
destructor_class => $self->destructor_class,
sub make_immutable {
my ( $self, @args ) = @_;
return $self unless $self->is_mutable;
my ($file, $line) = (caller)[1..2];
file => $file,
line => $line,
return $self;
sub make_mutable {
my $self = shift;
if ( $self->is_immutable ) {
my @args = $self->immutable_options;
delete $self->{__immutable};
return $self;
else {
sub _rebless_as_immutable {
my ( $self, @args ) = @_;
$self->{__immutable}{original_class} = ref $self;
bless $self => $self->_immutable_metaclass(@args);
sub _immutable_metaclass {
my ( $self, %args ) = @_;
if ( my $class = $args{immutable_metaclass} ) {
return $class;
my $trait = $args{immutable_trait} = $self->immutable_trait
|| $self->_throw_exception( NoImmutableTraitSpecifiedForClass => class_name => $self->name,
params => \%args
my $meta = $self->meta;
my $meta_attr = $meta->find_attribute_by_name("immutable_trait");
my $class_name;
if ( $meta_attr and $trait eq $meta_attr->default ) {
# if the trait is the same as the default we try and pick a
# predictable name for the immutable metaclass
$class_name = 'Class::MOP::Class::Immutable::' . ref($self);
else {
$class_name = join '::', 'Class::MOP::Class::Immutable::CustomTrait',
$trait, 'ForMetaClass', ref($self);
return $class_name
if Class::MOP::does_metaclass_exist($class_name);
# If the metaclass is a subclass of CMOP::Class which has had
# metaclass roles applied (via Moose), then we want to make sure
# that we preserve that anonymous class (see Fey::ORM for an
# example of where this matters).
my $meta_name = $meta->_real_ref_name;
my $immutable_meta = $meta_name->create(
superclasses => [ ref $self ],
Class::MOP::MiniTrait::apply( $immutable_meta, $trait );
inline_constructor => 0,
inline_accessors => 0,
return $class_name;
sub _remove_inlined_code {
my $self = shift;
$self->remove_method( $_->name ) for $self->_inlined_methods;
delete $self->{__immutable}{inlined_methods};
sub _inlined_methods { @{ $_[0]{__immutable}{inlined_methods} || [] } }
sub _add_inlined_method {
my ( $self, $method ) = @_;
push @{ $self->{__immutable}{inlined_methods} ||= [] }, $method;
sub _initialize_immutable {
my ( $self, %args ) = @_;
$self->{__immutable}{options} = \%args;
sub _install_inlined_code {
my ( $self, %args ) = @_;
$self->_inline_accessors(%args) if $args{inline_accessors};
$self->_inline_constructor(%args) if $args{inline_constructor};
$self->_inline_destructor(%args) if $args{inline_destructor};
sub _rebless_as_mutable {
my $self = shift;
bless $self, $self->_get_mutable_metaclass_name;
return $self;
sub _inline_accessors {
my $self = shift;
foreach my $attr_name ( $self->get_attribute_list ) {
sub _inline_constructor {
my ( $self, %args ) = @_;
my $name = $args{constructor_name};
