providers/class-wp-sitemaps-posts.php 0000644 00000016525 14751030032 0014020 0 ustar 00 <?php
* Sitemaps: WP_Sitemaps_Posts class
* Builds the sitemaps for the 'post' object type.
* @package WordPress
* @subpackage Sitemaps
* @since 5.5.0
* Posts XML sitemap provider.
* @since 5.5.0
class WP_Sitemaps_Posts extends WP_Sitemaps_Provider {
* WP_Sitemaps_Posts constructor.
* @since 5.5.0
public function __construct() {
$this->name = 'posts';
$this->object_type = 'post';
* Returns the public post types, which excludes nav_items and similar types.
* Attachments are also excluded. This includes custom post types with public = true.
* @since 5.5.0
* @return WP_Post_Type[] Array of registered post type objects keyed by their name.
public function get_object_subtypes() {
$post_types = get_post_types( array( 'public' => true ), 'objects' );
unset( $post_types['attachment'] );
$post_types = array_filter( $post_types, 'is_post_type_viewable' );
* Filters the list of post object sub types available within the sitemap.
* @since 5.5.0
* @param WP_Post_Type[] $post_types Array of registered post type objects keyed by their name.
return apply_filters( 'wp_sitemaps_post_types', $post_types );
* Gets a URL list for a post type sitemap.
* @since 5.5.0
* @since 5.9.0 Renamed `$post_type` to `$object_subtype` to match parent class
* for PHP 8 named parameter support.
* @param int $page_num Page of results.
* @param string $object_subtype Optional. Post type name. Default empty.
* @return array[] Array of URL information for a sitemap.
public function get_url_list( $page_num, $object_subtype = '' ) {
// Restores the more descriptive, specific name for use within this method.
$post_type = $object_subtype;
// Bail early if the queried post type is not supported.
$supported_types = $this->get_object_subtypes();
if ( ! isset( $supported_types[ $post_type ] ) ) {
return array();
* Filters the posts URL list before it is generated.
* Returning a non-null value will effectively short-circuit the generation,
* returning that value instead.
* @since 5.5.0
* @param array[]|null $url_list The URL list. Default null.
* @param string $post_type Post type name.
* @param int $page_num Page of results.
$url_list = apply_filters(
if ( null !== $url_list ) {
return $url_list;
$args = $this->get_posts_query_args( $post_type );
$args['paged'] = $page_num;
$query = new WP_Query( $args );
$url_list = array();
* Add a URL for the homepage in the pages sitemap.
* Shows only on the first page if the reading settings are set to display latest posts.
if ( 'page' === $post_type && 1 === $page_num && 'posts' === get_option( 'show_on_front' ) ) {
// Extract the data needed for home URL to add to the array.
$sitemap_entry = array(
'loc' => home_url( '/' ),
* Get the most recent posts displayed on the homepage,
* and then sort them by their modified date to find
* the date the homepage was approximately last updated.
$latest_posts = new WP_Query(
'post_type' => 'post',
'post_status' => 'publish',
'orderby' => 'date',
'order' => 'DESC',
'no_found_rows' => true,
'update_post_meta_cache' => false,
'update_post_term_cache' => false,
if ( ! empty( $latest_posts->posts ) ) {
$posts = wp_list_sort( $latest_posts->posts, 'post_modified_gmt', 'DESC' );
$sitemap_entry['lastmod'] = wp_date( DATE_W3C, strtotime( $posts[0]->post_modified_gmt ) );
* Filters the sitemap entry for the home page when the 'show_on_front' option equals 'posts'.
* @since 5.5.0
* @param array $sitemap_entry Sitemap entry for the home page.
$sitemap_entry = apply_filters( 'wp_sitemaps_posts_show_on_front_entry', $sitemap_entry );
$url_list[] = $sitemap_entry;
foreach ( $query->posts as $post ) {
$sitemap_entry = array(
'loc' => get_permalink( $post ),
'lastmod' => wp_date( DATE_W3C, strtotime( $post->post_modified_gmt ) ),
* Filters the sitemap entry for an individual post.
* @since 5.5.0
* @param array $sitemap_entry Sitemap entry for the post.
* @param WP_Post $post Post object.
* @param string $post_type Name of the post_type.
$sitemap_entry = apply_filters( 'wp_sitemaps_posts_entry', $sitemap_entry, $post, $post_type );
$url_list[] = $sitemap_entry;
return $url_list;
* Gets the max number of pages available for the object type.
* @since 5.5.0
* @since 5.9.0 Renamed `$post_type` to `$object_subtype` to match parent class
* for PHP 8 named parameter support.
* @param string $object_subtype Optional. Post type name. Default empty.
* @return int Total number of pages.
public function get_max_num_pages( $object_subtype = '' ) {
if ( empty( $object_subtype ) ) {
return 0;
// Restores the more descriptive, specific name for use within this method.
$post_type = $object_subtype;
* Filters the max number of pages before it is generated.
* Passing a non-null value will short-circuit the generation,
* returning that value instead.
* @since 5.5.0
* @param int|null $max_num_pages The maximum number of pages. Default null.
* @param string $post_type Post type name.
