package PDL::Perldl2::Plugin::PDLCommands;
use Devel::REPL::Plugin;
use namespace::clean -except => [ 'meta' ];
# The atomic option---need to deconflict Turtle command injection
# using qr{\#} and perldl's usage for command escapes. Just
# exclude for now to get things working
excludes 'Turtles';
around 'read' => sub {
my $orig = shift;
my ($self, @args) = @_;
# using $lines here because that is the usage from perldl
# and I want to cut and paste existing code if possible
my $lines = $self->$orig(@args);
# Execute the list of auto-code (TODO)
## for my $c (@PERLDL::AUTO) {
## my $mess = eval_and_report($c);
## warn $mess if $mess;
## }
# Filter out PDL shell prefixes from cut-n-pasted lines
if ( defined($lines) and $lines =~ s/$PERLDL::PREFIX_RE// ) {
if ($PERLDL::TERM->can('GetHistory') and $PERLDL::TERM->can('SetHistory')) {
my @hist = $PERLDL::TERM->GetHistory();
foreach my $entry (@hist) { $entry =~ s/$PERLDL::PREFIX_RE//; }
return $lines unless defined $lines;
# print STDERR "PDLCommands: got '$lines'\n";
if ( lc $lines eq 'q' || lc $lines eq 'x' || lc $lines eq 'exit' ) { return "quit"; };
$lines =~ s/^\s*\?\?\s*/apropos /; # Make '??' = 'apropos'
$lines =~ s/^\s*\?\s*/help /; # Make lone '?' = 'help'
if ( $lines =~ /^\s*(help|usage|apropos|sig|badinfo|demo)\s+/) { # Allow help foo (no quotes)
my @t = split(/\s+/,$lines);
my $x;
foreach $x(@t) { $x=~s/^["']+//; $x=~s/['"]+$//; };
$t[1] = "'".$t[1]."'" if ($#t == 1 && !($t[1] =~ /^\$/));
$lines = join(' ',@t);
if (substr($lines,0,1) eq substr($PERLDL::ESCAPE,0,1) and
substr($lines,0,2) ne '#!') { # Allow escapes, avoid shebang
my @lines = split /\n/, $lines;
system(substr(shift @lines,1)); # Shell escape
$lines = join("\n",@lines);
return $lines;
=head1 NAME
PDL::Perldl2::Plugin::PDLCommands - implement perldl aliases/escapes
This plugin implements the various convenience features of the
perldl shell which correspond, roughly, to aliases and some
structured pre-processing of the command line entered:
=over 4
=item q|x|exit|quit as shortcuts to quit the shell
=item ?? as an alias for apropos
=item ? as an alias for help
=item Autoquoting for arguments to help|usage|apropos|sig|badinfo|demo
=item C<$PERLDL::ESCAPE> at the start of a command line to escape to the shell, defaults to C<#>
=head1 SEE ALSO
C<PDL::Perldl>, C<Devel::REPL>
=head1 AUTHOR
Chris Marshall, C<< <chm at cpan dot org> >>
Copyright (C) 2010 by Christopher Marshall
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself.