shell bypass 403
use strict;
use warnings;
package Prima::Tie::Array;
use Tie::Array;
use vars qw(@ISA);
@ISA = qw(Tie::Array);
my ($class, $widget, $property) = @_;
bless [ $widget, $property], $class;
sub FETCH {
my ($self, $idx) = @_;
my ($widget, $property) = @$self;
$widget-> $property()-> [$idx];
sub STORE {
my ($self, $idx, $value) = @_;
my ($widget, $property) = @$self;
my $array = $widget-> $property();
$array-> [$idx] = $value;
$widget-> $property($array);
return $value;
my ($self) = @_;
my ($widget, $property) = @$self;
scalar @{$widget-> $property()};
my ($self, $size) = @_;
my ($widget, $property) = @$self;
my $array = $widget-> $property();
$#$array = $size - 1;
$widget-> $property($array);
return $size;
my ( $self, $idx) = ( $_[0], abs($_[1]));
return $idx >= 0 && $idx < $self-> FETCHSIZE;
sub UNTIE {
my ($obj,$count) = @_;
die "untie attempted while $count inner references still exist" if $count;
# Prima::Tie::items - ties an array to a widget's items property
package Prima::Tie::items;
use Tie::Array;
use vars qw(@ISA);
@ISA = qw(Tie::Array);
my ($class, $widget) = @_;
bless {
self => $widget,
map {
$_ => $widget-> can($_),
} qw(count get_items replace_items insert_items add_items delete_items)
}, $class;
sub FETCH {
my ($self, $idx) = @_;
$self-> {self}-> items-> [$idx];
sub STORE {
my ($self, $idx, $value) = @_;
my $size = $self-> FETCHSIZE;
if ( $idx == $size) {
if ( $self-> {add_items}) {
$self-> {self}-> add_items($value);
} else {
my $i = $self-> {self}-> items;
push @$i, $value;
$self-> {self}-> items($i);
return $value;
} elsif ( $idx > $size) {
die "Modification of non-creatable array value attempted, subscript $idx";
} elsif ( $idx < 0) {
my $ndx = $idx;
$idx = $size - $idx;
die "Modification of non-creatable array value attempted, subscript $ndx"
if $idx < 0;
if ( $self-> {replace_items}) {
$self-> {self}-> replace_items($idx, $value);
} else {
my $i = $self-> {self}-> items;
$i-> [$idx] = $value;
$self-> {self}-> items($i);
return $value;
my ($self) = @_;
if ( $self-> {count}) {
return $self-> {self}-> count;
} else {
return scalar @{$self-> {self}-> items};
my ($self, $new_size) = @_;
my $old_size =$self-> FETCHSIZE;
die "Modification of non-creatable array value attempted, size $new_size"
if $new_size < 0 || $new_size > $old_size;
if ( $self-> {delete_items}) {
$self-> {self}-> delete_items( $new_size .. $old_size );
} else {
my $i = $self-> {self}-> items;
$#$i = $new_size - 1;
$self-> {self}-> items($i);
return $new_size;
sub PUSH {
my $self = shift;
if ( $self-> {add_items}) {
$self-> {self}-> add_items(@_);
} else {
my $i = $self-> {self}-> items;
push @$i, @_;
$self-> {self}-> items($i);
sub SPLICE {
my $self = shift;
my $sz = $self-> FETCHSIZE;
my $off = (@_) ? shift : 0;
$off += $sz if ($off < 0);
die "Modification of non-creatable array value attempted, offset $off"
if $off < 0;
my $len = (@_) ? shift : $sz - $off;
$len += $sz - $off if $len < 0;
die "Modification of non-creatable array value attempted, length $len"
if $len < 0;
my @result;
my ( $i, $iok);
if ( $self-> {get_items}) {
@result = $self-> {self}-> get_items( $off .. $off + $len - 1);
} else {
$i = $self-> {self}-> items;
@result = @$i[ $off .. $off + $len - 1];
$iok = 1;
$off = $sz if $off > $sz;
$len -= $off + $len - $sz if $off + $len > $sz;
die "Modification of non-creatable array value attempted, length $len"
if $len < 0;
if ( @_ == $len) {
if ( $self-> {replace_items}) {
$self-> {self}-> replace_items( $off, @_);
} else {
$i = $self-> {self}-> items, $iok = 1 unless $iok;
