shell bypass 403
use strict;
use warnings;
use Prima;
use Prima::PodView;
use Prima::Buttons;
use Prima::InputLine;
use Prima::IniFile;
use Prima::Utils;
use Prima::Dialog::FileDialog;
use Prima::Dialog::PrintDialog;
package Prima::HelpViewer;
use vars qw(@helpWindows $windowClass);
$windowClass = 'Prima::PodViewWindow';
sub open
my $topic = $_[0];
$windowClass-> create unless scalar @helpWindows;
$helpWindows[0]-> bring_to_front;
$helpWindows[0]-> {text}-> update_view;
$helpWindows[0]-> {text}-> load_link( $topic);
$helpWindows[0]-> {text}-> select;
if (
$::application-> get_modal_window( mt::Exclusive) ||
$::application-> get_modal_window( mt::Shared)
) &&
!$helpWindows[0]-> get_modal
) {
$helpWindows[0]-> execute;
$helpWindows[0]-> close if $helpWindows[0];
sub close
my @w = @helpWindows;
for my $k ( @w) {
$k-> close;
package Prima::CustomPodView;
use vars qw(@ISA);
@ISA = qw(Prima::PodView);
sub load_file
my ( $self, $manpage) = @_;
my $ret;
my $o = $self-> owner;
$o-> text( $o-> {stext});
$o-> status( "Loading $manpage ... ");
if (( $ret = $self-> SUPER::load_file( $manpage)) > 0) {
$o-> text( $o-> {stext} . ' - ' . $manpage);
$o-> status('');
$o-> update;
$o-> update_menu($ret);
return $ret;
sub link_click
my ( $self, $s, $btn, $mod, $x, $y) = @_;
$self-> SUPER::link_click( $s, $btn, $mod, $x, $y);
return if $btn != mb::Right;
my $new = ref($self-> owner)-> create;
if ( $s =~ /^\//) {
$s = "$self->{pageName}$s";
} elsif ( $s =~ /^"(.*)"$/) {
$s = "$self->{pageName}/$1";
} elsif ( $s =~ /^topic:\/\//) {
$new-> {text}-> load_link( $self-> {pageName});
$new-> {text}-> update_view;
$new-> {text}-> load_link( $s);
$new-> select;
sub load_link
my ( $self, $link) = @_;
if ( $link =~ /^(http|ftp):\//) {
$self-> owner-> status("Starting browser for $link...");
if ( Prima::Application-> get_system_info-> {apc} == apc::Win32) {
} else {
my $pg;
CMD: for my $cmd ( qw(sensible-browser xdg-open x-www-browser www-browser firefox mozilla netscape)) {
for ( split /:/, $ENV{PATH} ) {
$pg = "$_/$cmd", last CMD if -x "$_/$cmd";
$self-> owner-> status("Cannot start browser"), return
unless defined $pg && ! system( "$pg $link &");
my $ret = $self-> SUPER::load_link( $link);
$self-> owner-> update;
return $ret;
sub on_bookmark
my ( $self, $mark) = @_;
my $o = $self-> owner;
push @{$o-> {history}}, $mark;
$o-> {forwardLinks} = [];
$o-> menu-> goforw-> disable;
$o-> Forward-> enabled(0);
$o-> menu-> goback-> enable;
$o-> Back-> enabled(1);
$o-> update;
sub on_newpage
my ( $self, $mark) = @_;
my $o = $self-> owner;
undef $o-> {find_offset};
$o-> fastfind_close;
sub on_keydown
my ( $self, $code, $key, $mod, $r) = @_;
my $c = chr $code;
if ( $c =~ /[\/\?Nn]/) {
if ( $c eq '/') {
$self-> owner-> fastfind(1);
} elsif ( $c eq '?') {
$self-> owner-> fastfind(0);
} elsif ( $c eq 'N') {
$self-> owner-> fastfind_repeat(0);
} elsif ( $c eq 'n') {
$self-> owner-> fastfind_repeat(1);
$self-> clear_event;
if ( $key == kb::Esc && $self-> owner-> {printing}) {
$self-> owner-> {printing} = -1;
$self-> clear_event;
$self-> SUPER::on_keydown( $code, $key, $mod, $r);
