#ifndef __PDLCORE_H
#define __PDLCORE_H
#include "EXTERN.h" /* std perl include */
#include "perl.h" /* std perl include */
#include "XSUB.h" /* for the win32 perlCAPI crap */
#include "ppport.h" /* include this AFTER XSUB.h */
#if defined(CONTEXT) && defined(__osf__)
#undef CONTEXT
#include "pdl.h"
#include "pdlthread.h"
/* the next one causes trouble in c++ compiles - exclude for now */
#ifndef __cplusplus
#include "pdlmagic.h"
#define PDL_TMP 0 /* Flags */
#define PDL_PERM 1
#define BIGGESTOF(a,b) ( a->nvals>b->nvals ? a->nvals : b->nvals )
#define SVavref(x) (SvROK(x) && SvTYPE(SvRV(x))==SVt_PVAV)
/* Create portable NaN's with the NaN_float and NaN_double macros.
* The end values are 7f to turn off sign bit to avoid printing "-NaN".
* This produces QNaN's or quiet nan's on architectures that support it.
* The below uses IEEE-754, so it should be portable. Also note the symmetry
* which makes the bigendian vs little-endian issue moot. If platforms should
* arise which require further consideration, use the pdl function,
* PDL::Core::Dev::isbigendian() which returns a boolean value (a false value
* garantees little-endian), and #ifdef's for exotic architectures. You'll be
* hard pressed to find an architecture that doesn't support ieee-754 but does
* support NaN. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NaN to understand why
* this works. */
static const union {unsigned char c[4]; float f;}
union_nan_float = {{0x7f, 0xff, 0xff, 0x7f}};
static const union {unsigned char c[8]; double d;}
union_nan_double = {{0x7f, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0x7f}};
/* Use our own barf and our own warn.
* We defer barf (and warn) handling until after multi-threaded (i.e pthreading)
* processing is finished.
* This is needed because segfaults happen when perl's croak is called
* during one of the spawned pthreads for PDL processing.
#define barf PDL->pdl_barf
#undef warn
#define warn PDL->pdl_warn
typedef int Logical;
/*************** Function prototypes *********************/
/* pdlcore.c */
int pdl_howbig (int datatype); /* Size of data type (bytes) */
pdl* SvPDLV ( SV* sv ); /* Map SV* to pdl struct */
void SetSV_PDL( SV *sv, pdl *it ); /* Outputting a pdl from.. */
SV* pdl_copy( pdl* a, char* option ); /* call copy method */
PDL_Indx * pdl_packdims ( SV* sv, int*ndims ); /* Pack dims[] into SV aref */
void pdl_unpackdims ( SV* sv, PDL_Indx *dims, /* Unpack */
int ndims );
void* pdl_malloc ( STRLEN nbytes ); /* malloc memory - auto free()*/
void pdl_makescratchhash(pdl *ret, PDL_Anyval data);
PDL_Indx pdl_safe_indterm(PDL_Indx dsz, PDL_Indx at, char *file, int lineno);
void pdl_barf(const char* pat,...); /* General croaking utility */
void pdl_warn(const char* pat,...); /* General warn utility */
PDL_Indx av_ndcheck(AV* av, AV* dims, int level, int *datalevel);
pdl* pdl_from_array(AV* av, AV* dims, int type, pdl* p);
PDL_Indx pdl_setav_Byte(PDL_Byte* pdata, AV* av,
PDL_Indx* pdims, PDL_Long ndims, int level, PDL_Byte undefval, pdl *p);
PDL_Indx pdl_setav_Short(PDL_Short* pdata, AV* av,
PDL_Indx* pdims, PDL_Long ndims, int level, PDL_Short undefval, pdl *p);
PDL_Indx pdl_setav_Ushort(PDL_Ushort* pdata, AV* av,
PDL_Indx* pdims, PDL_Long ndims, int level, PDL_Ushort undefval, pdl *p);
PDL_Indx pdl_setav_Long(PDL_Long* pdata, AV* av,
