package Prima::PS::PostScript;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Prima;
use Prima::PS::Type1;
use Prima::PS::TempFile;
use base qw(Prima::PS::Drawable);
sub profile_default
my $def = $_[ 0]-> SUPER::profile_default;
my %prf = (
copies => 1,
pageDevice => undef,
isEPS => 0,
@$def{keys %prf} = values %prf;
return $def;
sub init
my $self = shift;
$self-> {isEPS} = 0;
$self-> {copies} = 1;
my %profile = $self-> SUPER::init(@_);
$self-> $_( $profile{$_}) for qw( copies pageDevice isEPS);
return %profile;
# internal routines
sub cmd_rgb
my ( $r, $g, $b) = (
int((($_[1] & 0xff0000) >> 16) * 100 / 256 + 0.5) / 100,
int((($_[1] & 0xff00) >> 8) * 100 / 256 + 0.5) / 100,
int(($_[1] & 0xff)*100/256 + 0.5) / 100);
unless ( $_[0]-> {grayscale}) {
return "$r $g $b A";
} else {
my $i = int( 100 * ( 0.31 * $r + 0.5 * $g + 0.18 * $b) + 0.5) / 100;
return "$i G";
sub defer_emission
my ($self, $defer) = @_;
if ( $defer ) {
return if defined $self->{deferred};
if ( length($self-> {ps_data})) {
my $d = $self->{ps_data};
$self-> {ps_data} = '';
return $self-> abort_doc unless $self-> spool($d);
$self->abort_doc unless $self->{deferred} = Prima::PS::TempFile->new;
} else {
return unless defined $self->{deferred};
$self-> abort_doc unless delete($self->{deferred})->evacuate( sub { $self-> spool($_[0]) } );
sub emit
my $self = $_[0];
return 0 unless $self-> {can_draw};
if ( defined $self->{deferred} ) {
unless ($self->{deferred}->write($_[1] . "\n")) {
return 0;
} else {
$self-> {ps_data} .= $_[1] . "\n";
if ( length($self-> {ps_data}) > 10240) {
$self-> abort_doc unless $self-> spool( $self-> {ps_data});
$self-> {ps_data} = '';
return 1;
sub change_transform
my ( $self, $gsave ) = @_;
return if $self-> {delay};
my @tp = $self-> translate;
my @cr = $self-> clipRect;
my @sc = $self-> scale;
my $ro = $self-> rotate;
$cr[2] -= $cr[0];
$cr[3] -= $cr[1];
my $doClip = grep { $_ != 0 } @cr;
my $doTR = grep { $_ != 0 } @tp;
my $doSC = grep { $_ != 0 } @sc;
if ( !$doClip && !$doTR && !$doSC && !$ro) {
$self-> emit(':') if $gsave;
@cr = $self-> pixel2point( @cr);
@tp = $self-> pixel2point( @tp);
my $mcr3 = -$cr[3];
$self-> emit(';') unless $gsave;
$self-> emit(':');
$self-> emit(<<CLIP) if $doClip;
N $cr[0] $cr[1] M 0 $cr[3] L $cr[2] 0 L 0 $mcr3 L X C
$self-> emit("@tp T") if $doTR;
$self-> emit("@sc Z") if $doSC;
$self-> emit("$ro R") if $ro != 0;
$self-> {changed}-> {$_} = 1 for qw(fill linePattern lineWidth lineJoin lineEnd miterLimit font);
sub fill
my ( $self, $code) = @_;
my ( $r1, $r2) = ( $self-> rop, $self-> rop2);
return if
$r1 == rop::NoOper &&
$r2 == rop::NoOper;
if ( $r2 != rop::NoOper && $self-> {fpType} ne 'F') {
my $bk =
( $r2 == rop::Blackness) ? 0 :
( $r2 == rop::Whiteness) ? 0xffffff : $self-> backColor;
$self-> {changed}-> {fill} = 1;
$self-> emit( $self-> cmd_rgb( $bk));
$self-> emit( $code);
if ( $r1 != rop::NoOper && $self-> {fpType} ne 'B') {
my $c =
( $r1 == rop::Blackness) ? 0 :
( $r1 == rop::Whiteness) ? 0xffffff : $self-> color;
if ($self-> {changed}-> {fill}) {
if ( $self-> {fpType} eq 'F') {
$self-> emit( $self-> cmd_rgb( $c));
} else {
my ( $r, $g, $b) = (
int((($c & 0xff0000) >> 16) * 100 / 256 + 0.5) / 100,
int((($c & 0xff00) >> 8) * 100 / 256 + 0.5) / 100,
int(($c & 0xff)*100/256 + 0.5) / 100);
if ( $self-> {grayscale}) {
my $i = int( 100 * ( 0.31 * $r + 0.5 * $g + 0.18 * $b) + 0.5) / 100;
$self-> emit(<<GRAYPAT);
[\/Pattern \/DeviceGray] SS
$i Pat_$self->{fpType} SC
} else {
$self-> emit(<<RGBPAT);
[\/Pattern \/DeviceRGB] SS
$r $g $b Pat_$self->{fpType} SC
$self-> {changed}-> {fill} = 0;
$self-> emit( $code);
sub stroke
my ( $self, $code) = @_;
my ( $r1, $r2) = ( $self-> rop, $self-> rop2);
my $lp = $self-> linePattern;
return if
$r1 == rop::NoOper &&
$r2 == rop::NoOper;
if ( $self-> {changed}-> {lineWidth}) {
my ($lw) = $self-> pixel2point($self-> lineWidth);
$self-> emit( $lw . ' SW');
$self-> {changed}-> {lineWidth} = 0;
if ( $self-> {changed}-> {lineEnd}) {
my $le = $self-> lineEnd;
my $id = ( $le == le::Round) ? 1 : (( $le == le::Square) ? 2 : 0);
$self-> emit( "$id SL");
$self-> {changed}-> {lineEnd} = 0;
if ( $self-> {changed}-> {lineJoin}) {
my $lj = $self-> lineJoin;
my $id = ( $lj == lj::Round) ? 1 : (( $lj == lj::Bevel) ? 2 : 0);
$self-> emit( "$id SJ");
$self-> {changed}-> {lineJoin} = 0;
if ( $self-> {changed}-> {miterLimit}) {
my $ml = $self-> miterLimit;
$self-> emit( "$ml ML");
$self-> {changed}-> {miterLimit} = 0;
if ( $r2 != rop::NoOper && $lp ne lp::Solid ) {
my $bk =
( $r2 == rop::Blackness) ? 0 :
( $r2 == rop::Whiteness) ? 0xffffff : $self-> backColor;
$self-> {changed}-> {linePattern} = 1;
$self-> {changed}-> {fill} = 1;
$self-> emit('[] 0 SD');
$self-> emit( $self-> cmd_rgb( $bk));
$self-> emit( $code);
if ( $r1 != rop::NoOper && length( $lp)) {
my $fk =
( $r1 == rop::Blackness) ? 0 :
( $r1 == rop::Whiteness) ? 0xffffff : $self-> color;
if ( $self-> {changed}-> {linePattern}) {
if ( length( $lp) == 1) {
$self-> emit('[] 0 SD');
} else {
my @x = split('', $lp);
push( @x, 0) if scalar(@x) % 1;
@x = map { ord($_) } @x;
$self-> emit("[@x] 0 SD");
$self-> {changed}-> {linePattern} = 0;
if ( $self-> {changed}-> {fill}) {
$self-> emit( $self-> cmd_rgb( $fk));
$self-> {changed}-> {fill} = 0;
$self-> emit( $code);
# Prima::Printer interface
sub begin_doc
my ( $self, $docName) = @_;
return 0 if $self-> get_paint_state;
$self-> {ps_data} = '';
$self-> {can_draw} = 1;