package Prima::PodViewWindow;
use vars qw(@ISA $finddlg $prndlg $setupdlg $inifile
$defaultVariableFont $defaultFixedFont);
@ISA = qw(Prima::Window);
$inifile = Prima::IniFile-> create(
file => Prima::Utils::path('HelpWindow'),
default => { View => {
FullText => 1,
FixedFont => 'monospace',
sub profile_default
my $def = $_[ 0]-> SUPER::profile_default;
my %prf = (
menuItems =>
[[ '~File' => [
['~Open' => 'Ctrl+O' => '^O' => 'load_dialog' ],
['~Go to...' => 'G' => 'G' => 'goto' ],
['~New window' => 'Ctrl+N' => '^N' => 'new_window'],
['~Run' => [
['prima-class' => 'filter_p_class'],
['~Print ...' => 'Ctrl+P' => '^P' => 'print'],
['~Close window' => 'Ctrl-W' => '^W' => sub { $_[0]-> close }],
['E~xit' => 'Ctrl+Q' => '^Q' => sub { Prima::HelpViewer-> close }],
]], [ '~View' => [
[ '~Increase font' => 'Ctrl +' => '^+' => sub { $_[0]-> increase_font_size(2) }],
[ '~Decrease font' => 'Ctrl -' => '^-' => sub { $_[0]-> increase_font_size(-2) }],
[ 'fullView' => 'Full text ~view' => 'Ctrl+V' => '^V' => sub {
$_[0]-> {text}-> topicView( ! $_[0]-> menu-> toggle( $_[1]));
$_[0]-> update;
$inifile-> section('View')-> {FullText} = $_[0]-> {text}-> topicView ? 0 : 1;
['-src' => 'View so~urce' => 'Ctrl+U' => '^U' => 'view_source'],
['~Find...' => 'Ctrl+F' => '^F' => 'find'],
['Find ~again' => 'Ctrl+L' => '^L' => 'find2'],
['Fa~st find' => [
['fff' => '~Forward' => '/' => kb::NoKey, sub { $_[0]-> fastfind(1) }],
['ffb' => '~Backward' => '?' => kb::NoKey, sub { $_[0]-> fastfind(0) }],
['-frf' => '~Repeat forward' => 'n' => kb::NoKey, sub { $_[0]-> fastfind_repeat(1) }],
['-frb' => 'Repeat backward' => 'N' => kb::NoKey, sub { $_[0]-> fastfind_repeat(0) }],
['Set~up' => 'setup_dialog']
]], [ '~Go' => [
[ '-goback' => '~Back' => 'Alt + LeftArrow' => km::Alt | kb::Left, 'back' ],
[ '-goforw' => '~Forward' => 'Alt + RightArrow' => km::Alt | kb::Right, 'forward' ],
[ '-goup' => '~Up' => 'Alt + UpArrow' => km::Alt | kb::Up, 'up' ],
[ '-goprev' => '~Previous' => 'prev' ],
[ '-gonext' => '~Next' => 'next' ],
], ['-doc', '~Topics', ''],
[ '~Help' => [
[ '~About' => sub {
$::application-> open_help('Prima::HelpViewer/NAME');
[ '~Help' => 'F1' => 'F1' => sub {
$::application-> open_help('Prima::HelpViewer/Help');
accelItems => [
[ 0, 0, '^=' => sub { $_[0]-> increase_font_size(2) }],
text => 'POD viewer',
history => [],
icon => Prima::StdBitmap::icon(0),
ownerIcon => 0,
@$def{keys %prf} = values %prf;
return $def;
sub init
my $self = shift;
my %profile = $self-> SUPER::init(@_);
my $t = $self-> font-> height + 2;
$self-> {text} = $self-> insert( 'Prima::CustomPodView' =>
origin => [ 0, $t],
size => [ $self-> width, $self-> height - $t * 2 - 4],
growMode => gm::Client,
current => 1,
unless ( defined $defaultVariableFont) {
$defaultVariableFont = $self-> {text}-> {fontPalette}-> [0]-> {name};
$defaultFixedFont = $self-> {text}-> {fontPalette}-> [1]-> {name};
my ( $x, $y) = ( 0, $self-> height - $t - 4);
for ( qw(Back Forward Up Prev Next)) {
my $lc = lc;
my $text = $_;
$text = '<<' if $text eq 'Prev';
$text = '>>' if $text eq 'Next';
