shell bypass 403
use strict;
use warnings;
use Prima;
use Prima::Classes;
use Prima::Label;
use Prima::ComboBox;
use Prima::Sliders;
package Prima::Calendar;
use vars qw(@ISA @non_locale_months @days_in_months $OB_format);
@ISA = qw(Prima::Widget);
my $posix_state;
my @non_locale_months = qw(
January February March April May June
July August September October November December);
@days_in_months = (31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31);
sub profile_default
my @date = (localtime(time))[3,4,5];
return {
%{$_[ 0]-> SUPER::profile_default},
scaleChildren => 0,
date => \@date,
useLocale => 1,
day => $date[0],
month => $date[1],
year => $date[2],
firstDayOfWeek => 0,
sub profile_check_in
my ( $self, $p, $default) = @_;
$p-> {date} = $default-> {date} unless exists $p-> {date};
$p-> {date}-> [0] = $p-> {day} if exists $p-> {day};
$p-> {date}-> [1] = $p-> {month} if exists $p-> {month};
$p-> {date}-> [2] = $p-> {year} if exists $p-> {year};
$self-> SUPER::profile_check_in( $p, $default);
sub init
my $self = shift;
$self-> {$_} = 0 for qw( day month year useLocale firstDayOfWeek);
$self-> {date} = [0,0,0];
my %profile = $self-> SUPER::init(@_);
$self-> {useLocale} = can_use_locale() if $profile{useLocale};
my $fh = $self-> font-> height;
my ( $w, $h) = $self-> size;
$self-> reset_days;
my $right_offset = $self-> font-> width * 9;
$self-> insert( ComboBox =>
origin => [ 5, $h - $fh * 2 - 10 ],
size => [ $w - $right_offset - 15, $fh + 4],
name => 'Month',
items => $self-> make_months,
style => cs::DropDownList,
growMode => gm::GrowHiX | gm::GrowLoY,
delegations => [ 'Change' ],
$self-> insert( Label =>
origin => [ 5, $h - $fh - 4],
size => [ $w - $right_offset - 15, $fh + 2],
text => '~Month',
focusLink => $self-> Month,
growMode => gm::GrowHiX | gm::GrowLoY,
$self-> insert( SpinEdit =>
origin => [ $w - $right_offset - 5, $h - $fh * 2 - 10 ],
size => [ $right_offset, $fh + 4],
name => 'Year',
min => 1900,
max => 2099,
growMode => gm::GrowLoX | gm::GrowLoY,
delegations => [ 'Change' ],
$self-> insert( Label =>
origin => [ $w - $right_offset - 5, $h - $fh - 4],
size => [ $right_offset, $fh + 2],
text => '~Year',
focusLink => $self-> Year,
growMode => gm::GrowLoX | gm::GrowLoY,
$self-> insert( Widget =>
origin => [ 5, 5 ],
size => [ $w - 10, $h - $fh * 3 - 22 ],
name => 'Day',
selectable => 1,
current => 1,
delegations => [ qw(
Paint MouseDown MouseMove MouseUp MouseWheel MouseLeave
KeyDown Size FontChanged Enter Leave
growMode => gm::Client,
$self-> insert( Label =>
origin => [ 5, $h - $fh * 3 - 15],
size => [ $w - 10, $fh + 2],
text => '~Day',
focusLink => $self-> Day,
growMode => gm::GrowHiX | gm::GrowLoY,
$self-> $_($profile{$_}) for qw( date useLocale firstDayOfWeek);
sub can_use_locale
return $posix_state if defined $posix_state;
undef $@;
eval "use POSIX q(strftime);";
return $posix_state = 1 unless $@;
return $posix_state = 0;
sub month2str
return $non_locale_months[$_[1]] unless $_[0]-> {useLocale};
return POSIX::strftime ( "%B", 0, 0, 0, 1, $_[1], 0 );
sub make_months
return \@non_locale_months unless $_[0]-> {useLocale};
unless ( defined $OB_format) {
# %OB is a BSD extension for locale-specific date string
# for use without date
$OB_format = (
POSIX::strftime ( "%OB", 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0 ) eq
POSIX::strftime ( "%OB", 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0 )
) ? '%B' : '%OB';
return [ map {
POSIX::strftime ( $OB_format, 0, 0, 0, 1, $_, 0 )
} 0 .. 11 ];
sub day_of_week
my ( $self, $day, $month, $year, $useFirstDayOfWeek) = @_;
$month++; $year += 1900;
$useFirstDayOfWeek = 1 unless defined $useFirstDayOfWeek;
if ( $month < 3) {
$month += 10;
} else {
$month -= 2;
my $century = int($year / 100);
$year %= 100;
my $dow = ( int(( 26 * $month - 2) / 10) + $day + $year + int($year / 4) +
int($century / 4) - ( 2 * $century) -
(( $useFirstDayOfWeek ? 1 : 0) * $self-> {firstDayOfWeek}) + 7)
% 7;
return ($dow < 0) ? $dow + 7 : $dow;
sub reset_days
my $self = $_[0];
my $dow = $self-> {firstDayOfWeek};
$self-> {days} = $self-> {useLocale} ?
