/* base64 encoder/decoder based on public domain implementation
* by Chris Venter */
/** \ingroup rpmio
* \file rpmio/rpmbase64.h
* Base64 encoding and decoding API
#include <sys/types.h>
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
/* returns malloced base64 encoded string
* lines are split with \n characters to be nearest lower multiple of linelen
* if linelen/4 == 0 lines are not split
* if linelen < 0 default line length (64) is used
* the returned string is empty when len == 0
* returns NULL on failures
char *rpmBase64Encode(const void *data, size_t len, int linelen);
/* decodes from zero terminated base64 encoded string to a newly malloced buffer
* ignores whitespace characters in the input string
* return values:
* 0 - OK
* 1 - input is NULL
* 2 - invalid length
* 3 - invalid characters on input
* 4 - malloc failed
int rpmBase64Decode(const char *in, void **out, size_t *outlen);
/* counts CRC24 and base64 encodes it in a malloced string
* returns NULL on failures
char *rpmBase64CRC(const unsigned char *data, size_t len);
#ifdef __cplusplus