PDL_Indx* pdims, PDL_Long ndims, int level, PDL_Long undefval, pdl *p);
PDL_Indx pdl_setav_Indx(PDL_Indx* pdata, AV* av,
PDL_Indx* pdims, PDL_Long ndims, int level, PDL_Indx undefval, pdl *p);
PDL_Indx pdl_setav_LongLong(PDL_LongLong* pdata, AV* av,
PDL_Indx* pdims, PDL_Long ndims, int level, PDL_LongLong undefval, pdl *p);
PDL_Indx pdl_setav_Float(PDL_Float* pdata, AV* av,
PDL_Indx* pdims, PDL_Long ndims, int level, PDL_Float undefval, pdl *p);
PDL_Indx pdl_setav_Double(PDL_Double* pdata, AV* av,
PDL_Indx* pdims, PDL_Long ndims, int level, PDL_Double undefval, pdl *p);
PDL_Indx pdl_setav_CFloat(PDL_CFloat* pdata, AV* av,
PDL_Indx* pdims, PDL_Long ndims, int level, PDL_CFloat undefval, pdl *p);
PDL_Indx pdl_setav_CDouble(PDL_CDouble* pdata, AV* av,
PDL_Indx* pdims, PDL_Long ndims, int level, PDL_CDouble undefval, pdl *p);
/* pdlapi.c */
void pdl_vaffinechanged(pdl *it, int what);
void pdl_trans_mallocfreeproc(struct pdl_trans *tr);
void pdl_make_trans_mutual(pdl_trans *trans);
void pdl_destroytransform_nonmutual(pdl_trans *trans,int ensure);
void pdl_vafftrans_free(pdl *it);
void pdl_vafftrans_remove(pdl * it);
void pdl_make_physvaffine(pdl *it);
void pdl_vafftrans_alloc(pdl *it);
pdl *pdl_null();
pdl *pdl_get_convertedpdl(pdl *pdl,int type);
void pdl_destroytransform(pdl_trans *trans,int ensure);
pdl *pdl_hard_copy(pdl *src);
#define pdl_new() pdl_create(PDL_PERM)
#define pdl_tmp() pdl_create(PDL_TMP)
pdl* pdl_external_new();
pdl* pdl_external_tmp();
pdl* pdl_create(int type);
void pdl_destroy(pdl *it);
void pdl_setdims(pdl* it, PDL_Indx* dims, int ndims);
void pdl_reallocdims ( pdl *it,int ndims ); /* reallocate dims and incs */
void pdl_reallocthreadids ( pdl *it,int ndims ); /* reallocate threadids */
void pdl_resize_defaultincs ( pdl *it ); /* Make incs out of dims */
void pdl_unpackarray ( HV* hash, char *key, PDL_Indx *dims, int ndims );
void pdl_print(pdl *it);
void pdl_dump(pdl *it);
void pdl_allocdata(pdl *it);
PDL_Indx *pdl_get_threadoffsp(pdl_thread *thread); /* For pthreading */
void pdl_thread_copy(pdl_thread *from,pdl_thread *to);
void pdl_clearthreadstruct(pdl_thread *it);
void pdl_initthreadstruct(int nobl,pdl **pdls,PDL_Indx *realdims,PDL_Indx *creating,int npdls,
pdl_errorinfo *info,pdl_thread *thread,char *flags, int noPthreadFlag );
int pdl_startthreadloop(pdl_thread *thread,void (*func)(pdl_trans *),pdl_trans *);
int pdl_iterthreadloop(pdl_thread *thread,int which);
void pdl_freethreadloop(pdl_thread *thread);
void pdl_thread_create_parameter(pdl_thread *thread,int j,PDL_Indx *dims,
int temp);
void pdl_croak_param(pdl_errorinfo *info,int paramIndex, char *pat, ...);
void pdl_setdims_careful(pdl *pdl);
void pdl_put_offs(pdl *pdl,PDL_Indx offs, PDL_Anyval val);
PDL_Anyval pdl_get_offs(pdl *pdl,PDL_Indx offs);
PDL_Anyval pdl_get(pdl *pdl,PDL_Indx *inds);
void pdl_set_trans(pdl *it, pdl *parent, pdl_transvtable *vtable);
void pdl_make_physical(pdl *it);
void pdl_make_physdims(pdl *it);
void pdl_children_changesoon(pdl *it, int what);
void pdl_changed(pdl *it, int what, int recursing);
void pdl_separatefromparent(pdl *it);
void pdl_trans_changesoon(pdl_trans *trans,int what);
void pdl_trans_changed(pdl_trans *trans,int what);
void pdl_set_trans_childtrans(pdl *it, pdl_trans *trans,int nth);
void pdl_set_trans_parenttrans(pdl *it, pdl_trans *trans,int nth);
/* pdlhash.c */