[ map { strftime("%a", 0, 0, 0, $_, 0, 0) } 0 .. 6 ] :
[ qw( Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat ) ];
push @{$self-> {days}}, splice( @{$self-> {days}}, 0, $dow) if $dow;
sub useLocale
return $_[0]-> {useLocale} unless $#_;
my ( $self, $useLocale) = @_;
$useLocale = can_use_locale if $useLocale;
$self-> {useLocale} = $useLocale;
$self-> Month-> items( $self-> make_months);
$self-> Month-> text( $self-> Month-> List-> get_item_text( $self-> Month-> focusedItem));
$self-> reset_days;
my $day = $self-> Day;
$self-> day_reset( $day, $day-> size);
$day-> repaint;
sub Day_Paint
my ( $owner, $self, $canvas) = @_;
my @sz = $self-> size;
$canvas-> set( color => $self-> disabledColor, backColor => $self-> disabledBackColor)
unless $self-> enabled;
$canvas-> rect3d( 0, 0, $sz[0]-1, $sz[1]-1, 2,
$self-> dark3DColor, $self-> light3DColor, $self-> backColor);
my @zs = ( $self-> {X}, $self-> {Y}, $self-> {CX1}, $self-> {CY});
my $i;
my $c = $canvas-> color;
$canvas-> color( $self-> prelight_color($canvas-> backColor));
$canvas-> bar( 2, $sz[1] - $zs[1] - 3, $sz[0] - 3, $sz[1] - 3);
$canvas-> color($c);
$canvas-> clipRect( 2, 2, $sz[0] - 3, $sz[1] - 3);
for ( $i = 0; $i < 7; $i++) {
my $tw = $canvas->get_text_width( $owner-> {days}-> [$i] );
$canvas-> text_shape_out( $owner-> {days}-> [$i],
$i * $zs[0] + ($self->{X} - $tw)/2, $sz[1]-$zs[1]+$zs[3],
my ( $d, $m, $y) = @{$owner-> {date}};
my $dow = $owner-> day_of_week( 1, $m, $y);
my $v = $days_in_months[ $m] + (((( $y % 4) == 0) && ( $m == 1)) ? 1 : 0);
$y = $sz[1] - $zs[1] * 2 + $zs[3] - 3;
my $prelight = ($self->{prelight} || 0) - 1;
for ( $i = 0; $i < $v; $i++) {
if ( $d == $i || $prelight == $i) {
my $bk = ($d == $i) ? cl::Hilite : cl::Back;
$bk = $self->prelight_color($bk) if $prelight == $i;
$canvas-> color($bk);
$canvas-> bar(
$dow * $zs[0] + 2, $y - $zs[3],
( 1 + $dow) * $zs[0] - 1, $y - $zs[3] + $zs[1] - 1
$canvas-> color(( $d == $i) ? cl::HiliteText : cl::Fore);
$canvas-> text_shape_out( $i + 1, $dow * $zs[0] + $zs[2], $y);
$canvas-> rect_focus(
$dow * $zs[0] + 2, $y - $zs[3],
( 1 + $dow) * $zs[0] - 1, $y - $zs[3] + $zs[1] - 1
) if $d == $i && $self-> focused;
$canvas-> color( $c);
} else {
$canvas-> text_shape_out( $i + 1, $dow * $zs[0] + $zs[2], $y);
$zs[2] = $self-> {CX2} if $i == 8;
next unless $dow++ == 6;
$y -= $zs[1];
$dow = 0;
sub Day_KeyDown
my ( $owner, $self, $code, $key, $mod, $repeat) = @_;
return unless grep { $key == $_ } (
kb::Left, kb::Right, kb::Down, kb::Up, kb::PgUp, kb::PgDn
my ( $d, $m, $y) = @{$owner-> {date}};
$d-- if $key == kb::Left;
$d++ if $key == kb::Right;
$d+=7 if $key == kb::Down;
$d-=7 if $key == kb::Up;
if ( $key == kb::PgDn) {
( $m == 11) ? ($y++, $m = 0) : $m++;
if ( $key == kb::PgUp) {
( $m == 0) ? ($y--, $m = 11) : $m--;
$self-> clear_event;
$owner-> date( $d, $m, $y);
sub xy2day
my ($self, $x, $y) = @_;
my $widget = $self->Day;
my ( $day, $month, $year) = @{$self-> {date}};
my @zs = ( $widget-> {X}, $widget-> {Y});
my $v = $days_in_months[ $month] + (((( $year % 4) == 0) && ( $month == 1)) ? 1 : 0);
my @sz = $widget-> size;
$day = (int(($sz[1] - $y - 2) / $zs[1]) - 1) * 7 +
int(($x - 2) / $zs[0]) - $self-> day_of_week( 1, $month, $year) + 1;
return ($day <= 0 || $day > $v) ? undef : $day;
sub Day_MouseDown