$docName = $::application ? $::application-> name : "Prima::PS::PostScript"
unless defined $docName;
my $data = scalar localtime;
my @b2 = (
int($self-> {pageSize}-> [0] - $self-> {pageMargins}-> [2] + .5),
int($self-> {pageSize}-> [1] - $self-> {pageMargins}-> [3] + .5)
$self-> {fp_hash} = {};
$self-> {pages} = 1;
my ($x,$y) = (
$self-> {pageSize}-> [0] - $self-> {pageMargins}-> [0] - $self-> {pageMargins}-> [2],
$self-> {pageSize}-> [1] - $self-> {pageMargins}-> [1] - $self-> {pageMargins}-> [3]
my $extras = '';
my $setup = '';
my %pd = defined( $self-> {pageDevice}) ? %{$self-> {pageDevice}} : ();
if ( $self-> {copies} > 1) {
$pd{NumCopies} = $self-> {copies};
$extras .= "\%\%Requirements: numcopies($self->{copies})\n";
if ( scalar keys %pd) {
my $jd = join( "\n", map { "/$_ $pd{$_}"} keys %pd);
$setup .= <<NUMPAGES;
<< $jd >> SPD
my $header = "%!PS-Adobe-2.0";
$header .= " EPSF-2.0" if $self->isEPS;
$self-> emit( <<PSHEADER);
%%Title: $docName
%%Creator: Prima::PS::PostScript
%%CreationDate: $data
%%Pages: (atend)
%%BoundingBox: @{$self->{pageMargins}}[0,1] @b2
%%LanguageLevel: 2
%%DocumentNeededFonts: (atend)
%%DocumentSuppliedFonts: (atend)
/d/def load def/,/load load d/~/exch , d/S/show , d/:/gsave , d/;/grestore ,
d/N/newpath , d/M/moveto , d/L/rlineto , d/X/closepath , d/C/clip ,
d/T/translate , d/R/rotate , d/Y/glyphshow , d/P/showpage , d/Z/scale , d/I/imagemask ,
d/@/dup , d/G/setgray , d/A/setrgbcolor , d/l/lineto , d/F/fill ,
d/FF/findfont , d/XF/scalefont , d/SF/setfont ,
d/O/stroke , d/SD/setdash , d/SL/setlinecap , d/SW/setlinewidth ,
d/SJ/setlinejoin , d/E/eofill , d/ML/setmiterlimit ,
d/SS/setcolorspace , d/SC/setcolor , d/SM/setmatrix , d/SPD/setpagedevice ,
d/SP/setpattern , d/CP/currentpoint , d/MX/matrix , d/MP/makepattern ,
d/b/begin , d/e/end , d/t/true , d/f/false , d/?/ifelse , d/a/arc ,
$self->emit("%%Page: 1 1\n");
$self-> {page_prefix} = <<PREFIX;
@{$self->{pageMargins}}[0,1] T
N 0 0 M 0 $y L $x 0 L 0 -$y L X C
$self-> {page_prefix} .= "0 0 M 90 R 0 -$x T\n" if $self-> {reversed};
$self-> {changed} = { map { $_ => 0 } qw(
fill lineEnd linePattern lineWidth lineJoin miterLimit font)};
$self-> SUPER::begin_paint;
$self-> save_state;
$self-> {delay} = 1;
$self-> restore_state;
$self-> {delay} = 0;
$self-> emit( $self-> {page_prefix});
$self-> change_transform( 1);
$self-> {changed}-> {linePattern} = 0;
return 1;
sub abort_doc
my $self = $_[0];
return unless $self-> {can_draw};
$self-> {can_draw} = 0;
$self-> SUPER::end_paint;
$self-> restore_state;
delete $self-> {$_} for
qw (save_state ps_data changed page_prefix);
sub end_doc
my $self = $_[0];
return 0 unless $self-> {can_draw};
$self-> {can_draw} = 0;
