shell bypass 403
use strict;
use warnings;
package Prima::TextView::EventContent;
sub on_mousedown {}
sub on_mousemove {}
sub on_mouseup {}
package Prima::TextView;
use Prima;
use Prima::IntUtils;
use Prima::ScrollBar;
use Prima::Drawable::TextBlock;
use vars qw(@ISA);
@ISA = qw(Prima::Widget Prima::MouseScroller Prima::GroupScroller);
use constant YMAX => 1000;
sub profile_default
my $def = $_[ 0]-> SUPER::profile_default;
my %prf = (
autoHScroll => 1,
autoVScroll => 0,
borderWidth => 2,
colorMap => [ $def-> {color}, $def-> {backColor} ],
fontPalette => [ {
name => $def-> {font}-> {name},
encoding => '',
pitch => fp::Default,
hScroll => 1,
offset => 0,
paneWidth => 0,
paneHeight => 0,
paneSize => [0,0],
resolution => [ $::application-> resolution ],
topLine => 0,
scaleChildren => 0,
scrollBarClass => 'Prima::ScrollBar',
hScrollBarProfile=> {},
vScrollBarProfile=> {},
selectable => 1,
textDirection => $::application->textDirection,
textOutBaseline => 1,
textRef => '',
vScroll => 1,
widgetClass => wc::Edit,
pointer => cr::Text,
@$def{keys %prf} = values %prf;
return $def;
sub profile_check_in
my ( $self, $p, $default) = @_;
if ( exists $p->{owner} && !exists $p->{font} && !exists $p->{fontPalette} &&
(( $p->{ownerFont} // $default->{ownerFont} // 1 ) == 1 )) {
$p-> {fontPalette}-> [0]-> {name} = $p->{owner}->font->name;
$self-> SUPER::profile_check_in( $p, $default);
if ( exists( $p-> { paneSize})) {
$p-> { paneWidth} = $p-> { paneSize}-> [ 0];
$p-> { paneHeight} = $p-> { paneSize}-> [ 1];
$p-> { text} = '' if exists( $p-> { textRef});
$p-> {autoHScroll} = 0 if exists $p-> {hScroll};
$p-> {autoVScroll} = 0 if exists $p-> {vScroll};
sub init
my $self = shift;
for ( qw( topLine scrollTransaction hScroll vScroll offset textDirection
paneWidth paneHeight borderWidth autoVScroll autoHScroll))
{ $self-> {$_} = 0; }
my %profile = $self-> SUPER::init(@_);
$self-> {paneSize} = [0,0];
$self-> {colorMap} = [];
$self-> {fontPalette} = [];
$self-> {fontPaletteSize} = 0;
$self-> {blocks} = [];
$self-> {resolution} = [];
$self-> {defaultFontSize} = $self-> font-> size;
$self-> {selection} = [ -1, -1, -1, -1];
$self-> {selectionPaintMode} = 0;
$self-> {ymap} = [];
$self-> setup_indents;
$self-> resolution( @{$profile{resolution}});
$self->{$_} = $profile{$_} for qw(scrollBarClass hScrollBarProfile vScrollBarProfile);
for ( qw( autoHScroll autoVScroll colorMap fontPalette
hScroll vScroll borderWidth paneWidth paneHeight
offset topLine textDirection textRef))
{ $self-> $_( $profile{ $_}); }
return %profile;
sub reset_scrolls
my $self = shift;
my @sz = $self-> get_active_area( 2, @_);
if ( $self-> {scrollTransaction} != 1) {
if ( $self-> {autoVScroll}) {
my $vs = ($self-> {paneHeight} > $sz[1]) ? 1 : 0;
if ( $vs != $self-> {vScroll}) {
$self-> vScroll( $vs);
@sz = $self-> get_active_area( 2, @_);
$self-> {vScrollBar}-> set(
max => $self-> {paneHeight} - $sz[1],
pageStep => int($sz[1] * 0.9),
step => $self-> font-> height,
whole => $self-> {paneHeight},
partial => $sz[1],
value => $self-> {topLine},
) if $self-> {vScroll};
if ( $self-> {scrollTransaction} != 2) {
if ( $self-> {autoHScroll}) {
my $hs = ($self-> {paneWidth} > $sz[0]) ? 1 : 0;
if ( $hs != $self-> {hScroll}) {
$self-> hScroll( $hs);
@sz = $self-> get_active_area( 2, @_);
$self-> {hScrollBar}-> set(
max => $self-> {paneWidth} - $sz[0],
whole => $self-> {paneWidth},
value => $self-> {offset},
partial => $sz[0],
pageStep => int($sz[0] * 0.75),
) if $self-> {hScroll};
sub on_size
my ( $self, $oldx, $oldy, $x, $y) = @_;
$self-> reset_scrolls( $x, $y);
sub on_fontchanged
my $f = $_[0]-> font;
$_[0]-> {defaultFontSize} = $f-> size;
$_[0]-> {fontPalette}-> [0]-> {name} = $f-> name;
sub set
my ( $self, %set) = @_;
if ( exists $set{paneSize}) {
$self-> paneSize( @{$set{paneSize}});
delete $set{paneSize};
$self-> SUPER::set( %set);
sub text
unless ($#_) {
my $hugeScalarRef = $_[0]-> textRef;
return $$hugeScalarRef;
} else {
my $s = $_[1];
$_[0]-> textRef( \$s);
sub textRef
return $_[0]-> {text} unless $#_;
$_[0]-> {text} = $_[1] if $_[1];
sub paneWidth