my $b = $self-> insert( Button =>
text => $text,
name => $_,
origin => [ $x, $y],
height => $t + 4,
selectable => 0,
enabled => 0,
growMode => gm::GrowLoY,
onClick => sub { $self-> $lc(); }
$x += $b-> width;
$self-> {status} = $self-> insert( Widget =>
origin => [0,0],
size => [ $self-> width, $t],
selectable => 0,
growMode => gm::Floor,
text => '',
onPaint => sub {
my ( $self, $canvas) = @_;
$canvas-> clear;
$canvas-> text_shape_out( $self-> text, 1, 1);
$self-> {fastfinder} = $self-> insert( InputLine =>
origin => [0,0],
size => [ $self-> width, $t],
growMode => gm::Floor,
text => '',
name => 'FastFinder',
delegations => ['Change', 'KeyDown'],
visible => 0,
$self-> {stext} = $self-> text;
$self-> {statusTimer} = $self-> insert( Timer =>
timeout => 4000,
onTick => sub {
$self-> status('');
$_[0]-> stop;
$self-> {forwardLinks} = [];
$self-> $_($profile{$_}) for qw(history);
my $sec = $inifile-> section('View');
if ( exists $sec-> {FontSize} ) {
my $fs = $sec-> {FontSize};
if ( $fs =~ /^\d+$/ && $fs > 4 && $fs < 100) {
$self-> {text}-> {defaultFontSize} = $fs;
if ( $sec-> {FullText}) {
$self-> menu-> fullView-> check;
$self-> {text}-> topicView(0);
} else {
$self-> {text}-> topicView(1);
$self-> {text}-> {fontPalette}-> [0]-> {name} = $sec-> {VariableFont}
if $sec-> {VariableFont};
$self-> {text}-> {fontPalette}-> [1]-> {name} = $sec-> {FixedFont}
if $sec-> {FixedFont};
$self-> {text}-> {colorMap}-> [ Prima::PodView::COLOR_CODE_FOREGROUND & ~tb::COLOR_INDEX] = $sec-> {ColorCode}
if $sec-> {ColorCode};
$self-> {text}-> {colorMap}-> [ Prima::PodView::COLOR_LINK_FOREGROUND & ~tb::COLOR_INDEX] = $sec-> {ColorLink}
if $sec-> {ColorLink};
push @Prima::HelpViewer::helpWindows, $self;
return %profile;
sub on_close
my $self = $_[0];
my $sec = $inifile-> section('View');
$sec-> {FontSize} = $self-> {text}-> {defaultFontSize};
$sec-> {FullText} = $self-> {text}-> topicView ? 0 : 1;
sub on_destroy
my $self = $_[0];
@Prima::HelpViewer::helpWindows = grep { $_ != $self } @Prima::HelpViewer::helpWindows;
$inifile-> write;
$self-> {source_mate}-> close if $self-> {source_mate};
sub increase_font_size
my ( $self, $howmuch ) = @_;
my $t = $self-> {text};
my $fs = $t-> {defaultFontSize};
$fs += $howmuch;
$fs = 4 if $fs < 4;
$fs = 100 if $fs > 100;
return if $fs == $t->{defaultFontSize};
$t->{defaultFontSize} = $fs;
$t-> format(1);
$inifile-> section('View')-> {FontSize} = $fs;
sub load_dialog
my $self = $_[0];
my $file = Prima::open_file(
filter => [
['Documentation' => '*.pod;*.pm;*.pl'],
['All files' => '*']],
text => 'Open manpage',
return unless defined $file;
my $mark = $self-> {text}-> make_bookmark;
$self-> {text}-> load_file( $file);
$self-> {text}-> notify(q(Bookmark), $mark) if $mark;
sub goto
eval "use Prima::MsgBox"; die "$@\n" if $@;
my $self = $_[0];
my $ret = Prima::MsgBox::input_box('Go to location', 'Enter manpage:', '');
$self-> {text}-> load_link( $ret) if defined $ret;
sub new_window
my $self = $_[0];
my $new = ref($self)-> create;
$new-> {text}-> update_view;
$new-> {text}-> load_bookmark( $self-> {text}-> make_bookmark);