$max_num_pages = apply_filters( 'wp_sitemaps_posts_pre_max_num_pages', null, $post_type );
if ( null !== $max_num_pages ) {
return $max_num_pages;
$args = $this->get_posts_query_args( $post_type );
$args['fields'] = 'ids';
$args['no_found_rows'] = false;
$query = new WP_Query( $args );
$min_num_pages = ( 'page' === $post_type && 'posts' === get_option( 'show_on_front' ) ) ? 1 : 0;
return isset( $query->max_num_pages ) ? max( $min_num_pages, $query->max_num_pages ) : 1;
* Returns the query args for retrieving posts to list in the sitemap.
* @since 5.5.0
* @since 6.1.0 Added `ignore_sticky_posts` default parameter.
* @param string $post_type Post type name.
* @return array Array of WP_Query arguments.
protected function get_posts_query_args( $post_type ) {
* Filters the query arguments for post type sitemap queries.
* @see WP_Query for a full list of arguments.
* @since 5.5.0
* @since 6.1.0 Added `ignore_sticky_posts` default parameter.
* @param array $args Array of WP_Query arguments.
* @param string $post_type Post type name.
$args = apply_filters(
'orderby' => 'ID',
'order' => 'ASC',
'post_type' => $post_type,
'posts_per_page' => wp_sitemaps_get_max_urls( $this->object_type ),
'post_status' => array( 'publish' ),
'no_found_rows' => true,
'update_post_term_cache' => false,
'update_post_meta_cache' => false,
'ignore_sticky_posts' => true, // Sticky posts will still appear, but they won't be moved to the front.
return $args;
providers/class-wp-sitemaps-taxonomies.php 0000644 00000013413 14751030032 0015027 0 ustar 00 <?php
* Sitemaps: WP_Sitemaps_Taxonomies class
* Builds the sitemaps for the 'taxonomy' object type.
* @package WordPress
* @subpackage Sitemaps
* @since 5.5.0
* Taxonomies XML sitemap provider.
* @since 5.5.0
class WP_Sitemaps_Taxonomies extends WP_Sitemaps_Provider {
* WP_Sitemaps_Taxonomies constructor.
* @since 5.5.0
public function __construct() {
$this->name = 'taxonomies';
$this->object_type = 'term';
* Returns all public, registered taxonomies.
* @since 5.5.0
* @return WP_Taxonomy[] Array of registered taxonomy objects keyed by their name.
public function get_object_subtypes() {
$taxonomies = get_taxonomies( array( 'public' => true ), 'objects' );
$taxonomies = array_filter( $taxonomies, 'is_taxonomy_viewable' );
* Filters the list of taxonomy object subtypes available within the sitemap.
* @since 5.5.0
* @param WP_Taxonomy[] $taxonomies Array of registered taxonomy objects keyed by their name.
return apply_filters( 'wp_sitemaps_taxonomies', $taxonomies );
* Gets a URL list for a taxonomy sitemap.
* @since 5.5.0
* @since 5.9.0 Renamed `$taxonomy` to `$object_subtype` to match parent class
* for PHP 8 named parameter support.
* @param int $page_num Page of results.
* @param string $object_subtype Optional. Taxonomy name. Default empty.
* @return array[] Array of URL information for a sitemap.
public function get_url_list( $page_num, $object_subtype = '' ) {
// Restores the more descriptive, specific name for use within this method.
$taxonomy = $object_subtype;
$supported_types = $this->get_object_subtypes();
// Bail early if the queried taxonomy is not supported.
if ( ! isset( $supported_types[ $taxonomy ] ) ) {
return array();
* Filters the taxonomies URL list before it is generated.
* Returning a non-null value will effectively short-circuit the generation,
* returning that value instead.
* @since 5.5.0
* @param array[]|null $url_list The URL list. Default null.
* @param string $taxonomy Taxonomy name.
* @param int $page_num Page of results.
$url_list = apply_filters(
if ( null !== $url_list ) {
return $url_list;
$url_list = array();
// Offset by how many terms should be included in previous pages.
$offset = ( $page_num - 1 ) * wp_sitemaps_get_max_urls( $this->object_type );
$args = $this->get_taxonomies_query_args( $taxonomy );
$args['fields'] = 'all';
$args['offset'] = $offset;
$taxonomy_terms = new WP_Term_Query( $args );
if ( ! empty( $taxonomy_terms->terms ) ) {
foreach ( $taxonomy_terms->terms as $term ) {
$term_link = get_term_link( $term, $taxonomy );
if ( is_wp_error( $term_link ) ) {
$sitemap_entry = array(
'loc' => $term_link,
* Filters the sitemap entry for an individual term.
* @since 5.5.0
* @since 6.0.0 Added `$term` argument containing the term object.
* @param array $sitemap_entry Sitemap entry for the term.
* @param int $term_id Term ID.
* @param string $taxonomy Taxonomy name.
* @param WP_Term $term Term object.
$sitemap_entry = apply_filters( 'wp_sitemaps_taxonomies_entry', $sitemap_entry, $term->term_id, $taxonomy, $term );
$url_list[] = $sitemap_entry;
return $url_list;
* Gets the max number of pages available for the object type.
* @since 5.5.0
* @since 5.9.0 Renamed `$taxonomy` to `$object_subtype` to match parent class
* for PHP 8 named parameter support.
* @param string $object_subtype Optional. Taxonomy name. Default empty.
* @return int Total number of pages.
public function get_max_num_pages( $object_subtype = '' ) {
if ( empty( $object_subtype ) ) {
return 0;
// Restores the more descriptive, specific name for use within this method.
$taxonomy = $object_subtype;
* Filters the max number of pages for a taxonomy sitemap before it is generated.
