package Mouse::Meta::TypeConstraint;
use Mouse::Util qw(:meta); # enables strict and warnings
sub new {
my $class = shift;
my %args = @_ == 1 ? %{$_[0]} : @_;
$args{name} = '__ANON__' if !defined $args{name};
my $type_parameter;
if(defined $args{parent}) { # subtyping
%args = (%{$args{parent}}, %args);
# a child type must not inherit 'compiled_type_constraint'
# and 'hand_optimized_type_constraint' from the parent
delete $args{compiled_type_constraint}; # don't inherit it
delete $args{hand_optimized_type_constraint}; # don't inherit it
$type_parameter = $args{type_parameter};
if(defined(my $parent_tp = $args{parent}{type_parameter})) {
if($parent_tp != $type_parameter) {
or $class->throw_error(
"$type_parameter is not a subtype of $parent_tp",
else {
$type_parameter = undef;
my $check;
if($check = delete $args{optimized}) { # likely to be builtins
$args{hand_optimized_type_constraint} = $check;
$args{compiled_type_constraint} = $check;
elsif(defined $type_parameter) { # parameterizing
my $generator = $args{constraint_generator}
|| $class->throw_error(
"The $args{name} constraint cannot be used,"
. " because $type_parameter doesn't subtype"
. " from a parameterizable type");
my $parameterized_check = $generator->($type_parameter);
if(defined(my $my_check = $args{constraint})) {
$check = sub {
return $parameterized_check->($_) && $my_check->($_);
else {
$check = $parameterized_check;
$args{constraint} = $check;
else { # common cases
$check = $args{constraint};
if(defined($check) && ref($check) ne 'CODE'){
"Constraint for $args{name} is not a CODE reference");
my $self = bless \%args, $class;
if !$args{hand_optimized_type_constraint};
if($args{type_constraints}) { # union types
foreach my $type(@{$self->{type_constraints}}){
# set undef for has_coercion()
$self->{_compiled_type_coercion} = undef;
return $self;
sub create_child_type {
my $self = shift;
return ref($self)->new(@_, parent => $self);
sub name;
sub parent;
sub message;
sub has_coercion;
sub check;
sub type_parameter;
sub __is_parameterized;
sub _compiled_type_constraint;
sub _compiled_type_coercion;
sub compile_type_constraint;
sub _add_type_coercions { # ($self, @pairs)
my $self = shift;
if(exists $self->{type_constraints}){ # union type
"Cannot add additional type coercions to Union types '$self'");
my $coercion_map = ($self->{coercion_map} ||= []);
my %has = map{ $_->[0]->name => undef } @{$coercion_map};
for(my $i = 0; $i < @_; $i++){
my $from = $_[ $i];
my $action = $_[++$i];
if(exists $has{$from}){
$self->throw_error("A coercion action already exists for '$from'");
my $type = Mouse::Util::TypeConstraints::find_or_parse_type_constraint($from)
or $self->throw_error(
"Could not find the type constraint ($from) to coerce from");
push @{$coercion_map}, [ $type => $action ];
$self->{_compiled_type_coercion} = undef;
sub _compiled_type_coercion {
my($self) = @_;
my $coercion = $self->{_compiled_type_coercion};
return $coercion if defined $coercion;
if(!$self->{type_constraints}) {
my @coercions;
foreach my $pair(@{$self->{coercion_map}}) {
push @coercions,
[ $pair->[0]->_compiled_type_constraint, $pair->[1] ];
$coercion = sub {
my($thing) = @_;
foreach my $pair (@coercions) {
#my ($constraint, $converter) = @$pair;
if ($pair->[0]->($thing)) {
return $pair->[1]->($thing) for $thing; # local $_ will cancel tie-ness due to perl's bug
return $thing;
else { # for union type
my @coercions;
foreach my $type(@{$self->{type_constraints}}){
push @coercions, $type;
$coercion = sub {
my($thing) = @_;
foreach my $type(@coercions){
my $value = $type->coerce($thing);
return $value if $self->check($value);
return $thing;
return( $self->{_compiled_type_coercion} = $coercion );
sub coerce {
my $self = shift;
return $_[0] if $self->check(@_);
my $coercion = $self->_compiled_type_coercion
or $self->throw_error("Cannot coerce without a type coercion");
return $coercion->(@_);
sub get_message {
my ($self, $value) = @_;
if ( my $msg = $self->message ) {
return $msg->($value) for $value; # local $_ will cancel tie-ness due to perl's bug
else {
if(not defined $value) {
$value = 'undef';
elsif( ref($value) && defined(&overload::StrVal) ) {
$value = overload::StrVal($value);
return "Validation failed for '$self' with value $value";
sub is_a_type_of {
my($self, $other) = @_;
# ->is_a_type_of('__ANON__') is always false
return 0 if !ref($other) && $other eq '__ANON__';
(my $other_name = $other) =~ s/\s+//g;
return 1 if $self->name eq $other_name;
if(exists $self->{type_constraints}){ # union
foreach my $type(@{$self->{type_constraints}}) {
return 1 if $type->name eq $other_name;
for(my $p = $self->parent; defined $p; $p = $p->parent) {
return 1 if $p->name eq $other_name;
return 0;
# See also Moose::Meta::TypeConstraint::Parameterizable
sub parameterize {
my($self, $param, $name) = @_;
if(!ref $param){
require Mouse::Util::TypeConstraints;
$param = Mouse::Util::TypeConstraints::find_or_create_isa_type_constraint($param);
$name ||= sprintf '%s[%s]', $self->name, $param->name;
return Mouse::Meta::TypeConstraint->new(
name => $name,
parent => $self,
type_parameter => $param,
sub assert_valid {
my ($self, $value) = @_;
return 1;
# overloading stuff
sub _as_string { $_[0]->name } # overload ""
sub _identity; # overload 0+
sub _unite { # overload infix:<|>
my($lhs, $rhs) = @_;
require Mouse::Util::TypeConstraints;
return Mouse::Util::TypeConstraints::_find_or_create_union_type(
=head1 NAME
Mouse::Meta::TypeConstraint - The Mouse Type Constraint metaclass
=head1 VERSION
This document describes Mouse version v2.5.9
This class represents a type constraint, including built-in
type constraints, union type constraints, parameterizable/
parameterized type constraints, as well as custom type
=head1 METHODS
=item C<< Mouse::Meta::TypeConstraint->new(%options) >>
=item C<< $constraint->name >>
=item C<< $constraint->parent >>
=item C<< $constraint->constraint >>
=item C<< $constraint->has_coercion >>
=item C<< $constraint->message >>
=item C<< $constraint->is_a_type_of($name or $object) >>
=item C<< $constraint->coerce($value) >>
=item C<< $constraint->check($value) >>
=item C<< $constraint->assert_valid($value) >>
=item C<< $constraint->get_message($value) >>
=item C<< $constraint->create_child_type(%options) >>
=head1 SEE ALSO