# PDL::Graphics::TriD::ButtonControl - This package simply defines
# default event handler subroutines. $Revision$
# James P. Edwards
# Instituto Nacional de Meteorologia
# Brasilia, DF, Brasil
# jedwards@inmet.gov.br
# This distribution is free software; you can
# redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
=head1 NAME
PDL::Graphics::TriD::ButtonControl - default event handler subroutines
=head2 new()
=for ref
Bless an oject into the class ButtonControl, expects the associated
Window object to be supplied as an argument.
=for usage
The ButtonControl class is a base class which all TriD event
controllers should inherit from. By itself it does not do much. It
defines ButtonPressed and ButtonRelease functions which are expected by
the Event loop.
package PDL::Graphics::TriD::ButtonControl;
use strict;
use fields qw/Win W H SC/;
sub new {
my ($class,$win) = @_;
my $self = fields::new($class);
$self->{Win} = $win;
=head2 mouse_moved
=for ref
A do nothing function to prevent errors if not defined in a subclass
sub mouse_moved{
print "mouse_moved @_\n" if $PDL::Graphics::TriD::verbose;
=head2 ButtonRelease
=for ref
A do nothing function to prevent errors if not defined in a subclass
sub ButtonRelease{
my ($this,$x,$y) = @_;
$this->{Win}{Active} = 0;
print "ButtonRelease @_\n" if $PDL::Graphics::TriD::verbose;
=head2 ButtonPressed
=for ref
Activates the viewport the mouse is inside when pressed
sub ButtonPress{
my ($this,$x,$y) = @_;
# GL (0,0) point is Lower left X and Tk is upper left.
$y = $PDL::Graphics::TriD::cur->{Height}-$y;
# print "$x $y ",$this->{Win}{X0}," ",$this->{Win}{Y0}," ",$this->{Win}{W}," ",$this->{Win}{H},"\n";
if($this->{Win}{X0} <= $x && $this->{Win}{X0}+$this->{Win}{W}>=$x
&& $this->{Win}{Y0} <= $y && $this->{Win}{Y0}+$this->{Win}{H}>=$y ){
$this->{Win}{Active} = 1;
print "ButtonPress @_ ",ref($this->{Win}),"\n" if $PDL::Graphics::TriD::verbose;
=head2 set_wh
=for ref
Define the width and Height of the window for button control
sub set_wh {
my($this,$w,$h) = @_;
print ref($this)," $w,$h\n" if $PDL::Graphics::TriD::verbose;
$this->{W} = $w;
$this->{H} = $h;
$w = 0 unless defined $w;
$h = 0 unless defined $h;
if($w > $h) {
$this->{SC} = $h/2;
} else {
$this->{SC} = $w/2;