package Prima::Dialog::FindDialog;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Prima qw(Buttons Label ComboBox);
use vars qw(@ISA);
@ISA = qw(Prima::Dialog);
sub profile_default
my %def = %{$_[ 0]-> SUPER::profile_default};
return {
centered => 1,
designScale => [ 4, 6],
width => 227,
height => 137,
visible => 0,
findText => '',
replaceText => '',
scope => fds::Cursor,
options => 0,
findStyle => 1,
sub init
my $self = shift;
my %profile = $self-> SUPER::init(@_);
my $j;
$self-> insert( ComboBox =>
name => 'Find',
origin => [ 51, 120],
size => [ 163, 8],
style => cs::DropDown,
text => $profile{findText},
$self-> {findStyle} = $profile{findStyle};
$self-> insert( Label =>
origin => [ 5, 120],
size => [ 40, 8],
text => '~Find:',
focusLink => $self-> Find,
$self-> insert( ComboBox =>
name => 'Replace',
origin => [ 51, 103],
size => [ 163, 8],
style => cs::DropDown,
enabled => !$profile{findStyle},
text => $profile{replaceText},
$self-> insert( Label =>
origin => [ 5, 103],
size => [ 43, 8],
text => 'R~eplace:',
focusLink => $self-> Replace,
enabled => !$profile{findStyle},
name => 'ReplaceLabel',
my $o = $self-> insert( CheckBoxGroup =>
name => 'Options',
origin => [ 10, 26],
size => [ 100, 68],
text => 'Options',
$o-> insert( CheckBox =>
name => 'Case',
origin => [ 5, 49],
size => [ 90, 10],
text => 'Match ~case',
$o-> insert( CheckBox =>
name => 'Words',
origin => [ 5, 38],
size => [ 90, 10],
text => '~Whole words only',
$o-> insert( CheckBox =>
name => 'RE',
origin => [ 5, 27],
size => [ 90, 10],
text => '~Regular expression',
$o-> insert( CheckBox =>
name => 'Back',
origin => [ 5, 16],
size => [ 90, 10],
text => 'Search bac~kward',
$o-> insert( CheckBox =>
name => 'Prompt',
origin => [ 5, 5],
size => [ 90, 10],
enabled => !$profile{findStyle},
text => 'Replace ~prompt',
$o-> value( $profile{options});
$o = $self-> insert( RadioGroup =>
name => 'Scope',
origin => [ 117, 48],
size => [ 100, 46],
text => 'Scope from',
$o-> insert( Radio =>
name => 'Cursor',
origin => [ 5, 27],
size => [ 90, 10],
text => 'C~ursor',
$o-> insert( Radio =>
name => 'Top',
origin => [ 5, 16],
size => [ 90, 10],
text => '~Top',
$o-> insert( Radio =>
name => 'Bottom',
origin => [ 5, 5],
size => [ 90, 10],
text => '~Bottom',
$o-> index( $profile{scope});
$self-> insert( Button =>
name => 'OK',
origin => [ 8, 5],
size => [ 40, 14],
default => 1,
text => '~OK',
delegations => [qw(Click)],
$self-> insert( Button =>
name => 'ChangeAll',
origin => [ 56, 5],
size => [ 76, 14],
text => 'Change ~all',
enabled => !$profile{findStyle},
delegations => [qw(Click)],
$self-> insert( Button =>
origin => [ 139, 5],
size => [ 40, 14],
text => 'Cancel',
modalResult => mb::Cancel,
$self-> Find-> focus;
return %profile;
sub valid
my $self = $_[0];
my $re = $self-> Find-> text;
return 0 if length( $re) == 0;
if ( $self-> options & fdo::RegularExpression) {
if ( $self-> {findStyle}) {
eval { $_ = ''; m/$re/; };
} else {
my $re2 = $self-> Replace-> text;
eval { $_ = ''; s/$re/$re2/; };
if ( $@) {
MsgBox::message_box( $self-> text, $@, mb::OK|mb::Error);
$self-> Find-> focus;
return 0;
my $list = $self-> Find-> List;
$list-> insert_items( 0, $re), $self-> findText( $re)
if $list-> count == 0 or $list-> get_items(0) ne $re;
$list = $self-> Replace-> List;
$re = $self-> Replace-> text;
$list-> insert_items( 0, $re), $self-> replaceText( $re)