$self->{glyph_keeper}-> evacuate( sub { $self->spool( $_[0] ) } )
if $self-> {glyph_keeper};
$self-> defer_emission(0);
my $ret = $self-> spool($self->{ps_data} . <<PSFOOTER);
; P
%%Pages: $_[0]->{pages}
$self-> {can_draw} = 0;
$self-> SUPER::end_paint;
$self-> restore_state;
delete $self-> {$_} for
qw (save_state changed ps_data page_prefix glyph_keeper glyph_font);
return $ret;
sub begin_paint { return $_[0]-> begin_doc; }
sub end_paint { $_[0]-> abort_doc; }
sub new_page
return 0 unless $_[0]-> {can_draw};
my $self = $_[0];
$self-> {pages}++;
$self-> emit("; P\n%%Page: $self->{pages} $self->{pages}\n");
local $self->{delay} = 1;
$self-> $_( @{$self-> {save_state}-> {$_}}) for qw( translate clipRect);
$self-> emit( $self-> {page_prefix});
$self-> change_transform(1);
$self-> {changed}->{font} = 1;
return 1;
sub pages { $_[0]-> {pages} }
# properties
sub fillPattern
return $_[0]-> SUPER::fillPattern unless $#_;
$_[0]-> SUPER::fillPattern( $_[1]);
return unless $_[0]-> {can_draw};
my $self = $_[0];
my @fp = @{$self-> SUPER::fillPattern};
my $solidBack = ! grep { $_ != 0 } @fp;
my $solidFore = ! grep { $_ != 0xff } @fp;
my $fpid;
my @scaleto = $self-> pixel2point( 8, 8);
if ( !$solidBack && !$solidFore) {
$fpid = join( '', map { sprintf("%02x", $_)} @fp);
unless ( exists $self-> {fp_hash}-> {$fpid}) {
$self-> emit( <<PATTERNDEF);
\/PatternType 1 \% Tiling pattern
\/PaintType 2 \% Uncolored
\/TilingType 1
\/BBox [ 0 0 @scaleto]
\/XStep $scaleto[0]
\/YStep $scaleto[1]
\/PaintProc { b
@scaleto Z
8 8 t
[8 0 0 8 0 0]
< $fpid > I
} bind
>> MX MP
\/Pat_$fpid ~ d
$self-> {fp_hash}-> {$fpid} = 1;
$self-> {fpType} = $solidBack ? 'B' : ( $solidFore ? 'F' : $fpid);
$self-> {changed}-> {fill} = 1;
sub isEPS { $#_ ? $_[0]-> {isEPS} = $_[1] : $_[0]-> {isEPS} }
sub copies
return $_[0]-> {copies} unless $#_;
$_[0]-> {copies} = $_[1] unless $_[0]-> get_paint_state;
sub pageDevice
return $_[0]-> {pageDevice} unless $#_;
$_[0]-> {pageDevice} = $_[1] unless $_[0]-> get_paint_state;
# primitives
sub arc
my ( $self, $x, $y, $dx, $dy, $start, $end) = @_;
my $try = $dy / $dx;
( $x, $y, $dx, $dy) = $self-> pixel2point( $x, $y, $dx, $dy);
my $rx = $dx / 2;
$end -= $start;
$self-> stroke( <<ARC );
$x $y M : $x $y T 1 $try Z $start R
N $rx 0 M 0 0 $rx 0 $end a O ;
sub chord
my ( $self, $x, $y, $dx, $dy, $start, $end) = @_;
my $try = $dy / $dx;
( $x, $y, $dx, $dy) = $self-> pixel2point( $x, $y, $dx, $dy);
my $rx = $dx / 2;
$end -= $start;
$self-> stroke(<<CHORD);
$x $y M : $x $y T 1 $try Z $start R
N $rx 0 M 0 0 $rx 0 $end a X O ;
sub ellipse
my ( $self, $x, $y, $dx, $dy) = @_;
my $try = $dy / $dx;
( $x, $y, $dx, $dy) = $self-> pixel2point( $x, $y, $dx, $dy);
my $rx = $dx / 2;
$self-> stroke(<<ELLIPSE);
