# XXXXX print methods need to be changed to
# reduce memory consumption
# VRMLProto
package PDL::Graphics::VRMLProto;
use Exporter;
use PDL::Core '';
@ISA = qw/ Exporter /;
@EXPORT = qw/ vrp fv3f fmstr /;
sub new {
my $type = shift;
my ($name,$fields,$node) = @_;
my $this = bless {},$type;
$this->{Name} = $name;
$this->{Fields} = $fields;
$this->{Node} = $node;
return $this;
sub vrp {
return PDL::Graphics::VRMLProto->new(@_);
sub fv3f {
my ($name,$def) = @_;
return ["field SFVec3f", "$name", "$def"];
sub fmstr {
my ($name,$def) = @_;
return ["field MFString", "$name", defined $def ? "$def" : "[]"];
sub to_text {
my $this = shift;
my $text = "PROTO $this->{Name} [\n";
for (@{$this->{Fields}}) {
$text .= " $_->[0] $_->[1]\t$_->[2]\n";
$text .= "]\n{\n";
$text .= $this->{Node}->to_text;
return $text . "}\n";
# VRMLNode
package PDL::Graphics::VRMLNode;
use Exporter;
@ISA = qw/ Exporter /;
@EXPORT = qw/ vrn vrml3v /;
@EXPORT_OK = qw/ tabs postfix prefix /;
sub vrn {
return PDL::Graphics::VRMLNode->new(@_);
sub new {
my $type = shift;
my $title = shift;
my $this = bless {},$type;
$this->{'Container'} = {};
$this->{'Title'} = $title;
return $this;
sub add {
my ($this,%items) = @_;
for (keys %items) {
$this->{Container}{$_} = $items{$_};
return $this;
sub add_children {
my ($this) = shift;
for(@_) {
push @{$this->{Container}{children}}, $_;
sub to_text {
my $this = shift;
my $level = $#_ > -1 ? shift : 1;
my $text = $this->prefix($level);
while (($k,$v) = each %{$this->{Container}}) {
$text .= tabs($level) . "$k".
(ref $v ?
ref $v eq "ARRAY" ?
$this->array_out($v,$level+1) :
(" ".$v->to_text($level+1)) :
return $text.$this->postfix($level);
sub array_out {
my ($this,$array,$level) = @_;
my $text = " [\n";
for (@$array) {
$text .= tabs($level) . (ref $_ ?
$_->to_text($level+1) : "$_,\n")
$text .= tabs($level-1) . "]\n";
return $text;
sub prefix {
return $_[0]->{Title}." {\n";
sub postfix {
return "\t"x($_[1]-1)."}\n";
sub tabs {
return "\t"x$_[0];
sub vrml3v {
my $list = shift;
return sprintf '%.3f %.3f %.3f', @{$list}[0..2];
# VRMLPdlNode
package PDL::Graphics::VRMLPdlNode;
@ISA = qw/ PDL::Graphics::VRMLNode /;
use PDL::Lite;
use PDL::Core qw(barf);
use PDL::Dbg;
PDL::Graphics::VRMLNode->import(qw/tabs vrml3v postfix prefix/);
sub new {
my ($type,$points,$colors,$options) = @_;
my $this = bless {},$type;
$this->{'Points'} = $points;
$this->{'Colors'} = $colors;
return $this;
sub checkoptions {
my ($this,$options) = @_;
my $aopts = $this->getvopts();
for (keys %$aopts) {
if (!defined $options->{$_}) {
$this->{$_} = $aopts->{$_};
} else {
$this->{$_} = delete $options->{$_};
if (keys %$options) {
barf "Invalid options left: ".(join ',',%$options);
sub getvopts {
my ($this) = @_;
return {Title => 'PointSet',
PerVertex => 0,
Lighting => 0,
Surface => 0,
Lines => 1,
Smooth => 0,
IsLattice => 0,
DefColors => 0};
sub to_text {
my $this = shift;
my $level = $#_ > -1 ? shift : 1;
my $text = $this->prefix($level);
my ($vtxt,$vidx,$ctxt,$extra,$useidx) = ("","","","",0);
if ($this->{Title} eq 'PointSet') {
} elsif ($this->{Title} eq 'IndexedLineSet') {
my @dims = $this->{Points}->dims;
shift @dims;
my $cols = $this->{Colors};
my $seq = PDL->sequence(@dims);
require PDL::Dbg;
local $PDL::debug = 0;
$cols = pdl(0,0,0)->dummy(1)->dummy(2)->px
if $this->{IsLattice} && $this->{Surface} && $this->{Lines};
tabs($level+1)) if $this->{IsLattice};
$useidx = 1;
} elsif ($this->{Title} eq 'IndexedFaceSet') {
my @dims = $this->{Points}->dims;
shift @dims;
my @sls1 = ("0:-2,0:-2",
my @sls2 = ("1:-1,1:-1",
my $seq = PDL->sequence(@dims);
triangles((map {$seq->slice($_)} @sls1),\$vidx,tabs($level+1));
triangles((map {$seq->slice($_)} @sls2),\$vidx,tabs($level+1));
$useidx = 1;
$extra = tabs($level)."colorPerVertex\tTRUE\n".