splice( @$i, $off, $len, @_);
$self-> {self}-> items( $i);
} else {
if ( $self-> {delete_items} && $self-> {insert_items}) {
$self-> {self}-> delete_items( $off .. $off + $len - 1);
$self-> {self}-> insert_items( $off, @_);
} else {
$i = $self-> {self}-> items, $iok = 1 unless $iok;
splice( @$i, $off, $len, @_);
$self-> {self}-> items( $i);
return wantarray ? @result : pop @result;
my ( $self, $idx) = ( $_[0], abs($_[1]));
return $idx >= 0 && $idx < $self-> FETCHSIZE;
sub UNTIE {
my ($obj,$count) = @_;
die "untie attempted while $count inner references still exist" if $count;
# Prima::Tie::Scalar - ties a scalar to a widget's scalar properties
package Prima::Tie::Scalar;
my ($class, $widget, $property) = @_;
bless [ $widget, $property ], $class;
sub FETCH {
my ($self) = @_;
my ($widget, $property) = @$self;
$widget-> $property();
sub STORE {
my ($self, $value) = @_;
my ( $widget, $property) = @$self;
$widget-> $property($value);
return $value;
sub UNTIE {
my ($obj,$count) = @_;
die "untie attempted while $count inner references still exist" if $count;
# some popular names
package Prima::Tie::text;
use vars qw(@ISA);
@ISA = qw(Prima::Tie::Scalar);
sub TIESCALAR { bless [ $_[1], 'text' ], $_[0] }
package Prima::Tie::value;
use vars qw(@ISA);
@ISA = qw(Prima::Tie::Scalar);
sub TIESCALAR { bless [ $_[1], 'value' ], $_[0] }
=head1 NAME
Prima::Tie - tie widget properties to scalars or arrays.
Prima::Tie contains two abstract classes, C<Prima::Tie::Array> and
C<Prima::Tie::Scalar>, which tie an array or a scalar to a widget's arbitrary
array or scalar property. Also, it contains classes C<Prima::Tie::items>,
C<Prima::Tie::text>, and C<Prima::Tie::value>, which tie a variable to a widget's I<items>, I<text>,
and I<value> property respectively.
use Prima::Tie;
tie @items, 'Prima::Tie::items', $widget;
tie @some_property, 'Prima::Tie::Array', $widget, 'some_property';
tie $text, 'Prima::Tie::text', $widget;
tie $some_property, 'Prima::Tie::Scalar', $widget, 'some_property';
=head1 USAGE
These classes provide immediate access to a widget's array and scalar property,
in particular to popular properties as I<items> and I<text>. It is considerably simpler to say
splice(@items,3,1,'new item');
than to say
my @i = @{$widget->items};
splice(@i,3,1,'new item');
You can work directly with the text or items rather than at a remove. Furthermore, if the
only reason you keep an object around after creation is to access its text or items, you no
no longer need to do so:
tie @some_array, 'Prima::Tie::items', Prima::ListBox->create(@args);
As opposed to:
my $widget = Prima::ListBox->create(@args);
tie @some_array, 'Prima::Tie::items', $widget;
C<Prima::Tie::items> requires C<::items> property to be available on the widget.
Also, it takes advantage of additional C<get_items>, C<add_items>, and the like
if available.
=head2 Prima::Tie::items
The class is applicable to C<Prima::ListViewer>, C<Prima::ListBox>,
C<Prima::Header>, and their descendants, and in limited fashion to
C<Prima::OutlineViewer> and its descendants C<Prima::StringOutline> and
=head2 Prima::Tie::text
The class is applicable to any widget.
=head2 Prima::Tie::value
The class is applicable to C<Prima::GroupBox>, C<Prima::Dialog::ColorDialog>,
C<Prima::SpinEdit>, C<Prima::Gauge>, C<Prima::Slider>, C<Prima::CircularSlider>,
and C<Prima::ScrollBar>.
Copyright 2004 Teo Sankaro
This program is distributed under the BSD License.
(Although a credit would be nice.)
=head1 AUTHORS
Teo Sankaro, E<lt>teo_sankaro@hotmail.comE<gt>.
Dmitry Karasik, E<lt><gt>.