$x $y M : $x $y T 1 $try Z
N $rx 0 M 0 0 $rx 0 360 a O ;
sub fill_chord
my ( $self, $x, $y, $dx, $dy, $start, $end) = @_;
my $try = $dy / $dx;
( $x, $y, $dx, $dy) = $self-> pixel2point( $x, $y, $dx, $dy);
my $rx = $dx / 2;
$end -= $start;
my $F = (($self-> fillMode & fm::Winding) == fm::Alternate) ? 'E' : 'F';
$self-> fill( <<CHORD );
$x $y M : $x $y T 1 $try Z
N $rx 0 M 0 0 $rx 0 $end a X $F ;
sub fill_ellipse
my ( $self, $x, $y, $dx, $dy) = @_;
my $try = $dy / $dx;
( $x, $y, $dx, $dy) = $self-> pixel2point( $x, $y, $dx, $dy);
my $rx = $dx / 2;
$self-> fill(<<ELLIPSE);
$x $y M : $x $y T 1 $try Z
N $rx 0 M 0 0 $rx 0 360 a F ;
sub sector
my ( $self, $x, $y, $dx, $dy, $start, $end) = @_;
my $try = $dy / $dx;
( $x, $y, $dx, $dy) = $self-> pixel2point( $x, $y, $dx, $dy);
my $rx = $dx / 2;
$end -= $start;
$self-> stroke(<<SECTOR);
$x $y M : $x $y T 1 $try Z $start R
N 0 0 M 0 0 $rx 0 $end a 0 0 l O ;
sub fill_sector
my ( $self, $x, $y, $dx, $dy, $start, $end) = @_;
my $try = $dy / $dx;
( $x, $y, $dx, $dy) = $self-> pixel2point( $x, $y, $dx, $dy);
my $rx = $dx / 2;
$end -= $start;
my $F = (($self-> fillMode & fm::Winding) == fm::Alternate) ? 'E' : 'F';
$self-> fill(<<SECTOR);
$x $y M : $x $y T 1 $try Z $start R
N 0 0 M 0 0 $rx 0 $end a 0 0 l $F ;
sub text_out_outline
my ( $self, $text ) = @_;
my $shaped = $self->text_shape($text, level => ts::Glyphs ) or return;
$self-> glyph_out_outline($shaped, 0, scalar @{$shaped->glyphs});
sub glyph_out_outline
my ( $self, $text, $from, $len ) = @_;
my $glyphs = $text-> glyphs;
my $indexes = $text-> indexes;
my $advances = $text-> advances;
my $positions = $text-> positions;
my $fonts = $text-> fonts;
my $plaintext = $text-> [Prima::Drawable::Glyphs::CUSTOM()];
my @ix_lengths = defined($plaintext) ? $text-> index_lengths : ();
my $adv = 0;
my $canvas = $self->glyph_canvas;
my $resolution = 72.27 / $self->{resolution}->[0];
my $keeper = $self->{glyph_keeper};
my $font = $self->{glyph_font};
my $div = $self->{font_scale};
my $restore_font;
$len += $from;
my $emit = '';
my $fid = 0;
my $ff = $canvas->font;
for ( my $i = $from; $i < $len; $i++) {
my $advance;
my $glyph = $glyphs->[$i];
my ($x2, $y2) = ($adv, 0);
my $nfid = $fonts ? $fonts->[$i] : 0;
if ( $nfid != $fid ) {
my $newfont;
if ( $nfid == 0 ) {
$newfont = $self->{font};
$restore_font = 0;
} else {
my $src = $self-> fontMapperPalette($nfid);
my $dst = \%{$self->{font}};
$newfont = Prima::Drawable->font_match( $src, $dst );
$restore_font = 1;
$self-> glyph_canvas_set_font( %$newfont );
$font = $nfid ? $keeper->get_font($canvas->font) : $self->{glyph_font};
$emit .= "/$font FF $self->{font}->{size} XF SF\n";
$fid = $nfid;
my $char = defined($plaintext) ?
