# Represent any C type.
# Type contains the size of arrays, which is either constant
# or resolved (into an object) from resolveobj.
package PDL::PP::CType;
use Carp;
# new PDL::PP::CType(resolveobj,str)
sub new {
my $this = bless {},shift;
$this->{Resolve} = shift;
if(@_) {
return $this;
sub stripptrs {
my($this,$str) = @_;
if($str =~ /^\s*\w+\s*$/) {
$str =~ s/\s//g;
$this->{ProtoName} = $str;
return [];
} else {
# Now, recall the different C syntaxes. First priority is a pointer:
my $decl;
if($str =~ /^\s*\*(.*)$/) {
$decl = $this->stripptrs($1);
unshift @$decl,"PTR";
} elsif($str =~ /^\s*\(.*\)\s*$/) {
# XXX Should try to see if a funccall.
return $this->stripptrs($1);
} elsif($str =~ /^(.*)\[([^]]+)\]\s*$/) {
my $siz = $2;
print "ARR($str): ($siz)\n" if $::PP_VERBOSE;
$decl = $this->stripptrs($1);
unshift @$decl,"ARR($siz)";
print "ARR($str): ($siz)\n" if $::PP_VERBOSE;
} else {
die("Invalid C type '$str'");
return $decl;
# XXX Correct to *real* parsing. This is only a subset.
sub parsefrom {
my($this,$str) = @_;
# First, take the words in the beginning
$str =~ /^\s*((?:\w+\b\s*)+)([^[].*)$/;
my $base = $1; my $decl = $2;
my $foo = $this->stripptrs($decl);
$this->{Base} = $base;
$this->{Chain} = $foo;
sub get_decl {
my($this,$name,$opts) = @_;
for(@{$this->{Chain}}) {
if($_ eq "PTR") {$name = "*$name"}
elsif($_ =~/^ARR\((.*)\)$/) {
if($opts->{VarArrays2Ptrs}) {
$name = "*$name";
} else {
$name = "($name)[$1]";
else { confess("Invalid decl") }
return "$this->{Base} $name";
# Useful when parsing argument decls
sub protoname { return shift->{ProtoName} }
sub get_copy {
my($this,$from,$to) = @_;
my ($prev,$close);
if($#{$this->{Chain}} >= 0) {
# strdup loses portability :(
return "($to) = malloc(strlen($from)+1); strcpy($to,$from);"
if $this->{Base} =~ /^\s*char\s*$/;
return "($to) = newSVsv($from);"
if $this->{Base} =~ /^\s*SV\s*$/;
my $code = $this->get_malloc($to,$from);
my ($deref0,$deref1) = ($from,$to);
for(@{$this->{Chain}}) {
if($_ eq "PTR") {confess("Cannot alloc pointer, must be array");}
elsif($_ =~/^ARR\((.*)\)$/) {
$prev .= "
if(!$deref0) {$deref1=0;}
else {int __malloc_ind_$no;
for(__malloc_ind_$no = 0;
__malloc_ind_$no < $1;
__malloc_ind_$no ++) {";
$deref0 = $deref0."[__malloc_ind_$no]";
$deref1 = $deref1."[__malloc_ind_$no]";
$close .= "}}";
} else { confess("Invalid decl $_") }
$code .= "$prev $deref1 = $deref0; $close";
return $code;
return "($to) = ($from);";
sub get_free {
my($this,$from) = @_;
my ($prev,$close);
if($#{$this->{Chain}} >= 0) {
return "free($from);"
if $this->{Base} =~ /^\s*char\s*$/;
return "SvREFCNT_dec($from);"
if $this->{Base} =~ /^\s*SV\s*$/;
my @mallocs;
my $str = "{";
my $deref = "$from";
my $prev = undef;
my $close = undef;
my $no = 0;
for(@{$this->{Chain}}) {
if($no > 1) {croak("Can only free one layer!\n");}
# if($_ eq "PTR") {confess("Cannot free pointer, must be array ;) (FIX CType.pm)");}
return "free($from);\n ";
} else {
sub need_malloc {
my($this) = @_;
return scalar grep /(ARR|PTR)/,(@{$this->{Chain}})
# Just returns with the array string.
sub get_malloc {
my($this,$assignto) = @_;
my $str = "{";
my $deref = "$assignto";
my $prev = undef;
my $close = undef;
my $no = 0;
for(@{$this->{Chain}}) {
if($_ eq "PTR") {confess("Cannot alloc pointer, must be array");}
elsif($_ =~/^ARR\((.*)\)$/) {
$str .= "$prev $assignto =
malloc(sizeof(* $assignto) * $1);
$prev = "{int __malloc_ind_$no;
for(__malloc_ind_$no = 0;
__malloc_ind_$no < $1;
__malloc_ind_$no ++) {";
$deref = $deref."[__malloc_ind_$no]";
$close .= "}}";
} else { confess("Invalid decl $_") }
$str .= "}";
return $str;
sub getvar {
# Determine if everything constant and can just declare
sub need_alloc {
sub alloccode {
sub copycode {
sub freecode {