$new-> select;
sub filter_p_class
eval "use Prima::MsgBox"; die "$@\n" if $@;
my $self = $_[0];
my $ret = Prima::MsgBox::input_box(
'Run prima-class',
'Enter Prima class, or leave empty to see the options list:',
return unless defined $ret;
my $content = `prima-class $ret`;
unless ( length $content) {
Prima::message("'prima-class $ret' returned no data");
$content = "=pod\n\n$content\n\n=cut" if $content !~ /=pod/m;
$self-> {text}-> load_content( $content) if defined $ret;
$self-> update_menu(1);
$self-> text( $self-> {stext} . ' - ' . $ret);
sub history
return $_[0]-> {history} unless $#_;
$_[0]-> {history} = $_[1];
sub back
my $self = $_[0];
my $t = $self-> {text};
my $h = $self-> {history};
return unless scalar @$h;
my $mark = $t-> make_bookmark;
if ( $t-> load_bookmark( pop @$h) == 1) {
push @{$self-> {forwardLinks}}, $mark;
$self-> menu-> goforw-> enable;
$self-> Forward-> enabled(1);
$self-> menu-> goback-> enabled( scalar @$h );
$self-> Back-> enabled( scalar @$h );
$self-> update;
sub forward
my $self = $_[0];
return unless scalar @{$self-> {forwardLinks}};
my $t = $self-> {text};
my $h = $self-> {history};
my $mark = $t-> make_bookmark;
if ( $t-> load_bookmark( pop @{$self-> {forwardLinks}} ) == 1) {
push @$h, $mark;
$self-> menu-> goback-> enable;
$self-> Back-> enabled(1);
$self-> menu-> goforw-> enabled( scalar @{$self-> {forwardLinks}} );
$self-> Forward-> enabled( scalar @{$self-> {forwardLinks}} );
$self-> update;
sub navigate
my ( $self, $mark) = @_;
return unless $mark;
my $t = $self-> {text};
my $h = $self-> {history};
my $old = $t-> make_bookmark;
if ( $t-> load_bookmark( $mark ) > 0) {
push @$h, $old;
$self-> menu-> goback-> enable;
$self-> Back-> enabled(1);
$self-> menu-> goforw-> enabled( 0);
$self-> {forwardLinks} = [];
$self-> Forward-> enabled( 0);
$self-> update;
sub up { $_[0]-> navigate( $_[0]-> {text}-> make_bookmark( 'up')); }
sub prev { $_[0]-> navigate( $_[0]-> {text}-> make_bookmark( 'prev')); }
sub next { $_[0]-> navigate( $_[0]-> {text}-> make_bookmark( 'next')); }
sub update
my $self = $_[0];
my $t = $self-> {text};
for my $m ( qw(Up Prev Next)) {
my $l = lc $m;
my $mark = $t-> make_bookmark( lc $m);
$self-> menu-> enabled( "go$l", defined $mark);
$self-> bring($m)-> enabled( defined $mark);
sub doc_goto
my ( $self, $item) = @_;
my $topic = $self-> menu-> options( $item)-> {topic};
$self-> {text}-> load_link("topic://$topic");
sub update_menu
my ( $self, $loaded_ok) = @_;
# update document menu layout
my $m = $self-> menu;
$m-> remove( $$_[0]) for @{$m-> get_items('doc')};
my $t = $self-> {text};
if ( $loaded_ok == 1 && scalar @{$t-> {topics}}) {
my @array;
my $current = \@array;
my $level = 0;
my @stack;
my $id = -1;
for ( @{$t-> {topics}}) {
my ( $start, $end, $text, $style, $depth, $offset) = @$_;
$depth = $style - Prima::PodView::STYLE_HEAD_1 + $depth;
$text =~ s/([A-Z]<|>)//g;
if ( $level == $depth) {
} elsif ( $level < $depth) {
my $last = $$current[-1];
$depth = $level, goto AGAIN unless $last;
push @stack, [ $level, $current];
$level = $depth;
@$last = (@$last[0,1], $current = [[@$last],[]]);