* Passing a non-null value will short-circuit the generation,
* returning that value instead.
* @since 5.5.0
* @param int|null $max_num_pages The maximum number of pages. Default null.
* @param string $taxonomy Taxonomy name.
$max_num_pages = apply_filters( 'wp_sitemaps_taxonomies_pre_max_num_pages', null, $taxonomy );
if ( null !== $max_num_pages ) {
return $max_num_pages;
$term_count = wp_count_terms( $this->get_taxonomies_query_args( $taxonomy ) );
return (int) ceil( $term_count / wp_sitemaps_get_max_urls( $this->object_type ) );
* Returns the query args for retrieving taxonomy terms to list in the sitemap.
* @since 5.5.0
* @param string $taxonomy Taxonomy name.
* @return array Array of WP_Term_Query arguments.
protected function get_taxonomies_query_args( $taxonomy ) {
* Filters the taxonomy terms query arguments.
* Allows modification of the taxonomy query arguments before querying.
* @see WP_Term_Query for a full list of arguments
* @since 5.5.0
* @param array $args Array of WP_Term_Query arguments.
* @param string $taxonomy Taxonomy name.
$args = apply_filters(
'taxonomy' => $taxonomy,
'orderby' => 'term_order',
'number' => wp_sitemaps_get_max_urls( $this->object_type ),
'hide_empty' => true,
'hierarchical' => false,
'update_term_meta_cache' => false,
return $args;
providers/class-wp-sitemaps-users.php 0000644 00000010131 14751030032 0013774 0 ustar 00 <?php
* Sitemaps: WP_Sitemaps_Users class
* Builds the sitemaps for the 'user' object type.
* @package WordPress
* @subpackage Sitemaps
* @since 5.5.0
* Users XML sitemap provider.
* @since 5.5.0
class WP_Sitemaps_Users extends WP_Sitemaps_Provider {
* WP_Sitemaps_Users constructor.
* @since 5.5.0
public function __construct() {
$this->name = 'users';
$this->object_type = 'user';
* Gets a URL list for a user sitemap.
* @since 5.5.0
* @param int $page_num Page of results.
* @param string $object_subtype Optional. Not applicable for Users but
* required for compatibility with the parent
* provider class. Default empty.
* @return array[] Array of URL information for a sitemap.
public function get_url_list( $page_num, $object_subtype = '' ) {
* Filters the users URL list before it is generated.
* Returning a non-null value will effectively short-circuit the generation,
* returning that value instead.
* @since 5.5.0
* @param array[]|null $url_list The URL list. Default null.
* @param int $page_num Page of results.
$url_list = apply_filters(
if ( null !== $url_list ) {
return $url_list;
$args = $this->get_users_query_args();
$args['paged'] = $page_num;
$query = new WP_User_Query( $args );
$users = $query->get_results();
$url_list = array();
foreach ( $users as $user ) {
$sitemap_entry = array(
'loc' => get_author_posts_url( $user->ID ),
* Filters the sitemap entry for an individual user.
* @since 5.5.0
* @param array $sitemap_entry Sitemap entry for the user.
* @param WP_User $user User object.
$sitemap_entry = apply_filters( 'wp_sitemaps_users_entry', $sitemap_entry, $user );
$url_list[] = $sitemap_entry;
return $url_list;
* Gets the max number of pages available for the object type.
* @since 5.5.0
* @see WP_Sitemaps_Provider::max_num_pages
* @param string $object_subtype Optional. Not applicable for Users but
* required for compatibility with the parent
* provider class. Default empty.
* @return int Total page count.
public function get_max_num_pages( $object_subtype = '' ) {
* Filters the max number of pages for a user sitemap before it is generated.
* Returning a non-null value will effectively short-circuit the generation,
* returning that value instead.
* @since 5.5.0
* @param int|null $max_num_pages The maximum number of pages. Default null.
$max_num_pages = apply_filters( 'wp_sitemaps_users_pre_max_num_pages', null );
if ( null !== $max_num_pages ) {
return $max_num_pages;
$args = $this->get_users_query_args();
$query = new WP_User_Query( $args );
$total_users = $query->get_total();
return (int) ceil( $total_users / wp_sitemaps_get_max_urls( $this->object_type ) );
* Returns the query args for retrieving users to list in the sitemap.
* @since 5.5.0
* @return array Array of WP_User_Query arguments.
protected function get_users_query_args() {
$public_post_types = get_post_types(
'public' => true,
// We're not supporting sitemaps for author pages for attachments and pages.
unset( $public_post_types['attachment'] );
unset( $public_post_types['page'] );
* Filters the query arguments for authors with public posts.
* Allows modification of the authors query arguments before querying.
* @see WP_User_Query for a full list of arguments
* @since 5.5.0
* @param array $args Array of WP_User_Query arguments.
$args = apply_filters(
'has_published_posts' => array_keys( $public_post_types ),
'number' => wp_sitemaps_get_max_urls( $this->object_type ),
return $args;
class-wp-sitemaps.php 0000644 00000014320 14751030032 0010624 0 ustar 00 <?php
* Sitemaps: WP_Sitemaps class
* This is the main class integrating all other classes.
* @package WordPress
* @subpackage Sitemaps
* @since 5.5.0
* Class WP_Sitemaps.
* @since 5.5.0
class WP_Sitemaps {
* The main index of supported sitemaps.