return $_[0]-> {paneWidth} unless $#_;
my ( $self, $pw) = @_;
$pw = 0 if $pw < 0;
return if $pw == $self-> {paneWidth};
$self-> {paneWidth} = $pw;
$self-> reset_scrolls;
$self-> repaint;
sub paneHeight
return $_[0]-> {paneHeight} unless $#_;
my ( $self, $ph) = @_;
$ph = 0 if $ph < 0;
return if $ph == $self-> {paneHeight};
$self-> {paneHeight} = $ph;
$self-> reset_scrolls;
$self-> repaint;
sub paneSize
return $_[0]-> {paneWidth}, $_[0]-> {paneHeight} if $#_ < 2;
my ( $self, $pw, $ph) = @_;
$ph = 0 if $ph < 0;
$pw = 0 if $pw < 0;
return if $ph == $self-> {paneHeight} && $pw == $self-> {paneWidth};
$self-> {paneWidth} = $pw;
$self-> {paneHeight} = $ph;
$self-> reset_scrolls;
$self-> repaint;
sub offset
return $_[0]-> {offset} unless $#_;
my ( $self, $offset) = @_;
$offset = int($offset);
my @sz = $self-> size;
my @aa = $self-> get_active_area(2, @sz);
my $pw = $self-> {paneWidth};
$offset = $pw - $aa[0] if $offset > $pw - $aa[0];
$offset = 0 if $offset < 0;
return if $self-> {offset} == $offset;
my $dt = $offset - $self-> {offset};
$self-> {offset} = $offset;
if ( $self-> {hScroll} && $self-> {scrollTransaction} != 2) {
$self-> {scrollTransaction} = 2;
$self-> {hScrollBar}-> value( $offset);
$self-> {scrollTransaction} = 0;
$self-> scroll( -$dt, 0, clipRect => [ $self-> get_active_area(0, @sz)]);
sub resolution
return @{$_[0]->{resolution}} unless $#_;
my ( $self, $x, $y) = @_;
die "Invalid resolution\n" if $x <= 0 or $y <= 0;
@{$self-> {resolution}} = ( $x, $y);
sub textDirection
return $_[0]-> {textDirection} unless $#_;
my ( $self, $td ) = @_;
$self-> {textDirection} = $td;
sub topLine
return $_[0]-> {topLine} unless $#_;
my ( $self, $top) = @_;
$top = int($top);
my @sz = $self-> size;
my @aa = $self-> get_active_area(2, @sz);
my $ph = $self-> {paneHeight};
$top = $ph - $aa[1] if $top > $ph - $aa[1];
$top = 0 if $top < 0;
return if $self-> {topLine} == $top;
my $dt = $top - $self-> {topLine};
$self-> {topLine} = $top;
if ( $self-> {vScroll} && $self-> {scrollTransaction} != 1) {
$self-> {scrollTransaction} = 1;
$self-> {vScrollBar}-> value( $top);
$self-> {scrollTransaction} = 0;
$self-> scroll( 0, $dt, clipRect => [ $self-> get_active_area(0, @sz)]);
sub VScroll_Change
my ( $self, $scr) = @_;
return if $self-> {scrollTransaction};
$self-> {scrollTransaction} = 1;
$self-> topLine( $scr-> value);
$self-> {scrollTransaction} = 0;
sub HScroll_Change
my ( $self, $scr) = @_;
return if $self-> {scrollTransaction};
$self-> {scrollTransaction} = 2;
$self-> offset( $scr-> value);
$self-> {scrollTransaction} = 0;
sub colorMap
return [ @{$_[0]-> {colorMap}}] unless $#_;
my ( $self, $cm) = @_;
$self-> {colorMap} = [@$cm];
$self-> {colorMap}-> [1] = $self-> backColor if scalar @$cm < 2;
$self-> {colorMap}-> [0] = $self-> color if scalar @$cm < 1;
$self-> repaint;
sub fontPalette
return [ @{$_[0]-> {fontPalette}}] unless $#_;
my ( $self, $fm) = @_;
$self-> {fontPalette} = [@$fm];
$self-> {fontPalette}-> [0] = {
name => $self-> font-> name,
encoding => '',
pitch => fp::Default,
} if scalar @$fm < 1;
$self-> {fontPaletteSize} = @$fm;
$self-> repaint;
sub create_state
my $self = $_[0];
my $g = tb::block_create();
$$g[ tb::BLK_FONT_SIZE] = $self-> {defaultFontSize};
$$g[ tb::BLK_COLOR] = tb::COLOR_INDEX;
return $g;
sub begin_paint_info
my $self = shift;
$self-> reset_state;
return $self->SUPER::begin_paint_info;
sub end_paint_info
my $self = shift;
$self-> reset_state;
return $self->SUPER::end_paint_info;
sub _hash { my $k = shift; join("\0", map { ($_, $k->{$_}) } sort keys %$k) }
sub reset_state { delete $_[0]->{currentFont} }
sub realize_state
my ( $self, $canvas, $state, $mode) = @_;
if ( $mode & tb::REALIZE_FONTS) {
my $f = tb::realize_fonts($self-> {fontPalette}, $state);
goto SKIP if
exists $self->{currentFont} &&
_hash($self->{currentFont}) eq _hash($f);
$self->{currentFont} = $f;
$canvas-> set_font( $f);
return unless $mode & tb::REALIZE_COLORS;
if ( $self-> {selectionPaintMode}) {
$self-> selection_state( $canvas);
} else {
$canvas-> set( tb::realize_colors( $self-> {colorMap}, $state));
sub recalc_ymap
my ( $self, $from) = @_;
