#!/usr/bin/perl -sw
## Whiplash
## Author: Vipul Ved Prakash <mail@vipul.net>.
## $Id: Whiplash.pm,v 1.7 2007/05/08 22:22:36 rsoderberg Exp $
package Razor2::Signature::Whiplash;
eval { require Digest::SHA; import Digest::SHA qw(sha1_hex); 1 }
or do { require Digest::SHA1; import Digest::SHA1 qw(sha1_hex) }
sub new {
my ( $class, %args ) = @_;
my %self = (
uri_terminators => "/><\"",
length_error => 100,
al_terminators => " /><\"\r\n",
my @DPL = qw(
$self{dpl} = [@DPL];
return bless \%self, $class;
sub whiplash {
my ( $self, $text ) = @_;
# Wrap all the text in case the URL is broken up on multiple lines.
# $text =~ s/[\r\n]//g;
return unless $text;
my @hosts = $self->extract_hosts($text);
unless ( scalar @hosts ) {
# No hostnames were found in the text,
# return undef;
debug("No hosts found in the message.");
# We have one or more hosts. Generate one signature for each host.
my $length = length($text);
my $corrected_length = $length - ( $length % $$self{length_error} );
my @sigs;
my %sig_meta;
for my $host (@hosts) {
# Compute a SHA1 of host and corrected length. The corrected length is
# the value of length to the nearest multiple of ``length_error''.
# Take the first 20 hex chars from SHA1 and call it the signature.
$sig = substr sha1_hex($host), 0, 12;
$sig .= substr sha1_hex($corrected_length), 0, 4;
push @sigs, $sig;
$sig_meta{$sig} = [ $host, $corrected_length ];
debug("$sig ($host + $corrected_length)");
return ( \@sigs, \%sig_meta );
sub extract_hosts {
my ( $self, $text ) = @_;
# Test Vectors:
# 1. http://www.nodg.com@www.geocities.com/nxcisdsfdfdsy/off
# 2. http://www.ksleybiuh.com@
# 3. <http://links.verotel.com/cgi-bin/showsite.verotel?vercode=12372:9804000000374206>
# 4.
# 5. http://magalygr8sex.free-host.com/h.html
# 6. http://%3CVenkatrs%3E@
# 8. http://g.india2.bag.gs/remove_page.htm
# 9.
# 10. http://mjaked.biz/unsubscribe.ddd?leaving
# 11. http://g5j99m8@it.rd.yahoo.com/bassi/*http://www.lekobas.com/c/index.php
# 12. <a href="http://Chettxuydyhv vwyyrcmgbxzj n as ecq kkurxtrvaug nfsygjjjwhfkpaklh t a qsc exinscfjtxr
# jobg @www.mmv9.org?affil=19">look great / feel great</a>
# 13. <A
# HREF="http://href=www.churchwomen.comhref=www.cairn.nethref=www.teeter.orghr
# ef=www.lefty.bizhref=wwwbehold.pitfall@www.mmstong5f.com/host/index.asp?ID=0
# 1910?href=www.corrode.comhref=www.ode.nethref=www.clergy.orghref=www.aberrat
# e.biz" >
# 14. www.pillzthatwork.com # anything that starts with www.
# Decode Hex URI encoding (TV #6) (SPEC-REF: UNESCAPE)
$text =~ s/%([0-9A-Fa-f]{2})/chr(hex($1))/eg;
# Decode Decimal URI encoding (TV #10) (SPEC-REF: UNESCAPE)
$text =~ s/\&\#([0-9]{2,3})\;/chr($1)/eg;
debug("host_tokens(): will attempt to extract host names");
my @hosts;
my @autolinks = $text =~ m|\s+(www.[^$$self{al_terminators}]+)|ig; # Outlook with autolink these URLs
push @hosts, @autolinks;
# We extract host portions from all HTTP/HTTPS URIs found on the text.
# URIs are decoded if they are encoded, usernames (usually random) are
# thrown away and all unique hosts are extracted.
if ( $text =~ m|^.*?href\s*=\s*"?https?://?(.*)$|si ) {
$text = "a href = http://$1";
elsif ( $text =~ m|^.*?https?://?(.*)$|si ) {
$text = "http://$1";
else {
while ( $host = next_host($text) ) {
last unless $host;
# Strip to the domain or IP
my $canonical_domain;
if ( $host =~ /^[\d\.]+$/ ) {
# This is an IP address, just use it.
$canonical_domain = $host;
else {
# See if it's a non country domain. If so,
# we'll extract the hostname. (SPEC-REF: NORMALIZE)
$canonical_domain = $self->canonify($host);
# Ensure the hostname is not already in the list and that it is
# potentially a routable hostname: length > 1 and contains
# atleast one "."
unless ( grep { /^\Q$canonical_domain\E$/ } @hosts ) {
if ( ( length($canonical_domain) > 1 ) and ( $canonical_domain =~ /\./ ) ) {
push @hosts, $canonical_domain;
last unless $text =~ m"http://(.*)$";
$text = $1;
return @hosts;
sub next_host {
($_) = @_;
my ( $host, $authority );
# Algorithm:
# 1. Find http://
# 2. Find [@"></]
# 3. If found @, ignore everything before it and look for ["></]
# 4. Everything from @ to [">/?] is the host.
# 5. If @ was not found, the whole thing is the host
my $inside_href = 0;
if (/^a href/) {
$inside_href = 1;
s|^a href\s*=\s*||;
# Remove the protocol name
# Find a terminator
if ( ( $inside_href and m|(.*?)[>\"\/\?\<]|s )
or ( !$inside_href and m|(.*?)[>\"\/\?\<\n\r]|s ) ) {
$_ = $1;
# Remove the authority section if the URL has one
# The host name is everything after the last `='
$host = $_;
# The host part cannot contains whitespace or linefeeds.
# Everything including and beyond these characters should be
# throw away.
$host =~ s/[\r\n\s].*$//s;
# />
# Lowercase the hostname and remove ``='' chars (which can be part
# of the hostname sometimes when deQP didn't work correctly.
$host = lc($host);
$host =~ s/=//g;
$host =~ s/\s*$//g;
# Throw away the TCP port spec
$host =~ s/:.*$//;
# Throw away ``.'' at the end
$host =~ s/\.$//;
return $host;
sub canonify {
my ( $self, $host ) = @_;
# Extract canonical domain name. See the section on
# Domain Part List in the Whiplash spec for details on
# how this works.
for my $pattern ( @{ $$self{dpl} } ) {
if ( $pattern =~ /^\./ ) {
if ( $host =~ /([^\.]+\Q$pattern\E)$/ ) {
return $1;
else {
if ( $host =~ /\Q$pattern\E$/ ) {
return $pattern;
return $host;
sub debug {
my $message = shift;
# print "debug: $message\n";