my ( $owner, $self, $btn, $mod, $x, $y) = @_;
return unless $btn == mb::Left;
my ( undef, $month, $year) = @{$owner-> {date}};
my $day = $owner->xy2day($x,$y);
$self-> clear_event;
return unless defined $day;
$self-> {mouseTransaction} = 1;
$owner-> date( $day, $month, $year);
sub Day_MouseMove
my ( $owner, $self, $mod, $x, $y) = @_;
my ( undef, $month, $year) = @{$owner-> {date}};
my $day = $owner->xy2day($x,$y);
unless ($self-> {mouseTransaction}) {
if (( $self->{prelight} // -1 ) != ( $day // -1 )) {
$self->{prelight} = $day;
$self-> invalidate_rect( 2, 2, $self-> width - 3, $self-> height - $self-> {Y} - 3);
$self-> clear_event;
$owner-> date( $day, $month, $year) if defined $day;
sub Day_MouseUp
my ( $owner, $self, $btn, $mod, $x, $y) = @_;
return unless $btn == mb::Left && $self-> {mouseTransaction};
delete $self-> {mouseTransaction};
$self-> clear_event;
sub Day_MouseLeave
my $self = $_[1];
$self->repaint if delete $self->{prelight};
sub Day_MouseWheel
my ( $self, $widget, $mod, $x, $y, $z) = @_;
my ( $day, $month, $year) = @{$self-> {date}};
if ( $z > 0) {
if ( --$day < 1) {
if ( --$month < 0) {
return if --$year < 0;
$month = 11;
$day = $days_in_months[$month];
} elsif ( ++$day > $days_in_months[$month]) {
if ( ++$month > 11) {
return if ++$year > 199;
$month = 0;
$day = 1;
$self-> date( $day, $month, $year);
$widget-> clear_event;
sub day_reset
my ( $owner, $self, $x, $y) = @_;
$self-> {X} = int(( $x - 4) / 7 );
$self-> {Y} = int(( $y - 4) / 7 );
$self-> begin_paint_info;
my ($x1,$x2,$x3) = (
$self-> get_text_width('8'),
$self-> get_text_width('28'),
$self-> get_text_width( $owner-> {days}-> [0])
$x3 += $x1/2;
$y = $self-> font-> height;
$self-> end_paint_info;
$self-> {X} = $x2 if $self-> {X} < $x2;
$self-> {X} = $x3 if $self-> {X} < $x3;
$self-> {Y} = $y if $self-> {Y} < $y;
$self-> {CX1} = int(( $self-> {X} - $x1 ) / 2) + 4;
$self-> {CX2} = int(( $self-> {X} - $x2 ) / 2) + 4;
$self-> {CY} = int(( $self-> {Y} - $y ) / 2);
sub Day_Size
my ( $owner, $self, $ox, $oy, $x, $y) = @_;
$owner-> day_reset( $self, $x, $y);
sub Day_FontChanged
$_[0]-> day_reset( $_[1], $_[1]-> size);
sub Day_Enter { $_[1]-> repaint }
sub Day_Leave { $_[1]-> repaint }
sub Month_Change
my ( $owner, $self) = @_;
$owner-> month( $self-> focusedItem);
sub Year_Change
my ( $owner, $self) = @_;
$owner-> year( $self-> value - 1900);
sub date
return @{$_[0]-> {date}} unless $#_;
my $self = shift;
my ($day, $month, $year) = $#_ ? @_ : @{$_[0]} ;
$month = 11 if $month > 11;
$month = 0 if $month < 0;
$year = 0 if $year < 0;
$year = 199 if $year > 199;
$day = 1 if $day < 1;
my $v = $days_in_months[ $month] +
(((( $year % 4) == 0) && ( $month == 1)) ? 1 : 0);
$day = $v if $day > $v;
my @od = @{$self-> {date}};
return if $day == $od[0] && $month == $od[1] && $year == $od[2];
$self-> {date} = [ $day, $month, $year ];
$self-> Year-> value( $year + 1900);
$self-> Month-> focusedItem( $month);
$day = $self-> Day;
$day-> invalidate_rect( 2, 2, $day-> width - 3, $day-> height - $day-> {Y} - 3);
$self-> notify(q(Change));
sub day
return $_[0]-> {date}-> [0] unless $#_;
return if $_[0]-> {date}-> [0] == $_[1];
$_[0]-> date( $_[1], $_[0]-> {date}-> [1],$_[0]-> {date}-> [2]);
sub month
return $_[0]-> {date}-> [1] unless $#_;
return if $_[0]-> {date}-> [1] == $_[1];
