shell bypass 403
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G dd� d�Ze� Ze� Zdd� ZG dd� de�Zdd� ZedkrrddlmZ edddd� dS dS )aE idlelib.config -- Manage IDLE configuration information.
The comments at the beginning of config-main.def describe the
configuration files and the design implemented to update user
configuration information. In particular, user configuration choices
which duplicate the defaults will be removed from the user's
configuration files, and if a user file becomes empty, it will be
The configuration database maps options to values. Conceptually, the
database keys are tuples (config-type, section, item). As implemented,
there are separate dicts for default and user values. Each has
config-type keys 'main', 'extensions', 'highlight', and 'keys'. The
value for each key is a ConfigParser instance that maps section and item
to values. For 'main' and 'extensions', user values override
default values. For 'highlight' and 'keys', user sections augment the
default sections (and must, therefore, have distinct names).
Throughout this module there is an emphasis on returning useable defaults
when a problem occurs in returning a requested configuration value back to
idle. This is to allow IDLE to continue to function in spite of errors in
the retrieval of config information. When a default is returned instead of
a requested config value, a message is printed to stderr to aid in
configuration problem notification and resolution.
� )�ConfigParserN)�Fontc @ � e Zd ZdS )�InvalidConfigTypeN��__name__�
__module__�__qualname__� r
�7/usr/local/python-3.10/lib/python3.10/idlelib/config.pyr # � r c @ r )�InvalidConfigSetNr r
r r
$ r r
c @ r )�InvalidThemeNr r
r r % r r c @ s4 e Zd ZdZddd�Zd
dd�Zdd � Zd
d� ZdS )�IdleConfParserzI
A ConfigParser specialised for idle configuration file handling
Nc C s || _ tj| |dd� dS )zK
cfgFile - string, fully specified configuration file name
F)�defaults�strictN)�filer �__init__)�self�cfgFileZcfgDefaultsr
r r + s zIdleConfParser.__init__Fc C sH | � ||�s|S |dkr| �||�S |dkr| �||�S | j|||d�S )z
Get an option value for given section/option or return default.
If type is specified, return as type.
getbooleanZgetint�get)r �section�option�type�defaultr r
r �Get2 s zIdleConfParser.Getc C s | � |�r
| �|�S g S )z4Return a list of options for given section, else [].)�has_section�options�r r r
r �
GetOptionListC s
zIdleConfParser.GetOptionListc C s | j r| �| j � dS dS )z&Load the configuration file from disk.N)r �read�r r
r �LoadJ s �zIdleConfParser.Load�N)NNF)r r r �__doc__r r r$ r'