# A class may not even have a constructor, and that's okay.
return unless defined $name;
if ( $self->has_method($name) && !$args{replace_constructor} ) {
my $class = $self->name;
warn "Not inlining a constructor for $class since it defines"
. " its own constructor.\n"
. "If you are certain you don't need to inline your"
. " constructor, specify inline_constructor => 0 in your"
. " call to $class->meta->make_immutable\n";
my $constructor_class = $args{constructor_class};
local $@;
my $constructor = $constructor_class->new(
options => \%args,
metaclass => $self,
is_inline => 1,
package_name => $self->name,
name => $name,
definition_context => {
description => "constructor " . $self->name . "::" . $name,
file => $args{file},
line => $args{line},
if ( $args{replace_constructor} or $constructor->can_be_inlined ) {
$self->add_method( $name => $constructor );
sub _inline_destructor {
my ( $self, %args ) = @_;
( exists $args{destructor_class} && defined $args{destructor_class} )
|| $self->_throw_exception( NoDestructorClassSpecified => class_name => $self->name,
params => \%args,
if ( $self->has_method('DESTROY') && ! $args{replace_destructor} ) {
my $class = $self->name;
warn "Not inlining a destructor for $class since it defines"
. " its own destructor.\n";
my $destructor_class = $args{destructor_class};
local $@;
return unless $destructor_class->is_needed($self);
my $destructor = $destructor_class->new(
options => \%args,
metaclass => $self,
package_name => $self->name,
name => 'DESTROY',
definition_context => {
description => "destructor " . $self->name . "::DESTROY",
file => $args{file},
line => $args{line},
if ( $args{replace_destructor} or $destructor->can_be_inlined ) {
$self->add_method( 'DESTROY' => $destructor );
# ABSTRACT: Class Meta Object
=encoding UTF-8
=head1 NAME
Class::MOP::Class - Class Meta Object
=head1 VERSION
version 2.2011
# assuming that class Foo
# has been defined, you can
# use this for introspection ...
# add a method to Foo ...
Foo->meta->add_method( 'bar' => sub {...} )
# get a list of all the classes searched
# the method dispatcher in the correct order
# remove a method from Foo
# or use this to actually create classes ...
'Bar' => (
version => '0.01',
superclasses => ['Foo'],
attributes => [
methods => {
calculate_bar => sub {...},
construct_baz => sub {...}
The Class Protocol is the largest and most complex part of the
Class::MOP meta-object protocol. It controls the introspection and
manipulation of Perl 5 classes, and it can create them as well. The
best way to understand what this module can do is to read the
documentation for each of its methods.
C<Class::MOP::Class> is a subclass of L<Class::MOP::Module>.
=head1 METHODS
=head2 Class construction
These methods all create new C<Class::MOP::Class> objects. These
objects can represent existing classes or they can be used to create
new classes from scratch.
The metaclass object for a given class is a singleton. If you attempt
to create a metaclass for the same class twice, you will just get the
existing object.
=over 4
=item B<< Class::MOP::Class->create($package_name, %options) >>
This method creates a new C<Class::MOP::Class> object with the given
package name. It accepts a number of options:
=over 8
=item * version
An optional version number for the newly created package.
=item * authority
An optional authority for the newly created package.
See L<Class::MOP::Module/authority> for more details.
=item * superclasses
An optional array reference of superclass names.
=item * methods
An optional hash reference of methods for the class. The keys of the
hash reference are method names and values are subroutine references.
=item * attributes
An optional array reference of L<Class::MOP::Attribute> objects.
=item * meta_name
Specifies the name to install the C<meta> method for this class under.
If it is not passed, C<meta> is assumed, and if C<undef> is explicitly
given, no meta method will be installed.
=item * weaken
If true, the metaclass that is stored in the global cache will be a
weak reference.
Classes created in this way are destroyed once the metaclass they are
attached to goes out of scope, and will be removed from Perl's internal
symbol table.
All instances of a class with a weakened metaclass keep a special
reference to the metaclass object, which prevents the metaclass from
going out of scope while any instances exist.
This only works if the instance is based on a hash reference, however.
=item B<< Class::MOP::Class->create_anon_class(%options) >>
This method works just like C<< Class::MOP::Class->create >> but it
creates an "anonymous" class. In fact, the class does have a name, but
that name is a unique name generated internally by this module.
It accepts the same C<superclasses>, C<methods>, and C<attributes>
parameters that C<create> accepts.
It also accepts a C<cache> option. If this is C<true>, then the anonymous class
will be cached based on its superclasses and roles. If an existing anonymous
class in the cache has the same superclasses and roles, it will be reused.
Anonymous classes default to C<< weaken => 1 >> if cache is C<false>, although
this can be overridden.
=item B<< Class::MOP::Class->initialize($package_name, %options) >>
This method will initialize a C<Class::MOP::Class> object for the
named package. Unlike C<create>, this method I<will not> create a new
The purpose of this method is to retrieve a C<Class::MOP::Class>
object for introspecting an existing class.
If an existing C<Class::MOP::Class> object exists for the named
package, it will be returned, and any options provided will be
If the object does not yet exist, it will be created.