if !$self-> {findStyle} && ( $list-> count == 0 or $list-> get_items(0) ne $re);
return 1;
sub OK_Click
my $self = $_[0];
return unless $self-> valid;
$self-> ok;
sub ChangeAll_Click
my $self = $_[0];
return unless $self-> valid;
$self-> modalResult( mb::ChangeAll );
$self-> end_modal;
sub scope {($#_)?$_[0]-> Scope-> index($_[1]) :return $_[0]-> Scope-> index}
sub options {($#_)?$_[0]-> Options-> value($_[1]) :return $_[0]-> Options-> value}
sub findText {($#_)?$_[0]-> Find-> text($_[1]) :return $_[0]-> Find-> text}
sub replaceText {($#_)?$_[0]-> Replace-> text($_[1]):return $_[0]-> Replace-> text}
sub findStyle
return $_[0]-> {findStyle} unless $#_;
return if $_[0]-> {findStyle} == $_[1];
my ( $self, $style) = @_;
$self-> {findStyle} = ( $style ? 1 : 0 );
$self-> bring($_)-> enabled( ! $style ) for qw( Replace ReplaceLabel ChangeAll);
$self-> Options-> Prompt-> enabled( !$style);
package Prima::Dialog::ReplaceDialog;
use vars qw(@ISA);
@ISA = qw(Prima::Dialog::FindDialog);
sub profile_default
my %def = %{$_[ 0]-> SUPER::profile_default};
return {
findStyle => 0,
=head1 NAME
Prima::Dialog::FindDialog - wrapper module for Prima::Dialog::FindDialog and
Prima::Dialog::ReplaceDialog to find and replace text.
use Prima qw(Dialog::FindDialog Application);
my $dlg = Prima::Dialog::FindDialog-> create( findStyle => 0);
my $res = $dlg-> execute;
if ( $res == mb::Ok) {
print $dlg-> findText, " is to be found\n";
} elsif ( $res == mb::ChangeAll) {
print "all occurences of ", $dlg-> findText,
" is to be replaced by ", $dlg-> replaceText;
=for podview <img src="editdlg.gif" cut=1>
=for html <p><img src="">
The module provides two classes - Prima::Dialog::FindDialog and Prima::Dialog::ReplaceDialog;
Prima::Dialog::ReplaceDialog is exactly same as Prima::Dialog::FindDialog except that
its default L<findStyle> property value is set to 0. One can use a dialog-caching
technique, arbitrating between L<findStyle> value 0 and 1, and use only one
instance of Prima::Dialog::FindDialog.
The module does not provide the actual search algorithm; this must be implemented
by the programmer. The toolkit currently include some facilitation to the problem -
the part of algorithm for C<Prima::Edit> class is found in L<Prima::Edit/find>,
and the another part - in F<examples/> example program. L<Prima::HelpWindow>
also uses the module, and realizes its own searching algorithm.
=head1 API
=head2 Properties
All the properties select the user-assigned values, except
=item findText STRING
Selects the text string to be found.
Default value: ''
=item findStyle BOOLEAN
If 1, the dialog provides only 'find text' interface. If 0,
the dialog provides also 'replace text' interface.
Default value: 1 for C<Prima::Dialog::FindDialog>, 0 for C<Prima::Dialog::ReplaceDialog>.
=item options INTEGER
Combination of C<fdo::> constants. For the detailed description see L<Prima::Edit/find>.
Default value: 0
=item replaceText STRING
Selects the text string that is to replace the found text.
Default value: ''
=item scope
One of C<fds::> constants. Represents the scope of the search: it can be started
from the cursor position, of from the top or of the bottom of the text.
Default value: C<fds::Cursor>
=head1 AUTHOR
Dmitry Karasik, E<lt><gt>.
=head1 SEE ALSO
L<Prima>, L<Prima::Window>, L<Prima::Edit>,
L<Prima::HelpWindow>, F<examples/>