} elsif ( scalar @stack) {
($level, $current) = @{pop @stack}
while $level > $depth && @stack;
} else {
$level = 0;
$current = \@array;
push @$current, [ undef, $text, '', kb::NoKey, \&doc_goto, { topic => $id } ];
$m-> insert( \@array, 'doc', 0);
$m-> doc-> enabled(1);
$m-> src-> enabled(1);
} else {
$m-> doc-> enabled(0);
$m-> src-> enabled($loaded_ok > 0);
sub status
my ( $self, $text) = @_;
$self-> {status}-> text( $text);
$self-> {status}-> repaint;
$self-> {status}-> update_view;
$self-> {statusTimer}-> stop;
$self-> {statusTimer}-> start;
sub find_dialog
my $self = $_[0];
my %prf;
%{$self-> {findData}} = (
replaceText => '',
findText => '',
replaceItems => [],
findItems => [],
options => 0,
scope => fds::Cursor,
) unless defined $self-> {findData};
my $fd = $self-> {findData};
my @props = qw(findText options scope);
if ( $fd) { for( @props) { $prf{$_} = $fd-> {$_}}}
$finddlg = Prima::Dialog::FindDialog-> create( text => 'Find text') unless $finddlg;
$finddlg-> set( %prf);
$finddlg-> Find-> items($fd-> {findItems});
my $ret = 0;
my $rf = $finddlg-> execute;
if ( $rf != mb::Cancel) {
{ for( @props) { $self-> {findData}-> {$_} = $finddlg-> $_()}}
$self-> {findData}-> {result} = $rf;
@{$self-> {findData}-> {findItems}} = @{$finddlg-> Find-> items};
$ret = 1;
return $ret;
sub find_text
my ( $self, $line, $offset, $options) = @_;
$self = $self-> {text};
return unless scalar @{$self-> {blocks}};
$line = '('.quotemeta( $line).')' unless $options & fdo::RegularExpression;
my @range = $self-> text_range;
return if $range[0] >= $range[1];
$offset = $range[0] if $offset < $range[0];
$offset = $range[1] if $offset > $range[1];
return if $offset < $range[0];
my ( $re, $re2, $esub);
$re = '/';
$re .= '\\b' if $options & fdo::WordsOnly;
$re .= "$line";
$re .= '\\b' if $options & fdo::WordsOnly;
$re .= '/';
$re2 = '';
$re2.= 'i' unless $options & fdo::MatchCase;
my $dir = ( $options & fdo::BackwardSearch) ? 0 : 1;
my @opt = $dir ? ( $offset, $range[1] - $offset + 1) :
( $range[0], $offset - $range[0]);
my @text = split('(\n)', substr( ${$self-> {text}}, $opt[0], $opt[1]));
@text = reverse @text unless $dir;
local $SIG{__WARN__}=sub{};
$esub = eval(<<FINDER);
sub {
for ( \@text) {
\$offset -= length unless $dir;
if ( $re$re2) {
\$offset += length(\$`);
return \$offset, \$offset + length(\$&);
\$offset += length if $dir;
return unless $esub;
return $esub-> ();
sub do_find
my ( $self, $search_flags) = @_;
my $t = $self-> {text};
my $p = $self-> {findData};
my $flags = ( defined $search_flags) ? $search_flags : $$p{options};
my ( $offset, $offset2);
if ( defined $self-> {find_offset}) {
$offset = $self-> {find_offset};
} else {
if ( $$p{scope} != fds::Cursor) {
my @scope = ($$p{scope} == fds::Top) ? (0,0) : (-1,-1);
$offset = $t-> info2text_offset( @scope);
} else {
$offset = $t-> info2text_offset( $t-> xy2info( $t-> offset, $t-> topLine));
( $offset, $offset2) = $self-> find_text( $$p{findText}, $offset, $flags);
if ( !defined $offset) {
$self-> {find_offset} = $t-> info2text_offset(
( $flags & fdo::BackwardSearch) ?