substr( $plaintext, $indexes->[$i] & ~to::RTL, $ix_lengths[$i]) :
my $gid = $keeper-> use_char($canvas, $font, $glyph, $char);
if ( $advances) {
$advance = $advances->[$i];
$x2 += $positions->[$i*2];
$y2 += $positions->[$i*2 + 1];
} else {
my $xr = $canvas->get_font_abc($glyph, $glyph, to::Glyphs);
$advance = ($$xr[0] + $$xr[1] + $$xr[2]) * $div;
$adv += $advance;
if ( defined $gid ) {
($x2, $y2) = map { int( $_ * 100 + 0.5) / 100 } $self->pixel2point($x2, $y2);
$emit .= "$x2 $y2 M " if $x2 != 0 || $y2 != 0;
} else {
# not a single vector font found
$gid //= $Prima::PS::Unicode->{$char} // 'question';
$emit .= "/$gid Y\n";
if ($restore_font) {
$emit .= "/$self->{glyph_font} FF $self->{font}->{size} XF SF\n";
$self-> glyph_canvas_set_font( %{ $self->{font} });
$self-> emit($emit);
sub text_out
my ( $self, $text, $x, $y, $from, $len) = @_;
$from //= 0;
my $glyphs;
if ( ref($text) eq 'Prima::Drawable::Glyphs') {
$glyphs = $text->glyphs;
$len = @$glyphs if !defined($len) || $len < 0 || $len > @$glyphs;
} elsif (ref($text)) {
$len //= -1;
return $text->text_out($self, $x, $y, $from, $len);
} else {
$len = length($text) if !defined($len) || $len < 0 || $len > length($text);
$text = substr($text, $from, $len);
$from = 0;
$len = length($text);
return 0 unless $self-> {can_draw} and $len > 0;
$y += $self-> {font}-> {descent} if !$self-> textOutBaseline;
( $x, $y) = $self-> pixel2point( $x, $y);
if ( $self-> {changed}-> {font}) {
my $fn = $self->{glyph_font};
$self-> emit( "/$fn FF $self->{font}->{size} XF SF");
$self-> {changed}-> {font} = 0;
my $wmul = $self-> {font_x_scale};
$self-> emit(": $x $y T");
$self-> emit("$wmul 1 Z") if $wmul != 1;
$self-> emit("0 0 M");
if ( $self-> {font}-> {direction} != 0) {
my $r = $self-> {font}-> {direction};
$self-> emit("$r R");
my @rb;
if ( $self-> textOpaque || $self-> {font}-> {style} & (fs::Underlined|fs::StruckOut)) {
my ( $ds, $bs) = ( $self-> {font}-> {direction}, $self-> textOutBaseline);
$self-> {font}-> {direction} = 0;
$self-> textOutBaseline(1) unless $bs;
@rb = $self-> pixel2point( @{$self-> get_text_box( $text, $from, $len)});
$self-> {font}-> {direction} = $ds;
$self-> textOutBaseline($bs) unless $bs;
if ( $self-> textOpaque) {
$self-> emit( $self-> cmd_rgb( $self-> backColor));
$self-> emit( ": N @rb[0,1] M @rb[2,3] l @rb[6,7] l @rb[4,5] l X F ;");
$self-> emit( $self-> cmd_rgb( $self-> color));
if ( $glyphs ) {
$self->glyph_out_outline($text, $from, $len);
} else {
if ( $self-> {font}-> {style} & (fs::Underlined|fs::StruckOut)) {
my $lw = int($self-> {font}-> {size} / 40 + .5); # XXX empiric
$lw ||= 1;
$self-> emit("[] 0 SD 0 SL $lw SW");
if ( $self-> {font}-> {style} & fs::Underlined) {
$self-> emit("N @rb[0,3] M $rb[4] 0 L O");
if ( $self-> {font}-> {style} & fs::StruckOut) {
$rb[3] += $rb[1]/2;
$self-> emit("N @rb[0,3] M $rb[4] 0 L O");
$self-> emit(";");
return 1;
sub bar
my ( $self, $x1, $y1, $x2, $y2) = @_;
( $x1, $y1, $x2, $y2) = $self-> pixel2point( $x1, $y1, $x2, $y2);
$self-> fill( "N $x1 $y1 M $x1 $y2 l $x2 $y2 l $x2 $y1 l X F");
sub bars
my ( $self, $array) = @_;
my $i;
my $c = scalar @$array;
my @a = $self-> pixel2point( @$array);
