shell bypass 403
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Helper function to convert a slice argument to an integer, and raise
TypeError with a suitable message on failure.
� __index__zBslice indices must be integers or None or have an __index__ method)�hasattr�operator�index� TypeError)�arg� r �8/usr/local/python-3.10/lib/python3.10/test/�evaluate_slice_index
c C s� t �|�}| jdu rdnt| j�}|dk rtd��|dkr!td��|dk r'dnd}|dk r1|d n|}| jdu rA|dk r>|n|}nt| j�}|dk rQt|| |�nt||�}| jdu rd|dk ra|n|}nt| j�}|dk rtt|| |�nt||�}|||fS )zA
Reference implementation for the slice.indices method.
N� r zlength should not be negativezslice step cannot be zero���) r r �stepr
ValueError�start�max�min�stop)�slice�lengthr �lower�upperr r r r r �
slice_indices s"