# if $from is zero or not defined, clear the ymap; otherwise we append
# to what was already calculated. This is optimized for *building* a
# collection of blocks; if you need to change a collection of blocks,
# you should always set $from to a false value.
$self-> {ymap} = [] unless $from; # ok if $from == 0
my $ymap = $self-> {ymap};
my $blocks = $self-> {blocks};
my ( $i, $lim) = ( defined($from) ? $from : 0, scalar(@{$blocks}));
for ( ; $i < $lim; $i++) {
my $block = $$blocks[$i];
my $y1 = $block->[ tb::BLK_Y];
my $y2 = $block->[ tb::BLK_HEIGHT] + $y1;
for my $y ( int( $y1 / YMAX) .. int ( $y2 / YMAX)) {
push @{$ymap-> [$y]}, $i;
sub block_walk_abort { shift->{blockWalk} = 1 }
sub block_walk
my ( $self, $block, %commands ) = @_;
local $self-> {blockWalk} = 0;
my $canvas = $commands{canvas} // $self;
return tb::walk( $block,
textPtr => $self->{text},
canvas => $canvas,
realize => sub { $self-> realize_state($canvas, @_) },
baseFontSize => $self-> {defaultFontSize},
semaphore => \ $self-> {blockWalk},
resolution => $self->{resolution},
sub block_wrap
my ( $self, $canvas, $b, $state, $width) = @_;
return tb::block_wrap( $b,
textPtr => $self->{text},
canvas => $canvas,
state => $state,
width => $width,
fontmap => $self->{fontPalette},
baseFontSize => $self->{defaultFontSize},
resolution => $self->{resolution},
wordBreak => 1,
textDirection => $self->{textDirection},
sub selection_state
my ( $self, $canvas) = @_;
$canvas-> color( $self-> hiliteColor);
$canvas-> backColor( $self-> hiliteBackColor);
$canvas-> textOpaque(0);
sub paint_selection
my ( $self, $canvas, $block, $index, $x, $y, $sx1, $sx2) = @_;
my $len = $self->get_block_text_length($index);
$sx2 = $len - 1 if $sx2 < 0;
my @state;
my @xy = ($x,$y);
local $self->{selectionPaintMode} = 0;
my $draw_text = sub {
my ( $glyphs, $x, $start, $end ) = @_;
my $f = $canvas->get_font;
my $w = $canvas->get_text_width($glyphs, 0, $start, $end - $start);
$self-> realize_state( $canvas, \@state, tb::REALIZE_COLORS);
my $g = $glyphs->glyphs;
$x, $xy[1] - $f->{descent},
$x + $w - 1, $xy[1] + $f->{ascent} + $f->{externalLeading} - 1
) if $self->{selectionPaintMode};
$canvas-> text_out($glyphs, $x, $xy[1], $start, $end - $start);
return $w;
$self-> block_walk( $block,
canvas => $canvas,
position => \@xy,
state => \@state,
text => sub {
my ($offset, $length, undef, $text) = @_;
my ($vis_start, $vis_end) = (0,0);
my $x = $xy[0];
my $glyphs = $self-> text_shape($text);
my $indexes = $glyphs->indexes;
$length = @{ $glyphs-> glyphs };
my $selection_map = $glyphs-> selection_map_glyphs( map { $_ - $offset } ($sx1, $sx2));
for ( my $i = 0; $i < $length; $i++) {
if ( $selection_map->[$i] != $self->{selectionPaintMode} ) {
if ($vis_end > $vis_start) {
my $curr_index = $indexes->[$i];
$i++, $vis_end++ while $curr_index == $indexes->[$i + 1];
$x += $draw_text->( $glyphs, $x, $vis_start, $vis_end );
$vis_start = $vis_end;
$self->{selectionPaintMode} = $selection_map->[$i];
$draw_text->( $glyphs, $x, $vis_start, $vis_end )
if $vis_end > $vis_start;
code => sub {
my ( $code, $data ) = @_;
$self-> realize_state( $canvas, \@state, tb::REALIZE_ALL);
$code-> ( $self, $canvas, $block, \@state, @xy, $data);
transpose => sub {
my ( $x, $y, $f) = @_;
return if !($f & tb::X_EXTEND) || !$self->{selectionPaintMode} || $x == 0 || $y == 0;
$canvas->clear($xy[0], $xy[1] - $$block[ tb::BLK_APERTURE_Y], $xy[0] + $x - 1, $xy[1] + $y - $$block[ tb::BLK_APERTURE_Y] - 1);
sub on_paint
my ( $self, $canvas) = @_;
$self-> reset_state;
my @size = $canvas-> size;
unless ( $self-> enabled) {
$self-> color( $self-> disabledColor);
$self-> backColor( $self-> disabledBackColor);
my ( $t, $offset, @aa) = (
$self-> { topLine}, $self-> { offset},
$self-> get_active_area(1,@size));
my @clipRect = $canvas-> clipRect;
$self-> draw_border( $canvas, $self-> backColor, @size);
my $bx = $self-> {blocks};
my $lim = scalar @$bx;
return unless $lim;
my @cy = ( $aa[3] - $clipRect[3], $aa[3] - $clipRect[1]);
$cy[0] = 0 if $cy[0] < 0;
$cy[1] = $aa[3] - $aa[1] if $cy[1] > $aa[3] - $aa[1];
$cy[$_] += $t for 0,1;
$self-> clipRect( $self-> get_active_area( 1, @size));