$c = int( $c / 4) * 4;
my $z = '';
for ( $i = 0; $i < $c; $i += 4) {
$z .= "N @a[$i,$i+1] M @a[$i,$i+3] l @a[$i+2,$i+3] l @a[$i+2,$i+1] l X F ";
$self-> stroke( $z);
sub rectangle
my ( $self, $x1, $y1, $x2, $y2) = @_;
( $x1, $y1, $x2, $y2) = $self-> pixel2point( $x1, $y1, $x2, $y2);
$self-> stroke( "N $x1 $y1 M $x1 $y2 l $x2 $y2 l $x2 $y1 l X O");
sub clear
my ( $self, $x1, $y1, $x2, $y2) = @_;
if ( grep { ! defined } $x1, $y1, $x2, $y2) {
($x1, $y1, $x2, $y2) = $self-> clipRect;
unless ( grep { $_ != 0 } $x1, $y1, $x2, $y2) {
($x1, $y1, $x2, $y2) = (0,0,@{$self-> {size}});
( $x1, $y1, $x2, $y2) = $self-> pixel2point( $x1, $y1, $x2, $y2);
my $c = $self-> cmd_rgb( $self-> backColor);
$self-> emit(<<CLEAR);
N $x1 $y1 M $x1 $y2 l $x2 $y2 l $x2 $y1 l X F
$self-> {changed}-> {fill} = 1;
sub line
my ( $self, $x1, $y1, $x2, $y2) = @_;
( $x1, $y1, $x2, $y2) = $self-> pixel2point( $x1, $y1, $x2, $y2);
$self-> stroke("N $x1 $y1 M $x2 $y2 l O");
sub lines
my ( $self, $array) = @_;
my $i;
my $c = scalar @$array;
my @a = $self-> pixel2point( @$array);
$c = int( $c / 4) * 4;
my $z = '';
for ( $i = 0; $i < $c; $i += 4) {
$z .= "N @a[$i,$i+1] M @a[$i+2,$i+3] l O ";
$self-> stroke( $z);
sub polyline
my ( $self, $array) = @_;
my $i;
my $c = scalar @$array;
my @a = $self-> pixel2point( @$array);
$c = int( $c / 2) * 2;
return if $c < 2;
my $z = "N @a[0,1] M ";
for ( $i = 2; $i < $c; $i += 2) {
$z .= "@a[$i,$i+1] l ";
$z .= "O";
$self-> stroke( $z);
sub fillpoly
my ( $self, $array) = @_;
my $i;
my $c = scalar @$array;
$c = int( $c / 2) * 2;
return if $c < 2;
my @a = $self-> pixel2point( @$array);
my $x = "N @a[0,1] M ";
for ( $i = 2; $i < $c; $i += 2) {
$x .= "@a[$i,$i+1] l ";
$x .= 'X ' . ((($self-> fillMode & fm::Winding) == fm::Alternate) ? 'E' : 'F');
$self-> fill( $x);
sub pixel
my ( $self, $x, $y, $pix) = @_;
return cl::Invalid unless defined $pix;
my $c = $self-> cmd_rgb( $pix);
($x, $y) = $self-> pixel2point( $x, $y);
$self-> emit(<<PIXEL);
N $x $y M 0 0 L F
$self-> {changed}-> {fill} = 1;
sub put_image_indirect
return 0 unless $_[0]-> {can_draw};
my ( $self, $image, $x, $y, $xFrom, $yFrom, $xDestLen, $yDestLen, $xLen, $yLen) = @_;
my $touch;
$touch = 1, $image = $image-> image if $image-> isa('Prima::DeviceBitmap');
unless ( $xFrom == 0 && $yFrom == 0 && $xLen == $image-> width && $yLen == $image-> height) {
$image = $image-> extract( $xFrom, $yFrom, $xLen, $yLen);
$touch = 1;
my $ib = $image-> get_bpp;
if ( $ib != $self-> get_bpp) {
$image = $image-> dup unless $touch;
if ( $self-> {grayscale} || $image-> type & im::GrayScale) {
$image-> type( im::Byte);
} else {
$image-> type( im::RGB);
$touch = 1;
} elsif ( $self-> {grayscale} || $image-> type & im::GrayScale) {
$image = $image-> dup unless $touch;
$image-> type( im::Byte);
$touch = 1;
$ib = $image-> get_bpp;
if ($ib != 8 && $ib != 24) {
$image = $image-> dup unless $touch;
$image-> type( im::RGB);
$touch = 1;
if ( $image-> type == im::RGB ) {
# invert BGR -> RGB
$image = $image-> dup unless $touch;
$image-> set(data => $image->data, type => im::fmtBGR | im::RGB);
$touch = 1;
my @is = $image-> size;