$self-> status("No text found - new search will continue from " .
(( $flags & fdo::BackwardSearch) ? 'bottom' : 'top'));
$self-> {find_offset} = ( $flags & fdo::BackwardSearch) ?
$offset : $offset2;
$self-> select_findout( $offset, $offset2);
sub find
my $self = $_[0];
return unless $self-> find_dialog;
undef $self-> {find_offset};
$self-> do_find;
sub find2
my $self = $_[0];
return unless $self-> {findData};
$self-> do_find;
sub fastfind_close
my $self = $_[0];
return unless $self-> {fastfinder}-> visible;
$self-> {fastfinder}-> hide;
$self-> {text}-> select;
$self-> menu-> enable($_) for qw( fff ffb frf frb);
$self-> {text}-> selection(-1,-1,-1,-1);
sub fastfind
my ( $self, $dir) = @_;
return if $self-> {fastfinder}-> visible;
my $t = $self-> {text};
$self-> {fasttrack} = [
$t-> offset, $t-> topLine,
$dir ? 0 : fdo::BackwardSearch
$self-> {find_offset} = $t-> info2text_offset( $t-> xy2info( $t-> offset, $t-> topLine));
$self-> {fastfinder}-> text('');
$self-> {fastfinder}-> show;
$self-> {fastfinder}-> select;
$self-> menu-> disable($_) for qw( fff ffb frf frb);
sub fastfind_repeat
my ( $self, $dir) = @_;
return unless length $self-> {fastfinder}-> text;
%{$self-> {findData}} = (
replaceText => '',
findText => '',
replaceItems => [],
findItems => [],
options => 0,
scope => fds::Cursor,
) unless defined $self-> {findData};
$self-> {findData}-> {findText} = $self-> {fastfinder}-> text;
$dir = $self-> {fasttrack}-> [2] ?
( $dir ? fdo::BackwardSearch : 0) :
( $dir ? 0 : fdo::BackwardSearch);
$self-> do_find( $dir | fdo::RegularExpression);
sub select_findout
my ( $self, $offset, $offset2) = @_;
my $t = $self-> {text};
my ( @sel) = (
$t-> text_offset2info( $offset),
$t-> text_offset2info( $offset2),
if ( 4 == scalar @sel) {
$t-> selection( @sel);
my @s = ( $t-> info2xy( @sel[0,1]), $t-> info2xy( @sel[2,3]));
$sel[0] += $t-> text2xoffset( @sel[0,1]);
$sel[2] += $t-> text2xoffset( @sel[2,3]);
my $x = $t-> offset;
my @sz = $t-> get_active_area( 2, $t-> size);
$t-> offset( $sel[0]) if $x > $sel[0] || $x + $sz[0] < $sel[2];
$t-> topLine( $s[1]);
sub FastFinder_Change
my ( $self, $ff) = @_;
my $tx = $ff-> text;
my $t = $self-> {text};
$t-> selection(-1,-1,-1,-1);
if ( length $tx) {
my ( $o1, $o2) = $self-> find_text( $tx, $self-> {find_offset},
$self-> {fasttrack}-> [2] | fdo::RegularExpression);
return unless defined $o1;
$self-> select_findout( $o1, $o2);
} else {
$t-> offset( $self-> {fasttrack}-> [0]);
$t-> topLine( $self-> {fasttrack}-> [1]);
sub FastFinder_KeyDown
my ( $self, $ff, $code, $key, $mod, $r) = @_;
if ( $key == kb::Enter) {
$ff-> clear_event;
$self-> fastfind_close;
$self-> fastfind_repeat( 1);
} elsif ( $key == kb::Esc) {
$ff-> clear_event;
$self-> fastfind_close;
$self-> {text}-> offset( $self-> {fasttrack}-> [0]);
$self-> {text}-> topLine( $self-> {fasttrack}-> [1]);
sub print
my $self = $_[0];
$self-> fastfind_close;
$prndlg = Prima::Dialog::PrintDialog-> create unless $prndlg;
return unless $prndlg-> execute;
my $p = $prndlg-> printer;
return unless $p-> begin_doc( $self-> {text}-> pageName);
my $pc = 1;
$self-> {printing} = 1;
my @font;
my $sec = $inifile-> section('View');
my $printer_font = $p-> get_font;
unless ( length $sec-> {VariableFont}) {
$font[0] = $self-> {text}-> {fontPalette}-> [0]-> {name};
$self-> {text}-> {fontPalette}-> [0]-> {name} = $printer_font-> {name};
