shell bypass 403
=head1 NAME
Prima::Region - generic shape for clipping and hit testing
$empty = Prima::Region->new;
$rect = Prima::Region->new( rect => [ 10, 10, 20, 20 ]);
$rect = Prima::Region->new( box => [ 10, 10, 10, 10 ]); # same
$poly = Prima::Region->new( polygon => [ 0, 0, 100, 0, 100, 100 ]);
$bits = Prima::Region->new( image => $image );
$drawable-> region( $rect );
my $rgn = $drawable->region;
$rgn->image->save('region.png') if $rgn;
Prima::Region is a descendant of Prima::Component. It serves a representation
of a generic shape, that can be applied to a drawable, and checked whether points
are within its boundaries.
=head1 API
=item new %OPTIONS
Creates new region object. Without options, the region is empty.
Following options can be used:
=item rect => [ X1, Y1, X2, Y2 ]
Create rectangular region with inclusive-inclusive coordinates.
=item box => [ X, Y, WIDTH, HEIGHT ]
Same as C<rect> but using other semantics.
=item polygon => \@POINTS, fillMode = 0
Creates a polygon shape with vertices given in C<@POINTS>, and using
an optional fillMode ( see L<Drawable/fillMode> ).
=item image => IMAGE
Creates a region that mirrors 1-bits in the image. If no pixels are set to 1,
the region will be effecively empty.
=item bitmap with_offset => 0, type => dbt::Bitmap
Paints the region on a newly created bitmap and returns it. By default,
region offset is not included.
=item box
Returns (X,Y,WIDTH,HEIGHT) bounding box, that encloses smallest possible
rectangle, or (0,0,0,0) if the region is empty.
=item combine REGION, OPERATION = rgnop::Copy
Applies one of the following set operation to the region:
=item rgnop::Copy
Makes a copy of the REGION
=item rgnop::Intersect
The resulting region is an interesection of the two regions.
=item rgnop::Union
The resulting region is a union of the two regions.
=item rgnop::Xor
Performs XOR operation on the two regions.
=item rgnop::Diff
The resulting region is a difference of the two regions.
=item dup
Creates a duplicate region object
=item get_handle
Returns a system handle for the region
=item equals REGION
Returns true if the regions are equal, false otherwise.
=item image with_offset => 0, type => dbt::Bitmap
Paints the region on a newly created image and returns it. By default,
region offset is not included.
=item is_empty
Returns true if the region is empty, false otherwise.
=item offset DX, DY
Shifts the region vertically and/or horizontally
=item point_inside X, Y
Returns true if the (X,Y) point is inside the region
=item rect_inside X1,Y1,X2,Y2
Checks whether a rectangle given by inclusive-inclusive coordiates is inside, outside,
or partially covered by the region. Return values are:
where C<rgn::Outside> has value of 0.
=head1 AUTHOR
Dmitry Karasik, E<lt><gt>.
=head1 SEE ALSO
L<Prima>, L<Prima::Drawable>, L<Prima::Drawable::Path>