pdl* pdl_getcache( HV* hash ); /* Retrieve address of $$x{PDL} */
pdl* pdl_fillcache( HV* hash, SV* ref); /* Fill/create $$x{PDL} cache */
void pdl_fillcache_partial( HV *hash, pdl *thepdl ) ;
SV* pdl_getKey( HV* hash, char* key ); /* Get $$x{Key} SV* with deref */
void pdl_flushcache( pdl *thepdl ); /* flush cache */
/* pdlconv.c */
void pdl_writebackdata_vaffine(pdl *it);
void pdl_readdata_vaffine(pdl *it);
void pdl_swap(pdl** a, pdl** b); /* Swap two pdl ptrs */
void pdl_converttype( pdl** a, int targtype, /* Change type of a pdl */
Logical changePerl );
void pdl_coercetypes( pdl** a, pdl **b, Logical changePerl ); /* Two types to same */
void pdl_grow ( pdl* a, PDL_Indx newsize); /* Change pdl 'Data' size */
void pdl_retype( pdl* a, int newtype); /* Change pdl 'Datatype' value */
void** pdl_twod( pdl* x ); /* Return 2D pointer to data array */
/* pdlsections.c */
PDL_Indx pdl_get_offset(PDL_Indx* pos, PDL_Indx* dims, PDL_Indx *incs, PDL_Indx offset, int ndims); /* Offset of pixel x,y,z... */
PDL_Indx pdl_validate_section( PDL_Indx* sec, PDL_Indx* dims, /* Check section */
int ndims );
void pdl_row_plusplus ( PDL_Indx* pos, PDL_Indx* dims, /* Move down one row */
int ndims );
void pdl_subsection( char *y, char*x, int datatype, /* Take subsection */
PDL_Indx* sec, PDL_Indx* dims, PDL_Indx *incs, PDL_Indx offset, int* ndims);
void pdl_insertin( char*y, PDL_Indx* ydims, int nydims, /* Insert pdl in pdl */
char*x, PDL_Indx* xdims, int nxdims,
int datatype, PDL_Indx* pos);
PDL_Anyval pdl_at( void* x, int datatype, PDL_Indx* pos, PDL_Indx* dims, /* Value at x,y,z,... */
PDL_Indx *incs, PDL_Indx offset, int ndims);
void pdl_set( void* x, int datatype, PDL_Indx* pos, PDL_Indx* dims, /* Set value at x,y,z... */
PDL_Indx *incs, PDL_Indx offs, int ndims, PDL_Anyval value);
void pdl_axisvals( pdl* a, int axis ); /* Fill with axis values */
/* Structure to hold pointers core PDL routines so as to be used by many modules */
struct Core {
I32 Version;
pdl* (*SvPDLV) ( SV* );
void (*SetSV_PDL) ( SV *sv, pdl *it );
#if defined(PDL_clean_namespace) || defined(PDL_OLD_API)
pdl* (*new) ( ); /* make it work with gimp-perl */
pdl* (*pdlnew) ( ); /* renamed because of C++ clash */
pdl* (*tmp) ( );
pdl* (*create) (int type);
void (*destroy) (pdl *it);
pdl* (*null) ();
SV* (*copy) ( pdl*, char* );
pdl* (*hard_copy) ( pdl* );
void (*converttype) ( pdl**, int, Logical );
void** (*twod) ( pdl* );
void* (*smalloc) ( STRLEN );
int (*howbig) ( int );
PDL_Indx* (*packdims) ( SV* sv, int *ndims ); /* Pack dims[] into SV aref */
void (*setdims) ( pdl* it, PDL_Indx* dims, int ndims );
void (*unpackdims) ( SV* sv, PDL_Indx *dims, /* Unpack */
int ndims );
void (*grow) ( pdl* a, PDL_Indx newsize); /* Change pdl 'Data' size */
void (*flushcache)( pdl *thepdl ); /* flush cache */
void (*reallocdims) ( pdl *it,int ndims ); /* reallocate dims and incs */
void (*reallocthreadids) ( pdl *it,int ndims );
void (*resize_defaultincs) ( pdl *it ); /* Make incs out of dims */
void (*thread_copy)(pdl_thread *from,pdl_thread *to);
void (*clearthreadstruct)(pdl_thread *it);
void (*initthreadstruct)(int nobl,pdl **pdls,PDL_Indx *realdims,PDL_Indx *creating,int npdls,
pdl_errorinfo *info,pdl_thread *thread,char *flags, int noPthreadFlag );
int (*startthreadloop)(pdl_thread *thread,void (*func)(pdl_trans *),pdl_trans *);