unless ( length $sec-> {FixedFont}) {
$font[1] = $self-> {text}-> {fontPalette}-> [1]-> {name};
$self-> {text}-> {fontPalette}-> [1]-> {name} = $printer_font-> {name};
# change resolution
my @old_res = $self-> {text}-> resolution;
$self-> {text}-> resolution( $p-> resolution);
my $ok = $self-> {text}-> print( $p, sub {
$self-> status("Printing page $pc. Press ESC to cancel");
$::application-> yield;
return 0 if $self-> {printing} < 0;
$self-> {text}-> resolution( @old_res);
if ( $ok) {
$p-> end_doc;
$self-> status("Printing done");
} else {
$self-> status("Printing aborted");
$p-> abort_doc;
for ( 0, 1) {
$self-> {text}-> {fontPalette}-> [$_]-> {name} = $font[$_] if defined $font[$_];
$self-> {printing} = undef;
sub setup_dialog
eval "use Prima::VB::VBLoader"; die "$@\n" if $@;
my $self = $_[0];
my $t = $self-> {text};
unless ( defined $setupdlg) {
Prima::message("$@"), return
unless $setupdlg = Prima::VBLoad( '');
my $sec = $inifile-> section('View');
my ( $of1, $of2) = map { $t-> {fontPalette}-> [$_]-> {name}} (0,1);
my $ntext = $self-> text;
$self-> text('Enumerating fonts...');
my $fonts = $::application-> fonts;
$setupdlg-> FixFont-> items( ['Default',
sort map { $_-> {name}}
grep { $_-> {pitch} == fp::Fixed }
@$fonts ]);
$setupdlg-> VarFont-> items( ['Default',
sort map { $_-> {name}}
@$fonts ]);
$self-> text( $ntext);
$setupdlg-> VarFont-> text( $sec-> {VariableFont} ? $sec-> {VariableFont} : 'Default');
$setupdlg-> FixFont-> text( $sec-> {FixedFont} ? $sec-> {FixedFont} : 'Default');
$setupdlg-> LinkColor-> value( defined($sec-> {ColorLink}) ? $sec-> {ColorLink} :
$t-> {colorMap}-> [ Prima::PodView::COLOR_LINK_FOREGROUND & ~tb::COLOR_INDEX ]);
$setupdlg-> CodeColor-> value( defined($sec-> {ColorCode}) ? $sec-> {ColorCode} :
$t-> {colorMap}-> [ Prima::PodView::COLOR_CODE_FOREGROUND & ~tb::COLOR_INDEX ]);
return if $setupdlg-> execute != mb::OK;
$t-> {colorMap}-> [ Prima::PodView::COLOR_LINK_FOREGROUND & ~tb::COLOR_INDEX ] = $setupdlg-> LinkColor-> value;
$t-> {colorMap}-> [ Prima::PodView::COLOR_CODE_FOREGROUND & ~tb::COLOR_INDEX ] = $setupdlg-> CodeColor-> value;
my $f1 = $setupdlg-> VarFont-> text;
my $f2 = $setupdlg-> FixFont-> text;
$sec-> {VariableFont} = ( $f1 eq 'Default' ) ? '' : $f1;
$sec-> {FixedFont} = ( $f2 eq 'Default' ) ? '' : $f2;
$sec-> {ColorLink} = $setupdlg-> LinkColor-> value;
$sec-> {ColorCode} = $setupdlg-> CodeColor-> value;
$f1 = $defaultVariableFont if $f1 eq 'Default';
$f2 = $defaultFixedFont if $f2 eq 'Default';
if ( $f1 ne $of1 || $f2 ne $of2) {
$t-> {fontPalette}-> [0]-> {name} = $f1;
$t-> {fontPalette}-> [1]-> {name} = $f2;
$t-> format(1);
} else {
$t-> repaint;
sub view_source
my $self = $_[0];
if ( $self-> {source_mate}) {
$self-> {source_mate}-> bring_to_front;
eval "use Prima::Edit";
if ( $@) {
my $ff = $self-> {text}-> {source_file};
return unless defined $ff;
unless ( open F, $ff) {
Prima::message("Cannot read $ff:$!");
local $/;
my $src = <F>;
close F;
my $w = Prima::Window-> create(
packPropagate => 0,
text => $ff,
onDestroy => sub { $self-> {source_mate} = undef },
my %font = (
%{$self-> {text}-> {fontPalette}-> [1]},
size => $self-> {text}-> {defaultFontSize},
$w-> insert( 'Prima::Edit',
pack => { expand => 1, fill => 'both'},
textRef => \$src,
font => \%font,
readOnly => 1,
syntaxHilite => 1,
$self-> {source_mate} = $w;
$self-> {source_mate}-> bring_to_front;