@clipRect = $self-> clipRect;
my $i = 0;
my $b;
my ( $sx1, $sy1, $sx2, $sy2) = @{$self-> {selection}};
for my $ymap_i ( int( $cy[0] / YMAX) .. int( $cy[1] / YMAX)) {
next unless $self-> {ymap}-> [$ymap_i];
for my $j ( @{$self-> {ymap}-> [$ymap_i]}) {
$b = $$bx[$j];
my ( $x, $y) = (
$aa[0] - $offset + $$b[ tb::BLK_X],
$aa[3] + $t - $$b[ tb::BLK_Y] - $$b[ tb::BLK_HEIGHT]
next if
$x + $$b[ tb::BLK_WIDTH] < $clipRect[0] || $x > $clipRect[2] ||
$y + $$b[ tb::BLK_HEIGHT] < $clipRect[1] || $y > $clipRect[3] ||
$$b[ tb::BLK_WIDTH] == 0 || $$b[ tb::BLK_HEIGHT] == 0;
if ( $j == $sy1 && $j == $sy2 ) {
# selection within one line
$self->paint_selection( $canvas, $b, $j, $x, $y, $sx1, $sx2 - 1);
} elsif ( $j == $sy1 ) {
# upper selected part
$self->paint_selection( $canvas, $b, $j, $x, $y, $sx1, -1);
} elsif ( $j == $sy2 ) {
# lower selected part
$self->paint_selection( $canvas, $b, $j, $x, $y, 0, $sx2 - 1);
} elsif ( $j > $sy1 && $j < $sy2) { # simple selection case
$self-> {selectionPaintMode} = 1;
$self-> selection_state( $canvas);
$self-> block_draw( $canvas, $b, $x, $y);
$self-> {selectionPaintMode} = 0;
} else { # no selection case
$self-> block_draw( $canvas, $b, $x, $y);
$self-> {selectionPaintMode} = 0;
sub block_draw
my ( $self, $canvas, $b, $x, $y) = @_;
my $ret = 1;
$canvas-> clear( $x, $y, $x + $$b[ tb::BLK_WIDTH] - 1, $y + $$b[ tb::BLK_HEIGHT] - 1)
if $self-> {selectionPaintMode};
my @xy = ($x, $y);
my @state;
$self-> block_walk( $b,
canvas => $canvas,
position => \@xy,
state => \@state,
text => sub {
$self-> block_walk_abort( $ret = 0 ) unless $canvas-> text_shape_out($_[-1], @xy);
code => sub {
my ( $code, $data ) = @_;
$code-> ( $self, $canvas, $b, \@state, @xy, $data);
return $ret;
sub xy2info
my ( $self, $x, $y) = @_;
my $bx = $self-> {blocks};
my ( $pw, $ph) = $self-> paneSize;
$x = 0 if $x < 0;
$x = $pw if $x > $pw;
return (0,0) if $y < 0 || !scalar(@$bx) ;
$x = $pw, $y = $ph if $y > $ph;
my ( $b, $bid);
my $xhint = 0;
# find if there's a block that has $y in its inferior
my $ymapix = int( $y / YMAX);
if ( $self-> {ymap}-> [ $ymapix]) {
my ( $minxdist, $bdist, $bdistid) = ( $self-> {paneWidth} * 2, undef, undef);
for ( @{$self-> {ymap}-> [ $ymapix]}) {
my $z = $$bx[$_];
if ( $y >= $$z[ tb::BLK_Y] && $y < $$z[ tb::BLK_Y] + $$z[ tb::BLK_HEIGHT]) {
if (
$x >= $$z[ tb::BLK_X] &&
$x < $$z[ tb::BLK_X] + $$z[ tb::BLK_WIDTH]
) {
$b = $z;
$bid = $_;
} elsif (
abs($$z[ tb::BLK_X] - $x) < $minxdist ||
abs($$z[ tb::BLK_X] + $$z[ tb::BLK_WIDTH] - $x) < $minxdist
) {
$minxdist = ( abs( $$z[ tb::BLK_X] - $x) < $minxdist) ?
abs( $$z[ tb::BLK_X] - $x) :
abs( $$z[ tb::BLK_X] + $$z[ tb::BLK_WIDTH] - $x);
$bdist = $z;
$bdistid = $_;
if ( !$b && $bdist) {
$b = $bdist;
$bid = $bdistid;
$xhint = (( $$b[ tb::BLK_X] > $x) ? -1 : 1);
# if still no block found, find the closest block down
unless ( $b) {
my $minydist = $self-> {paneHeight} * 2;
my $ymax = scalar @{$self-> {ymap}};
while ( $ymapix < $ymax) {
if ( $self-> {ymap}-> [ $ymapix]) {
for ( @{$self-> {ymap}-> [ $ymapix]}) {
my $z = $$bx[$_];
if (
$minydist > $$z[ tb::BLK_Y] - $y &&
$$z[ tb::BLK_Y] >= $y
) {
$minydist = $$z[ tb::BLK_Y] - $y;
$b = $z;
$bid = $_;
last if $b;
$ymapix = int( $y / YMAX);
$xhint = -1;
# if still no block found, assume EOT
unless ( $b) {
$b = $$bx[-1];
$bid = scalar @{$bx} - 1;
$xhint = 1;
if ( $xhint < 0) { # start of line
return ( 0, $bid);
} elsif ( $xhint > 0) { # end of line
if ( $bid < ( scalar @{$bx} - 1)) {
return (
$$bx[ $bid + 1]-> [ tb::BLK_TEXT_OFFSET] - $$b[ tb::BLK_TEXT_OFFSET],
} else {
return ( length( ${$self-> {text}}) - $$b[ tb::BLK_TEXT_OFFSET], $bid);
# find text offset
my $ofs = 0;
my @pos = ($$b[ tb::BLK_X] - $x,0);
$self-> block_walk( $b,
position => \@pos,
text => sub {
my ( $offset, $length, $width, $text) = @_;
my $npx = $pos[0] + $width;
if ( $pos[0] > 0) {
$ofs = $offset;
$self-> block_walk_abort;
} elsif ( $pos[0] <= 0 && $npx > 0) {
my $glyphs = $self-> text_shape( $text );
my $goffs = $self-> text_wrap(
$glyphs, -$pos[0],
tw::ReturnFirstLineLength | tw::BreakSingle
my $indexes = $glyphs->indexes;
$ofs = $offset + (( $goffs >= $#$indexes ) ?