PDL_Indx *(*get_threadoffsp)(pdl_thread *thread); /* For pthreading */
int (*iterthreadloop)(pdl_thread *thread,int which);
void (*freethreadloop)(pdl_thread *thread);
void (*thread_create_parameter)(pdl_thread *thread,int j,PDL_Indx *dims,
int temp);
void (*add_deletedata_magic) (pdl *it,void (*func)(pdl *, Size_t param), Size_t param); /* Automagic destructor */
/* This needs to be fixed to work correctly for File::Map implementation */
void (*setdims_careful)(pdl *pdl);
void (*put_offs)(pdl *pdl,PDL_Indx offs, PDL_Anyval val);
PDL_Anyval (*get_offs)(pdl *pdl,PDL_Indx offs);
PDL_Anyval (*get)(pdl *pdl,PDL_Indx *inds);
void (*set_trans_childtrans)(pdl *it, pdl_trans *trans,int nth);
void (*set_trans_parenttrans)(pdl *it, pdl_trans *trans,int nth);
pdl *(*make_now)(pdl *it);
pdl *(*get_convertedpdl)(pdl *pdl,int type);
void (*make_trans_mutual)(pdl_trans *trans);
and not in Core.xs ! */
void (*readdata_affine)(pdl_trans *tr);
void (*writebackdata_affine)(pdl_trans *tr);
void (*affine_new)(pdl *par,pdl *child,PDL_Indx offs,SV *dims,SV *incs);
/* Converttype. Similar */
void (*converttypei_new)(pdl *par,pdl *child,int type);
void (*trans_mallocfreeproc)(struct pdl_trans *tr);
void (*make_physical)(pdl *it);
void (*make_physdims)(pdl *it);
void (*pdl_barf) (const char* pat,...);
void (*pdl_warn) (const char* pat,...);
void (*make_physvaffine)(pdl *it);
void (*allocdata) (pdl *it);
PDL_Indx (*safe_indterm)(PDL_Indx dsz, PDL_Indx at, char *file, int lineno);
float NaN_float;
double NaN_double;
void (*qsort_B) (PDL_Byte *xx, PDL_Indx a, PDL_Indx b );
void (*qsort_ind_B) (PDL_Byte *xx, PDL_Indx *ix, PDL_Indx a, PDL_Indx b );
void (*qsort_S) (PDL_Short *xx, PDL_Indx a, PDL_Indx b );
void (*qsort_ind_S) (PDL_Short *xx, PDL_Indx *ix, PDL_Indx a, PDL_Indx b );
void (*qsort_U) (PDL_Ushort *xx, PDL_Indx a, PDL_Indx b );
void (*qsort_ind_U) (PDL_Ushort *xx, PDL_Indx *ix, PDL_Indx a, PDL_Indx b );
void (*qsort_L) (PDL_Long *xx, PDL_Indx a, PDL_Indx b );
void (*qsort_ind_L) (PDL_Long *xx, PDL_Indx *ix, PDL_Indx a, PDL_Indx b );
void (*qsort_N) (PDL_Indx *xx, PDL_Indx a, PDL_Indx b );
void (*qsort_ind_N) (PDL_Indx *xx, PDL_Indx *ix, PDL_Indx a, PDL_Indx b );
void (*qsort_Q) (PDL_LongLong *xx, PDL_Indx a, PDL_Indx b );
void (*qsort_ind_Q) (PDL_LongLong *xx, PDL_Indx *ix, PDL_Indx a, PDL_Indx b );
void (*qsort_F) (PDL_Float *xx, PDL_Indx a, PDL_Indx b );
void (*qsort_ind_F) (PDL_Float *xx, PDL_Indx *ix, PDL_Indx a, PDL_Indx b );
void (*qsort_D) (PDL_Double *xx, PDL_Indx a, PDL_Indx b );
void (*qsort_ind_D) (PDL_Double *xx, PDL_Indx *ix, PDL_Indx a, PDL_Indx b );
void (*qsort_G) (PDL_CFloat *xx, PDL_Indx a, PDL_Indx b );
void (*qsort_ind_G) (PDL_CFloat *xx, PDL_Indx *ix, PDL_Indx a, PDL_Indx b );
void (*qsort_C) (PDL_CDouble *xx, PDL_Indx a, PDL_Indx b );
void (*qsort_ind_C) (PDL_CDouble *xx, PDL_Indx *ix, PDL_Indx a, PDL_Indx b );
badvals bvals; /* store the default bad values */
void (*propagate_badflag) (pdl *it, int newval ); /* defined in bad.pd */
void (*propagate_badvalue) (pdl *it);
void (*children_changesoon)(pdl *it, int what);
void (*changed)(pdl *it, int what, int recursing);
void (*vaffinechanged)(pdl *it, int what);
PDL_Anyval (*get_pdl_badvalue)(pdl *it);
typedef struct Core Core;
Core *pdl__Core_get_Core(); /* INTERNAL TO CORE! DON'T CALL FROM OUTSIDE */
/* __PDLCORE_H */