shell bypass 403
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stacklevel�window�text�statusZ immediate�imageZ imagetextZballoon�autoZ acrosstop�asciiZcell�columnZ
increasingZinteger�main�max�real�rowzs-regionzx-regionzy-region� � � � c @ sV e Zd ZdZdd� Zdd� Zddd�Zdd d
�Zdd� Zd
d� Z dd� Z
ddd�ZdS )�
tixCommanda� The tix commands provide access to miscellaneous elements
of Tix's internal state and the Tix application context.
Most of the information manipulated by these commands pertains
to the application as a whole, or to a screen or
display, rather than to a particular window.
This is a mixin class, assumed to be mixed to Tkinter.Tk
that supports the method.
c C � | j �dd|�S )a� Tix maintains a list of directories under which
the tix_getimage and tix_getbitmap commands will
search for image files. The standard bitmap directory
is $TIX_LIBRARY/bitmaps. The addbitmapdir command
adds directory into this list. By using this
command, the image files of an applications can
also be located using the tix_getimage or tix_getbitmap
�tixZaddbitmapdir��tk�call)�selfZ directory� r �4/usr/local/python-3.10/lib/python3.10/tkinter/�tix_addbitmapdirY s
ztixCommand.tix_addbitmapdirc C r )z�Returns the current value of the configuration
option given by option. Option may be any of the
options described in the CONFIGURATION OPTIONS section.
r �cgetr �r �optionr r r �tix_cgete s ztixCommand.tix_cgetNc K sd |r t ||f�}n|rt |�}|du r| �dd�S t|t�r'| �ddd| �S | j�d| �|� �S )a� Query or modify the configuration options of the Tix application
context. If no option is specified, returns a dictionary all of the
available options. If option is specified with no value, then the
command returns a list describing the one named option (this list
will be identical to the corresponding sublist of the value
returned if no option is specified). If one or more option-value
pairs are specified, then the command modifies the given option(s)
to have the given value(s); in this case the command returns an
empty string. Option may be any of the configuration options.
Nr � configure�-)r r# )r �
isinstance�strZ_getconfigure1r r �_options�r �cnf�kwr r r �
tix_configurel s
ztixCommand.tix_configurec C s&