$extra .= tabs($level)."creaseAngle\t3.14\n" if $this->{Smooth};
$text .= vprefix('coord',$level).$vtxt.vpostfix('coord',$level);
$text .= vprefix('index',$level).$vidx.vpostfix('index',$level)
if $useidx;
$text .= vprefix('color',$level).$ctxt.vpostfix('color',$level)
unless $this->{DefColors};
return $text.$extra.$this->postfix($level);
sub vprefix {
my ($type,$level) = @_;
return tabs($level) . "coord Coordinate {\n" . tabs($level+1) .
"point [\n" if $type eq 'coord';
return tabs($level) . "color Color {\n" . tabs($level+1) .
"color [\n" if $type eq 'color';
return tabs($level) . "coordIndex [\n" if $type eq 'index';
sub vpostfix {
my ($type,$level) = @_;
return tabs($level+1)."]\n".tabs($level)."}\n" unless $type eq 'index';
return tabs($level)."]\n";
PDL::thread_define 'coords(vertices(n=3); colors(n)) NOtherPars => 3',
PDL::over {
${$_[2]} .= $_[4] . sprintf("%.3f %.3f %.3f,\n",$_[0]->list);
${$_[3]} .= $_[4] . sprintf("%.3f %.3f %.3f,\n",$_[1]->list);
PDL::thread_define 'v3array(vecs(n=3)) NOtherPars => 2',
PDL::over {
${$_[1]} .= $_[2] . sprintf("%.3f %.3f %.3f,\n",$_[0]->list);
PDL::thread_define 'lines(vertices(n=3,m); colors(n,m); index(m))'.
'NOtherPars => 4',
PDL::over {
my ($lines,$cols,$index,$vt,$ct,$it,$sp) = @_;
v3array($lines,$vt,$sp."\t") if defined $vt;
v3array($cols,$ct,$sp."\t") if defined $ct;
$$it .= $sp.join(',',$index->list).",-1,\n" if defined $it;
PDL::thread_define 'triangles(inda();indb();indc()), NOtherPars => 2',
PDL::over {
${$_[3]} .= $_[4].join(',',map {$_->at} @_[0..2]).",-1,\n";
package PDL::Graphics::VRML;
use PDL::Core '';
%PDL::Graphics::VRML::Protos = ();
sub new {
my ($type,$title,$info) = @_;
my $this = bless {},$type;
$this->{Header} = '#VRML V2.0 utf8';
$this->{Info} = new PDL::Graphics::VRMLNode('WorldInfo',
'title' => $title,
'info' => $info);
$this->{NaviInfo} = new PDL::Graphics::VRMLNode('NavigationInfo',
'type' => '["EXAMINE", "ANY"]');
$this->{Protos} = {};
$this->{Uses} = {};
$this->{Scene} = undef;
return $this;
sub register_proto {
my ($this,@protos) = @_;
for (@protos) {
barf "proto already registered"
if defined $PDL::Graphics::VRML::Protos{$_->{Name}};
$PDL::Graphics::VRML::Protos{$_->{Name}} = $_;
sub set_vrml {
print "set_vrml ",ref($_[0]),"\n";
$_[0]->{Scene} = $_[1];
sub uses {
$_[0]->{Uses}->{$_[1]} = 1;
sub ensure_protos {
my $this = shift;
for (keys %{$this->{Uses}}) {
barf "unknown Prototype $_" unless defined $PDL::Graphics::VRML::Protos{$_};
delete $this->{Uses}->{$_};
sub add_proto {
my ($this,$proto) = @_;
$this->{Protos}->{$proto->{Name}} = $proto
unless exists $this->{Protos}->{$proto->{Name}};
return $this;
sub print {
my $this = shift;
if ($#_ > -1) {
my $file = ($_[0] =~ /^\s*[|>]/ ? '' : '>') .$_[0];
open VRML,"$file" or barf "can't open $file";
} else { *VRML = *STDOUT }
print VRML "$this->{Header}\n";
print VRML $this->{Info}->to_text;
print VRML $this->{NaviInfo}->to_text;
for (keys %{$this->{Protos}}) { print VRML $this->{Protos}->{$_}->to_text }
barf "no scene hierarchy" unless defined $this->{Scene};
print VRML $this->{Scene}->to_text;
close VRML if $#_ > -1;