($indexes-> [-1]) : # shouldn't happen
($indexes->[$goffs] & ~to::RTL));
$self-> block_walk_abort;
} else {
$ofs = $offset + $length - 1;
return $ofs, $bid;
sub screen2point
my ( $self, $x, $y, @size) = @_;
@size = $self-> size unless @size;
my @aa = $self-> get_active_area( 0, @size);
$x -= $aa[0];
$y = $aa[3] - $y;
$y += $self-> {topLine};
$x += $self-> {offset};
return $x, $y;
sub point2screen
my ( $self, $x, $y, @size) = @_;
@size = $self-> size unless @size;
my @aa = $self-> get_active_area( 0, @size);
$y -= $self-> {topLine};
$x -= $self-> {offset};
$x += $aa[0];
$y = $aa[3] - $y;
return $x, $y;
sub text2xoffset
my ( $self, $x, $bid) = @_;
my $b = $self-> {blocks}-> [$bid];
return 0 unless $b;
return 0 if $x <= 0; # XXX
my @pos = (0,0);
$self-> block_walk( $b,
position => \@pos,
text => sub {
my ( $offset, $length, $width, $text) = @_;
return if $x < $offset;
if ( $x < $offset + $length ) {
$pos[0] += $self-> get_text_width( substr( $text, 0, $x - $offset), 1) - $width;
$self-> block_walk_abort;
} elsif ( $x == $offset + $length ) {
$self-> block_walk_abort;
return $pos[0];
sub get_block_text
my ( $self, $block ) = @_;
my $ptr = $self-> {blocks}-> [$block]-> [tb::BLK_TEXT_OFFSET];
my $len = $self->get_block_text_length( $block );
return substr( ${$self->{text}}, $ptr, $len);
sub get_block_text_length
my ( $self, $block ) = @_;
my $ptr1 = $self-> {blocks}-> [$block]-> [tb::BLK_TEXT_OFFSET];
my $ptr2 = ( $block + 1 < @{$self-> {blocks}}) ?
$self-> {blocks}-> [$block+1]-> [tb::BLK_TEXT_OFFSET] :
length ${$self-> {text}};
return $ptr2 - $ptr1;
sub info2text_offset
my ( $self, $offset, $block) = @_;
return length ${$self-> {text}} unless $block >= 0 && $offset >= 0;
my $ptr = $self-> {blocks}-> [$block]-> [tb::BLK_TEXT_OFFSET];
my $len = $self->get_block_text_length( $block );
return $ptr + $offset;
sub text_offset2info
my ( $self, $ofs) = @_;
my $blk = $self-> text_offset2block( $ofs);
return undef unless defined $blk;
$ofs -= $self-> {blocks}-> [$blk]-> [ tb::BLK_TEXT_OFFSET];
return $ofs, $blk;
sub info2xy
my ( $self, $ofs, $blk) = @_;
$blk = $self-> {blocks}-> [$blk];
return undef unless defined $blk;
return @$blk[ tb::BLK_X, tb::BLK_Y];
sub text_offset2block
my ( $self, $ofs) = @_;
my $bx = $self-> {blocks};
my $end = length ${$self-> {text}};
my $ret = 0;
return undef if $ofs < 0 || $ofs >= $end;
my ( $l, $r) = ( 0, scalar @$bx);
while ( 1) {
my $i = int(( $l + $r) / 2);
last if $i == $ret;
$ret = $i;
my ( $b1, $b2) = ( $$bx[$i], $$bx[$i+1]);
last if $ofs == $$b1[ tb::BLK_TEXT_OFFSET];
if ( $ofs > $$b1[ tb::BLK_TEXT_OFFSET]) {
if ( $b2) {
last if $ofs < $$b2[ tb::BLK_TEXT_OFFSET];
$l = $i;
} else {
} else {
$r = $i;
return $ret;
sub on_mousedown
my ( $self, $btn, $mod, $x, $y) = @_;
return if $self-> {mouseTransaction};
my @size = $self-> size;
my @aa = $self-> get_active_area( 0, @size);
return if $x < $aa[0] || $x >= $aa[2] || $y < $aa[1] || $y >= $aa[3];
( $x, $y) = $self-> screen2point( $x, $y, @size);
for my $obj ( @{$self-> {contents}}) {
unless ( $obj-> on_mousedown( $self, $btn, $mod, $x, $y)) {
$self-> clear_event;
return if $btn != mb::Left;
$self-> clear_event;
my @xy = $self-> xy2info( $x, $y);
my @sel = $self->selection;
if (
$self->has_selection &&
!$self->{drag_transaction} &&
($sel[1] == $sel[3] && $xy[1] == $sel[1] && $xy[0] >= $sel[0] && $xy[0] < $sel[2]) ||
($xy[1] == $sel[1] && $xy[1] < $sel[3] && $xy[0] >= $sel[0]) ||
($xy[1] == $sel[3] && $xy[1] > $sel[1] && $xy[0] < $sel[2]) ||
($xy[1] > $sel[1] && $xy[1] < $sel[3])
) {
$self-> {drag_transaction} = 1;
my $act = $self-> begin_drag(
text => $self->get_selected_text,
actions => dnd::Copy,
$self-> {drag_transaction} = 0;
$self-> clear_selection if $act < 0;
} else {
$self-> {mouseTransaction} = 1;
$self-> {mouseAnchor} = \@xy;
$self-> clear_selection;
$self-> capture(1);
sub on_mouseclick
my ( $self, $btn, $mod, $x, $y, $dbl) = @_;
return unless $dbl;
return if $self-> {mouseTransaction};
return if $btn != mb::Left;
my @size = $self-> size;
my @aa = $self-> get_active_area( 0, @size);
if ( $x < $aa[0] || $x >= $aa[2] || $y < $aa[1] || $y >= $aa[3]) {
if ( $self-> has_selection) {
$self-> selection( -1, -1, -1, -1);
my $cp = $::application-> bring('Primary');
$cp-> text( '') if $cp;
( $x, $y) = $self-> screen2point( $x, $y, @size);
my ( $text_offset, $bid) = $self-> xy2info( $x, $y);
my $ln = ( $bid + 1 == scalar @{$self-> {blocks}}) ?
