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Idlelib objects with no external idlelib dependencies
which are needed in more than one idlelib module.
They are included here because
a) they don't particularly belong elsewhere; or
b) because inclusion here simplifies the idlelib dependency graph.
* Python versions (editor and help_about),
* tk version and patchlevel (pyshell, help_about, maxos?, editor?),
* std streams (pyshell, run),
* warning stuff (pyshell, run).
)z.pyz.pywz.pyi�__main__� )�mainzidlelib.idle_test.test_util� )� verbosityN)�__doc__�
py_extensions�__name__�unittestr � � �5/usr/local/python-3.11/lib/python3.11/idlelib/�<module>r sW ��