($x, $y, $xDestLen, $yDestLen) = $self-> pixel2point( $x, $y, $xDestLen, $yDestLen);
my @fullScale = (
$is[0] / $xLen * $xDestLen,
$is[1] / $yLen * $yDestLen,
my $g = $image-> data;
my $bt = ( $image-> type & im::BPP) * $is[0] / 8;
my $ls = $image->lineSize;
my ( $i, $j);
$self-> emit(": $x $y T @fullScale Z");
$self-> emit("/scanline $bt string d");
$self-> emit("@is 8 [$is[0] 0 0 $is[1] 0 0]");
$self-> emit('{currentfile scanline readhexstring pop}');
$self-> emit(( $image-> type & im::GrayScale) ? "image" : "false 3 colorimage");
for ( $i = 0; $i < $is[1]; $i++) {
$self-> emit(unpack('H*', substr( $g, $ls * $i, $bt)));
$self-> emit(';');
return 1;
sub apply_canvas_font
my ( $self, $f1000) = @_;
if ($f1000->{vector} == fv::Outline) {
$self-> {glyph_keeper} //= Prima::PS::Type1->new;
$self-> {glyph_font} = $self-> {glyph_keeper}->get_font($f1000); # it wants size=1000
} else {
$self-> {glyph_font} = ($f1000->{pitch} == fp::Fixed) ? 'Courier' : 'Helvetica'
=head1 NAME
Prima::PS::PostScript - PostScript interface to Prima::Drawable
use Prima;
use Prima::PS::PostScript;
my $x = Prima::PS::PostScript-> create( onSpool => sub {
open F, ">> ./";
print F $_[1];
close F;
die "error:$@" unless $x-> begin_doc;
$x-> font-> size( 30);
$x-> text_out( "hello!", 100, 100);
$x-> end_doc;
Realizes the Prima library interface to PostScript level 2 document language.
The module is designed to be compliant with Prima::Drawable interface.
All properties' behavior is as same as Prima::Drawable's, except those
described below.
=head2 Inherited properties
=item ::resolution
Can be set while object is in normal stage - cannot be changed if document
is opened. Applies to fillPattern realization and general pixel-to-point
and vice versa calculations
=item ::region
- ::region is not realized ( yet?)
=head2 Specific properties
=item ::copies
amount of copies that PS interpreter should print
=item ::grayscale
could be 0 or 1
=item ::pageSize
physical page dimension, in points
=item ::pageMargins
non-printable page area, an array of 4 integers:
left, bottom, right and top margins in points.
=item ::reversed
if 1, a 90 degrees rotated document layout is assumed
=item ::rotate and ::scale
along with Prima::Drawable::translate provide PS-specific
transformation matrix manipulations. ::rotate is number,
measured in degrees, counter-clockwise. ::scale is array of
two numbers, respectively x- and y-scale. 1 is 100%, 2 is 200%
=head2 Internal methods
=item emit
Can be called for direct PostScript code injection. Example:
$x-> emit('0.314159 setgray');
$x-> bar( 10, 10, 20, 20);
=item pixel2point and point2pixel
Helpers for translation from pixel to points and vice versa.
=item fill & stroke
Wrappers for PS outline that is expected to be filled or stroked.
Apply colors, line and fill styles if necessary.
=item spool
Prima::PS::PostScript is not responsible for output of
generated document, it just calls ::spool when document
is closed through ::end_doc. By default just skips data.
Prima::PS::Printer handles spooling logic.
=item fonts
Returns Prima::Application::fonts, however with C<iso10646-1> encoding only.
That effectively allows only unicode output.