length ${$self-> {text}} : $self-> {blocks}-> [$bid+1]-> [tb::BLK_TEXT_OFFSET];
$self-> selection( 0, $bid, $ln - $self-> {blocks}-> [$bid]-> [tb::BLK_TEXT_OFFSET], $bid);
$self-> clear_event;
my $cp = $::application-> bring('Primary');
$cp-> text( $self-> get_selected_text) if $cp;
sub on_mouseup
my ( $self, $btn, $mod, $x, $y) = @_;
unless ( $self-> {mouseTransaction}) {
( $x, $y) = $self-> screen2point( $x, $y);
for my $obj ( @{$self-> {contents}}) {
unless ( $obj-> on_mouseup( $self, $btn, $mod, $x, $y)) {
$self-> clear_event;
return if $btn != mb::Left;
$self-> capture(0);
$self-> {mouseTransaction} = undef;
$self-> clear_event;
my $cp = $::application-> bring('Primary');
$cp-> text( $self-> get_selected_text) if $cp;
sub on_mousemove
my ( $self, $mod, $x, $y) = @_;
unless ( $self-> {mouseTransaction}) {
( $x, $y) = $self-> screen2point( $x, $y);
for my $obj ( @{$self-> {contents}}) {
unless ( $obj-> on_mousemove( $self, $mod, $x, $y)) {
$self-> clear_event;
my @size = $self-> size;
my @aa = $self-> get_active_area( 0, @size);
if ( $x < $aa[0] || $x >= $aa[2] || $y < $aa[1] || $y >= $aa[3]) {
$self-> scroll_timer_start unless $self-> scroll_timer_active;
return unless $self-> scroll_timer_semaphore;
$self-> scroll_timer_semaphore(0);
} else {
$self-> scroll_timer_stop;
my ( $nx, $ny) = $self-> screen2point( $x, $y, @size);
my ( $text_offset, $bid) = $self-> xy2info( $nx, $ny);
$self-> selection( @{$self-> {mouseAnchor}}, $text_offset, $bid);
if ( $x < $aa[0] || $x >= $aa[2]) {
my $px = $self-> {paneWidth} / 8;
$px = 5 if $px < 5;
$px *= -1 if $x < $aa[0];
$self-> offset( $self-> {offset} + $px);
if ( $y < $aa[1] || $y >= $aa[3]) {
my $py = $self-> font-> height;
$py = 5 if $py < 5;
$py *= -1 if $y >= $aa[3];
$self-> topLine( $self-> {topLine} + $py);
sub on_mousewheel
my ( $self, $mod, $x, $y, $z) = @_;
$z = (abs($z) > 120) ? int($z/120) : (($z > 0) ? 1 : -1);
$z *= 3;
$z *= $self-> font-> height + $self-> font-> externalLeading unless $mod & km::Ctrl;
my $newTop = $self-> {topLine} - $z;
$self-> topLine( $newTop > $self-> {paneHeight} ? $self-> {paneHeight} : $newTop);
$self-> clear_event;
sub on_keydown
my ( $self, $code, $key, $mod, $repeat) = @_;
$mod &= km::Alt|km::Ctrl|km::Shift;
return if $mod & km::Alt;
if ( grep { $key == $_ } (
kb::Up, kb::Down, kb::Left, kb::Right,
kb::Space, kb::PgDn, kb::PgUp, kb::Home, kb::End
)) {
my ( $dx, $dy) = (0,0);
if ( $key == kb::Up || $key == kb::Down) {
$dy = $self-> font-> height;
$dy = 5 if $dy < 5;
$dy *= $repeat;
$dy = -$dy if $key == kb::Up;
} elsif ( $key == kb::Left || $key == kb::Right) {
$dx = $self-> {paneWidth} / 8;
$dx = 5 if $dx < 5;
$dx *= $repeat;
$dx = -$dx if $key == kb::Left;
} elsif ( $key == kb::PgUp || $key == kb::PgDn || $key == kb::Space) {
my @aa = $self-> get_active_area(0);
$dy = ( $aa[3] - $aa[1]) * 0.9;
$dy = 5 if $dy < 5;
$dy *= $repeat;
$dy = -$dy if $key == kb::PgUp;
$dx += $self-> {offset};
$dy += $self-> {topLine};
if ( $key == kb::Home) {
$dy = 0;
} elsif ( $key == kb::End) {
$dy = $self-> {paneHeight};
$self-> offset( $dx);
$self-> topLine( $dy);
$self-> clear_event;
if (((( $key == kb::Insert) && ( $mod & km::Ctrl)) ||
chr($code & 0xff) eq "\cC") && $self-> has_selection)
$self-> copy;
$self-> clear_event;
sub has_selection
return ( grep { $_ != -1 } @{$_[0]-> {selection}} ) ? 1 : 0;
sub selection
return @{$_[0]-> {selection}} unless $#_;
my ( $self, $sx1, $sy1, $sx2, $sy2) = @_;
$sy1 = 0 if $sy1 < 0;
$sy2 = 0 if $sy2 < 0;
my $lim = scalar @{$self-> {blocks}} - 1;
$sy1 = $lim if $sy1 > $lim;
$sy2 = $lim if $sy2 > $lim;
my $empty = ! $self-> has_selection;
my ( $osx1, $osy1, $osx2, $osy2) = @{$self-> {selection}};
my ( $y1, $y2) = (0,0);
my ( @old, @new);
unless ( grep { $_ != -1 } $sx1, $sy1, $sx2, $sy2 ) { # new empty selection
return if $empty;
$y1 = $osy1;
$y2 = $osy2;
if ( $y1 == $y2) {
@old = ( $osx1, $osx2 - 1 );
@new = (1,0);
} else {
( $sy1, $sy2, $sx1, $sx2) = ( $sy2, $sy1, $sx2, $sx1) if $sy2 < $sy1;
( $sx1, $sx2) = ( $sx2, $sx1) if $sy2 == $sy1 && $sx2 < $sx1;
( $sx1, $sx2, $sy1, $sy2) = ( -1, -1, -1, -1), goto EMPTY
if $sy1 == $sy2 && $sx1 == $sx2;
if ( $empty) {
$y1 = $sy1;
$y2 = $sy2;
if ( $y1 == $y2) {
@new = ( $sx1, $sx2 - 1 );
@old = (1,0);
} else {
if ( $sy1 == $osy1 && $sx1 == $osx1) {