* @since 5.5.0
* @var WP_Sitemaps_Index
public $index;
* The main registry of supported sitemaps.
* @since 5.5.0
* @var WP_Sitemaps_Registry
public $registry;
* An instance of the renderer class.
* @since 5.5.0
* @var WP_Sitemaps_Renderer
public $renderer;
* WP_Sitemaps constructor.
* @since 5.5.0
public function __construct() {
$this->registry = new WP_Sitemaps_Registry();
$this->renderer = new WP_Sitemaps_Renderer();
$this->index = new WP_Sitemaps_Index( $this->registry );
* Initiates all sitemap functionality.
* If sitemaps are disabled, only the rewrite rules will be registered
* by this method, in order to properly send 404s.
* @since 5.5.0
public function init() {
// These will all fire on the init hook.
add_action( 'template_redirect', array( $this, 'render_sitemaps' ) );
if ( ! $this->sitemaps_enabled() ) {
// Add additional action callbacks.
add_filter( 'pre_handle_404', array( $this, 'redirect_sitemapxml' ), 10, 2 );
add_filter( 'robots_txt', array( $this, 'add_robots' ), 0, 2 );
* Determines whether sitemaps are enabled or not.
* @since 5.5.0
* @return bool Whether sitemaps are enabled.
public function sitemaps_enabled() {
$is_enabled = (bool) get_option( 'blog_public' );
* Filters whether XML Sitemaps are enabled or not.
* When XML Sitemaps are disabled via this filter, rewrite rules are still
* in place to ensure a 404 is returned.
* @see WP_Sitemaps::register_rewrites()
* @since 5.5.0
* @param bool $is_enabled Whether XML Sitemaps are enabled or not.
* Defaults to true for public sites.
return (bool) apply_filters( 'wp_sitemaps_enabled', $is_enabled );
* Registers and sets up the functionality for all supported sitemaps.
* @since 5.5.0
public function register_sitemaps() {
$providers = array(
'posts' => new WP_Sitemaps_Posts(),
'taxonomies' => new WP_Sitemaps_Taxonomies(),
'users' => new WP_Sitemaps_Users(),
/* @var WP_Sitemaps_Provider $provider */
foreach ( $providers as $name => $provider ) {
$this->registry->add_provider( $name, $provider );
* Registers sitemap rewrite tags and routing rules.
* @since 5.5.0
public function register_rewrites() {
// Add rewrite tags.
add_rewrite_tag( '%sitemap%', '([^?]+)' );
add_rewrite_tag( '%sitemap-subtype%', '([^?]+)' );
// Register index route.
add_rewrite_rule( '^wp-sitemap\.xml$', 'index.php?sitemap=index', 'top' );
// Register rewrites for the XSL stylesheet.
add_rewrite_tag( '%sitemap-stylesheet%', '([^?]+)' );
add_rewrite_rule( '^wp-sitemap\.xsl$', 'index.php?sitemap-stylesheet=sitemap', 'top' );
add_rewrite_rule( '^wp-sitemap-index\.xsl$', 'index.php?sitemap-stylesheet=index', 'top' );
// Register routes for providers.
* Renders sitemap templates based on rewrite rules.
* @since 5.5.0
* @global WP_Query $wp_query WordPress Query object.
public function render_sitemaps() {
global $wp_query;
$sitemap = sanitize_text_field( get_query_var( 'sitemap' ) );
$object_subtype = sanitize_text_field( get_query_var( 'sitemap-subtype' ) );
$stylesheet_type = sanitize_text_field( get_query_var( 'sitemap-stylesheet' ) );
$paged = absint( get_query_var( 'paged' ) );
// Bail early if this isn't a sitemap or stylesheet route.
if ( ! ( $sitemap || $stylesheet_type ) ) {
if ( ! $this->sitemaps_enabled() ) {
status_header( 404 );
// Render stylesheet if this is stylesheet route.
if ( $stylesheet_type ) {
$stylesheet = new WP_Sitemaps_Stylesheet();
$stylesheet->render_stylesheet( $stylesheet_type );
// Render the index.
if ( 'index' === $sitemap ) {
$sitemap_list = $this->index->get_sitemap_list();
$this->renderer->render_index( $sitemap_list );
$provider = $this->registry->get_provider( $sitemap );
if ( ! $provider ) {
if ( empty( $paged ) ) {
$paged = 1;
$url_list = $provider->get_url_list( $paged, $object_subtype );
// Force a 404 and bail early if no URLs are present.
if ( empty( $url_list ) ) {
status_header( 404 );
$this->renderer->render_sitemap( $url_list );
* Redirects a URL to the wp-sitemap.xml
* @since 5.5.0
* @param bool $bypass Pass-through of the pre_handle_404 filter value.
* @param WP_Query $query The WP_Query object.
* @return bool Bypass value.
public function redirect_sitemapxml( $bypass, $query ) {
// If a plugin has already utilized the pre_handle_404 function, return without action to avoid conflicts.
if ( $bypass ) {
return $bypass;
// 'pagename' is for most permalink types, name is for when the %postname% is used as a top-level field.
if ( 'sitemap-xml' === $query->get( 'pagename' )
|| 'sitemap-xml' === $query->get( 'name' )
) {
wp_safe_redirect( $this->index->get_index_url() );
return $bypass;
* Adds the sitemap index to robots.txt.
* @since 5.5.0
* @param string $output robots.txt output.