The valid options that can be passed to this method are
C<attribute_metaclass>, C<method_metaclass>,
C<wrapped_method_metaclass>, and C<instance_metaclass>. These are all
optional, and default to the appropriate class in the C<Class::MOP>
=head2 Object instance construction and cloning
These methods are all related to creating and/or cloning object
=over 4
=item B<< $metaclass->clone_object($instance, %params) >>
This method clones an existing object instance. Any parameters you
provide are will override existing attribute values in the object.
This is a convenience method for cloning an object instance, then
blessing it into the appropriate package.
You could implement a clone method in your class, using this method:
sub clone {
my ($self, %params) = @_;
$self->meta->clone_object($self, %params);
=item B<< $metaclass->rebless_instance($instance, %params) >>
This method changes the class of C<$instance> to the metaclass's class.
You can only rebless an instance into a subclass of its current
class. If you pass any additional parameters, these will be treated
like constructor parameters and used to initialize the object's
attributes. Any existing attributes that are already set will be
Before reblessing the instance, this method will call
C<rebless_instance_away> on the instance's current metaclass. This method
will be passed the instance, the new metaclass, and any parameters
specified to C<rebless_instance>. By default, C<rebless_instance_away>
does nothing; it is merely a hook.
=item B<< $metaclass->rebless_instance_back($instance) >>
Does the same thing as C<rebless_instance>, except that you can only
rebless an instance into one of its superclasses. Any attributes that
do not exist in the superclass will be deinitialized.
This is a much more dangerous operation than C<rebless_instance>,
especially when multiple inheritance is involved, so use this carefully!
=item B<< $metaclass->new_object(%params) >>
This method is used to create a new object of the metaclass's
class. Any parameters you provide are used to initialize the
instance's attributes. A special C<__INSTANCE__> key can be passed to
provide an already generated instance, rather than having Class::MOP
generate it for you. This is mostly useful for using Class::MOP with
foreign classes which generate instances using their own constructors.
=item B<< $metaclass->instance_metaclass >>
Returns the class name of the instance metaclass. See
L<Class::MOP::Instance> for more information on the instance
=item B<< $metaclass->get_meta_instance >>
Returns an instance of the C<instance_metaclass> to be used in the
construction of a new instance of the class.
=head2 Informational predicates
These are a few predicate methods for asking information about the
class itself.
=over 4
=item B<< $metaclass->is_anon_class >>
This returns true if the class was created by calling C<<
Class::MOP::Class->create_anon_class >>.
=item B<< $metaclass->is_mutable >>
This returns true if the class is still mutable.
=item B<< $metaclass->is_immutable >>
This returns true if the class has been made immutable.
=item B<< $metaclass->is_pristine >>
A class is I<not> pristine if it has non-inherited attributes or if it
has any generated methods.
=head2 Inheritance Relationships
=over 4
=item B<< $metaclass->superclasses(@superclasses) >>
This is a read-write accessor which represents the superclass
relationships of the metaclass's class.
This is basically sugar around getting and setting C<@ISA>.
=item B<< $metaclass->class_precedence_list >>
This returns a list of all of the class's ancestor classes. The
classes are returned in method dispatch order.
=item B<< $metaclass->linearized_isa >>
This returns a list based on C<class_precedence_list> but with all
duplicates removed.
=item B<< $metaclass->subclasses >>
This returns a list of all subclasses for this class, even indirect
=item B<< $metaclass->direct_subclasses >>
This returns a list of immediate subclasses for this class, which does not
include indirect subclasses.
=head2 Method introspection and creation
These methods allow you to introspect a class's methods, as well as
add, remove, or change methods.
Determining what is truly a method in a Perl 5 class requires some
heuristics (aka guessing).
Methods defined outside the package with a fully qualified name (C<sub
Package::name { ... }>) will be included. Similarly, methods named
with a fully qualified name using L<Sub::Name> are also included.
However, we attempt to ignore imported functions.