return if $sy2 == $osy2 && $sx2 == $osx2;
$y1 = $sy2;
$y2 = $osy2;
if ( $sy2 == $osy2) {
@old = ( 0, $osx2 - 1 );
@new = ( 0, $sx2 - 1 );
} elsif ( $sy2 == $osy2 && $sx2 == $osx2) {
$y1 = $sy1;
$y2 = $osy1;
if ( $sy1 == $osy1) {
@old = ( $osx1, -1 );
@new = ( $sx1, -1 );
} else {
$y1 = ( $sy1 < $osy1) ? $sy1 : $osy1;
$y2 = ( $sy2 > $osy2) ? $sy2 : $osy2;
if ( $sy1 == $sy2 && $osy1 == $osy2 && $sy2 == $osy1) {
@old = ( $osx1, $osx2 - 1 );
@new = ( $sx1, $sx2 - 1 );
( $y1, $y2) = ( $y2, $y1) if $y2 < $y1;
my $bx = $self-> {blocks};
my @clipRect;
my @size = $self-> size;
my @aa = $self-> get_active_area( 0, @size);
my @invalid_rects;
my $b = $$bx[ $y1];
my @a = ( $$b[ tb::BLK_X], $$b[tb::BLK_Y], $$b[ tb::BLK_X], $$b[ tb::BLK_Y]);
for ( $y1 .. $y2) {
my $z = $$bx[ $_];
my @b = ( $$z[ tb::BLK_X], $$z[tb::BLK_Y], $$z[ tb::BLK_X] + $$z[ tb::BLK_WIDTH], $$z[ tb::BLK_Y] + $$z[ tb::BLK_HEIGHT]);
for ( 0, 1) { $a[$_] = $b[$_] if $a[$_] > $b[$_] }
for ( 2, 3) { $a[$_] = $b[$_] if $a[$_] < $b[$_] }
$clipRect[0] = $aa[0] - $self-> {offset} + $a[0];
$clipRect[1] = $aa[3] + $self-> {topLine} - $a[1] - 1;
$clipRect[2] = $aa[0] - $self-> {offset} + $a[2];
$clipRect[3] = $aa[3] + $self-> {topLine} - $a[3] - 1;
for ( 0, 1) {
@clipRect[$_,$_+2] = @clipRect[$_+2,$_]
if $clipRect[$_] > $clipRect[$_+2];
$clipRect[$_] = $aa[$_] if $clipRect[$_] < $aa[$_];
$clipRect[$_+2] = $aa[$_+2] if $clipRect[$_+2] > $aa[$_+2];
push @invalid_rects, \@clipRect;
my @cpr = $self-> get_invalid_rect;
if ( $cpr[0] != $cpr[2] || $cpr[1] != $cpr[3]) {
for my $cr ( @invalid_rects ) {
for ( 0,1) {
$cr->[$_] = $cpr[$_] if $cr->[$_] > $cpr[$_];
$cr->[$_+2] = $cpr[$_+2] if $cr->[$_+2] < $cpr[$_+2];
$self-> {selection} = [ $sx1, $sy1, $sx2, $sy2 ];
$self->invalidate_rect(@$_) for @invalid_rects;
sub clear_selection { shift->selection(-1,-1,-1,-1) }
sub get_selected_text
my $self = $_[0];
return unless $self-> has_selection;
my ( $sx1, $sy1, $sx2, $sy2) = $self-> selection;
my ( $a1, $a2) = (
$self-> info2text_offset( $sx1 , $sy1 ),
$self-> info2text_offset( $sx2 - 1, $sy2 ),
($a1, $a2) = ($a2, $a1) if $a1 > $a2;
return substr( ${$self-> {text}}, $a1, $a2 - $a1 + 1);
sub copy
my $self = $_[0];
my $text = $self-> get_selected_text;
$::application-> Clipboard-> store( 'Text', $text) if defined $text;
sub clear_all
my $self = $_[0];
$self-> selection(-1,-1,-1,-1);
$self-> {blocks} = [];
$self-> paneSize( 0, 0);
$self-> text('');
package Prima::TextView::EventRectangles;
sub new
my $class = shift;
my %profile = @_;
my $self = {};
bless( $self, $class);
$self-> {$_} = $profile{$_} ? $profile{$_} : []
for qw( rectangles references);
return $self;
sub contains
my ( $self, $x, $y) = @_;
my $rec = 0;
for ( @{$self-> {rectangles}}) {
return $rec if $x >= $$_[0] && $y >= $$_[1] && $x < $$_[2] && $y < $$_[3];
return -1;
sub rectangles
return $_[0]-> {rectangles} unless $#_;
$_[0]-> {rectangles} = $_[1];
sub references
return $_[0]-> {references} unless $#_;
$_[0]-> {references} = $_[1];
=head1 NAME
Prima::TextView - rich text browser widget
use strict;
use warnings;
use Prima qw(TextView Application);
my $w = Prima::MainWindow-> create(
name => 'TextView example',
my $t = $w->insert(TextView =>
text => 'Hello from TextView!',
pack => { expand => 1, fill => 'both' },
# Create a single block that renders all the text using the default font
my $tb = tb::block_create();
my $text_width_px = $t->get_text_width($t->text);
my $font_height_px = $t->font->height;
$tb->[tb::BLK_WIDTH] = $text_width_px;
$tb->[tb::BLK_HEIGHT] = $font_height_px;
$tb->[tb::BLK_BACKCOLOR] = cl::Back;
$tb->[tb::BLK_FONT_SIZE] = int($font_height_px) + tb::F_HEIGHT;
# Add an operation that draws the text:
push @$tb, tb::text(0, length($t->text), $text_width_px);
# Set the markup block(s) and recalculate the ymap
$t->{blocks} = [$tb];
# Additional step needed for horizontal scroll as well as per-character
# selection:
$t->paneSize($text_width_px, $font_height_px);
run Prima;
=for podview <img src="textview.gif" cut=1>
=for html <p><img src="">
Prima::TextView accepts blocks of formatted text, and provides
basic functionality - scrolling and user selection. The text strings
are stored as one large text chunk, available by the C<::text> and C<::textRef> properties.