* @param bool $is_public Whether the site is public.
* @return string The robots.txt output.
public function add_robots( $output, $is_public ) {
if ( $is_public ) {
$output .= "\nSitemap: " . esc_url( $this->index->get_index_url() ) . "\n";
return $output;
class-wp-sitemaps-provider.php 0000644 00000010475 14751030032 0012463 0 ustar 00 <?php
* Sitemaps: WP_Sitemaps_Provider class
* This class is a base class for other sitemap providers to extend and contains shared functionality.
* @package WordPress
* @subpackage Sitemaps
* @since 5.5.0
* Class WP_Sitemaps_Provider.
* @since 5.5.0
abstract class WP_Sitemaps_Provider {
* Provider name.
* This will also be used as the public-facing name in URLs.
* @since 5.5.0
* @var string
protected $name = '';
* Object type name (e.g. 'post', 'term', 'user').
* @since 5.5.0
* @var string
protected $object_type = '';
* Gets a URL list for a sitemap.
* @since 5.5.0
* @param int $page_num Page of results.
* @param string $object_subtype Optional. Object subtype name. Default empty.
* @return array[] Array of URL information for a sitemap.
abstract public function get_url_list( $page_num, $object_subtype = '' );
* Gets the max number of pages available for the object type.
* @since 5.5.0
* @param string $object_subtype Optional. Object subtype. Default empty.
* @return int Total number of pages.
abstract public function get_max_num_pages( $object_subtype = '' );
* Gets data about each sitemap type.
* @since 5.5.0
* @return array[] Array of sitemap types including object subtype name and number of pages.
public function get_sitemap_type_data() {
$sitemap_data = array();
$object_subtypes = $this->get_object_subtypes();
* If there are no object subtypes, include a single sitemap for the
* entire object type.
if ( empty( $object_subtypes ) ) {
$sitemap_data[] = array(
'name' => '',
'pages' => $this->get_max_num_pages(),
return $sitemap_data;
// Otherwise, include individual sitemaps for every object subtype.
foreach ( $object_subtypes as $object_subtype_name => $data ) {
$object_subtype_name = (string) $object_subtype_name;
$sitemap_data[] = array(
'name' => $object_subtype_name,
'pages' => $this->get_max_num_pages( $object_subtype_name ),
return $sitemap_data;
* Lists sitemap pages exposed by this provider.
* The returned data is used to populate the sitemap entries of the index.
* @since 5.5.0
* @return array[] Array of sitemap entries.
public function get_sitemap_entries() {
$sitemaps = array();
$sitemap_types = $this->get_sitemap_type_data();
foreach ( $sitemap_types as $type ) {
for ( $page = 1; $page <= $type['pages']; $page++ ) {
$sitemap_entry = array(
'loc' => $this->get_sitemap_url( $type['name'], $page ),
* Filters the sitemap entry for the sitemap index.
* @since 5.5.0
* @param array $sitemap_entry Sitemap entry for the post.
* @param string $object_type Object empty name.
* @param string $object_subtype Object subtype name.
* Empty string if the object type does not support subtypes.
* @param int $page Page number of results.
$sitemap_entry = apply_filters( 'wp_sitemaps_index_entry', $sitemap_entry, $this->object_type, $type['name'], $page );
$sitemaps[] = $sitemap_entry;
return $sitemaps;
* Gets the URL of a sitemap entry.
* @since 5.5.0
* @global WP_Rewrite $wp_rewrite WordPress rewrite component.
* @param string $name The name of the sitemap.
* @param int $page The page of the sitemap.
* @return string The composed URL for a sitemap entry.
public function get_sitemap_url( $name, $page ) {
global $wp_rewrite;
// Accounts for cases where name is not included, ex: sitemaps-users-1.xml.
$params = array_filter(
'sitemap' => $this->name,
'sitemap-subtype' => $name,
'paged' => $page,
$basename = sprintf(
implode( '-', $params )
if ( ! $wp_rewrite->using_permalinks() ) {
$basename = '/?' . http_build_query( $params, '', '&' );
return home_url( $basename );
* Returns the list of supported object subtypes exposed by the provider.
* @since 5.5.0
* @return array List of object subtypes objects keyed by their name.
public function get_object_subtypes() {
return array();
class-wp-sitemaps-stylesheet.php 0000644 00000020466 14751030032 0013023 0 ustar 00 <?php
* Sitemaps: WP_Sitemaps_Stylesheet class
* This class provides the XSL stylesheets to style all sitemaps.
* @package WordPress
* @subpackage Sitemaps
* @since 5.5.0
* Stylesheet provider class.
* @since 5.5.0
class WP_Sitemaps_Stylesheet {
* Renders the XSL stylesheet depending on whether it's the sitemap index or not.
* @param string $type Stylesheet type. Either 'sitemap' or 'index'.
public function render_stylesheet( $type ) {
header( 'Content-Type: application/xml; charset=UTF-8' );
if ( 'sitemap' === $type ) {
// All content is escaped below.
echo $this->get_sitemap_stylesheet();
if ( 'index' === $type ) {
// All content is escaped below.
echo $this->get_sitemap_index_stylesheet();
* Returns the escaped XSL for all sitemaps, except index.