Ultimately, we are using heuristics to determine what truly is a
method in a class, and these heuristics may get the wrong answer in
some edge cases. However, for most "normal" cases the heuristics work
=over 4
=item B<< $metaclass->get_method($method_name) >>
This will return a L<Class::MOP::Method> for the specified
C<$method_name>. If the class does not have the specified method, it
returns C<undef>
=item B<< $metaclass->has_method($method_name) >>
Returns a boolean indicating whether or not the class defines the
named method. It does not include methods inherited from parent
=item B<< $metaclass->get_method_list >>
This will return a list of method I<names> for all methods defined in
this class.
=item B<< $metaclass->add_method($method_name, $method) >>
This method takes a method name and a subroutine reference, and adds
the method to the class.
The subroutine reference can be a L<Class::MOP::Method>, and you are
strongly encouraged to pass a meta method object instead of a code
reference. If you do so, that object gets stored as part of the
class's method map directly. If not, the meta information will have to
be recreated later, and may be incorrect.
If you provide a method object, this method will clone that object if
the object's package name does not match the class name. This lets us
track the original source of any methods added from other classes
(notably Moose roles).
=item B<< $metaclass->remove_method($method_name) >>
Remove the named method from the class. This method returns the
L<Class::MOP::Method> object for the method.
=item B<< $metaclass->method_metaclass >>
Returns the class name of the method metaclass, see
L<Class::MOP::Method> for more information on the method metaclass.
=item B<< $metaclass->wrapped_method_metaclass >>
Returns the class name of the wrapped method metaclass, see
L<Class::MOP::Method::Wrapped> for more information on the wrapped
method metaclass.
=item B<< $metaclass->get_all_methods >>
This will traverse the inheritance hierarchy and return a list of all
the L<Class::MOP::Method> objects for this class and its parents.
=item B<< $metaclass->find_method_by_name($method_name) >>
This will return a L<Class::MOP::Method> for the specified
C<$method_name>. If the class does not have the specified method, it
returns C<undef>
Unlike C<get_method>, this method I<will> look for the named method in
=item B<< $metaclass->get_all_method_names >>
This will return a list of method I<names> for all of this class's
methods, including inherited methods.
=item B<< $metaclass->find_all_methods_by_name($method_name) >>
This method looks for the named method in the class and all of its
parents. It returns every matching method it finds in the inheritance
tree, so it returns a list of methods.
Each method is returned as a hash reference with three keys. The keys
are C<name>, C<class>, and C<code>. The C<code> key has a
L<Class::MOP::Method> object as its value.
The list of methods is distinct.
=item B<< $metaclass->find_next_method_by_name($method_name) >>
This method returns the first method in any superclass matching the
given name. It is effectively the method that C<SUPER::$method_name>
would dispatch to.
=head2 Attribute introspection and creation
Because Perl 5 does not have a core concept of attributes in classes,
we can only return information about attributes which have been added
via this class's methods. We cannot discover information about
attributes which are defined in terms of "regular" Perl 5 methods.
=over 4
=item B<< $metaclass->get_attribute($attribute_name) >>
This will return a L<Class::MOP::Attribute> for the specified
C<$attribute_name>. If the class does not have the specified
attribute, it returns C<undef>.
NOTE that get_attribute does not search superclasses, for that you
need to use C<find_attribute_by_name>.
=item B<< $metaclass->has_attribute($attribute_name) >>
Returns a boolean indicating whether or not the class defines the
named attribute. It does not include attributes inherited from parent
=item B<< $metaclass->get_attribute_list >>
This will return a list of attributes I<names> for all attributes
defined in this class. Note that this operates on the current class
only, it does not traverse the inheritance hierarchy.
=item B<< $metaclass->get_all_attributes >>
This will traverse the inheritance hierarchy and return a list of all
the L<Class::MOP::Attribute> objects for this class and its parents.
=item B<< $metaclass->find_attribute_by_name($attribute_name) >>
This will return a L<Class::MOP::Attribute> for the specified
C<$attribute_name>. If the class does not have the specified
attribute, it returns C<undef>.
Unlike C<get_attribute>, this attribute I<will> look for the named
attribute in superclasses.