$_[0]-> date( $_[0]-> {date}-> [0],$_[1],$_[0]-> {date}-> [2]);
sub year
return $_[0]-> {date}-> [2] unless $#_;
return if $_[0]-> {date}-> [2] == $_[1];
$_[0]-> date( $_[0]-> {date}-> [0],$_[0]-> {date}-> [1],$_[1]);
sub date_as_string
my $self = shift;
my ( $d, $m, $y) = ( @_ ? ( $#_ ? @_ : @{$_[0]}) : @{ $self-> {date}});
$y += 1900;
return $self-> month2str( $m) . " $d, $y";
sub date_from_time
$_[0]-> date( @_[4,5,6]);
sub firstDayOfWeek
return $_[0]-> {firstDayOfWeek} unless $#_;
my ( $self, $dow) = @_;
$dow %= 7;
return if $dow == $self-> {firstDayOfWeek};
$self-> {firstDayOfWeek} = $dow;
$self-> reset_days;
$self-> Day-> repaint;
=head1 NAME
Prima::Calendar - standard calendar widget
use Prima qw(Calendar Application);
my $cal = Prima::Calendar-> create(
useLocale => 1,
size => [ 150, 150 ],
onChange => sub {
print $_[0]-> date_as_string, "\n";
$cal-> date_from_time( localtime );
$cal-> month( 5);
run Prima;
=for podview <img src="calendar.gif" cut=1>
=for html <p><img src="">
Provides interactive selection of date between 1900 and 2099 years.
The main property, L<date>, is a three-integer array, day, month, and year,
in the format of perl localtime ( see L<perlfunc/localtime> ) -
day can be in range from 1 to 31,month from 0 to 11, year from 0 to 199.
=head1 API
=head2 Events
=item Change
Called when the L<date> property is changed.
=head2 Properties
=item date DAY, MONTH, YEAR
Accepts three integers in format of C<localtime>.
DAY can be from 1 to 31, MONTH from 0 to 11, YEAR from 0 to 199.
Default value: today's date.
=item day INTEGER
Selects the day in month.
=item firstDayOfWeek INTEGER
Selects the first day of week, an integer between 0 and 6,
where 0 is Sunday is the first day, 1 is Monday etc.
Default value: 0
=item month
Selects the month.
=item useLocale BOOLEAN
If 1, the locale-specific names of months and days of week are used.
These are read by calling C<POSIX::strftime>. If invocation of POSIX module
fails, the property is automatically assigned to 0.
If 0, the English names of months and days of week are used.
Default value: 1
See also: L<date_as_string>
=item year
Selects the year.
=head2 Methods
=item can_use_locale
Returns boolean value, whether the locale information can be retrieved
by calling C<strftime>.
=item month2str MONTH
Returns MONTH name according to L<useLocale> value.
=item make_months
Returns array of 12 month names according to L<useLocale> value.
=item day_of_week DAY, MONTH, YEAR, [ USE_FIRST_DAY_OF_WEEK = 1 ]
Returns integer value, from 0 to 6, of the day of week on
DAY, MONTH, YEAR date. If boolean USE_FIRST_DAY_OF_WEEK is set,
the value of C<firstDayOfWeek> property is taken into the account,
so 0 is a Sunday shifted forward by C<firstDayOfWeek> days.
The switch from Julian to Gregorian calendar is ignored.
=item date_as_string [ DAY, MONTH, YEAR ]
Returns string representation of date on DAY, MONTH, YEAR according
to L<useLocale> property value.
=item date_from_time SEC, MIN, HOUR, M_DAY, MONTH, YEAR, ...
Copies L<date> from C<localtime> or C<gmtime> result. This helper method
allows the following syntax:
$calendar-> date_from_time( localtime( time));
=head1 AUTHOR
Dmitry Karasik, E<lt><gt>.
=head1 SEE ALSO
L<Prima>, L<Prima::Widget>, L<POSIX>, L<perlfunc/localtime>, L<perlfunc/time>,