=head1 NAME
Prima::HelpViewer - the built-in pod file browser
=head1 USAGE
The module presents two packages, C<Prima::HelpViewer>
and C<Prima::PodViewWindow>. Their sole purpose is to serve as a mediator
between C<Prima::PodView> package, the toolkit help interface and the user.
C<Prima::PodViewWindow> includes all the user functionality, including ( but
not limited to :) text search, color and font setup, printing etc.
C<Prima::HelpViewer> provides two methods - C<open> and C<close>, used by
C<Prima::Application> for help viewer invocation.
=head1 Help
The browser can be used to view and print POD
( plain old documentation ) files. See the command overview below for more
detailed description:
=item File
=item Open
Presents a file selection dialog, when the user can select
a file to browse in the viewer. The file must contain POD content,
otherwise a warning is displayed.
=item Goto
Asks for a manpage, that is searched in PATH and the installation
=item New window
Opens the new viewer window with the same context.
=item Run
Commands in this group call external processes
=item prima-class
prima-class is Prima utility for displaying the widget class hierachies.
The command asks for Prima class to display the hierachy information
=item Print
Provides a dialog, when the user can select the appropriate
printer device and its options.
Prints the current topic to the selected printer.
If L<Full text view> menu item is checked, prints the whole manpage.
=item Close window
Closes the window.
=item Close all windows
Closes all help viewer windows.
=item View
=item Increase font
Increases the currently selected font by 2 points.
=item Decrease font
Decreases the currently selected font by 2 points.
=item Full text view
If checked, the whole manpage is displayed. Otherwise,
its content is presented as a set of topic, and only one
topic is displayed.
=item Find
Presents a find dialog, where the user can
select the text to search and the search options -
the search direction, scope, and others.
=item Find again
Starts search for the text, entered in the last find dialog,
with the same search options.
=item Fast find
The following commands provide a simple vi-style text search functionality -
character keys ?,/,n,N bound to the commands below:
=item Forward
Presents an input line where a text can be entered; the text search is
performed parallel to the input.
=item Backward
Same as L<Forward> option, except that the serach direction is backwards.
=item Repeat forward
Repeat the search in the same direction as the initial search was being invoked.
=item Repeat backward
Repeat the search in the reverse direction as the initial search was being invoked.
=item Setup
Presents a setup dialog, where the user can select appropriate fonts and colors.
=item Go
=item Back
Displays the previously visited manpage ( or topic )
=item Forward
Displays the previously visited manpage ( or topic ),
that was left via L<Back> command.
=item Up
Displays the upper level topic within a manpage.
=item Previous
Moves to the previous topic within a manpage.
=item Next
Moves to the next topic within a manpage.
=item Help
=item About
Displays the information about the help viewer.
=item Help
Displays the information about the usage of the help viewer
=head1 AUTHOR
Dmitry Karasik, E<lt><gt>.
This program is distributed under the BSD License.