=item B<< $metaclass->add_attribute(...) >>
This method accepts either an existing L<Class::MOP::Attribute>
object or parameters suitable for passing to that class's C<new>
The attribute provided will be added to the class.
Any accessor methods defined by the attribute will be added to the
class when the attribute is added.
If an attribute of the same name already exists, the old attribute
will be removed first.
=item B<< $metaclass->remove_attribute($attribute_name) >>
This will remove the named attribute from the class, and
L<Class::MOP::Attribute> object.
Removing an attribute also removes any accessor methods defined by the
However, note that removing an attribute will only affect I<future>
object instances created for this class, not existing instances.
=item B<< $metaclass->attribute_metaclass >>
Returns the class name of the attribute metaclass for this class. By
default, this is L<Class::MOP::Attribute>.
=head2 Overload introspection and creation
These methods provide an API to the core L<overload> functionality.
=over 4
=item B<< $metaclass->is_overloaded >>
Returns true if overloading is enabled for this class. Corresponds to
=item B<< $metaclass->get_overloaded_operator($op) >>
Returns the L<Class::MOP::Overload> object corresponding to the operator named
C<$op>, if one exists for this class.
=item B<< $metaclass->has_overloaded_operator($op) >>
Returns whether or not the operator C<$op> is overloaded for this class.
=item B<< $metaclass->get_overload_list >>
Returns a list of operator names which have been overloaded (see
L<overload/Overloadable Operations> for the list of valid operator names).
=item B<< $metaclass->get_all_overloaded_operators >>
Returns a list of L<Class::MOP::Overload> objects corresponding to the
operators that have been overloaded.
=item B<< $metaclass->add_overloaded_operator($op, $impl) >>
Overloads the operator C<$op> for this class. The C<$impl> can be a coderef, a
method name, or a L<Class::MOP::Overload> object. Corresponds to
C<< use overload $op => $impl; >>
=item B<< $metaclass->remove_overloaded_operator($op) >>
Remove overloading for operator C<$op>. Corresponds to C<< no overload $op; >>
=item B<< $metaclass->get_overload_fallback_value >>
Returns the overload C<fallback> setting for the package.
=item B<< $metaclass->set_overload_fallback_value($fallback) >>
Sets the overload C<fallback> setting for the package.
=head2 Class Immutability
Making a class immutable "freezes" the class definition. You can no
longer call methods which alter the class, such as adding or removing
methods or attributes.
Making a class immutable lets us optimize the class by inlining some
methods, and also allows us to optimize some methods on the metaclass
object itself.
After immutabilization, the metaclass object will cache most informational
methods that returns information about methods or attributes. Methods which
would alter the class, such as C<add_attribute> and C<add_method>, will
throw an error on an immutable metaclass object.
The immutabilization system in L<Moose> takes much greater advantage
of the inlining features than Class::MOP itself does.
=over 4
=item B<< $metaclass->make_immutable(%options) >>
This method will create an immutable transformer and use it to make
the class and its metaclass object immutable, and returns true
(you should not rely on the details of this value apart from its truth).
This method accepts the following options:
=over 8
=item * inline_accessors
=item * inline_constructor
=item * inline_destructor
These are all booleans indicating whether the specified method(s)
should be inlined.
By default, accessors and the constructor are inlined, but not the
=item * immutable_trait
The name of a class which will be used as a parent class for the
metaclass object being made immutable. This "trait" implements the
post-immutability functionality of the metaclass (but not the
transformation itself).
This defaults to L<Class::MOP::Class::Immutable::Trait>.
=item * constructor_name
This is the constructor method name. This defaults to "new".
=item * constructor_class
The name of the method metaclass for constructors. It will be used to
generate the inlined constructor. This defaults to
=item * replace_constructor
This is a boolean indicating whether an existing constructor should be
replaced when inlining a constructor. This defaults to false.
=item * destructor_class
The name of the method metaclass for destructors. It will be used to
generate the inlined destructor. This defaults to
=item * replace_destructor
This is a boolean indicating whether an existing destructor should be
replaced when inlining a destructor. This defaults to false.
