=head1 NAME
examples/palette.pl - A palette functionality test
Test the Prima palette functionality on paletted
displays. True-color displays are of no interest here.
In theory, if a Prima::Widget::palette() is initialized,
the widget is expected to produce as much solid colors
from this palette as possible.
Note the $useImages that can be set to 1 to test
multiple images representation on a single widget.
use strict;
use warnings;
use Prima qw(Application);
my $useImages = 0;
my $j = $::application;
my $i;
my @spal = ();
for ( $i = 0; $i < 33; $i++) {
push( @spal, $i * 8, 0, 0);
my $aimg = Prima::Image-> create();
my $bimg = Prima::Image-> create();
my $cimg = Prima::Image-> create();
if ( $useImages) {
$aimg-> load('winnt256.bmp');
$bimg-> load('c:/home/tobez/aaa.tif');
$cimg-> load('baba.bmp'); $cimg-> type( im::bpp8);
@spal = (@{$aimg-> palette}, @{$bimg-> palette}, @{$cimg-> palette}) if $useImages;
my $w = Prima::MainWindow-> create(
size => [ 100, 33 * 8],
palette => [ @spal],
buffered => 1,
onPaint => sub {
my $self = $_[0];
my $i;
$self-> on_paint( $_[1]);
if ( $useImages) {
$self-> put_image( 0, 0, $bimg);
$self-> put_image( 100, 100, $aimg);
$self-> put_image( 400, 300, $cimg);
} else {
for ( $i = 0; $i < 33; $i++) {
my $x = $i * 8;
$x = $x > 255 ? 255 : $x;
$self-> color( $self-> get_nearest_color( $x));
$self-> bar( 0, $i * 8, 3000, $i * 8 + 8);
my @pal = @{$self-> get_physical_palette};
for ( $i = 0; $i < scalar @pal / 3; $i++) {
my $col = ( ($pal[$i*3]) | ($pal[$i*3+1] << 8) | ($pal[$i*3+2] << 16));
$self-> color( $col);
$self-> bar( 0, $i * 8, 3000, $i * 8 + 8);
run Prima;