* @since 5.5.0
public function get_sitemap_stylesheet() {
$css = $this->get_stylesheet_css();
$title = esc_xml( __( 'XML Sitemap' ) );
$description = esc_xml( __( 'This XML Sitemap is generated by WordPress to make your content more visible for search engines.' ) );
$learn_more = sprintf(
'<a href="%s">%s</a>',
esc_url( __( '' ) ),
esc_xml( __( 'Learn more about XML sitemaps.' ) )
$text = sprintf(
/* translators: %s: Number of URLs. */
esc_xml( __( 'Number of URLs in this XML Sitemap: %s.' ) ),
'<xsl:value-of select="count( sitemap:urlset/sitemap:url )" />'
$lang = get_language_attributes( 'html' );
$url = esc_xml( __( 'URL' ) );
$lastmod = esc_xml( __( 'Last Modified' ) );
$changefreq = esc_xml( __( 'Change Frequency' ) );
$priority = esc_xml( __( 'Priority' ) );
$xsl_content = <<<XSL
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<xsl:output method="html" encoding="UTF-8" indent="yes" />
Set variables for whether lastmod, changefreq or priority occur for any url in the sitemap.
We do this up front because it can be expensive in a large sitemap.
<xsl:variable name="has-lastmod" select="count( /sitemap:urlset/sitemap:url/sitemap:lastmod )" />
<xsl:variable name="has-changefreq" select="count( /sitemap:urlset/sitemap:url/sitemap:changefreq )" />
<xsl:variable name="has-priority" select="count( /sitemap:urlset/sitemap:url/sitemap:priority )" />
<xsl:template match="/">
<html {$lang}>
<div id="sitemap">
<div id="sitemap__header">
<div id="sitemap__content">
<p class="text">{$text}</p>
<table id="sitemap__table">
<th class="loc">{$url}</th>
<xsl:if test="\$has-lastmod">
<th class="lastmod">{$lastmod}</th>
<xsl:if test="\$has-changefreq">
<th class="changefreq">{$changefreq}</th>
<xsl:if test="\$has-priority">
<th class="priority">{$priority}</th>
<xsl:for-each select="sitemap:urlset/sitemap:url">
<td class="loc"><a href="{sitemap:loc}"><xsl:value-of select="sitemap:loc" /></a></td>
<xsl:if test="\$has-lastmod">
<td class="lastmod"><xsl:value-of select="sitemap:lastmod" /></td>
<xsl:if test="\$has-changefreq">
<td class="changefreq"><xsl:value-of select="sitemap:changefreq" /></td>
<xsl:if test="\$has-priority">
<td class="priority"><xsl:value-of select="sitemap:priority" /></td>
* Filters the content of the sitemap stylesheet.
* @since 5.5.0
* @param string $xsl_content Full content for the XML stylesheet.
return apply_filters( 'wp_sitemaps_stylesheet_content', $xsl_content );
* Returns the escaped XSL for the index sitemaps.
* @since 5.5.0
public function get_sitemap_index_stylesheet() {
$css = $this->get_stylesheet_css();
$title = esc_xml( __( 'XML Sitemap' ) );
$description = esc_xml( __( 'This XML Sitemap is generated by WordPress to make your content more visible for search engines.' ) );
$learn_more = sprintf(
'<a href="%s">%s</a>',
esc_url( __( '' ) ),
esc_xml( __( 'Learn more about XML sitemaps.' ) )
$text = sprintf(
/* translators: %s: Number of URLs. */
esc_xml( __( 'Number of URLs in this XML Sitemap: %s.' ) ),
'<xsl:value-of select="count( sitemap:sitemapindex/sitemap:sitemap )" />'
$lang = get_language_attributes( 'html' );
$url = esc_xml( __( 'URL' ) );
$lastmod = esc_xml( __( 'Last Modified' ) );
$xsl_content = <<<XSL
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<xsl:output method="html" encoding="UTF-8" indent="yes" />
Set variables for whether lastmod occurs for any sitemap in the index.
We do this up front because it can be expensive in a large sitemap.
<xsl:variable name="has-lastmod" select="count( /sitemap:sitemapindex/sitemap:sitemap/sitemap:lastmod )" />
<xsl:template match="/">
<html {$lang}>
<div id="sitemap">
<div id="sitemap__header">
<div id="sitemap__content">
<p class="text">{$text}</p>
<table id="sitemap__table">
<th class="loc">{$url}</th>
<xsl:if test="\$has-lastmod">
<th class="lastmod">{$lastmod}</th>
<xsl:for-each select="sitemap:sitemapindex/sitemap:sitemap">
<td class="loc"><a href="{sitemap:loc}"><xsl:value-of select="sitemap:loc" /></a></td>
<xsl:if test="\$has-lastmod">
<td class="lastmod"><xsl:value-of select="sitemap:lastmod" /></td>
* Filters the content of the sitemap index stylesheet.
* @since 5.5.0
* @param string $xsl_content Full content for the XML stylesheet.
return apply_filters( 'wp_sitemaps_stylesheet_index_content', $xsl_content );
* Gets the CSS to be included in sitemap XSL stylesheets.
* @since 5.5.0
* @return string The CSS.
public function get_stylesheet_css() {
$text_align = is_rtl() ? 'right' : 'left';
$css = <<<EOF
body {
font-family: -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, "Segoe UI", Roboto, Oxygen-Sans, Ubuntu, Cantarell, "Helvetica Neue", sans-serif;
color: #444;
#sitemap {
max-width: 980px;
margin: 0 auto;
#sitemap__table {
width: 100%;
border: solid 1px #ccc;
border-collapse: collapse;
#sitemap__table tr td.loc {
* URLs should always be LTR.