=item B<< $metaclass->immutable_options >>
Returns a hash of the options used when making the class immutable, including
both defaults and anything supplied by the user in the call to C<<
$metaclass->make_immutable >>. This is useful if you need to temporarily make
a class mutable and then restore immutability as it was before.
=item B<< $metaclass->make_mutable >>
Calling this method reverse the immutabilization transformation.
=head2 Method Modifiers
Method modifiers are hooks which allow a method to be wrapped with
I<before>, I<after> and I<around> method modifiers. Every time a
method is called, its modifiers are also called.
A class can modify its own methods, as well as methods defined in
parent classes.
=head3 How method modifiers work?
Method modifiers work by wrapping the original method and then
replacing it in the class's symbol table. The wrappers will handle
calling all the modifiers in the appropriate order and preserving the
calling context for the original method.
The return values of C<before> and C<after> modifiers are
ignored. This is because their purpose is B<not> to filter the input
and output of the primary method (this is done with an I<around>
This may seem like an odd restriction to some, but doing this allows
for simple code to be added at the beginning or end of a method call
without altering the function of the wrapped method or placing any
extra responsibility on the code of the modifier.
Of course if you have more complex needs, you can use the C<around>
modifier which allows you to change both the parameters passed to the
wrapped method, as well as its return value.
Before and around modifiers are called in last-defined-first-called
order, while after modifiers are called in first-defined-first-called
order. So the call tree might looks something like this:
before 2
before 1
around 2
around 1
around 1
around 2
after 1
after 2
=head3 What is the performance impact?
Of course there is a performance cost associated with method
modifiers, but we have made every effort to make that cost directly
proportional to the number of modifier features you use.
The wrapping method does its best to B<only> do as much work as it
absolutely needs to. In order to do this we have moved some of the
performance costs to set-up time, where they are easier to amortize.
All this said, our benchmarks have indicated the following:
simple wrapper with no modifiers 100% slower
simple wrapper with simple before modifier 400% slower
simple wrapper with simple after modifier 450% slower
simple wrapper with simple around modifier 500-550% slower
simple wrapper with all 3 modifiers 1100% slower
These numbers may seem daunting, but you must remember, every feature
comes with some cost. To put things in perspective, just doing a
simple C<AUTOLOAD> which does nothing but extract the name of the
method called and return it costs about 400% over a normal method
=over 4
=item B<< $metaclass->add_before_method_modifier($method_name, $code) >>
This wraps the specified method with the supplied subroutine
reference. The modifier will be called as a method itself, and will
receive the same arguments as are passed to the method.
When the modifier exits, the wrapped method will be called.
The return value of the modifier will be ignored.
=item B<< $metaclass->add_after_method_modifier($method_name, $code) >>
This wraps the specified method with the supplied subroutine
reference. The modifier will be called as a method itself, and will
receive the same arguments as are passed to the method.
When the wrapped methods exits, the modifier will be called.
The return value of the modifier will be ignored.
=item B<< $metaclass->add_around_method_modifier($method_name, $code) >>
This wraps the specified method with the supplied subroutine
The first argument passed to the modifier will be a subroutine
reference to the wrapped method. The second argument is the object,
and after that come any arguments passed when the method is called.
The around modifier can choose to call the original method, as well as
what arguments to pass if it does so.
The return value of the modifier is what will be seen by the caller.
=head2 Introspection
=over 4
=item B<< Class::MOP::Class->meta >>
This will return a L<Class::MOP::Class> instance for this class.
It should also be noted that L<Class::MOP> will actually bootstrap
this module by installing a number of attribute meta-objects into its
=head1 AUTHORS
=over 4
=item *
Stevan Little <>
=item *
Dave Rolsky <>
=item *
Jesse Luehrs <>
=item *
Shawn M Moore <>
=item *
יובל קוג'מן (Yuval Kogman) <>
=item *
Karen Etheridge <>
=item *
Florian Ragwitz <>
=item *
Hans Dieter Pearcey <>
=item *
Chris Prather <>
=item *
Matt S Trout <>
This software is copyright (c) 2006 by Infinity Interactive, Inc.
This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.