A block of a formatted text is an array with fixed-length header and
the following instructions.
A special package C<tb::> provides the block constants and simple functions
for text block access.
=head2 Capabilities
Prima::TextView is mainly the text block functions and helpers. It provides
function for wrapping text block, calculating block dimensions, drawing
and converting coordinates from (X,Y) to a block position. Prima::TextView
is centered around the text functionality, and although any custom graphic of
arbitrary complexity can be embedded in a text block, the internal coordinate
system is used ( TEXT_OFFSET, BLOCK ), where TEXT_OFFSET is a text offset from
the beginning of a block and BLOCK is an index of a block.
The functionality does not imply any text layout - this is up to the class
descendants, they must provide they own layout policy. The only policy
Prima::TextView requires is that blocks' BLK_TEXT_OFFSET field must be
strictly increasing, and the block text chunks must not overlap. The text gaps
are allowed though.
A text block basic drawing function includes change of color, backColor and font,
and the painting of text strings. Other types of graphics can be achieved by
supplying custom code.
=item block_draw CANVAS, BLOCK, X, Y
The C<block_draw> draws BLOCK onto CANVAS in screen coordinates (X,Y). It can
be used not only inside begin_paint/end_paint brackets; CANVAS can be an
arbitrary C<Prima::Drawable> descendant.
=item block_walk BLOCK, %OPTIONS
Cycles through block opcodes, calls supplied callbacks on each.
=head2 Coordinate system methods
Prima::TextView employs two its own coordinate systems:
(X,Y)-document and (TEXT_OFFSET,BLOCK)-block.
The document coordinate system is isometric and measured in pixels. Its origin is located
into the imaginary point of the beginning of the document ( not of the first block! ),
in the upper-left pixel. X increases to the right, Y increases down.
The block header values BLK_X and BLK_Y are in document coordinates, and
the widget's pane extents ( regulated by C<::paneSize>, C<::paneWidth> and
C<::paneHeight> properties ) are also in document coordinates.
The block coordinate system in an-isometric - its second axis, BLOCK, is an index
of a text block in the widget's blocks storage, C<$self-E<gt>{blocks}>, and
its first axis, TEXT_OFFSET is a text offset from the beginning of the block.
Below different coordinate system converters are described
=item screen2point, point2screen X, Y
C<screen2point> accepts (X,Y) in the screen coordinates ( O is a lower left
widget corner ), returns (X,Y) in document coordinates ( O is upper left corner
of a document ). C<point2screen> does the reverse.
=item xy2info X, Y
Accepts (X,Y) is document coordinates, returns (TEXT_OFFSET,BLOCK) coordinates,
where TEXT_OFFSET is text offset from the beginning of a block ( not related
to the big text chunk ) , and BLOCK is an index of a block.
=item info2xy TEXT_OFFSET, BLOCK
Accepts (TEXT_OFFSET,BLOCK) coordinates, and returns (X,Y) in document coordinates
of a block.
=item text2xoffset TEXT_OFFSET, BLOCK
Returns X coordinate where TEXT_OFFSET begins in a BLOCK index.
=item info2text_offset
Accepts (TEXT_OFFSET,BLOCK) coordinates and returns the text offset
with regard to the big text chunk.
=item text_offset2info TEXT_OFFSET
Accepts big text offset and returns (TEXT_OFFSET,BLOCK) coordinates
=item text_offset2block TEXT_OFFSET
Accepts big text offset and returns BLOCK coordinate.
=head2 Text selection
The text selection is performed automatically when the user selects a text
region with a mouse. The selection is stored in (TEXT_OFFSET,BLOCK)
coordinate pair, and is accessible via the C<::selection> property.
If its value is assigned to (-1,-1,-1,-1) this indicates that there is
no selection. For convenience the C<has_selection> method is introduced.
Also, C<get_selected_text> returns the text within the selection
(or undef with no selection ), and C<copy> copies automatically
the selected text into the clipboard. The latter action is bound to
C<Ctrl+Insert> key combination.
=head2 Event rectangles
Partly as an option for future development, partly as a hack a
concept of 'event rectangles' was introduced. Currently, C<{contents}>
private variable points to an array of objects, equipped with
C<on_mousedown>, C<on_mousemove>, and C<on_mouseup> methods. These
are called within the widget's mouse events, so the overloaded classes
can define the interactive content without overloading the actual
mouse events ( which is although easy but is dependent on Prima::TextView
own mouse reactions ).
As an example L<Prima::PodView> uses the event rectangles to catch
the mouse events over the document links. Theoretically, every 'content'
is to be bound with a separate logical layer; when the concept was designed,
a html-browser was in mind, so such layers can be thought as
( in the html world ) links, image maps, layers, external widgets.
Currently, C<Prima::TextView::EventRectangles> class is provided
for such usage. Its property C<::rectangles> contains an array of
rectangles, and the C<contains> method returns an integer value, whether
the passed coordinates are inside one of its rectangles or not; in the first
case it is the rectangle index.
=head1 AUTHOR
Dmitry Karasik, E<lt><gt>.
=head1 SEE ALSO
L<Prima::Drawable::TextBlock>, L<Prima::PodView>, F<examples/>.