* See
* and
direction: ltr;
#sitemap__table tr th {
text-align: {$text_align};
#sitemap__table tr td,
#sitemap__table tr th {
padding: 10px;
#sitemap__table tr:nth-child(odd) td {
background-color: #eee;
a:hover {
text-decoration: none;
* Filters the CSS only for the sitemap stylesheet.
* @since 5.5.0
* @param string $css CSS to be applied to default XSL file.
return apply_filters( 'wp_sitemaps_stylesheet_css', $css );
class-wp-sitemaps-registry.php 0000644 00000003616 14751030032 0012500 0 ustar 00 <?php
* Sitemaps: WP_Sitemaps_Registry class
* Handles registering sitemap providers.
* @package WordPress
* @subpackage Sitemaps
* @since 5.5.0
* Class WP_Sitemaps_Registry.
* @since 5.5.0
class WP_Sitemaps_Registry {
* Registered sitemap providers.
* @since 5.5.0
* @var WP_Sitemaps_Provider[] Array of registered sitemap providers.
private $providers = array();
* Adds a new sitemap provider.
* @since 5.5.0
* @param string $name Name of the sitemap provider.
* @param WP_Sitemaps_Provider $provider Instance of a WP_Sitemaps_Provider.
* @return bool Whether the provider was added successfully.
public function add_provider( $name, WP_Sitemaps_Provider $provider ) {
if ( isset( $this->providers[ $name ] ) ) {
return false;
* Filters the sitemap provider before it is added.
* @since 5.5.0
* @param WP_Sitemaps_Provider $provider Instance of a WP_Sitemaps_Provider.
* @param string $name Name of the sitemap provider.
$provider = apply_filters( 'wp_sitemaps_add_provider', $provider, $name );
if ( ! $provider instanceof WP_Sitemaps_Provider ) {
return false;
$this->providers[ $name ] = $provider;
return true;
* Returns a single registered sitemap provider.
* @since 5.5.0
* @param string $name Sitemap provider name.
* @return WP_Sitemaps_Provider|null Sitemap provider if it exists, null otherwise.
public function get_provider( $name ) {
if ( ! is_string( $name ) || ! isset( $this->providers[ $name ] ) ) {
return null;
return $this->providers[ $name ];
* Returns all registered sitemap providers.
* @since 5.5.0
* @return WP_Sitemaps_Provider[] Array of sitemap providers.
public function get_providers() {
return $this->providers;
class-wp-sitemaps-index.php 0000644 00000003732 14751030032 0011736 0 ustar 00 <?php
* Sitemaps: WP_Sitemaps_Index class.
* Generates the sitemap index.
* @package WordPress
* @subpackage Sitemaps
* @since 5.5.0
* Class WP_Sitemaps_Index.
* Builds the sitemap index page that lists the links to all of the sitemaps.
* @since 5.5.0
class WP_Sitemaps_Index {
* The main registry of supported sitemaps.
* @since 5.5.0
* @var WP_Sitemaps_Registry
protected $registry;
* Maximum number of sitemaps to include in an index.
* @since 5.5.0
* @var int Maximum number of sitemaps.
private $max_sitemaps = 50000;
* WP_Sitemaps_Index constructor.
* @since 5.5.0
* @param WP_Sitemaps_Registry $registry Sitemap provider registry.
public function __construct( WP_Sitemaps_Registry $registry ) {
$this->registry = $registry;
* Gets a sitemap list for the index.
* @since 5.5.0
* @return array[] Array of all sitemaps.
public function get_sitemap_list() {
$sitemaps = array();
$providers = $this->registry->get_providers();
/* @var WP_Sitemaps_Provider $provider */
foreach ( $providers as $name => $provider ) {
$sitemap_entries = $provider->get_sitemap_entries();
// Prevent issues with array_push and empty arrays on PHP < 7.3.
if ( ! $sitemap_entries ) {
// Using array_push is more efficient than array_merge in a loop.
array_push( $sitemaps, ...$sitemap_entries );
if ( count( $sitemaps ) >= $this->max_sitemaps ) {
return array_slice( $sitemaps, 0, $this->max_sitemaps, true );
* Builds the URL for the sitemap index.
* @since 5.5.0
* @global WP_Rewrite $wp_rewrite WordPress rewrite component.
* @return string The sitemap index URL.
public function get_index_url() {
global $wp_rewrite;
if ( ! $wp_rewrite->using_permalinks() ) {
return home_url( '/?sitemap=index' );
return home_url( '/wp-sitemap.xml' );
class-wp-sitemaps-renderer.php 0000644 00000015037 14751030032 0012436 0 ustar 00 <?php
* Sitemaps: WP_Sitemaps_Renderer class
* Responsible for rendering Sitemaps data to XML in accordance with sitemap protocol.
* @package WordPress
* @subpackage Sitemaps
* @since 5.5.0
* Class WP_Sitemaps_Renderer
* @since 5.5.0
class WP_Sitemaps_Renderer {
* XSL stylesheet for styling a sitemap for web browsers.
* @since 5.5.0
* @var string
protected $stylesheet = '';
* XSL stylesheet for styling a sitemap for web browsers.
* @since 5.5.0
* @var string
protected $stylesheet_index = '';
* WP_Sitemaps_Renderer constructor.
* @since 5.5.0
public function __construct() {
$stylesheet_url = $this->get_sitemap_stylesheet_url();
if ( $stylesheet_url ) {
$this->stylesheet = '<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="' . esc_url( $stylesheet_url ) . '" ?>';
$stylesheet_index_url = $this->get_sitemap_index_stylesheet_url();
if ( $stylesheet_index_url ) {
$this->stylesheet_index = '<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="' . esc_url( $stylesheet_index_url ) . '" ?>';
* Gets the URL for the sitemap stylesheet.
* @since 5.5.0
* @global WP_Rewrite $wp_rewrite WordPress rewrite component.
* @return string The sitemap stylesheet URL.
public function get_sitemap_stylesheet_url() {
global $wp_rewrite;
$sitemap_url = home_url( '/wp-sitemap.xsl' );
if ( ! $wp_rewrite->using_permalinks() ) {
$sitemap_url = home_url( '/?sitemap-stylesheet=sitemap' );
* Filters the URL for the sitemap stylesheet.
* If a falsey value is returned, no stylesheet will be used and
* the "raw" XML of the sitemap will be displayed.
* @since 5.5.0
* @param string $sitemap_url Full URL for the sitemaps XSL file.
return apply_filters( 'wp_sitemaps_stylesheet_url', $sitemap_url );
* Gets the URL for the sitemap index stylesheet.
* @since 5.5.0
* @global WP_Rewrite $wp_rewrite WordPress rewrite component.
* @return string The sitemap index stylesheet URL.
public function get_sitemap_index_stylesheet_url() {
global $wp_rewrite;
$sitemap_url = home_url( '/wp-sitemap-index.xsl' );
if ( ! $wp_rewrite->using_permalinks() ) {
$sitemap_url = home_url( '/?sitemap-stylesheet=index' );
* Filters the URL for the sitemap index stylesheet.
* If a falsey value is returned, no stylesheet will be used and
* the "raw" XML of the sitemap index will be displayed.
* @since 5.5.0
* @param string $sitemap_url Full URL for the sitemaps index XSL file.
return apply_filters( 'wp_sitemaps_stylesheet_index_url', $sitemap_url );
* Renders a sitemap index.
* @since 5.5.0
* @param array $sitemaps Array of sitemap URLs.
public function render_index( $sitemaps ) {
header( 'Content-Type: application/xml; charset=UTF-8' );
$index_xml = $this->get_sitemap_index_xml( $sitemaps );
if ( ! empty( $index_xml ) ) {
// All output is escaped within get_sitemap_index_xml().
echo $index_xml;
* Gets XML for a sitemap index.
* @since 5.5.0
* @param array $sitemaps Array of sitemap URLs.
* @return string|false A well-formed XML string for a sitemap index. False on error.
public function get_sitemap_index_xml( $sitemaps ) {
$sitemap_index = new SimpleXMLElement(
'<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>',
'<sitemapindex xmlns="" />'
foreach ( $sitemaps as $entry ) {
$sitemap = $sitemap_index->addChild( 'sitemap' );
// Add each element as a child node to the <sitemap> entry.
foreach ( $entry as $name => $value ) {
if ( 'loc' === $name ) {
$sitemap->addChild( $name, esc_url( $value ) );
} elseif ( 'lastmod' === $name ) {
$sitemap->addChild( $name, esc_xml( $value ) );
} else {
/* translators: %s: List of element names. */
__( 'Fields other than %s are not currently supported for the sitemap index.' ),
implode( ',', array( 'loc', 'lastmod' ) )
return $sitemap_index->asXML();
* Renders a sitemap.
* @since 5.5.0
* @param array $url_list Array of URLs for a sitemap.
public function render_sitemap( $url_list ) {
header( 'Content-Type: application/xml; charset=UTF-8' );
$sitemap_xml = $this->get_sitemap_xml( $url_list );
if ( ! empty( $sitemap_xml ) ) {
// All output is escaped within get_sitemap_xml().
echo $sitemap_xml;
* Gets XML for a sitemap.
* @since 5.5.0
* @param array $url_list Array of URLs for a sitemap.
* @return string|false A well-formed XML string for a sitemap index. False on error.
public function get_sitemap_xml( $url_list ) {
$urlset = new SimpleXMLElement(
'<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>',
'<urlset xmlns="" />'
foreach ( $url_list as $url_item ) {
$url = $urlset->addChild( 'url' );
// Add each element as a child node to the <url> entry.
foreach ( $url_item as $name => $value ) {
if ( 'loc' === $name ) {
$url->addChild( $name, esc_url( $value ) );
} elseif ( in_array( $name, array( 'lastmod', 'changefreq', 'priority' ), true ) ) {
$url->addChild( $name, esc_xml( $value ) );
} else {
/* translators: %s: List of element names. */
__( 'Fields other than %s are not currently supported for sitemaps.' ),
implode( ',', array( 'loc', 'lastmod', 'changefreq', 'priority' ) )
return $urlset->asXML();
* Checks for the availability of the SimpleXML extension and errors if missing.
* @since 5.5.0
private function check_for_simple_xml_availability() {
if ( ! class_exists( 'SimpleXMLElement' ) ) {
static function () {
return '_xml_wp_die_handler';
/* translators: %s: SimpleXML */
esc_xml( __( 'Could not generate XML sitemap due to missing %s extension' ) ),
esc_xml( __( 'WordPress › Error' ) ),
'response' => 501, // "Not implemented".